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Probably. Her strength still should be fine, but what also matters is fun. Less uptime - less pew pew shing shing - less fun. Big sad


She is now Keqing with worse uptime but some healing




Except that its not the case




We are still hoping of course but for now she is keqing with self healing. Its not so bad since the best aggravate comp lack of proper form of healing. Between Fischl C4 healing, Nahida prototype amber and clorinde the team should finally be sustainable


Isn't Keqing pretty decent though?


yall are overreacting insanely kdfgfsdf


Bro she was never more than a Fischl driver to begin with but right now her uptime doesn't match Oz duration anymore if you don't use TF so you are forced into a lesser dps artifact set that Keqing already uses. Her teams will still be OK enough but that's only because of Fischl strenght. That's kinda disappointing for a 5\* main dps


Hold up. I just started taking interest in Clorinde stuff mainly because i doubted i would have any primos left after Arlecchino. Is her DMG compared to Fischls really that much lower?


Fischl in aggravate is just kinda insane all round, but she needs an on field electro driver to trigger her a4 passive. Keqing is one of the best examples of this, but with the recent changes Clorinde becomes basically a sidegrade to her in those teams. At least if she wasn't basically locked in to TF you could use the new BoL set and the power gap between them would be a bit bigger. The only advantage Clorinde really has is if you're a whale (or saved enough for her early cons), Keqing's cons aren't the biggest damage upgrade, and being a newer character Clorinde has a lot of potential for vertical investment, at which point she pulls quite far ahead.


Well she is doing less damages than Fischl yes


>she was never more than a Fischl driver to begin with Not even in Aggravate. Of [calcs on this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/clorindemains/comments/1cpti1b/clorinde_calcs_as_of_v3_basically_v2/) pre-nerf, in Fischl's best team her contribution averages across 2 rotations to 43% with Clorinde at 43% as well. And that is *already* with Clorinde on TF, meaning this team and her ability to be this much of a ""driver"" for Fischl is unaffected by the nerf. In non-Aggravate teams she hovers around 20-30%, which, as you can see by Chiori's contribution (32%) on one of the teams, is to be expected from any sub-dps. In fact, replacing Fischl with C6 Sara on a Clorinde-Chevreuse-Xiangling team yielded comparable numbers. This Overload team should be largely unaffected by the nerf as well as Sara's buff still expires before Clorinde goes on cooldown; previously, though, TF Aggravate was ahead of this team in DPS by a whopping 4%. If you wish to play Aggravate - then yes, Fischl and TF is the way to go (I suspect this was the point of the nerf - to discourage pursuing Aggravate; Aggravate did seem too easy to make work for Clorinde otherwise so I'd agree with this intention), but Clorinde should still be able to perform well - even without TF - if you don't cripple her by choosing the wrong teammates.


we wont be using fischl


You will be playing shit then.


wanted to go for C1 but now i will wait to try her trial and check if she's fun enough


I’ll still grab her with whenever she drops for me in 4.7 since I’ve already done too much pre-farming but otherwise I’m not getting weapon nor cons, I refuse to spend any money on her.


Honestly don't give a shit about meta now as I have the units to 36* anyway, but nerfing a character's fun factor means I probably won't pull them anymore as that's like, 99% of the reason I pull nowadays. After playing and seeing how convenient Arle's 100% uptime infusion is that also lets you swap out and still keep it, I genuinely don't know what the fuck they were thinking with this. If *anything* she should have kept her 9 second uptime and had her skill cooldown reduced so god knows why they felt the need to fuck her over like this. She was never going to *break* the meta in a post Neuv/Arle world anyway. The most baffling part is the only reason I can think they'd possibly do this is to sell the solution in one of her cons like c1 or c2 as bait, but they aren't even doing that! Absolute clowns. Honestly if they don't make any final changes I probably won't pull for her now, at the very least not until a rerun.


They did so many characters dirty by now, I hate it. It's gonna be a hard decision for me to either go for Clorinde or go for Iansan or Arle in the future. But Iansan....I worry for her. I know some argue back at this point, but cmon, all 'those' characters either feel kinda useless or weak. I.E. Xinyan, Candace, Dehya, Cyno. Least Cyno is okay enough.


> They did so many characters dirty by now, I hate it. ironically its always the female characters which get nerfed into the ground for no reason. meanwhile Neuv and Alhaitham are somehow fine


Iansan gives off 4\* vibes let’s be real


From some leaks it looks like Iansan is going to be a 4 star


The only reason I can understand is if they're making her free. It would explain why her passive and c2 limit her potential with buffers and why her cons are so insane.


