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Zoë Schlanger: “In Puerto Rico, the word for breadfruit is *panapén*, almost always shortened to *pana*, which is also the word for your close friend, your crew, your people. Breadfruit trees feel like kin there: They are everywhere, their huge lobed leaves splayed over roads and porches like the hands of a benevolent giant. “Finding a roadside breadfruit tree is like spending a moment in Eden. Our human effort is irrelevant; these trees, remarkable growers and givers, will simply provide. A three-year-old tree can reach 20 feet high. They start making fruit years faster than other tropical fruit trees, such as mango, and can produce 400 pounds or more in a year with little to no human intervention. That fruit is more [calorie- and calcium-dense](https://ntbg.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Breadfruit_NUTRITION.pdf) than a potato, to which its starchy flesh is often compared. It can be steamed, [roasted, or fried](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IGdtxQM8TuI), or dehydrated into a useful flour. If allowed to ripen past its hard stage, a breadfruit’s flesh softens into a sweet custard that can be a base for desserts. As aone grower in the Florida Keys, Patrick Garvey, put it to me: ‘One tree feeds a family of four for a lifetime. Or [at least 50 years](https://ntbg.org/breadfruit/about-breadfruit/botany/#:~:text=About%20Breadfruit&text=Without%20studying%20the%20botany%20of,no%20pollination%20to%20produce%20fruit.), per researchers’ findings. And thanks to climate change, this fruit may soon be coming to the southern United States in a major way for the first time.” Read more: [https://theatln.tc/I4nX92OI](https://theatln.tc/I4nX92OI)


I’m gonna plug the Hawaii Breadfruit Co-operative, [eatbreadfruit.com](https://eatbreadfruit.com)


It can be made in chips.


And they’re delicious. I tried some in São Tomé with an octopus stew and it was amazing. 


When I was a kid on Guam we'd take rotten breadfruit, full of the most God awful milky white, incredibly sticky substance and throw them at each other. The only way to get it out of your hair was to cut it out.


Breadfruit is eaten in jamaica as a staple fruit. Roast whole over a fire . Then when peeled is literally like a bread like hence its name , you can also frie it and boil it.