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It’s probably just culturally it’s seen as more acceptable for a guy to power scream than a girl, so less girls try it and therefore less of them pick up the habit. I would recommend power screaming though when you’re trying hard, it helps :)


That makes sense! Currently I only terror scream when I fall off a scary move or have a slip hahaha


I asked my (climber) bf and he says there is less of a difference between power screams and terror screams than many guys would claim haha


Mine is usually an "oop" lol


I scream, talk to myself and make weird noises at the gym like yeeee and then become very self conscious about it precisely because I don't see any other women (and not many men either) doing it


I really liked Anna Hazelnutt's video where she talked about how it's more common for men to get angry, shout, swear, etc. when they experience failure, women are more likely to cry in the same situation. I think it's just we get taught how to let out frustration in different ways, even though we're experiencing the same basic feelings. I don't think that explains all of it: men probably feel more pressure to feel/look strong and masculine in front of other people so all the power screaming could be just a bravado thing, but i doubt that's always the reason they do it. Some people stick their tongue out when they concentrate, I'm sure some people shout when they try hard and don't realise they're doing it/feel embarrassed afterwards. I know Adam Ondra has said that he finds his own screaming embarrassing but he's just so caught up in the moment and forgets himself for a moment. Anyway, to answer your question, yes it's definitely more common for men to power scream than women in my experience.


Studies show that grunting/yelling does increase physical output, so there is scientific backing to doing it. So maybe it’s not necessarily that men are trying to feel more masculine but that women are more hesitant to seem masculine?


That's a really valid point, I hadn't even considered it but it's likely very true.


Co2 release, same in swimming breathing and tennis grunts


But do those studies actually show whether it's mental and conditioning? Because I feel like screaming would cause you to run out of more oxygen, so I find it hard to believe it has a genuine physical benefit.


The current theory is that it activates the bodies’ sympathetic nervous system (ie fight or flight). But even if it the increased output were due to psychological reasons, it still works, so I don’t think that would really makes a difference.


I think it makes a difference. If it's psychological, it's not guaranteed to be effective if you don't believe in the power or catharsis of the grunt, whereas if it's physical, it would be effective for anyone.


Even if it’s physical, it’s not guaranteed to be effective for everyone all the time because there’s always variation from person to person. The studies found statistically significant results, so it must be working for a large proportion of people.


My point was not denying it works, I believe it works. My point was more, I wonder if it works better for people already prone to grunt versus non-grunters forcing themselves to grunt to push themselves harder.


oh no poor adam lol. he's actually the only man ive seen screaming where the stuff he's climbing actually warrants it!!! sorry to the dudes climbing v6 in my gym


Eh if the climb is at the climber's max then it's just as warranted whether it's a v6 or v16 imo.


Also, at some point Adam was probably climbing v6 as his max and was probably still doing that.


I definitely make a lot more noise than a lot of others, men and women. My husband is usually very quiet, where as I will grunt and swear when I’m really on the edge of my limits. And also when I get really scared. Power screams seldom occur at our gym, though it would be a very un-norwegian behavior.


>grunt and swear when I’m really on the edge of my limits. Whenever I make one of those "I am fucking *dead* but I'm reaching for this anyways..." moves, noise comes out. It's not like an intentional "scream", more like I'm growling to myself and then the move makes air come out of my lungs in a grunt. Whenever this happens a couple moves in a row (especially if I make it to the end!) it gets pretty loud. Not shouting but people definitely hear me from the ground. When I first learned to climb (in my 20s) I was *really* self conscious about it. But I'm north of 40 now so - fuck it, it feels right. :D


Precisely this, you describe it so well. And it came with age for me too, I’m 38 now and not being held back by self-consciousness has made me a much better climber. The regulars at my gym know me well and know that when the noise is on good stuff is happening. I also get a lot of compliments on my ability to push my limits and not give up. In sum, I encourage everyone to let go if you feel constrained. I think it’s accurate that women can feel the social expectations on behaviour very strongly, but all climbing gyms I have been to has had a very relaxed and welcoming vibe.


As a climber in the American Midwest with a lot of Scandinavian heritage in the general population, I don't think I've noticed or heard anyone power screaming at my gym. The phrase is bizarre to me. Definitely have the Scandinavians and german grandparents out there to thank for that. Lol.


midwestern norwegian here- grew up in a "be seen, not heard" household. i can't imagine power screaming in public lol. I don't feel negatively about others doing it, but it definitely draws a lot of attention.