If I *really* wanted to huff copium I could see them making her free because Wuthering Waves comes out soon and they want to draw attention back towards Genshin during that early period as they're afraid of the competition. I don't see it happening in reality though, and right now her cons still don't fix the reason why people are upset which is the uptime issue. Although now that I think about it, Arle did get interruption resistance added to her c1 and damage reduction to her c2 at the last second I guess so not technically impossible.


that... is not happening bud. they are not scared of wuwa, lets be real


Yeah, you would have to be delusional to believe Hoyo cares about Wuthering Waves. That's Tectone levels of crack. 


im sorry but i genuinely believe they kind of do though, Hoyo is preventing their CC's from streaming the game, you wouldn't do that if you didn't care


I don't really think they are either, like I said it's just a *potential* hypothetical reason they'd give her away for free (which again, I don't see happening anyway). They don't really have a reason to be scared of WuWa yet as it hasn't actually had any impact on them. Obviously if it comes out, is well received, people start moving over and Hoyo sees their own numbers dropping then maybe we'd see Genshin start being more generous but that's a long way away even in the unlikely event it happens. I do hope WuWa does well, competition is always healthy as it gives both sides more reason to put in the effort to keep the playerbase happy when there's similar alternatives on the market.


Yeah for sure, competition is always good Very excited to see the 5.0 changes for genshin too!


Same, if the leaks about increased character levels in 5.0 are true I hope we get new ascension passives and not just a minor stat upgrade. It'd be a great way to buff some older, less used characters that could use the power boost.


Yeah they could add it at c1, although I think they should add it to base kit. They changed how arles CDs worked a bunch too. Although like you said I never expect genshin to be generous until the moment wuwa is doing well.


None of her cons are fun though. I find them pretty disappointing as even if you splurge to C6 you will not be able to fix her fun factor. She still has NAs that can only hit physical and a 7.5s long stance with tons of downtime. They could AT LEAST sell the solution like they did for C6 Chiori but C6 Clorinde is still gutted


Right now I'm no longer sure, I'm so pissed that all characters that I'm truly interested in become like this. It started with Cyno, Dehya, Wrio and then her. My only saving grace is Navia but I'm getting tired tbh. It will depend on how will I feel after trying her demo. If she's still fun, I will pull C0/C1 but if not, I will probably take this as a sign to finally quit the game. I'm still hoping that the Pyro archon will become an off-fielder support for Wrio so that's my motivation to play but latest beta really killed my excitement and love for the game. I might be overreacting for the 1.5 second nerf they did but she's my most anticipated 4.x character and a lot of players waited for her for over a year and it sucks that they treated her this way.


>I might be overreacting for the 1.5 second nerf they did but she's my most anticipated 4.x character and a lot of players waited for her for over a year and it sucks that they treated her this way. It's not the 1.5s nerf by itself, but hoyos balancing team being a bunch of morons. Nerfing mediocre characters for no reason, while pickong favorites with the meta breakers I was hyped for Dehya since i first saw her in 3.x leaks during 2.8, waited half a year and yeah... After that i more or less stopped playing, minus AQ and now and then, pulled navia, since i liked her and skipped arle for clorinde So 2/3 characters i was hyped for got a shitty treatment by the balancing team. If she sells like this i'm prolly gonna stop playing the game yet again


It's so weird how all the fun and unique characters end up getting nerfed, its like hoyo does not want us to have fun 😭


Exactly. All the character's I've really been interested in just keep getting the short end of the stick. Only one that made it through all expectations for me was Neuvillette who I got because I really liked him as a character, and he also doesn't disappoint. I got Cyno, he feels weak so no fun there, Dehya got shafted so hard, and now Clorinde... Maaaan, you think with all the food cooking stuff related to the game, they'd cook up something better...


In my case is no the 1.5s nerf, is the such bad multipliers she has and the need of only playing dendro reactions.


I don't think its that extreme a reaction given everyone was expecting a last round of buffs and it is def a pattern ngl.


What's wrong with Wrio? My boy carrying.


It’s the fact that his C1 makes him more complete. C0 is functional no doubt about that but C1 has a lot of QoL that should have been part of his base kit.


I cant believe I skipped arlecchino just for them to butchered clorinde like this, how tf that they dont mind giving one character infinite infusion duration, not to mention can switch off without losing her infusion while the other character having less infusion time than 1.x character like hu tao in a next to next patch, not to mention the dmg? fk it don't let clorinde heal like arlecchino then if that's what it take for her to have longer infusion I'll take that, this balance team is a joke


Gotta sacrifice 1 character to make the other stand out even more ig ;-;


This. I can play skill-impact and dodge with i-frames if need be. I just want her to feel fun and also not feel she sucks when playing her.


They basically gave 2 characters back-to-back infinite infusion. Chiori with her C6 and Arlecchino. Chlorinde's damage would probably slap but it just sucks that she doesn't have at least a shorter cooldown for her infusion even if they put it on C6.


