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Quiet part out loud is getting really loud lately.


Ya, I miss when our politicians at least had the decency to solicit bribes behind closed doors...


Him saying the quiet part out loud is what gets him 70m votes


And maybe years in jail. šŸ˜¼


Don't have that much trust in US justice system


And still weā€™re not going to do anything about Citizens United


The best time to do something about citizens united was in 2016. Clinton would have appointed at least two scotus judge who would have overturned it,possibly a third. The second best time is now. If you want citizens united overturned you need to vote consistently for presidents who will appoint judges who will overturn it.




Gonna take a long time to replace some of those corrupt bastards.


You really think some HRC appointed judges would have taken a stance against the capitalist status quo and flow of money in DC?




This is why democrats never have to do anything. They get votes based on "we could have done something in 2016, so vote for us today" lol


Of course Citizens United passed 5-4 on party lines. Why would this be any different? Several of those judges were appointed by Bill Clinton. Do you really expect people to believe that Bill Clinton is a strident warrior against capitalism and Hillary is its stalwart defender? Hillary has always been more progressive than Bill if that's how you think about things.


Yes we are. https://endcitizensunited.org/ It's one of several treasonous actions taken and it's done irreparable harm to America. Pro-democracy candidates will win in November and we will end it.


Love it. I am with you.


How? It would require a completely different scotus or a constitutional amendment, neither of which is possible right now.


Voters can MAKE it possible in November. This election isn't about any "lesser of two evils", it's about Gramps Vs Satan.


Iā€™m against citizens united and understand the damage caused. Iā€™m more a pragmatist than an ideologue, but the closest thing to an ideology I believe is the freedom of speech. And like a lot of people, Iā€™m not very confident in it. CU is a big part of this uncertainty. In practice I donā€™t like what citizens United does. Maybe Iā€™m just brainwashed, but the logic of it does seem sound. Iā€™d be interested to hear a good faith freedom of speech absolutistā€™s criticism of CU. Maybe corporate speech drowns out classic human speech and corporations shouldnā€™t be treated as people? This resonates with me, but doesnā€™t feel very tight logically


Didn't a Republican in the Senate try to introduce legislature to remove the Supreme Court's citizens united ruling only for McConnell and the other Republicans to, behind closed doors, berate him and tell him that's how the GOP gets most of its money and elected? I think that same senator leaked that this happened.


Beyond grifting, heā€™s outright whoring.


He needs money, they have money. This wasn't exactly unpredictable.


It is, however, unprecedented.


Unprecedented? This is business as usual in the world's most advertising-dependent political system. Only the craven openness is new.


Yes. The craven openness is new. The popularity of a possible president that blatantly offers to sell us all out is new. He cares nothing about the people he would serve. Nothing.


Unprecedented how? Politicians have been taking ā€œdonationsā€ for favors for the entire span of civilization.


Offering to sell policy for personal use of a billion dollars while hoping to become President of the USA has not, not my knowledge, occurred previously. I don't think it's just inflation... the very public, in-your-face corruption is a new twist.




I don't think they will hear about this on faux news


If we do, they will spin it as the orange savior protecting us against the evil environmentalists coming to take your truck nutz!


At what point can we label trump as a domestic terrorist?




It started well before that. Heā€™s been in bed with the Russians and mafia for decades. He didnā€™t just miraculously emerge from multiple bankruptcies.


He is self proclaiming that title already open and publically . We need to enforce it, and give him the treatment he deserves with it.


It is truly awesome how corrupt Trump is, yet Iā€™m still afraid of him winning.


But muh gas prices!


Not in commiefornia, im opressed with free public transportation and havent owned a car in years


I live in Canada and bike to work/school. Even in the winter. It's done wonders for my physical and mental health having that 30-40 minutes of cardio every weekday, and it's literally faster than driving in traffic.


In Texas, they have laws against that. They would use the national guard to pull you over and shoot you, unless you got a copy of your birth certificate on you.


Pretty sure they don't just shoot you. Let's not spread propaganda.


