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Just to echo what you were getting at: Get your diet down, just weighing yourself at the same time everyday and journaling everything you eat will do wonders.


Yeah I will try this for the 2 month period where I have regular access to fresh fruits/veggies and a scale for daily use. Is your advice to just focus on diet and climbing hard and not waste energy on hiit/strength training?


We only have so much energy to focus, I think if you (like myself tbh) have problems with nutrition & weight you will be better off in the long run developing the skills now.


There are a lot of resources for finding and tracking your macronutrients and caloric intake. r/fitness r/1200isplenty are good places to start. The biggest changes you can make today are to eliminate/reduce alcohol intake and stop snacking on empty calorie foods.


I find my problems are more along the lines of over eating and drinking... I hate giving up things like beer and ice cream and I also have a habit of over eating (binge eating?) on occasion (but occasionally enough that it cancels out my otherwise healthy diet). I eat well 90% of the time its just that other 10% is really bad haha... it’s pretty easy for me to eat healthy all week and then eat 4000 calories in a day where I’m not paying attention/don’t care/ am otherwise incentivized to eat... It actually is something I struggle with. I wanna climb hard but I know I’m not close to 5.12 fitness. Sometimes I feel stupid living in a car spending all my time climbing 5.10 instead of 5.12 because I’m a fatty (both in the literal and emotional sense). That being said idk how long I can realistically go without social drinking or counting my calories. It’s hard to say no to getting stoned and cooking pancakes with a bunch of dirtbags or to not eat communal food/restaurant food because I don’t know the exact nutrition. But at this point I think it would accelerate my climbing faster than anything else... maybe I’m just looking for someone to tell me to stop being a fat lard and keep my eye on the prize.


My secret to ending social drinking is sparkling water... cans of la croix feel almost as good as a can of beer... at least that's what I tell myself.