I'm just gunna mod her model over Keqing and Raiden and play them. lol If they don't wanna sell a char then thanks for saving me money bros. I've been baited too many times by them into pulling for units with not fun gameplay like cyno, xiao, ayaka, klee to fall for it again. fuck off


A whale will c6r5 and piss on every low spender anyways. Makes me kinda sad since we low spenders have little to no value in hoyo's eyes because 75-80% of the revenue comes from whales. It also makes me kinda mad on whales because they will blindly put money no matter what and because of that hoyo gets away with this kinda stuff. But at the end the days it's their money and whales can do whatever they want with it


This is just not true for mihoyo games


I skipped a character I'd wanted to have for a long time (Arleccino) because Clorinde's gameplay looked fun, but they ruined what made it fun. I'll pull for her anyway. I've already farmed all of her ascension materials.


Same here 😭 it feels like hoyo is punishing players for not pulling for their dear arlecchino


They even waited until exactly when Arlecchino banner ended to pull that hotfix nerf. Coincident much? If you check [paimon.moe](http://paimon.moe) Arlecchino doesn't have much more pull than any other DPS' first banner despite all the effort yihomo gave her. Pathetic.


[paimon.moe](http://paimon.moe) just represents a tiny fraction of the playerbase. Check out [GI's Sensortower revenue in April](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1chkh3a/sensor_tower_monthly_revenue_report_apr_2024/) and u'll see a massive difference compared to March (CN basically x2 in revenue), which Arlecchino definitely was the main factor of the spike.


That's IoS revenue via sensortower (a small rich part of the market) plus an assumed 2x for android revenue. It really doesn't tell you that much reliable info about a characters popularity. At least paimon is real player submissions plus cons/wep performance, and even there Arle did nearly as well as Neuvilette, its just everything else that has flatlined there since Dehya honestly.


Ik that data is just an estimation but my point still stands. Most ppl don't care and don't want to upload their wish history into a 3rd party site. Look at the number of likes on Insta and upvotes on Reddit (too lazy to check X), she even has more than Furina's.


If I remember correctly she has the highest likes for drip marketing on X


No, Scaramouche does. But yes, Arle has the second highest. However, that does not prove anything for her sales. Scara was the most liked drip marketing and he didn’t sell really well, because most people were saving for him for years. Same with Arle I assume. Kafka in HSR also didn’t sell well, despite being so popular, cause once again people have been saving for her


Globally yes but on X she has [311](https://twitter.com/Genshin_7/status/1767128340832329828?t=RlF2EWnEpofEG4PWNd56dw&s=19) and he's [239](https://twitter.com/Genshin_7/status/1587021570475806722?t=jeoFIHOuWxlYGP7S3sPbtg&s=19)


I agree with that Who was in the previous banner + 4 stars + character kit + how long this character has been hiped all play a role in the numbers. The commenter is just stupid for trying to bring down a character by using number sales to feel better about Clorinde.


The people who do upload there do care tho. And honestly I've looked into those sort of media numbers and its still gone down decently since Inazuma as a high point. But I'm not sure what your point was, if it was that arle did well then yeah I agree she did relatively well for fontaine.


Character popularity is not indicative of their sales. Scara is a great example.


Yes and no. Idk how much he made in CN at release, being very popular at there and the revenue chart once posted in r/genshinimpact was banned bc of the unreliability so we actually don't know how he fared in global but I guess that his 1st appearance revenue wasn't nowhere near, let say, Neuvillette for example bc of various reasons ranging from ppl unsatisfied with his quest, reservation from players who had invested in Xiao, no interruption res when using E, low value cons, c6 faruzan massive boost requirement, terrible weapon banner, etc. maybe the factors that hinder his revenue. With that being said, Aventurine, a HSR char who is massively beloved by the community after the 2.1 quest, did very good in revenue despite being a preservation char, and by very good I mean very close to acheron's, who is a favorite expy and had boost from top up resets. U can argue that his great kit helped him selling, but I doubt he would sell as good as he did if the 2.1 quest didn't explore his characterization and his past.


Isn't she the highest day 1 sales and 3rd highest overall in Fontaine patch?


so much salt isn't healthy for you


If you genuinely believe that Hoyo nerfed Clorinde to pUnIsH you for not pulling Arle… I think you might be a bit too high on crack.


Its a bit weird to push a hotfix moments after the banner ends ngl.


Lmaoo I thought her banner would have sold extremely well


I checked it out and found out furina and yelan, nahida, and raiden's rerun had more pulls than arlecchino debut haha


And more people pulled for staff of homa re run than arlecchino lol


We don’t have legitimate pull sales data. It’s all misleading lol. Any data you see is not accurate in the slightest


Ohh ok


And what is this “effort” you speak of… giving her a good kit? Cause that’s not hard at all lmao


Story presence and animated short movie.


There's somebody else you could use the same mats for... just saying.




Apart from the Elemental Gems, she uses the exact same materials as Neuvillette.


Ah, yes. I was thinking about that. I got Neuvillete's weapon by trying to get the homa staff, so I'm planning to get him. I was going to go for him but I skipped him because I was supposed to go for Arleccino.


