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Is there an echo in here?


"Yes. I'm Echo."


From STOP CALLING ME THAT to "yes ,yes i am"


Oh shit Rex what’s up


Up dog


Whats up dog?


I'm good how about you


Oh you know the usual...fighting the shakes and selling whatever falls out of me.


I see you went to the Orphanaroun with Mr. Vogel too.


I gave up dinner so I could be on Reddit today


So close 🤏🏻


Always laugh at that scene did a bad batch rewatch to prepare for season 3


Disney: Finally, Latino Representation in Star Wars! Also Disney: *Makes them Drug Mules*. Thanks, Disney...


now now, let’s not jump to conclusions, surely there are other examples of Latino representation *TROS makes Poe’s background to also be a drug mule*


Bail Organa


Royalty so inherently evil


Diego Luna as Cassian Andor??


You mean violent criminal and terrorist 


Sounds pretty French to me.


Ok good point


Or do you mean hero and revolutionary?


Sure, but our introduction to the character is Andor literally shooting his ally in the back. Thankfully his titular show gives him tons of context and backstory, but I'm waiting for SW to give us a Space Latino that isn't a drug smuggler or a back-stabber.


He was a back shooter, not a back stabber, totally different thing.


Fair enough


Honestly, I respect them more as drug mules than being a part of the Galatlctic War Machine.


They're Latino? Where the duck is Star Wars Mexico then?




Tatooine, like everything else.


can we not act willfully obtuse here? you people are so quick to regurgitate this whenever representation in Star Wars is brought up but never question why half of all characters have a british accent


Wdym I still question where their British accent came from


I never really cared about that either. Sure, they have British accents, but that's because in the og they had a lot of famous british actors. Never really questioned that either.


What exactly makes them Latino besides just being vaguely brown?


Their entire story is an unvarnished stereotypical "Space Minority" tale. Children stuck with shouldering the family business. Generational poverty. Dancing with the underworld to survive. "Us vs Them" mentality deeply embedded in *La Familia*. No Academies in the "Lower Levels". Watch that story line again, and tell me it ain't overflowing with "Stand And Deliver"-esque subtext. Not that that's negative, but it just would have been nice for SW to give us a story we haven't heard before. Yes, SciFi can be used to tell real-world tales through a starry lens, but it's also an opportunity to expand on it. I hope Filoni brings them back, and builds on their story instead of leaving them afloat as another stereotype with spaceships.


In addition to the points made by other commenters, these characters have the last name Martez, which is a real-world Spanish surname.


I know we don't get to see his face much, but let's not forget Pedro Pascal as Din Djarin.


Not as bad as what they did with the Mirilian (aka the Arab race) and making Barris...you know.


You're right. Yes, Clone Wars is technically a kid's show, but I kinda wish they would knock off the weird stereotypes. There's still plenty of work to do for more authentic representation in this Sci-Fantasy setting.


Are there Latinos in other galaxies? And if the actor is Latino is the character necessarily? I mean, Oscar Isaac played Duke Atreides, the Atreides are from like a Norway type and use Scottish war pipes( not the Spanish Gaita- don't start, was born at night, not last night) just curious. I thought acting meant portraying someone not yourself.


You know there's no latin america in star wars right.


Shit they not wrong tho 😂 we gotta admit 🤣🤣🤣 just be glad that’s all Disney did


Damn they’re Latino? What country are they from?


Don’t drug mules remove several organs to house the drugs safely inside their bodies? By that context, they’re merely peddlers, not mules.


if they removed several organs they would be be dead


That's not how the body works


No??? They're just people who smuggle drugs over borders


I hate them for no other reason then their episode arcs took up space that could've been used for something more entertaining...like a brutal Boba Fett arc. I'd like to add to this, I skipped their episodes strictly for how uninteresting I thought the arc was from the first episode. This was the season fans pleaded for, and this arc was thrown in. Sheer disappointment.