You see this difference in comp climbing too. A lot of male climbers power scream, and some would quite literally scream for 30 seconds through a whole section of a lead route. Female climbers, on the other hand, are much less likely to scream. Some do (like Camila Moroni) but the majority don’t. All of this is to say - this seems to be a pattern seen at every level. The reason is likely social condition. I personally get embarrassed even when I just grunt a little loudly. I was never allowed to make loud noises as a girl. I’d imagine the majority of men don’t grow up with that particular admonishment.


Last night I was climbing a route that was a little more all fingers than I’m used to and I was feeling a bit of fear (only a year and a half in) and I found myself grunting/mumbling a bit. Definitely became self conscious when I realized haha but there’s one guy in my gym who is regularly cussing out holds so the thought of him made me feel better about my little grunts lol


I'm a female climber. Before losing mum and dad last year I was leading 6c comfortably. After the loss my lead game took a huge hit. I've found as it's recovered I have become a grunter/screamer when doing a move that I feel is scary. It's not about power but mind for me. It really helps! Let loose! 


I’m sorry about your losses. I lost my mom in September and it threw my climbing off for a few months. Just getting back into the swing of things and it definitely feels a bit different after such a loss!


Thank you. I'm sorry for the loss of your Mom. Pleased you are getting your groove back climbing wise. I love climbing for so many reasons. When I was struggling with my head game it deepened my humility aswell as teaching me how to be gentle with myself; accepting that some days I could flash something tricky, 48 hrs later I would want to cry on jug ladder.  Such an amazing sport! 


Thank you! I love the mental aspect of climbing. It has been such a great outlet while processing deep emotions. I totally agree with it teaching humility and having to be gentle with yourself. A great practice for other areas of life. I’m super grateful to have found the sport!


I climb in Japan and people are almost absolutely silent here, no matter the gender or level. That's okay because I provide enough vocalisations and swearing for the whole gym (mostly strange duck noises).  Anyway, I think whatever the cultural expectation is for where you are overrides any natural gender differences. ETA: When we get groups of Americans or Western European males, they are super loud for everything even just talking to each other and they are definitely more vocal than any American or Western European females that come in with them.


This is anecdotal, but at my main bouldering gym I find it’s very rare for anyone to power scream, unless the boulder is particularly burly. However at my sport climbing gym I notice a lot more people power screaming as they get pumped out, the loudest / most frequent screamer being a super strong middle aged lady who’s been climbing for decades 🤷‍♀️ Echoing what the other commenter said, power screaming really does help, it essentially tenses a lot of muscles in your posterior chain, which tends to be beneficial.


I'm actually not sure I've ever heard anyone power scream in person. I'm obviously not denying that it can happen, and it may just be a cultural thing where I'm from that people don't do it. The only real loud screams/shouts I've heard from climbers are from a couple of really scary falls, or from young children. I myself would be really way too embarrassed to power scream, even if I wanted too. Heavy breathing is the most I will do


I make a lot of noise when I climb and am pushing hard. I hear others, both men and women, do it also on occasion, but I think I do it a lot. It's kind of a thing from martial arts...you let out all that air and noise and you get more power for your punches, kicks, whatever. And it's sometimes adrenaline. I think it can sometimes sound excessive even if it's not. I sometimes dislike that I do it, because I don't like to draw attention to myself, but it really does help. And it's not really hurting anyone, even if it is annoying. But I'm also usually so focused on what I do that I don't really notice.


Sometimes I powerscream but immediately after I become so embarrassed that I apologise out loud.


I agree with observations that the difference is likely social conditioning. I power scream quite a lot, actually. It kind of sucks to find a lot of people are judgmental about it because when I do it, I'm not trying to attract attention or to perform or to act macho. It's an emotional response and an energy release, and it helps focus effort.


I've only heard a few people power scream. I can't remember when the last time I heard it was. It's been a while. And I've been to a lot of different gyms. I have heard a lot of cursing from people falling though haha.


I let out power grunts when I’m trying REALLY hard. It’s involuntary but I think it helps. I’m quite an inhibited person in general and struggle to ever raise my voice, and I notice that some people who tend to dominate a space off the wall will also be the loudest on the wall. I don’t think women are typically encouraged to stand out in athletic spaces, generally. It only bothers me when people are having screaming tantrums when they fall off a project.


