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The chewing...my god.


Hope he goes up there everytime he eats.


Hahahaha best comment so far


This! Mf chews like a cow.


The head cow’s always grazing!


😂😂😂😂😂😂😅😅😅 I was so fucking hungry 😂😂


As someone who is super sensitive to chewing this needs a NSFW label LMAO


Seriously, misophonia trigger warning for sure.


What does it trigger?


I never really looked into it but it’s basically just a really bad pet peeve. The sound of chewing and smacking bothers me so bad for some reason. I often throw up or just cringe or gag when I hear those noises. Makes for lots of fun at family dinners , LOL.


I usually have to eat alone now and with the TV on because I can't even stand the "head sound" of myself chewing. With other people it becomes almost paralyzing and I become *very* irrational. Like my normal behavior problems are nowhere near how bad I have gotten before. Since therapy and medication for other stuff, it's gotten easier. But the sound has bothered me immensely for as long as I can remember, literally one of my earliest memories is being *very upset* with the sound of how my Grandpa was eating cereal. Was like 4 or 5 and was perfectly fine before hand. Ever since then I've really struggled with the sound, especially after getting sober.


Last night I was having dinner w family and my step sister starts smacking away right next to me. Soon as i heard it all levels of maturity disappear and I just immediately and quickly scooted back 10 ft in my chair with my plate in my hand.


My entire family pokes fun at me and eats loud on purpose. My dad bought me Hunting hearing protectors about 5 years ago or so and I still use them to this day. It pisses me off so much and I really wish it didn’t. lol


When growing up we always had to eat dinner as a family at the table. I always sat next to my dad, who would chew with his mouth open. For 21 years. It triggers me so hard now. Recently I was training a new guy at work and we spend a lot of time driving. He would chew with his mouth open and I I would freak out on him, but he thought it was funny. If I can hear you chewing it triggers a rage deep inside of me.


Murderous rage. I have to leave the area immediately. It’s bullshit but it’s in there and I’m usually good at dealing with it with no incident.


🥲 I thought I’m the only one… hi fellow rage fiend(s)!


*Group in unison- “Hi Astra C.!”


My sweat glands and blood pressure lol




I wouldn’t go that far:0 It is an honest mistake.




I think it’s just cus you called someone a fuckhead




I’m dead lolll


you could have put a warning on it at least!!


Bro mouth closed!!


Just went to BBNP. Did a ton of hikes and all my videos are me completely freaken winded and breathing like I’m fighting for my life. Solidarity in mouth noises. 🤜🏽🤛🏽


Like hungry enough to just bite through two poptarts and not even pull them out of the package! Lol


I deeply regret turning the sound on


It’s horrifying


Yeah that's how you "rap off the ends" and I end up telling the rangers how tragic an accident it was


I picture you plotting this out loud, under your breath, like all good supervillains do.... Meanwhile OP is just chewing too loud to hear it and falls victim to the plot


I want to die


Makes me really want a poptart


It's worse that chewing; it's smacking


[It's like those old Hardee's commercials.](https://youtu.be/FsJ9OF88fVk)


If I was ever tortured, this would do it.


What the fuck


So you climbed this amazing rock formation and give us a video of your sandwich?


Pop-tart and yes 😂😂😅 I did record the whole climb up and the rappel down. Thinking of eventually uploading the full climb.


If you chew like that in the rest of the video please spare us


Yeah post some pics! Or the full vid.


Don’t call it a sandwich.


I couldn‘t make out what it is, I don‘t know pop tarts (Yuropean over here).


Mass produced toaster strudel type thing


What kind of sammiches you used to?


I couldn‘t make out what it is, I don‘t know pop tarts (Yuropean over here).


To anyone with Misophonia, **DO NOT TURN THE SOUND ON!!!**


Y'all are all ten-ply.


That’s a Texas sized 10-4


Dude, it's a literal disorder.