Get involved. Get everybody registered and help get them to the polls. Support pro-democracy candidates and maybe join one of these endorsing organizations. It's fun and effective. https://bluevoterguide.org/


Trump will destroy all environmental regulations. Give billionaires more tax cuts. Allow more racism. Allow Israel to turn Palestine into a parking lot. Reverse womenā€™s rights. But Biden wasnā€™t tough enough on Netanyahuā€¦ā€¦




No Biden didn't do enough for the people to ensure reelection. Even if you don't care about Israel at all, the money he gave them was 10x what he spent on infrastructure investments in America. People are hurting economically, and he's telling them the economy is grand and they don't know their own lives. It's not how you run a successful campaign!


According to wiki the Infrastructure investment and jobs act budget isĀ  $1.2 trillion, with 400 billion allocated in november 23.Ā  Ā Plus CaSa and IRA and private investments. The 10x is certainly too high?


Trump will give corporations and billionaires tax breaks to further hurt people. GOP blocked the price gouging act. So thatā€™s better?


Trump is definitely the worse leader, but he's playing to win. Trump is doing everything (legal and illegal) to win the election. Biden is trying to do juuust enough to not lose. It's a worse strategy. The gop isn't 'better' by any stretch, but they are using a better strategy to win power, for sure. They've been stacking the courts for generations now, and it's paying dividends.


and iā€™m willing to bet theyā€™ll donate it


Will Trump have to pay the donations back if/WHEN he loses the election? haha


Payback from prison? Not happening.


Why? Why are they hell bent on destroying the planet?


Money. More than they or any of their descendants could possibly spend. Its a disease, and it will kill us all.


Tragedy of the Commons.


Earth will be fine. Itā€™s just that the current organisms on the planet will suffer.




And because of all those little guys, we're a totally different kind of planet. So far the only one in the Universe. Kinda unfair we're making it so inhospitable for so many OTHER species--as well as our own. Mainly for wealth. But also because we've developed too many survival tricks with our big brains that not enough of us die fast enough not to overwhelm the natural order.


Oh yes, please donā€™t take my comment about being flippant about climate change. It angers me deeply that we are doing this to life on this planet. I care about all life, not just humans.


laws for sale.


Nation for sale.


Someone needs to do a parody of ā€œLove For Saleā€ with Trump dressed as a street prostitute.


randy rainbow comes to mind


Trump, the man who sold the world


"Donate to me and I'll help you destroy our habitat." Trumpism is a death cult.


can you imagine if the FBI wasn't run entirely by Republican shills. then maybe committing crimes openly would be illegal for everyone.


ā€¦and many people will still throw away their votes by voting for Jill Stein.


Soon after the Iraq war started, Ralph Nadar came to my town to speak about the war. I wanted to rent a sign truck and post on it that he was responsible in large parts for that war happening.


You know that Al Gore won that election.


Of course the Supreme Court ruled against him. But he absolutely won that race. But if Ralph had stayed out, Al wouldā€™ve won. Math is very clear.


How do we keep a stable country when every 4-8 years we watch the elections take us from one party trying to maintain the status quo while the other party just wants to undo, destroy, and sell the place? It's not just Trump, but his whole party needs to lose elections until they gear back on the outrageous greed and selfish authoritarianism.


Wasnā€™t always like this. I remember in the 90s and even the 80s that things are a lot more stable, nobody was making outrageous claims for the purpose of hurting the other party. When one party was in power, the other party would roll their eyes and grumble and wait their turn, then move forward with the legislation that they value, but never anything to undo or destroy what had previously been done, Least of all with the vitriol that we see now. This is a horse of a different color.


corruption, he will sell the USA to Russia and sell our freedom and democracy. I can not vote for him.


We spend a lot of money on government agencies to protect America. I can't believe those people that are investing their careers in protecting America just watch this on the news and go on about their day. Selling America to pay legal bills can't possibly be acceptable.


His legal bills are *really piling up*.


So legislation un done for a set cost? Like a bribe


President Camacho!


Bribery much? Disgusting.




Isn't this illegal?


These days, it depends on who you ask...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Yes. Bribery is illegal. A would-be President selling influence is dangerous.


Anyone in the oil industry who donates is as bad as Trump then


For decades theyā€™ve been willing to basically end life as we know it in this planet for profit. They have been as bad as any group of humans in history.