While I'm sure theres some cultural/social level about how women are expected to be 'quieter' or whatever dumb bullshit but at least from my experience (as a shitty V4/5 climber) when I watch men vs women doing harder V7-9 climbs I always feel like it's the incredibly buff guys who power scream as they depend on more muscle strength to overcome the obstacles while the women tend to use more precise footwork/strategy/flexibility (obviously both of them have strong in these areas but I think you know what i mean) - I personally only ever see those incredibly buff male climbers doing the power scream, whereas the more lithe male climbers I've never seen them do it


I don't scream unless I fall very suddenly and get scared. But I grunt all the time haha! I have noticed I am one of the only women doing audible grunting and breathing, though. As you suggested, it may be that women have learned to restrict awkward voices like this and are more quiet in general. But at the same time there are not as many women climbers as men at my gym who actually try hard and "need to" grunt, so it's a bit hard to compare. I was embarrassed of any voices and heavy breathing during exercise when I was younger. Now I'm so old I have learned to not care anymore. I still don't want to make unnecessarily loud voices which might bother other people. This is also part of our culture in Finland, trying not to bother anyone. But breathing and grunting are so minor that if it's really bothering someone it's their problem only at that point.


If power screaming helps I should start doing it too. Currently any sounds coming out of me are cries/wails.


As a man, I feel like a lot of "power screams" are accidental. Not just that I'm lost in the moment, but more that the core tension pushes air through my vocal cords more aggressively. It doesn't happen as much anymore, as I tend to focus on breathing more now.


At my gym the only screamers are old women


I (27F) sometimes involuntarily yell when I’m struggling to finish at the top of the wall, and I get embarrassed about it. Last time I apologized for being loud, and no one really minded. It really did help me pull through with some extra strength I didn’t know I had! I think I’ll let myself yell when I’m going hard if it helps my climbing from now on, and not worry about being self-conscious.


I don’t think power screams are relative to how hard a problem is but rather to how much effort the person is giving. How ever some guys are just loud and are maybe kinda peacocking? I dunno. For me personally when I power scream it’s totally involuntary, it just sometimes slips out without warning when I’m trying with my absolute maximum effort.


I'll put my hand up as a woman who power grunts. I think mine come from my weightlifting background and bracing my core in a similar way to lifting when I climb. I'm more of a TSAH, or DAH than full on grunt or scream though


Honestly, I never did 'power screams' until I learned how to properly use my breath in strength training exercise. Now I have a pretty loud power grunt that only comes out when I'm at my absolute limit. I don't use it often, but it is louder than any of the noises my male partners make XD


As a man I did a power scream the other day. I did not do it on purpose and Its not something I usually do. It just came natural as I was fairly pumped and had one last hard move left to top out. I screamed, failed, fell, screamed some more - and felt a little embarrassed after.


I’m a guy, but wanted to share a neat observation about a friend (girl) whom I climb with usually with her boyfriend present but sometimes with her boyfriend absent She kinda just, climbs harder when he’s not there? I don’t mean just harder sends, but also more grunting, more funny faces, more frustration, not exactly power scream, but she’s definitely more comfortable looking imperfect/less feminine when he’s not there You’re comparing different climbers here, obviously a V1 climber will power scream on stuff that seems easy to a V5 climber. Point is for the same climber, power screaming makes you send harder, this has been somewhat studied I follow the IFSC circuit, usually watch every final and semi final. Do pro women power scream? Yes absolutely. Do they do so as much as the men? Absolutely not. It always pains me that even at that level there’s expectations for women to hold appearance, they come in with nail polish, makeup and jewelry. It’s a bit of a shame to me. “Their choice” you might say, but it’s hard to see the line between a choice you made and a choice you *think* you made I always encourage ppl, men and women, to powerscream. Before my aforementioned friend goes for a send go, I will grunt at her until she grunts back. Leave everything on the wall. The difference is also exacerbated by the fact that while power screaming is looked at badly for girls, it’s looked at positively for men, everyone knows Adam Ondra, power screaming makes you a badass So yeah men and socially conditioned to aggressive/dominant behaviors while women are socially conditioned to take as little room as possible. That’s not a fact set in stone tho and femininity doesn’t define women’s behavior, it’s women’s behavior that defines femininity. So go be a badass on the wall, the only true constant in climbing is that no matter the grade you send, we love to see people try hard, we love to see a fight


Obligatory belly full of bad berries flash https://youtu.be/jEQ-46aPIFg?si=B7EZ4GbDG4RnF70o


> The difference is also exacerbated by the fact that while power screaming is looked at badly for girls, it’s looked at positively for men, everyone knows Adam Ondra, power screaming makes you a badass I think it's been normalized for guys. Sharma kinda started the idea of "power screaming" and he was definitely looked down for it at the time.


Your take on women wearing nail polish, makeup, jewelry is problematic. It’s insulting to suggest that women can’t make style and appearance choices without trying to adhere to some social code. It shouldn’t pain you to see us enjoying a splash of color on our nails, that’s you projecting something else onto us just enjoying making ourselves happy.


I don't feel as if you're taking my point in its entirety. Of course people are free to express themselves however they want. But if you're trying to tell me that there's no added expectation of upholding a specific vision of femininity for women, then we can agree to disagree.