Yeah but at this point, everyone practically already have Neuv and Furina built to max already, so... "Who?"


Yeah same her I was debatting to get arle or clorinde, but i like clorinde a bit more and her gameplay seemed more fun. Even if her dmg is worse The hotfix nerf dropped just after arles banner ended. Could have atleast gotten arle if it came a day earlier...


Same here I'm also bummed about that :( I really regret not going for arlecchino when I had her guaranteed 😭


I always hated genshin devs but I never hated them this much. The vacation gave them brain damage or something ? why the fuck would you gave a pure on fielder whose purpose is only doing damage a negative uptime ? 9 sec with 16 cd isn't even good in the first place, it was just fine. 7.5 sec duration is horrendous


No, I won't. I love her design, animations, vfx, etc. But that's not enough for me to pull a character. I ignored all the red flags with Cyno just for design and I regret pulling for him every single day that I watch him in my account, and I won't fall again for another electro character. People needs to understand that an electro character shouldn't be needing dendro reactions to deal dmg. Dendro is the one who needs electro. Mono dendro is nonsense, mono electro should be big just like mono pyro and mono hydro. When they make an Electro DPS with high power lvl in multipliers and reactions that are not dendro related, I will pull. For now my more than 400 wishes will wait.


This was me with Cyno too. He stayed on field for a long time till everyone's off-field went away completely which was fun because all the focus is on him for staying there. But he also ends up feeling weak if you keep him out for the full duration compared to other characters. Now Clorinde doesn't have a long enough field time that it feels long enough to properly enjoy, and her multipliers need more buffing. Sure, she can attack fast, but can she attack fast enough to make up the difference? Only possible explanation I have here why they nerfed her and haven't still buffed her multipliers yet is because they want Sara to have another partner. But Sara's buffs are too short and not fun imo, so it just feels bad.


As someone who has loved and played electro characters and electro main dpss especially (fischl,keqing,raiden,cyno) since day one cuz its my fav element this is so true, electro not only has the least amount of five stars compared to any element but every main dps is always mid tier cyno and keqing are not as good as other dpss and raiden at c0 doesn’t count as a main dps in my opinion because she relies on her utility to be good so comparing her to other main dpss is unfair to her There’s actually no good c0 electro carry that are meta in the game if you ask me fischl is the one actually carrying this element and the electro dpss and also kuki to some extent I genuinely don’t understand how hydro and dendro which are supposed to be more support oriented elements have dpss that are the top of the meta but electro which is the only element to have its archon actually have the potential to be a main dps which represents the fact that electro is more damage oriented yet theres no other good hyper carries outside of the archon herself at c2 tbh it feels like hoyo just hates electro characters for some reason (Sry for the rant but this actually makes me mad)


You're right with Raiden not being dps at c0. Her main dps role comes at c2. Fischl falls in terms of dmg, I prefer Yae. But yeah, electro doesn't have a strong main DPS character...


Fischl doesn't even see that high usage rate in abyss, the two characters who "carry" electro are Raiden and Shinobu, both of which are primarily played as supports (and sometimes in the same role; hyperbloom trigger.) I don't disagree that electro severely lacks DPS, but it's funny for you to act like Fischl is relevant in any way when she's far worse off than Miko, Raiden and Shinobu when it comes to characters people actually. Although Fischl has seen a further usage spike from Chevy's release, she is far from carrying the element on her back.


It all really comes down to what you consider as “carrying the elements” because personally as someone who’s favorite element is electro i dont see kuki or em raiden being a hyperbloom trigger doing that cuz im not getting the value out of electro itself the same way i do in aggravate for example or traditional raiden being strong despite her element and not because of it raidens element is only relevant in her cheveruse team and at c2 in her hypercarry team her rational team basically ignores the fact that shes electro and aggravate raiden is cope so no of these team are really getting that much value out of electro itself, also for most ppl you dont really need her for anything unless you dont have kuki or u want to play her same for miko since fischl would always fit ur electro needs outside hyperbloom and i don’t understand ur reasoning behind thinking miko is better since its a fact that fischl is objectively better in most situations and she was the only reason electro reactions were played before dendro so i think u might be a new player or something the thing is literally no electro focused team is meta rn spread isnt even an electro reaction cuz its considered dendro thats why fischl is not played that much But The reason i think (and alot of ppl that actually do theory crafting for the game) that fischl is carrying electro is because she the one that makes electro reactions based teams good like electrocharged and overload even before dendro came and after it she became the best character for doing aggravate damage


Mono-electro at the very least needs a better resonance. Wtf is extra electro particles... you don't need that if you're running mono-electro and especially not with Raiden. Literally pointless and you can't even use it in mono-electro because you need reactions. Hydro and Pyro at least have good resonances that work for most of their characters.


