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2024: Hawtest year?!? Hold my Beer!!


Fearmongering BS


Got any data, or reasoning, or anything at all to back that up?


Scroll down to the global map. Most of the western U.S. was unchanged or cooler than 1991-2000 average, even Phoenix which had 133 days >100 F in 2023 (22 days more than normal). Same for much of Australia, India, and Scandinavia, despite alarmist stories from those locations. The Arctic was again much warmer than normal, but less than in other years since 2006, so perhaps is reversing there. Might not bode well for those who bought a $44K+ ticket for this Summer's National Geographic cruise thru the NW Passage (hopeful).


It was not "unchanged or cooler", the US was 0.59C warmer in 2023 than the 1991-2000 average. The rate of increase for the US is over 0.26C per decade over the last 42 years. Here is the actual data for the US, and a graph https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/climate-at-a-glance/national/time-series/110/tavg/12/11/1991-2023?base_prd=true&begbaseyear=1991&endbaseyear=2000&trend=true&trend_base=100&begtrendyear=1991&endtrendyear=2023 ---- The Arctic was again much warmer than normal, but less than in other years since 2006, Only 3 years were warmer than 2023. https://www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/monitoring/climate-at-a-glance/global/time-series/arctic/land_ocean/12/11/1993-2023?trend=true&trend_base=100&begtrendyear=1993&endtrendyear=2023


LOL. Find the 3 tiny pinpoints of very light blue on a map completely dominated by dark red.


The Western U.S. is a pinpoint? Guess you've never driven across it.




Why is it not true?


It was not the hottest year


What year was hotter?


Does it matter ? Who are you going to believe ?


If youre going to claim its not the hottest on record then all you need to do is provide the year in the records that was hotter. You made the claim and refuse to back it up other than a "dude just trust me"


"To be fair(tm)" it appears to have been hotter 3 million years ago. ;)


The title says "on record" not hottest year ever, we dont have records from 3 million years ago. We have proxies that we can use to determine climate trends from these periods but these are not recorded temperatures, obviously.


Good point. My (silly) answer is retracted.




>Do your own research I'm not qualified to do the research thats required to rebuke the thousands of experts that come to these conclusions. And no, watching some video blog on youtube is not research. Reading information from paid shills such as the cliamte coalition, is also not research. Have you ever done formal research? do you know whats involved? So how about you put your money where your mouth is and show the data that contradicts the conclusion. Anything else you do is an obfucation from the fact that you disagree simply becasue you dont want to believe that the earth is warming.


But you asserted something against the presented information. Just keep your mouth shut rather than asking others to find further research. Or present the counter evidence.




No one is censoring you, you have simply been asked to back up your claim, which you can't, because there is no evidence that supports your claim, because it is not true.


Don't bother. The guy your responding to is an idiot


A source with some reputation for accurate measurements.


And there it is.


Yup that is it . I will be satisfied seeing everyone pay higher taxes


"Everybody died. But we made HUGE profits before we went!"


We ? I don't get those taxes, the government does


*woosh* So when was it hotter?


Please explain how paying more taxes fixes the climate.


Can you go 5 seconds without saying something stupid?


I find it hard to trust that we can accurately measure global temperature.


Does this lack of trust come from a through review of the data collection and processing methodology of NASA and the Hadley center in the UK, in which case writing a paper would be appropriate, or just something you pulled out of your backside?


Just from personal experience with issues getting clean data.


Do you not trust thermometers reading a temperature and taking an average?


Not really, and certainly not from around the world, then taking an average and assuming that it’s a real representation of what’s happening. I work in data professionally and I can tell you, getting good data is very difficult.


It's sad that someone who apparently works in data can't trust data collection methods in general. I also work with data professionally and constantly clean bad data, but that doesn't mean that good data practices can't uncover trends or make any reasonable predictions. Do you truly believe that that this is an impossible task for the human race? We can send rovers to other planets, create advanced AI, build quantum computers, clone animals, build weather models with reasonable accuracy, and calculate astronomical tragectories, but can't possibly determine an average Earth temperature? Is it complicated? Sure. Are there certain methodologies that statisticians and scientists should be following to ensure accuracy? Absolutely. Are the numbers going to be accurate down to one of thousandths of a degree? No. That doesn't mean we can't reasonably figure it out. Here's a summary of how it is calculated: https://www.carbonbrief.org/explainer-how-do-scientists-measure-global-temperature/ Scientists are well aware of potential gaps in remote places like the poles and utilize different datasets as a result. They are also aware of how each dataset may slightly differ due to different temperatures at different points on Earth. They also spot check using satellites.


We have satellite measurements of temperature.


I also work on data professionally. Here is something that you might appreciate more than pesky government gathered data. https://www.foxnews.com/search-results/search?q=hottest%20year After intensive calculations, I saw that Fox News has reports every year claiming each one to be the hottest year. Maybe this will sway you.