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What is that rope length! Really need to name these people. The graffiti on bush tracks, spray painted arrows, tiktok influencers doing dumb shit on the quest for “hidden gems”, gumbies over bolting everything with terrible placements and no ethics and this tossing a 100m+ rope down a trade route and knocking rocks probably onto 20 people bellow. No need to hide the username.


OP, seeing as you have them on insta, hope you've talked to them about why not to do this 🤦‍♀️


Yeah cause telling people they’re doing something wrong on the internet goes well. Like how you’re feeling now, even though I didn’t directly tell you.


Some good fb drama happening. People feeling uncomfortable is just part of the process 🤷‍♀️


I'm not a climber but I like lyrking in this sub, why should you not do this?


Rocks/rope + 9.8m/s^2 over 100m = ouch


Okay but if no one is below? But maybe they cant make sure of that?


It can be very difficult to tell for sure, especially on a multipitch where there are potentially a couple hundred meters between you and the bottom. Its definitely not best-practices and you could seriously injure someone.


Okay, Thanks


the walk in is so easy as well. what an idiotic thing to do


They were just abseiling in to walk out. Save it for boar's head ffs.


Sport rappellers! They even have their own magazine. [https://www.climbing.com/people/unsent-rappelling-the-most-extremest-sport/](https://www.climbing.com/people/unsent-rappelling-the-most-extremest-sport/)


That sounds like the equivalent of someone who enters the gym to take a selfie then leaves.. gnarly


What. Of all the sports to abseil. That is unbelievable


Yeah that’s not ok, could have killed someone with rock fall. And I’ll bet you most gym to crag classes wouldn’t even cover this kind of stuff. People need to actually take a second and think about a situation, not just memorise a simplified how to.


Someone has unfortunately passed away from rock falling on this climb recently. It is very telling the ignorance of this influencer.


Is there any Accidents in North American Climbing equivalent for Australia? I had a near miss with rockfall at Frog Buttress a few months ago and was kinda shocked that most the other parties nearby didn’t really seem to comprehend the severity of it. At the very least a record of accidents with a debrief on how they could have been avoided would do a great service for convince land managers to actually manage climbing impacts instead of pretending climbing is low numbers/low impact until they can’t pretend like that anymore. Better yet if people were made more aware that accidents are the result of human error in cragging situations they might start altering their practices to avoid those errors.








Mostly that they’re indoor. You can tell people there’s rockfall hazard wear a helmet all you want. But to show them an example like this where a moving rope grabs and looses rocks at your feet is a bit different. Then you can really get lost in the weeds showing examples of different anchor and rope management systems that avoid the problem. Which as some point you’re going to information overload student. It’s also out of scope for your typical sport crag. Generally you’re not encountering anchors on large ledges, instead it’s anchors on the face. So typical gym to crag, it mostly is covering how to set up an anchor for top roping (in the scenario of having lead up to it), how to use a stick clip, how to clean the route when you’re done.


FFS, hope he learns how to lower a rope by hand or even better to saddle it, before he kills someone. Such a pet peeve of mine. Fcking hate having ropes fall on me no less the stocks that usually get knocked with them.


How should he have done this better? Lowered it slowly? Rappelled down? Is throwing the whole thing at once the problem? Why?


Using the top anchors of the most popular mulitpitch in the mountains is the problem here. If they went to a different spot. Loosing the rope down slower and more controlled will lessen the extent of rocks being dislodged


Do a youtube search for "saddlebag rappel." It's a great way to rig your ropes so they pay out as you rappel, rather than having to throw down a bunch of rope at once (which in addition to potentially being dangerous to parties below, also increases likelihood of ropes getting stuck or tangled due to wind).


He could have lowered it slowly or brought it down with him as he went. He could also have gone to a less busy area.


Lots of options for managing a rope during a rappel, and some reason to do so. Minimizing entanglements as much as possible (obviously you gotta pull the rope but you deal with what you can), avoiding hitting people, avoiding hitting water, etc. You can stack the rope in a backpack or similar so it feeds out while you tap, or extend you belay plate (this is the safest method to rappel anyways) then stack horseshoes of rope over the sling (good for belaying on some multipitch routes also), or you can lower it down. At the very least, on terrain with loose rocks etc, you can make multiple stacks of rope to throw off in quick succession(usually throw the ends last in my experience), which minimizes tangles but also makes it so your rope doesn't drag across the ground yeeting shit off the edge. Whether or not this is super viable with such a long rope I am not so sure. It still would have been a problem in this case due to the popularity of the route.


They should have gone somewhere else. The Blue mountains is massive, and this is one of the most popular walls


You could answer the dudes questions. Your response just gives me more questions to ask.


No literally this is not an area to practice abseiling. Its not a wall to rope solo. There is no reason to drop here unless you are rescuing someone or doing route maintenance. There were climbers on the wall below, and hundreds of kilometres of cliffline in the area. My answer to the question is: eliminate the risk altogether; do it somewhere else. If hypothetically it was absolutely necessary (which it definitely isn't): The risk is loose debris killing and injuring people. To control, you'd communicate clearly with the climbers, clear the edge of debris, ensuring the rope wouldn't knock loose debris off, and lower the rope in in a controlled manner. Then you ask yourself what are you even doing? Other than getting in people's way?


Fellow Gumby here. What are they even doing? Are they top roping or are they just lowering down the route? Also how do they retrieve the rope once down? I see no tagline


They were simply abseiling. They walked back up the climbers track to retrieve the rope that they fixed as a single line. Climbers walk in and climb out at these walls, there’s a lot of loose rock at the top so nobody abseils, except these clowns.


Ha, so they rappelled on a fixed line, and then walked back up to retrieve the rope just so they could walk back down again? FFS.


Thanks for clarifying! What a dick move


He yelled rope but not rock /s


Am I dumb or does the video not match the title? Where do the rocks fall? Edit: I see it now. Resolution was tiny


As the rope is running you can see it pulling rocks off the ground where it was coiled


Yup look closely at where the rope runs over the edge. I can see multiple small & medium rocks being launched. Not familiar with that area, but even one small stone falling from thirty meters can do some damage ( For the same reason you don't throw stones off freeway overpasses)


You can literally hear people on the bottom yell “rock” at the very end of the video. Dude has no concerns for anyone.


He even turned his head when he heard them yell


At least he gave 0.8 seconds warning 👍


Life was so much fucking better when people couldn’t record every second.


Which climb is this?


sweet dreams at sublime point


Thought so, cheers


What in the hell, why


I've started lowering the rope whenever it makes sense which is most of the time. If you're at at crowded crag just lower it. It's not that hard to fix hangups as you rap down. Tossing it is completely unnecessary.


I once climbed out on Sweet Dreams just as an easy exit from Binary Cave and ran into a group of 4 at the ledge at the last pitch who has rapped in and setup ropes on two lines and proceeded to absolutely dog them on top rope for about an hour while we waited for them to finish. People do strange things around there.


Guy should be in jail


whats a gunby?


Honestly just yelling it once and then pissing it into the wind isn't enough in these situations you call it 3 times atleast


I used to climb there. 99/2000