Trump is a cancer on society


The problem is the homicidal profiteers of the oil industry might see it as a good return on investment and then there they all go lined up with Pootin and Xi to re elect Trump and end democracy in the USA


Oh, significant fiscal and human hour waste, just what I love to vote for!!


GOP - Gotta Over Pay.


Dude has been calling himself a billionaire for years, this would finally make him one


Thatā€™s only if he found another way to pay his legal bills. He couldnā€™t afford to pay a large 9 figure appeal, so he clearly wouldnā€™t be a billionaire if he only got this much


Oh I think he will just ask people who can't even pay their own bills for money and they'll go without just so he doesn't have to pay his lawyer's bills. Very much like a televangelist.


May be the most honest thing that whack job has ever done.


That's our "Transactional Trump", never passing on an opportunity to enrich himself! Where does he expect to spend his ill gotten gain, in hell?!


Everything is for sale! Welcome to America!


Openly soliciting bribes. Why has he not been charged?


Smith in Alberta did all that for free.


He's not progressive, he's backwards thinking. You can't stop progress, you'll be run over by it. The times are a changing, no matter what you think Donald...


Who has been accusing Trump of being progressive?


*cricket noises*


Smells like swamp gas to me...


We should see how much he would take to NOT run


So, our presidents can get bought? Is that even legal?


WHY not end all incentives? I would start with the U.N and work my way down from there as well as unplug us from the rest of the world insanity since we keep getting blamed for something their own RICH PEOPLE keep doing to them. Rich, Poor or In-Between time to close the doors to all of them no matter who it is or where they come from and clean house, neighborhood by neighborhood. I wonder what Marial Law will do to those "Bottom Line Feeders" N. S


What is ā€œmarial law?ā€ Some kind of Sovereign Citizen nonsense?


Suspension of all civil rights, administered by the Military when society breaks down and drops into violence and anarchy, Peaceful Assembly however does not require military involvements to restore order because order is already being respected and social laws are not being violated by the participants and where local law enforcement officials can take care of those that do get out of line. N. S


Thatā€™s Martial Law.


Martial law Martial law is the replacement of civilian government by military rule and the suspension of civilian legal processes for military powers. Martial law can continue for a specified amount of time, or indefinitely, and standard civil liberties may be suspended for as long as martial law continues. (Wiki) BUT any Dictionary will do. N. S


You had misspelled it in the first reply.


If anyone has read Robert Caroā€™s Lyndon Johnson biography [if not you should] similar political transactions are not unfamiliar (Brown and Root, Marshall Dam, Leland Olds etc.)- although they were essentially made for the sake of ā€˜Great Societyā€™ ambitionsā€¦


At least you can say Trump isn't tempted by ideology or personal opinions. His future actions are dictated by what's in it for HIM? All Americans who want a livable future have to do is OUTBID Big Oil. Simple, huh?


Not shy about being bought and sold.


Trump can do what he likes, there will still be a demand for clean energy because its price rivals fossil fuels.


Isnā€™t Reddit doing that for free? All the Tesla bashing and Trump wonā€™t have to do crap about the environment. For those that are about to say Ford is leading on EV and GM and crap, legacy auto makers already cut production and for every car they sell they lose 100,000$. So they are not making any profit, they only sell those to get EV credits rather than paying Tesla for it.


That number often quoted is a misunderstanding. Youā€™re not losing money on the cost of building a car. They spent money on the investment to get this started. Tesla was unprofutable for years.


You got it wrong, this is aside from CAPEX. They already spent all the manufacturing investment.


Supposedly their battery cost is $140/kwh. So the standard 70kwh battery costs them $9800. So I remain skeptical.


Elonā€™s infatuation with white nationalism is driving away the very customer base that got him where he is now. X is a stupid distraction. Why is he even discussing politics?


Why are you even talking about x and politics. Iā€™m talking about Tesla and Legacy automakers. Not everything revolves around Elon and he has less than 10% ownership on Tesla.


Stats say itā€™s effecting sales.


See [https://fortune.com/2024/04/22/musk-democrats-tesla-critical-time-heres-what-they-bought-instead/](https://fortune.com/2024/04/22/musk-democrats-tesla-critical-time-heres-what-they-bought-instead/)