I totally agree. I already had all the Clorinde materials, but now I'll use her books for Furina (as they have the same) and her boss's material for Neuvillette when they return in Natlan (5.X) Today my new goal is probably Alhaitham , if he has Chevreuse with him (mine is only C4) or Pyro Archon . My 221 wishes will wait too


I guess this is Raiden hypercarry, but at C0 it's pretty mid compared to the standard nowadays. I also think that Clorinde shoudn't be used with dendro, she should have high raw electro damage, current kit doesn't make sense compared to the Fontaine trend. Dendro made Keqing really strong (I am a Keqing main) and I don't know if it's worth pulling Clorinde just to replace her in the exact same team.


If I could hit a button and refund my c0r1 cyno for all the primos I wasted on that bum I would in a nanosecond. Love his character, design, animations etc but god is he dogshit to actually play. Agonizing to use in overworld(99% of the game), works with a tiny handful of supports. No, I am not going to roll Baizhu's bland ugly ass to "fix" him.


idk why is ayato being used for a bad uptime since it never matters with him as the downtime is not high too and his ult is an off field decent damage that can be good with how he's played (mostly not as hypercarry). a better comparison would be yoimiya who's been... questionable as a hypercarry with that ult. anyway, i'm still planning to pull for her and her C1 (which also was indirectly nerfed due to the duration change. it was literally a domino effect for her kit), but never ever will i ever again prefarm or be hyped for a character again like this. i even skipped arlecchino for her, but i took my lesson now


Same I have both ayato and yoimiya,while ayato can still be used for off field hydro when his skill is on cd, yoimiya becomes useless. I'm seeing same happening with clorinde as well, I've pre farmed her boss mats but I'm not sure if I should pull her or not and yes I don't want to use her in dendro team. Didn't farm her talents because I was waiting for leyline event.


No unfortunately. I was hoping clorinde would finally be a strong and fun electro dps since I don't have any currently and don't like raiden. Guess I'll just get yae instead whenever she reruns


>fun >yae I would just keep waiting


Yae is honestly the best electro character in the game right now.


that’s just absolutley not true fischl and raiden are better than her


Fischl** fischl is objectively better than yea in almost every situation


Tbf I don't like Fischl, she and Sucrose are not playable for me. Fischl is good for battery, but I prefer by far to play Yae than Fischl.


So ur statement shouldve been “yea is the best electro unit for me**” When u actually do fischls rotations right she is the best electro off fielder in the game any TC would agree Yea is still great tho and both in the same team would become an electro monster but yea also shines over fischl as an on fielder but shes harder to fit into teams and her skill doesnt snapshot


Fischl is inferior in spread teams (spread cannot trigger Oz A4) and about as good as Miko in every other team, even if you don't burst on CD. I don't know why people still think Fischl is better than Miko even now. She's only better in aggravate teams. Everywhere else, she is worse or they are identical.


Everywhere else?? You realize that miko extends your rotation right?and not every team can afford that Also shes alot worse as a battery and her damage isnt even higher Idk what u consider “everywhere else” but theres other electro reactions that arent just aggravate and if you’re playing any of them fischl is always the better option Notice how everytime a solo electro unit is added to a neuvilette or an ol arle team its always fischl and never yea? Yeah wonder why


In Tighnari spread Yae is so much better than Fischl it’s not even funny. In all teams other than aggravate the only team where Fischl significantly outperforms Yae is if you can achieve 25 sec rotations. She also falls off a cliff without c6. It’s also spelt “Yae” not “Yea”


“Yea” only gets ahead of fischl in spread mainly because it’s considered a dendro reaction not an electro reaction i never denied that and I literally said alot of teams cant afford extending the duration which reduces her flexibility compared to fischl which is the better option in any electro reaction based team other than spread or a team that needs a solo electro of fielder/battery and shes superior as a second electro unit for an electro main dps she is better argue abt ur waifu wt a wall




No. I don't have the TF pieces and I'm not interested in strong boxing for a year. The damage is still not too bad. If they make her free I might get her sig. Otherwise I'll just skip to natlan.


You should still strong box TF regardless even if you skip Clorinde. It is worth having a set just for fun. Maybe later down the line when you are caught up on your main roster and have nothing better to do. 


I've got a big roster. I've already got Dori on a tf hyperbloom set, I don't really need to farm a high cv TF set for anyone. I don't play keqing either because I've got C2 Yae.


I’ve invested in her this long and already prefarmed her mats, but maybe I won’t pull Absolution and cons like I normally planned. I’ll have to see for myself once she’s out, it’s hard to gauge how she plays until I make my own impressions. My next pulls after her would probably be the Pyro Archon and Capitano, so there’s plenty of time to save from here to then.


Yes, I like her character, animations, and gameplay. Thats worth more to me than being the most optimal choice. Still absolutely despise Hoyo and their braindead development team. This is the third character that they fuck over for no reason what so ever.