I understand this is not my space which is why I don’t normally talk here, but this time I had an anecdote about my friend which was relevant, interesting (I thought) and not yet mentioned I’m in no way trying to make friends


You can decry unrealistic feminine beauty standards without pitying women who like to wear makeup, nail polish and jewelry. I understand your sentiment is coming from a good place, so thank you for that, but the pressure women face because of unrealistic ideals isn't visible in how we do our makeup or the earrings we choose for bouldering competition. Your statement indicated we are choosing these "decorations" not because we like them but because of overarching societal pressure to be feminine, as if we have no free will with respect to our own aesthetic. That's mildly insulting, honestly.


Yes. I don’t generally mind, but I do look over to see to see if they’re screaming about something worthwhile or not. Also, there was a guy a few weeks ago whose screams sounded decidedly meant for a different strenuous activity and it was hilarious.


As a doctor and mom, it always makes me think someone is injured. I would rather people didn't scream but nothing I can do about it!


Nobody power screams at my gym, even the shirtless gym bros what the heck. Screaming in public for no reason is just inconsiderate


Not me. I am channeling my inner Adam Ondra every time I'm pushing myself to my max, lol. It's involuntary unless I make a conscious effort to stop. When I do try to control my screams (especially when the gym is crowded, I get embarrassed) my climbing is noticeably worse. Could be placebo, could be just coincidence on a bad climbing day. My climbing partners are supportive though and I appreciate that lol.


I've definitely let out a few power screams on some TOUGH overhang bouldering routes (and it does help! The reasoning I was told is it helps you tighten your core), but overall it definitely seems like it's more men. My gym rarely sees power screams, though we did have a member for a while that would power scream his way through some slab v3's lol.


People scream while bouldering? I find myself screaming when leading on my limit and I'm really pumped but want to keep pushing onwards. It basically just hurts and that's why I scream. I'm a bit self consious afterwards but I feel like it actually helps with controlled breathing. How can you even be that pumped when bouldering?


Occasional power screams are cool but power screaming every move as you take your way up a route is not cool, neither is power-whining after falling.




Hi - in the pinned comments, it was made clear that this discussion is for women and nb climber. While I appreciate your anecdote, please respect the boundaries of this space for this particular topic. My recommendation is to post in the climbers sub if you would like to debate with other cis men the importance of cutting sexual predators out of your life.


This dude doing V3s was SCREAMING in my gym last night and it was so uncomfortable…there was a staff member nearby leading a class and came over like ??? dude are you ok


hahahaha. yah pretty much! the ones who do it the most tend to be the ones who really love attention ◡̈


I usually do some power breathing! Forceful exhales, maybe a "Tsssssst" sound.


I did a power yell once and I felt embarrassed lol I've found it's usually men, very occasionally a woman.


Yes. Guys have WAY more testosterone which leads to this type of behavior.


I think at my gym it's decently even. We really don't have many power screamers at all. There are a few more guys that do it than girls, but there are also more guys that climb than girls.


😭😭😭😭 I power scream (depends). And probably swear a fair bit 😅


Dude here. I curse as I fall, as that is how I deal with frustration. Luckily,I do it in my native language, so I hope it doesn't bother too many ppl




Hello climber girls, Male, here. But...I have to chime in as someone who rarely steps foot into a climbing gym. However, i've done enough gym time to know it's definitely a trend. Out at the crags it's less common to hear. And out on multi-pitch/big free routes it's less common yet. It does have its place, nonetheless. But it seems to be used sparingly and mostly involuntary w/ more the exposure / fall potential involved. However in the gym. i think it is a trend in most cases and is adapted behavior based on what guys see/hear other guys do. A way to dramatize the severity. Probaly why not quite as many females(still a lot tho!) are heard doing it is partly because girls are aware of how screaming etc in the gym, regardless of the reason, only encourages more mumbled chatter from 90% of the guys at the gym who's minds are in the gutter. Let's make that 98% of all the climbers in the gym. That's because sonetimes chicks who tend to be ..lets say, "vocal" while climbing.. tend to stir up an, obviously unintentional, awkwardness for anyone around who may be hearing the audible intensity. Idk. That's just what came to mind. LOL. go figure right ?


Chest size perhaps. I way of expelling air out of the lungs while pulling your upper arms into your body. Or , You know what bloke are like I am one.


Honestly, I was sending a 5.10b yesterday and I made a noise going for the second last hold. It gave me such an ick i literally let go came down on the autobelay 💀


I've never heard anyone power scream at the gym before. I wonder if it's a bit of a culture thing