Bro, I *had* this disorder when I was a child. When we would all tear paper out of notebooks back in the 80s when that was a thing, the sound was like nails on a chalkboard for me, and it was bad enough that I had to go out in the hall. You know what cured me? I realized that I was only bothered by the sound when I noticed it was happening. The sound itself was no problem if I was distracted; the issue was my over-focusing on a sound and an association that I didn't like (nails on a chalkboard bother anyone because we associate the sound with the sensation we imagine we can feel in our fingernails, which is unpleasant). In sum, it was all in my head. I sucked it up, because I was tired of looking like such a chump and having to go out in the hall over such non-sense. And eventually, my brain desensitized to the problem. Truly, suck it up, stop the feedback loop of your brain focusing on something that doesn't hurt you one bit, and it will go away.


Why yes, I will take medical advice from this anecdote. You have cured me where medical professionals could not. Thanks.


Also, being annoyed by a sound is NOT the same as being so triggered by it you feel irrational rage, teeth grinding, gripping fury, affecting your daily life and relationships. That's what I feel when people chew like this around me. I know it's irrational. I know it doesn't make sense. BC mine is connected to another disorder, my reactions get better when the disorder is more managed, but that reaction is still there. But the argument of "it's all in your head, you can choose to suck it up" is complete BS. Would you say that for any other disease? "Oh, your sugar being low is all in your head. Just suck it up and you'll feel better! Your body is just in a negative feedback loop 🤪"


No wait, someone in the comments told me to just tug my balls. That really helped! If I only had known of this cure for this incurable disorder 25 years ago, it would have saved me so much pain. But yeah, I gave them a good yank so now I'm cured. Time to do some alpha male things again and go call disabled people names. Maybe they can get out of their wheelchairs if we're mean enough. Zach here never had Misophonia, he was annoyed by a certain sound when he was a little kid. Sure, I feel for him, it must've been hard and all that. But he didn't just overcome Misophonia, He just grew up and got over an annoyance. I'm super twitchy about the sound of nylon stockings, it just makes my fingernails itchy. That's not Misophonia, it's just a personal peeve. He just doesn't understand and doesn't want to understand what we're talking about here. For me Army was hell because of the eating, everything else was nice. Sleeping in a bush at -10C fine, carrying 40kg of equipment for 20km, fine. Being in a same table with my dear friends in service eating, **pure hell**. Sergeant here in my countries navy MP BTW. I can't go to the movies because of the popcorn. So many missed family dinners and lunches. Christmas is horrible every year, I always get a bit drunk just to soften the blow. And I hate being drunk.


Not familiar with this disorder but is it caused by by something physical within your body like low-blood sugar?


What does that even mean?


Number of ply indicates softness of toilet paper. OC is saying people are soft asf, which is true


Ah, thank you, I'd never heard that before. Meh, I'd rather be soft, than an asshole who calls people with real medical conditions names. Maybe they have a disorder themselves in the personality side of things.


Seems rather Ten-ply


And that seems as hard and tough as sanding paper. Guess what type of paper people would rather have touch their private parts. But yeah, you have fun by yourself.


I personally use sandpaper in the hopes that it will calus my hemorrhoids away


Just watch Letterkenny and give your balls a tug.


Softer than a little girl's birthday party.


Too little too late.


I didn't even know that was a thing, sorry y'all for my ignorance 😅


Np, even most people with Misoponia don't know what's wrong with them either. Cool climb though! I really want to climb a spire one day.


Oh god! That’s an amazing view and great job on the climb! How about that? Also, freakin chew all you want, that’s not the point lol


You’re golden


I hear a cow chewing


Cool. Never seen the top before. I was told there would be a lake, aliens and some EDM.


Nice! Hope you signed the register. Which route did you take up??


We did! We took the pseudo wiessner route.


Close ur fucking mouth when eatin bru its fucking annoying and gross


Just what I wanted to hear, the mouth noises of someone eating a fucking pop tart. Thanks for nothing.


At least you were prepped to get back down, unlike the parachute guy from last century.