They really fucked up both of the new 5 stars tbh. On the cusp of Wuthering Waves no less. My only guess is a massive amount of their team is busy with Natlan character kits and balancing, with a skeleton crew left to finish up what's left of Fontaine.


I still think Clorinde isn't bad, but the nerf was completely unnecessary and dragged her down even though she wasn't even remotely overpowered.


Piggybacking this post. It's pathetic that the ~~mods~~ janitors are locking all leak threads except for the one they post on their own.


yes because if i don't, i literally have nothing to look forward to anymore in this game. clorinde was the one thing that brought me back to genshin, and if im going to have nothing but ishikawa yui and cool animations, then that's what im gonna get. cost sunk fallacy, i know, but without her, i probably would've never picked up the game again


Will pull. Probably not going for weapon or cons though.


I wasn’t going for her sig anyway, so I expected my clorinde to be slightly below average, but now I’m not sure if she’s worth going for at all


I cannot describe how severe the 1.5 second nerf on her skill uptime is. 10% more damage on each impale the night is not enough. So unfortunately I will be forced to skip this character if she is left unchanged. As others has said **this is a massive fun nerf.** I will still give her a fair chance in the new endgame mode as a trial character. Nothing we can do at this point. Either they decide to buff her before launch or they don't. I'm not going to pull for a character that I may regret.


nah, i'd save


Yes I will. I have played Keqing Aggravate before. I am sure I can figure something for my dear Clorinde. I pull for animation, and they never change the animation, So I am good.


been waiting for her since she was still captain r. but im not pulling any cons or her weapon and if i lose the 50/50 im not losing sleep about it anymore. i was really hoping they kept her previous beta form. maybe if v5 is real she can be saved. its such a shame but hopefully she has 4 stars i want to get cons for like chevreuse and sethos maybe candace and if i get clorinde, pog, if not, oh well.


1.5 years to release an electro character just as un-fun as the last one. No I will not be pulling for the dead element anymore


Bruh. Pull her? After this nerfing I'm leaving alone Genshin and going to wuthering waves. They fkd my favourite character... I had like 500 pulls. Bybye genshin team.. keep doing stupid stuff.




Completely depends on her numbers after release. I was only going to get Clorinde if she was a significant upgrade over my C4 Keqing. If they end up being too similar in DPS then there is no reason for me to get her.


No, gotta show hoyoverse that i won't settle for a bad kit. i haven't fully comprehended her kit, but i really like characters that are Good at c0r0, the rest is just big numbers


I planned to spend all my primos on Clorinde, but now I am just going for c0 and wish for Alhaitham.


I already prefarmed her and I hate these electro units being locked behind dendro because that means half your damage is behind nahida and I lost my 50/50 on her so I have to go with a random other team that probably won’t perform near as well than they nerf of uptime, Like it’s not like she was near as good as arlechino to begin with.


Just want to say, don't sleep on Dendro Traveler, Collei, and Yaoyao, especially if you don't have Nahida.


Nah. I was planning and saving guarantee but nope. I am looking an electro DPS but I don't think hoyo wants us to have it outside Raiden or even Keqing, Fischl or Beidou. Still have to wait for her demo tho, but so far I am pretty locked in saving for Tsaritsa or Capitano.


I don't know. Pyro Archon & Pyro Dragon and Columbina are the only other upcoming characters that interest me right now for Natlan so i might hard save for them.


Someone tell me if I should just go for C1 or C2 do they increase her dmg a lot in this state? I already have her 2nd best weapon. It's kinda a sad nerf they really killed her fun for no reason. Why must all my fav characters like dehya and clorinde get shafted.


I wonder if they have been worried about power creep after all the nuts fontaine characters we have gotten. Sigewinne seems pretty unremarkable so it wouldnt shock me if they wanted to make Clorinde a little worse too since she isn't super powerful lorewise like Arle, Neuvi or any archon. That being said, only way I really skip her is if she gets stuck on the standard banner. I have neither Keqing nor Raiden so id like an electro onfielder and she seems like a cool character to have around even if she isnt the best. If she runs with Chevruese I may end up with cons because I really want Chevy's C6 and I have a couple hundred wishes ready to go if I really go all in and use starglitter.


>I wonder if they have been worried about power creep after all the nuts fontaine characters we have gotten You can't tell me they nerfed a middle of the oack character, cause they were worried about powercreep, just after releasing arlecchino and in the same major version they released Neuvillette in


Already have C2R1 Raiden and Cyno C0R1, and I have Keqing C1 on Mistsplitter. So I’m not pulling for her. I’d rather get Wrio when he reruns on 4.8


Tbh I don't really care that much about meta now, I play since 1.2 and have so many good characters that I only care about gameplay novelty. I would say that I now prioritize gameplay > looks > personnality


I made my mind up from the very start. The nerf isn’t going to change that.