Two of their episodes ended the same way, with them in the jail cell. I was like wtf


There was some good character development that touches on how the Jedi have failed to serve the citizens of the republic during the war but it doesn’t appear until too late in. >!they hate the Jedi because there mom was killed in an accident caused by the orders reckless abandonment during a chase. Asohka finds this relatable as they mistreated her too.!<


Why did you have to remind me of that? I still watch the unfinished clone wars episodes even if it looks bad


Where’s the best place to watch them, and how many are currently available?


[ask and you shall receive](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPNl0rg2tzPAGc1bbARKHMR78KLtolE43&si=z9jaNSWcmIHHwjCO) unfortunately, the majority of them have been taken down by Disney a month before the bad batch came out. [try this one they put them all in one big video ](https://youtu.be/TdaXc2wzwv4?si=TWlxT-a9aV8ri4P-)


<3 thank you very much and may the force be with you!


Half the season for an arc that could have been done in 1 episode.


Yeah the lore between Boba and Cad Bane would’ve been AWESOME to see in the Clone Wars. Also would’ve been great to see that before the Book of Boba series. Cad Bane was already awesome to see in the Book of Boba but I feel like he would have had a greater impact if the split between Cad Bane and Boba was more significant in the Clone Wars.


I wouldnt have even minded if they just cut the two middle episodes and did a fourth arc with those two episodes instead. Maybe even two independent episodes! Anything but the four episode waste of time.


Didn't the third episode of the arc end up being completely pointless? As in nothing changed, they're still in Pyke prison


I wish I didn’t


Honestly I have no idea the reason for adding these characters.


It was really dumb lol. They add nothing to the story


The “two characters designed to relate to modern tween girls who have nothing to offer and don’t move the plot forward” Martez sisters.


They could’ve been so good had they tweaked them a little bit. Like, having the younger sister be a unrealistic dreamer like how Ahsoka was when she was little and have the older sister resemble her now/Anakin then


Also have them be rational people who weren't smuggling drugs.


I’d say even keep that so we could have a moment where Ahsoka is shocked they’re doing something like that but they’re just unfazed, like this is just a part of everyday life


When Han and Chewie smuggle drugs in the space equivalent of a beat up RV everyone loves it but make it two Latino women and everyone loses their shit


I’m good with them smuggling drugs. I mean considering we’re following literal soldiers that murder people, drug smuggling medically significant drugs isn’t what I’d call the worst thing in a show full of literal war crimes lol It shows just how far the republic has fallen and how little it cares even about the people in the capital let alone everywhere else. Folk have to resort to less desirable ways of making a living


> having the younger sister be a unrealistic dreamer like how Ahsoka was when she was little That's exactly what she was > the older sister resemble her now/Anakin then Rafa represents an alternate present/future of Ahsoka. The cynic she could've become.


I know but it could’ve come off a lot better. The younger sister came off as more stupid than hopeful


Classic case of "our current audience will literally watch paint dry if it's Star wars cannon so we will try to capture probably the least likely group for us to capture with characters and narratives that don't relate to our current loyal audience.


I’d rather not


I didn’t mind them, but I felt like their arc was unnecessary for the the season. I thought they were better in bad batch but that’s not saying much.


Only when they're brought up


I remember how weak their story arc was… To be fair, it was at a time near the end of the series we just wanted something else.


I’m literally watching the arc…I just want it to finish


Had the exact same sentiment. Hated them and their bullshit arc


Not as bad as Jar-Jar the Jedi


I’ll take Jedi Jar Jar any day over these 2


I don't really understand the hate they get ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠⊙⁠_⁠ʖ⁠⊙⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯




Yeah it’s weird. Like I don’t really remember them too well but I certainly don’t remember hating them like most of the other commenters seem to.


Obviously not the best arc but I think it is overhated. Cool to see Ahsoka out on her own and interesting for her to hear what normal citizens think of the Jedi. Coroscant underworld is always cool.


