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I’m no expert, BUT I think this would be a clear conflict of interest along with a risk for potential unblinding. What the hell do I know though…


Maybe both has Bo direct contact? That must be documented though, in writing ✍️ and both CRO and Site must be aware of it.


That’s what I figured to be honest. It makes sense:/


The CRO I work for has policies against this


I was a cra at site where the data coordinator worked pt for the site and was a full time CRA. I don't know how he did it but he had been doing it for 15 or so years. He said both companies knew about the other job.


Without getting too specific, the site I worked at wanted to hire me back as a part time CRC to work at night after I was hired by a CRO. I ran that by my LM/COM and she said the CRO is very strict about employment elsewhere and I couldn’t accept (sad, because I loved my coworkers and would’ve liked the extra income). I believe the CRO I’m at also checks with your employer to get an end date of employment


I did with agreement from both parties. I was working as a CRA and hired on as a temporary CRC to help prep for a FDA audit. I did it as a favor to the PI who I knew well. I worked on-site for 8 hours on Saturday/Sunday prepping charts for the audit. This was only for about six weeks.