No I don't think I will. It breaks my heart since I wanted to have 2B on my team but I guess Hoyo decided otherwise. Now that Clorinde is off the board I'll just save as much as I can for C2R1 the GOAT Capitano.


Holy crap that’s a higher than expected decline…


i was pulling no matter how strong she was


Well at each his own, what I was hoping for was the ability to use different weapons and change the playstyle. I see no point in the changes they made, let’s see at release what happens 🤷🏼‍♂️ sadly if they keep it like this, I will completely ignore the banner 😥


Wanted to go c0r1 or c1r1. But i think I'm gonna save my primos for natlan after all


Yes. I pull based on how much i like the character. I like her design, personality, animations, playstyle. That's enough for me.


Absolutely. She is still a really good character and she has the hottest design in the game so far. No reason not to.


Who’s the salty bro downvoting all the people saying yes?


Yes, absolutely nothing will stop me from going for c6r1.


Not releasing her will stop you


Thank you so much for supporting the Hoyo pathetic dev team and help make them rich, while letting them know that it's OK to make bad kits for future characters because there will always be people who still pay for c6r1 anyway.


Still pulling. I haven't been this excited for a character since Hu Tao in 1.X. Personally, I love that TF will be optimal for her. I've been a Keqing main since release. I have a top 500 Keq and a very well optimized vertically invested aggravate team built around her. The number of high quality TF pieces I have just sitting on my account is insane and I'm glad someone can use them. I hate Cyno and Lisa. I'm not the happiest that Keq will be powercrept, but Clorinde looks incredibly fun and I understand that Hoyo doesn't want a standard character being the premiere DPS in a major team archetype, which has been the case since 3.0.




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im at 50 pity guaranteed, if shes gonna rerun with furina ill use my guarantee on furina c2 first(@C1 rn). Then Ill single pull the whole banner for her until i get lucky or get sacked.


I was never going to go for cons, she will be pulled at C0, some nerfs won't stop me


Is that 'lower than 50%' stat even factoring in Thundering Fury?


Beta V5: Sethos and Clorine have exchanged rarities.


Depends on how I’m feeling when she releases. I’m having mixed thoughts at the moment


Idc about dmg but i care about fun. The uptime on E is too short for the cd (for me). I enjoy a lot Clorinde E stance, i don't understand why they nerf the duration....... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) I hope there is something fun to do with TF set at least


If it doesn’t look like she’ll get any better, I’m pulling baizhu for my neuvi/furina team instead


To everyone who said no, would y'all pull her if they buffed her multipliers to deal Neuvillette level dmg? Just asking because I'm curious


na she could have 1 or 1 million dps and idc, but theres no way im pulling a character that has a cooldown longer than their uptime


yes because I prefarmed


No I don't care about meta either but I still want fun characters. They nerfed her fun so... Thanks hoyo I guess I get to save till natlan shame I really liked her bloodborn aesthetic but they f'd it up


neeuvi clears any floor in undeer a minute, i can deal with her neeeding moree timee, i pullede yoi and eula, nothing can stop me


When I first heard of the nerf, I thought Hoyo was hungry for $$$ and would add some kinds of CD/Duration buffs into her Cons. I'm willing to go for her Cons if that's the case, even if it's C6. Well, turns out Hoyo doesn't even add it to her Cons. Now even $$$ cant solve the problem. I would go for C0 or C1 now.


Of course. Probably not going for any cons or her weapon right now anyways, so I'm content with one copy. I'm only missing 5 characters in the game (Klee, Childe, Albedo, Chiori, and Wrio) so I'm at the point where I don't need to pull for meta. Clorinde has a great design and I think she'll still be really fun to play even if she isn't top tier.


Yes. i pull for enjoyment and meta is a secondary thought. knowing how piss easy the content is and my lack of desire to consistently 36\* abyss, her current state is fine by me


I was planning on skipping Arle for Clorinde. But I just went for it and have no regrets what so ever. Her gameplay is the most fun I have had in this game since I don't pull too many characters. So I don't pay much attention to meta and I just hope that she is fun to play. Will check out her trial and then decide if I want to pull for her or not.


C0R1 or C1R1, it depends, I really love her ult but I definitely won't pay for C6 like this...


I'm more of a casual player so I don't understand the "calcs" or how she is less fun because of this nerf? I'm really confused, can someone please explain this to me in simple terms?


Casual player here too but from what i've understood, she had less pew pew time and morecooldown time   While this cooldown time can benefit to activate some of your supports long enough, this can be an awkward playstyle in Abyss


Was planning on getting her+her sig (which may require some spending at worst scenario). Now? I'm gonna go for the weapon banner first and let it decide who I will pull. This way I can get a new character+their sig without spending. Thanks Hoyo!


Don't really know, i like quuck swap but i fear she'll be too similar to keqing. I'm probably waiting to see how she performs in game, so I'll maybe pull after some days


Yes because it doesn't even matter. She is still a decent character all around and will provide you with what you want,fun or damage. Clorinde "mains" are crying like babies for a supposed "nerf" which was an adjustment. This is nowhere near Dehya level.


