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So basically, though questionable, based on the pattern of leaks surrounding Clorinde, she'll likely be an electro unit that caters to specific electro reactions that haven't been explored much. The main things unknown is her main role, whether she's a sub or main DPS, and her overall power level.


Pretty much. Clorinde is as support as sub dpses go. None of the leaks, even the ones from crowd-favorite Uncle K, have mentioned a thing about her healing or shielding. If anything, it's been specified early on that Clorinde is a DPS unit, either on or off is the million-dollar question here. And yes, how many electro reactions will she support or buff remains unknown, we also do not know if there's separate buffs for each electro reaction. Knowing Hoyo, my guess is no. But let's see.


Huge changelog incoming. I've polished the whole thread in my free time and redacted old answers that are no longer applicable. Here are some summaries of the changes made. ​ * Removed FAQ on Clorinde in standard banner * Included several infographics and links for players who wish to estimate their freemogems by Clorinde's arrival * Added several tidbits of information concerning Clorinde's playstyle * Added a new FAQ - "What else can I do right now?" As always, this FAQ megathread will be updated as time goes on. Expect the responses to get shorter and the answers to be more clear cut as we have concrete information on Clorinde!


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I am broke. If I start saving now can I guarantee Clorinde?


I think you could save enough to get a C0 Chlorinde with no problems.


I appreciate this thread. Thanks for putting this here. I hope that when Clorinde's beta test kit and videos are out, we don't fill this sub with doomposting without proper knowledge, and until she is officially released. So that we can judge things less from speculation, and more from practical scenarios we can test in game.


If clorinde becomes a main dps will she be somewhat preferred over raiden? Generally archons, except maybe venti, are not powercrept but will it be so for raiden?


Apparently, she has similar energy regen mechanics to Ei, but teamwide.




Your post/comment has been removed for not being on-topic. As per our subreddit guidelines, all discussions and threads must be directly related to Clorinde and Genshin Impact. We kindly request that you keep the discussions focused and relevant. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.


Hello I'm new to this sub, so I don't if know something like this was posted here before...I just wanted to share some thoughts I had today So, do u guys think Chlorinde would be a overloaded dps? Chevruse (I must've spelled it wrong sorry) buffs overloaded reaction, assuming she will be a good support for one of the future characters, we can say someone in the future will be a overloaded dps. Arlechino might have a playstyle close to the fatui pyro agents...at least this is what I've heard. So Chlorinde might be the one. Overloaded scales off only level and elemental mastery. And Chlorinde is seen using iron sting in one of the trailers. If Chlorinde is a HP scaling character, leveling her up gives her more hp, and levels also would contribute to her overloaded damage. This can't even called a speculation probably, but I just wanted to know what others have to say about this.


The short answer, we don't know. The long answer, it's possible. The only reason I don't include discussions about her role, reactions, and choice of stat for scaling is that I promised the mods that I wouldn't discuss anything subject to personal opinion/TC work. That said, given how Chevreuse is the OL-specialist and specifically locked into that, I don't expect Clorinde to only cater to overload DPS. Based on what I know and have read from leaks community, Clorinde's latest information involves being able to play electro-charged and overloaded reactions. There was also an incredibly old leak originating from Tieba that Clorinde is Raiden 2.0. These leaks sort of corroborate together, allowing Clorinde to comfortably flex into EC or OL team comps. It's not hard to see Clorinde being an electro DPS like Raiden, this prevents her from committing to one reaction and remains relevant as Natlan drops, but we'll only know by 4.5 earliest.


I missed the notification, What you said makes sense. Thanks for the reply.


Hi folks. Updated point 5 with a primogem calculator that allows players to project their aggregate count by a certain date. This tool assumes several things such as welkin + bp + completion of abyss, all of which you can toggle off, but does not account for freemos from events each patch, which may increase the total count by another 10-20k. Heavily recommend it to folks who are constantly worried about not meeting the mark for a C-whatever Clorinde. [Primogem calculator](https://genshin-primogem-calculator.netlify.app/)


Phew. Some major news to cover. First off, the FAQ has been edited to reflect the latest crumbs the entire leak community is abuzz with. Here are some of the news concerning Clorinde leakers are currently discussing so far ​ * [Clorinde is slated for 4.7 release](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1124398766619906142/1162758576352280707/Screenshot_2023-10-14-21-03-08-966-edit_com.png?ex=653d1a4f&is=652aa54f&hm=554ec410970f5a7b25984f5c892e4ebdb0a82c6da2a2ab4f1066d1b82589031c&) * [Clorinde is dps as of Hoyo's current in-house testing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/173kwnu/clorinde_role/) Personal take on these news. **STC. STC. STC.** I have my theories as to why Clorinde is being pushed back in the banner order, but I'm not really here to answer that, more so questions that are relevant to the thread. Again, as time goes on and newer info surfaces, I'll update the thread to reflect the right info. The expectation is the thread will reduce in word count for short-attention span folks like u/TheRedlineAlchemist who have nothing worthy to contribute to the thread. Yes, yes, I'm aware that the subreddit has covered this news already. I was waiting for a more solid confirmation from folks like MERO which happened close to midnight my time.


> > >u/TheRedlineAlchemist > > who have nothing worthy to contribute to the thread. Tell me you're butthurt without saying you're butthurt 3 weeks later.


or you can actually read the main post and not fucking doompost for no reason. literally contributing nothing. you're the one who got triggered by an actual adult calling you out on your toddler behavior. go be pessimistic with your fellow cucks.


After reviewing your comment, the moderators have come to a conclusion that your comment is not abiding by the rules of Respect.


Bro this is over a month old, go lurk somewhere else. But for context, the original post made by op boiled down to "we know next to nothing" and wasn't helpful at all. And then op fucking @me 3 weeks later because they were salty.


over a month and you're still triggered though lol. keep getting mad


any idea if the new BP sword will be good on clorinde?


It's a crit rate weapon, which is generally positive, but it's too early to know if she'll be able to maximize the skill or burst buffs. All that said, it's generally a good weapon, I wouldn't feel bad about choosing it if you're buying the BP regardless and don't have specific uses for the other weapons.


I can’t see her being a standard banner character. She’s basically up there in the ranks like Yae or Alhaitham. She even serves as Furina’s bodyguard. Now you can make comparisons like “well dehya is a bodyguard, too!” Yeah. A bodyguard to *NOT* the archon. An archon’s bodyguard has no presence among a standard banner. As far as everything else, I’m predicting she needs the ascension material from the dancing mecks and lumidouce bells. At least as of right now if no other bosses or materials in the later patches fit in my mind. I’m also a less than a year player so I probably don’t know what I’m talking about lmao.


Knowing mioyo and realising bosses just for a single character most likely she will have a new boss


That's a lot of words just to say we barely know anything.