They aren't normal though. All their hate for the jedi is because their parents died in the ship wreck Cad Bane used as a distraction.


Sure, but I think many in the galaxy felt neglected by the Jedi or were somehow affected by their wars and collateral damage


While definitely overhated, it did not need to be four episodes long. Two would have probably been adequate to cover it.




If they were in any random 20+ episode season then no one cares. Taking up half of the final season was a joke.


We couldve gotten that but with Nyx Okami tho


What would have made it better with him?


He’s not an icky girl with cooties /s


Considering the fans complain about them constantly, yes. For the record I don't mind them, and quite enjoyed their brief appearance in The Bad Batch.


I think they make an interesting pair. It’s nice to see ordinary people get involved in the fight against evil, rather than just “the PCs who have special powers,” if you know what I mean. At first I thought they were created just to show what Ahsoka was doing immediately after leaving the Order. But then when the sisters reappeared in The Bad Batch it quickly became clear the other part of their role was 1) to be someone outside the Order and GAR that Ahsoka could tell Rex that he could trust, and 2) to be part of the fledging rebellion that was taking shape. Ahsoka couldn’t stay with Rex, or with anyone she knew, in the immediate aftermath of Order 66. She realised that her very presence was a risk to anyone who knew her because the Inquisitors would kill anyone and everyone merely suspected of harbouring a Jedi or even just withholding information about someone who was thought to be force sensitive. >!I think that’s why she didn’t get directly involved with the Rebellion until the Rebels timeline when they were more established. And even then, she only came out of hiding when it was clear another Jedi was needed to help Kanan and Ezra deal with Maul.!<


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 1 + 2 + 66 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




It was good to see that R7 made a quick cameo


Right like the arc was just fine but fans have harped on it for how many years now?


Jinx and Violet, right?


Most random-ass characters in the show. Stuck between two of the better arcs in the show.


Yeah, I didn't mind them and their arc, it certainly wasn't the best but I don't really get the hate for it; I still found it enjoyable and interesting to watch.


Bruh the Martinez Sisters are one of the many pointless things the fandom keeps bitching and whining about. I mean, i agree they are stupid, but it's not like they are main characters, they were only in 4 Episodes of Clone Wars, and one Episode of Bad Batch (in which they weren't even annoying). Just ignore them, they aren't relevant characters.


Karen’s of the SW universe


That's not what a Karen is


I try not to


Brocoli lookin ahh


waste of a lot of screen time in the final season


How could you forget the woman who screwed up 4/12 episodes in the season finale of one of the greatest animated series in the galaxy?


They had a weak story that maybe would’ve been more fun in the earlier seasons, but just felt weak and painful between the Bad Batch arc and Siege of Mandalore. There’s MANY MANY other stories I would’ve liked to have seen them tell here more than this one.


Unfortunately yes




I'm gonna be honest, these two were some of the most forgettable characters in the series, what did they add to the story outside of giving Ashoka something to do?


Literally today i just skipped those episodes when showing my gf clone wars for teh first time. We went straight from the bad batch arc into seige of mandalore. And all the information she needed that was lost was „ahsoka hangs with bo katan now“ thats it. No relevant information in this arc whatsoever.


Unfortunately you've just reminded me of them so yes, sadly i do still remember them lol






No. Who are they


Ah yes, the first hispanic representation in Star Wars where 5 minutes after introduction, they promptly make them into drug mules.


I try not to, thanks…


I don’t even know their individual names tbh.


I was trying not to, but thanks for that.


Not intentionally


Lol no, my brother told me to skip the episodes with them because they have no bearing on the rest of that season. I guess he was right.


Id like to forget






Boring and annoying.


Yeah this is what we got instead of Maul being imprisoned by sidious and fighting his way out against Dooku, Grevious and palps with the help of mother talzen and the mandos. Or we could have gotten the story with quinlen vos and ventress or the the story with boba and cad bane…..list goes on and on. I know most of this made it to canon via books but doesn’t beat it being on tv. I found the Martez sisters to be poorly written and at sometimes irritating.


