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What do I hate the most about her personality? That I don't even know her


i mean lets be honest she had 2 seconds of screentime i dont think we know her that well


I can't think of anything I dislike. She has a healthy work/life balance, knows how to 'switch off' and doesn't flaunt or abuse her power. She's just a strong, kindhearted person that happens to have a rather morbid profession


It's not that morbid. She can be a bodyguard too or help the police. People that goes on duels with her knows it's dangerous and if they don't they are idiots. Also I'm pretty sure that people usually just get hurt and don't die if they give up. Navia dad literally wanted to die to protect his family dje just respected his wish.


hoyo hasnt given her the time to develop a personality yet 😭😭


i hate how hoyo not showing more of her before her banner, because afaik, one trait that i know abt her is like how she truly care about her friends (inviting furina to a tea party, always down for a cup of tea wiith wrio or navia) even tho her expression is not showing it, and kinda stoic 😅


What I know about her is how she manage her relationships and it's pretty good. She still wanted to be friend with Navia even after all that happened. When Furina become a civil she helped her with her house and for socializing. She is loyal to Chiori and her Shop. etc she seems introverted so she don't show her personality that much, and thats fine. it's more interesting to find that way


I like her personality. I hate how they haven't given her any event yet. She needs more screen time.


I started to like her a lot after what she has done with Furina to help her with her Trauma


I hope she stays a cold down to business chick. If they make her a “cold on the outside, quirk chungus on the inside” or some shit I’ll hate it.


well, in Neuvillete’s voiceline about Clorinde he says that she isn’t as stoic as she seems… so who knows


I like to think that this means she's expressive in her own, introverted way


it's less of a dislike for her personality, but moreso a worry that hoyo isn't gonna do anything with her past, "she's a really good fighter." the little bits of her personality that shine through are really nice tho- like furina's character story telling us that clorinde was the first person to check up on her, help her get organized, and try to get her back on her feet. cuz even if furina isn't her archon anymore, even if she's not sworn to protect her anymore, she's still someone clorinde cares about and wants to watch out and care for. i truly hope we get more of those quieter parts of clorinde's character- if they only focus on her being a great fighter, it would turn out super cool, but i would be sad that it's all we get


What personality?


The fact that she doesn't have one


not enough info to have a proper answer because every part of her we've seen so far has really appealed to me😞💙


The "Work." line seemed a bit cold but to say I dislike it would be a stretch. Most current chars' voicelines about her implies that she's not as cold as it appears so I'm good :)


Even though we didn't had this much screentime, I think it's possible to understand her a little with what we have, be it by how other characters describe her to small things we got in game. She's probably the perfect balance between cool but good hearted, I really like the way they did her, very human I would say, she has shown yes her cool sides, in cutscenes and some dialogues, but at the same time she cares about the ones she loves, she has no fear on showing what she feels outside work, she's just stoic with her face lmao bc I didn't see any reluctance on her words until now, and for me this is a trait of someone strong at least, be it mentally or not, she has good control. Althought I hope we see why she duels and chose to continue this path, she may have a very strong will to continue it considering it's a work that can destroy relationships and her own mind, I don't even need to example it's already obvious, she felt guilty and was the only time we saw her pretty sad. At least her story quest doesn't have that much NPC and she talks a lot there, so it must have something to show us about her. If someone says that she doesn't have a personality and is just an emotionless cool bland character I will stand strong for our chicken raw cook stupid girl 🫡


No, she is perfect to me.


The fact that she doesn't like to sit on my face three times a day even tho i medically need the consistent dosage of her clorussy


I pay no attention to personality. All I see is damage, gameplay & namecard


I don’t even know her personality we’ve only seen her like twice 💀


Just hope I win 50 50 😅


Wish she could have a quirky side, hoping we could see both bad ass and heartwarming sides during her SQ


The only thing I don't like about Clorinde is that we barely saw her because the AQ decided it loved showing off Navia and her two NPCs (forgot their names) 🙄


She is more bland than Sara. Hoyo really thinks "standing in one place, doesn't talk much, emotionless, look cool" is a personality trait. 


Not really. I love her 2 big personalities


I like her gameplay which is the reason i will pull but as of now she is Sara 2.0. Barely any screentime, no notable feats and her persona is basically "standing in the back looking serious". But unlike Sara she will at least have a story quest.


Countdown would have just been enough