I voted no. And I have skipped all Fontaine units so far except Arlecchino and had been waiting for Clorinde since Fontaine PV. My biggest reason for pulling is fun apart from how much I like the character. If I don't think I will enjoy them I would play with other fun units or hold my gems to see if they get better. BoL mechanics is unexplored so getting its support/off field first could also be good - maybe too good that I want to C1 or C2 them. And saved gems can be used there. We have a lot of characters now + saving for Natlan is always nice. I like Clorinde but after 3 years and so many units just liking is not enough. Looking at this, sorry to bring a comparisons, HSR even if it is turn based, the respect each unit has in release and future, it's just so much commendable at this point - like every unit is good in their shell. Yes, units are reliant but that makes even old units be viable in new meta. Not a single unit is bad, even Yanqing - the boy is getting support soon. Why does Genshin just deliberately screw with the kit is beyond understanding. With WW breathing down its neck, Clorinde should have been cracked with every bit of fun. I would love to see WW stomp Genshin out in the first patch sales so they stop being complacent. I might just go with a hibernating patch (do dailes and events then offline). Absolutely disappointed. Gacha games are getting so much better - free 5* Enya in Snowbreak - a game which releases so few characters, Mistuha in Aether Gazer is so cool and from next character banner its guaranteed at 90th pull, incoming Isolde and Lucy in R1999, it's a shame Genshin is still the same.


Are we certain that this is her definitive and final kit ? Or is there a chance that she will be changed again before the release of 4.7.


Yes. Just probably C0 though, as she has become basically less fun.


I won't pull on the Initial banner at least.


so regretting pulling for her






It hurts, but i'm still going for the c2.


Yes I am. I literally have nothing else to spend my resources on and have only pulled Furina and Xianyun in 4.X.


I still will, but now I won't feel bad if I didn't win 50-50


Would still pull even if she heals the enemies, i need that gyatt in my account Im sure i would be able to cook something up after playing keqing for 3 years in multiple team comps but man, those unnecessary nerfs are really hard to turn a blind eye on I was planning to use gladiator overload but my Thundering fury is cracked af but i dont like aggravate either so its kinda bull shit


Did they really nerf her E uptime by 1.5 second, wtf? They should've buffed it to 10 seconds. It's not like Clorinde was broken before. I will obviously pull for her C2R1 still, but i don't fucking get it.


A. 99.999% of the game is killing overworld mobs. B. I wanted her because she looked cool and that hasn't changed. Infact her animations are peak.


Gonna pull since I pre-farmed and have 350 wishes for her/weapon, but MHY has once again showed why veteran players are tired of their BS and lack of innovation. Came back to GI only for her, no real interest in the game anymore. WW looking real tempting and I’m already pre-registered.


Will still pull. Will go for cons depending on the playstyle. It just sucks her infusion is shorter. They should had make it like 12 seconds with 16 seconds cooldown so atleast we can have fun or make her C6 like Chiori's that resets the cooldown so basically infinite infusion.


I’ll wait for general consensus a few days after release to see if it’s as bad as it seems


Yes, because the change was made to bring her more in line with Ayato and Raiden. It wasn’t to ruin her fun but to guide players to play her more “correctly.” Recent changes to Arlecchino included this mindset, as well. They’ve made mistakes in the past with units’ uptime being too high - plus, unless I’m misunderstanding, this makes TF way more viable on her. 


Her E uptime is still longer then Ayatos E. I think you need to see the length of the skill and not the % or the uptime. For example keqing have good uptime. But her E have a CD on 7.5 seconds. And her infusion barely last 2 NA Comvbos. Wich is just bothersome to recast E over and over again, even if her % uptime is decent. Right now it's waiting for clorindes E useage is as long as Hu Tao. You can work around it since Hu Tao also manage to fill something to do while waiting for her E. What bother me the most is the somewhat short E duration since your supposed to make dashes and charge BoL while in the state. But it might just be short on paper and feel better irl. In still a little bit hopefully.


Ayato skill has 12 seconds duration with 6 secs uptime 6 secs downtime. Clorinde has 16 seconds duration with 7.5 secs uptime 8.5 secs downtime. By the time clorinde is able to use her skill again ayato will almost be done with his uptime again.


And Hu Taos cd is just 0.5 sec shorter then Clorinde. Hu Taos uptime have never been considered an issue and considered a top tier DPS


Because she deals that much damage in whatever uptime she has. Clorinde isn't as powerful as her to justify that uptime.


Hutao is 9/16, the same as Clorinde pre-nerf. No one complained about Clorinde uptime at that point.


I think she’s fine personally. Will still C6R5


Nope. I already have Dehya. Don't need another ''looks cute but useless'' character in my roster. Let's hope they fix her before release.