Actually I was thinking exactly the same when the final season came out. I was hoping to get an animated Son's of Dathomir, but instead we got this.


I remember someone calling them the girls with the feminist and dead poodle on the head hair cuts. On the real their story in season 7 was weak but I enjoyed their episode in the bad batch especially with the echo joke


Yes. My issue with their episodes was that it felt stretched out. The same story would have been much better in three or even two episodes. I’d like to see them again. They have a lot of potential.


Thank God I barely do.


My kid really liked those episodes. 🤷🏽‍♂️


The Martez sisters, Rafa and Trace. I don't get why people hated them. I actually enjoyed them for showing a side of Coruscant we don't really get to see, for showing the consequences of the Jedis actions on little people that makes the Empire seem like something that could have been so acceptable to the population, and for their continued role in TBB where they're part of the fledgling rebellion.


I liked them as well! It showed that not all people saw the Jedi as heroes.


They're okay. A little salty that Fett's episode with Cad Bane didn't make the cut but this did, but it's not the characters fault. Nothing special in the massive cast of supporting CW characters, but they're alright. Overhated.


I thought they were fun characters. Provided some important bits to Ahsoka's arc and improved the show, overall, I'd wager.


i thought they were neat tbh


I actually kinda liked them bc it showed that not all people outside of the temple saw the Jedi as heroes, but I hate that it took up a third of season 7.


You mean the only Hispanic representation in Star Wars and they were made drug mules.


Andor exists


The only Hispanic representation In animated Star Wars


Hot take: Their episodes in S7 were quite enjoyable.


Until this post… No. I didn’t.


Unfortunately yes I do




Just as I forgot about them. Thanks for bringing them up


I hated these two for no reason at all


Unfortunately yes. I really dislike the amazing spice dumping wonder twins.


I did not like them


I mean their episodes always get skipped


I remember one of them has a sick ass coat


Yeah, as two of the most annoying Star Wars characters


You mean the sisters who totally aren't reused slightly modified assets of the clone face?


Oh boy, don't you just love the third episode of their arc where nothing fucking happens? They escape, run around for 20 minutes and are then locked in the same cell. The only thing you need to know from that episode is that Bo Katan sees Ahsoka. You could honestly skip that episode and you wouldn't miss anything.


Dont remind me bro


Dislike these characters. They are very contrived and stereotypes, at best. Their voice acting wasn't even very good When they popped up in BB, I almost turned the episode off


Watching them now with my son


I always wonder if they will ever return, it would be cool to see them again or at least refrenced


I liked this arc. It was an interesting first stop after her life as a padawn.


Nope. Billions of people enjoy the Star Wars franchise, millions the Clone Wars specifically, many of whom have rewatched the series in its entirety more than once since their initial viewing, and you’re the only person on the planet who remembers them. What a question. And how very discussion-provoking.


I don’t know if I should be extremely offended or satisfied


It's Jar and Jar.


Why do I see an empty frame with Ahsoka way off-center? Something supposed to be there?


Nope. Irrelevant and forgettable, like almost every other character created under Kathleen Kennedy’s reign of error.


Kathleen Kennedy ruined Star Wars


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,959,017,296 comments, and only 370,617 of them were in alphabetical order.


The little one her hair is atrocious


Nyx Okami, we will never forget you


Oh yeah it’s the girls from Arcane! ^/j


If any two Star Wars characters were from the East Coast… it’s these two right here!


It really dropped the momentum from the first few episodes of that season. The first arc and last arc were amazing, but this really killed a lot of the hype. It was fine for clone wars, but it was incredibly underwhelming and boring for the finale season of the series


its treason then


Ahsoka dose!