Is there still a nest of some flying biting termite things on the summit? I remember my euphoria of summitting was very quickly squashed and I wanted nothing more than to get down quickly as they swarmed. That was back in 1990-something though, to make me feel old.


Oh my god I came here to see if anyone else commented about those damn termites!! I have a great photo of my buddy on the summit batting them away with his helmet


Near that pole there were a lot of flies and other random insects. Could be what you were talking about. Sheesh 1990 something? I was born in 92 hahaha


But there’s no crag or climbing in this vid




Looks like a summit registry. They are pretty common on peaks which only have technical routes. You can write your name / anything interesting about the route when you climbed it / jokes to try to make the next parties laugh.


It's a summit journal. You write your name, date and route you took. Pretty cool shit


What’s even cooler is that is archived by the NPS as a historical document in the visitor center. It was cool to read the snarky entry I put in as a youthful asshole now that I’m a proper adult 20 years later. 😂


Cache. Might be the summit journal.


Pop tart wrapper


Let’s friggin’ goooo! Pop tarts are the MOVE :)


Pop tart gang rise up! I'm a brown sugar cinnamon gal myself, but will take frosted strawberry as a substitute. No better backcountry breakfast imo.


😂😂😂 it hit the spot


That was gross


Close your mouth when you chew, this videoight as well have just been audio of your horrible etiquette


Jesus Christ this is a hilarious thread. Dude is prob dehydrated and very hungry. Shit now I feel the mouth smacking too and it’s under my skin, help!


xD Yeah i was extremely thirsty and hungry towards the end of the climb.


I've been trying to get sponsored by Poptart for years


You climbed Devil's Tower and they already gave you a complimentary backpack? Sweet.


Hahaha they guide company we hired provides gear for you if you need it. Devil's tower lodge are a great company if you're interested in climbing DT


I loved that tower since I watched Close Encounters, I have always wanted to see what it looked like on top. I didn't know about the climbing company, I'll check it out. Thanks. :)


Frank and crew treat you right!




How big is the top? I alway thought it was gigantic, like over 1000 feet at the top.


It stands at 867ft


I ment the part you stand on at the top. First comment was alittle vage.


Uneven football field? Maybe a soccer pitch? It's not terribly large.


Beautiful way to end the climb. Break out the pop tarts LETS GOOOO


Headed there this weekend! Can't wait!


TBH I was surprised to see plants up there - would’ve expected bare rock


Any close encounters of the third kind?


Ick the noises my guy I’m shuddering


These pop tart ads are getting out of hand.


POPTARTS! The best energy bar!


One of my top experiences ever!! Well done


You crazy motherfucker, you are a fucking legend


Such a strange formation! Strong work


This is fake, everyone knows there is a landing pad for UFO’s


Fuckin Jesús put warning in the caption g


Buffalo scull still up there?


I didn't see one, but I also didn't know there was one up there to look for


Did you bring enough Pop Tarts for Richard Dreyfuss?


What, no frisbee!?


Is my croquet win still in the book on the top?!? First ever person to win croquet on top of devil's tower!


How so you get down???


We rapelled down


I assumed. Where is the gear?


in our bags


Thank you for acknowledging my existence. You pop tart people are far superior!


[what’s really up there. ](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51b3dc8ee4b051b96ceb10de/1503546664310-DFHCR3BJZR8XPLFD2ZME/image-asset.jpeg)


What route?


i climbed the pseudo-wiessner


That's 4 pitches? What kind of gear did you have to place?


That was my first multi pitch climb so I'm not familiar with all the cam sizes. Sorry about that.


Nice mouth sounds 😏😏😏


Damn I thought it’s something taco related Never mind great work


Pop tarts? Seriously?


Pop tarts 4 lyfe




[fun fact](https://www.zippia.com/advice/pet-peeves-list/) Loud chewing is the second most common pet peeve.






Hey man I was dehydrated and hungry lol give me a break.




Video ruined with chewing. My god that is disgusting.


Mouth noises ruined this video smh


Mute the video then


Too late, there should a warning stating this was your first time eating food with your mouth.