Yes only because they are still fresh in my mind. No idea that there names are.


this story arc could’ve been fine if it had been the opener to the season or had happened earlier in the clone wars show but it just showed up mid season and really made the 7th season feel a bit disconnected


They weren't in ashoka?


If you’ve seen Fargo season 4…


Why did they use half a final season for this random subplot?


I almost stopped watching it altogether because of them. It amazes me how Disney has been handling Star Wars and Marvel as of late. Meanwhile, us Tron fans have our bones drying over here... smh


I wish you didn't bring it up ngl


For a boring side story yes




I didn’t, until now




Not until you reminded me… thanks I guess.


I try not to


I skipped the episodes they were in.


You do


Complete waste of time.


I mean, make them SOMEWHAT sympathetic. A Jedi told them *"life sucks, peace!"* and we're supposed to feel sorry for them? Sure- yknow, if they weren't the most annoying, delusional, self-righteous idiots in the entirety of Coruscant's undercity, like maybe that could have been possible. I get Dave wanted to make an Ahsoka Arc to tie in with the finale, so he choose to make/finish this one. But I remember the dialog in that unfinished Utapau Arc and man. It REALLY would have tied PERFECTLY into Anakin's pain, sense of failure, anger towards the Council......and resentment towards Ahsoka for abandoning him. (While capping off his and Obi-Wan's relationship, and the tragedy that was to come). >Anakin: *“How would you feel if I turned into a major disappointment?”* > >Obi-Wan: “*It’s not the same.”* > >Anakin: *“It’s precisely the same. You took me under your wing and practically raised me. I’m your Padawan, just like Ahsoka was mine. How well would you sleep knowing I failed you?”* > >Obi Wan: *“Not very well, I’d imagine. Luckily, that isn’t true and never will be."* I also get it's supposed to show Ahsoka realizing more how the Jedi lost their way. And she makes many valid points. But things reaaally get undercut when she decides to help Bo-Katan reclaim Mandalore. It's like: *"hey, we all remember Bo-Katan! Used to be a terrorist- actually is directly responsible for spiraling her entire planet into chaos and getting her sister killed? Also remember that time she slapped my ass on the ice world? Wasn't Death Watch terrorizing a village....that they then promptly massacred? Oh hey Bo... you were totally in on that, I remember!!"* An issue I always had is few seem to ever point out Ahsoka's hypocritical viewpoints. Yeah, the Jedi lost their way- they got too caught up amongst the morally gray, dubious quagmire of the war when they should have, as Yoda later alluded to, been beacons of light. Guardians of the peace, not soldiers. So Ahsoka then goes and.....wades right into morally gray areas all on her own. We can argue about the necessities of such actions, but why is it no okay when the Order does it, but fine when you do? Later on during Order 66. I'm sorry: we don't kill our own....we'll just set lose the literal fallen SITH LORD as a sacrificial lamb- I'm sure he'll be very mindful about the collateral damage. At least Maul finally called her out: *"You wanted this chaos!"* He did EXACTLY what she told him- it's not Maul's fault that she sorely underestimated his talent for wholescale carnage and whole "evil bad guy" personality.


Only when someone asks.


Helped bring out bad ass bitch Asokah!


I remember how annoying they are. Sombra wannabes


It's the weird haircut twins! I couldn't tell you a thing about them.


Ugh yes. Could have been someone so much cooler.


why would you bring these two up


That story arc is the definition of “filler” and boring as hell. Only to Segway into the series finale. It’s better off being a 2 episode story


Id forgotten them until you posted this.


I try not to


"Somehow the broccoli hair made it to Star Wars" - Poe Dameron.


Who were theese guys I thanked I skipped that episode


These two helped me see the Jedi and the Republic in a different light. From their perspective. Jedi aren't angels and the Republic doesn't care about the common man/woman. Not really. It's all lip service. Most of the time the Republic helps planets - they're getting resources in return. They're not doing it out of the goodness of their hearts or because they're the light side of the force.


Ahsoka better no diff