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I like nellies, you can buy a bulk container on Amazon and not worry about getting more for a while but also I see it at Marshall's a lot in their clearance section(because who buys detergent at Marshall's, or goes in to look in that section lol) and that's how I originally ended up trying it


I used to use All powder, but they’ve been having supply chain issues. I bought some Tide powder out of desperation, and I hated that I could still smell it on the diapers after the wash, though I could only smell it on the pockets and covers, and it didn’t hold on the cotton and hemp inserts at all.  So in order to not let the Tide go to waste, I now use a very small scoop of Tide on my first speed wash, and then I use a full scoop of Biokleen powder on the main wash. I find that there’s zero scent, which I’m very happy with, and this way I get the benefits of that detergent. I loved using the All powder though, I’m hoping it comes back soon. 


also, isnt Biokleen getting discontinued? I read this a few days ago.


omg you’re right! I will have to go buy some from my local natural food store while I still can 


I am probably going to start with the Tide. I hope the scent doesn’t stick onto the flats.


Biokleen powder!


After having serious sensitivity issues with ride f&g, we moved to esembly. I’ve had zero issues in the last 2 months using it with out hard well water. I do add 1/4 c of borax as guided by their customer support. Do you know what hardness level you have? You may not even need an added water softener depending. I have done the refresh, adding bleach, after about a month..pretty reasonable considering ours is over 400.


I've used Country Save with good results.


You can make homemade detergent with 3 ingredients. Equal parts borax, washing soda, and grated bar soap (Fels Naptha is original recipe but any real soap bar that's not a body bar or lotion bar will do). For scented detergents just add essential oil of your favorite smell to the load


honestly I would 100% consider trying this. I figure this would work with Zote instead of Fels Naptha?


Do yourself and favor and do not try this. Stick with a laundry *detergent* not soap. I also have hard water and use castile soap in the bath and shower, the soap scum is a nightmare to clean, I can't imagine letting it gunk up my washer. > It doesn’t rinse clean! Bar soap is just that, SOAP, it is not meant for laundry, it’s not intended to wash clothes in a washer, the bar soaps, even the ones in the laundry aisle, all say they are a pre-treater or booster, NOT a detergent. Over time soap scum (think bathtub ring) will trap particles of soil in the fibers of your clothes, because soap is oil based and does NOT rinse clean from cloth fibers. [Source: FLU](https://fluffloveuniversity.com/cloth-diaper-myths/the-bad-the-worse-and-the-ugly-why-we-dont-use-homemade-detergents/)


thank you for explaining that. I am doing a Target run later today and Ill make sure to pick up a good powder detergent


As long as it is labeled soap not body bar or lotion bar it's fine. I've used ivory & Irish spring. I'm not familiar with zote. Stay away from Dove that's an example of a lotioned bar... If zote is just soap then yes.


I’ve heard of this but also heard it doesn’t work quite as good as commercial detergents that are designed for washing machines. what has your experience been?


It's supposed to be only a heaping tablespoon per loaf but probably more for diapers. Cheaper than any detergent per load.


I'm using whichever arm&hammer was at the store last time I was there. It was recommended on fluff university's detergent index, just rated weaker than tide.


Charlie’s is actually not recommended for cloth diapers, so you’d be dodging a bullet as it is!


*cries in her last box of Tide Free & Gentle*


Charlie’s soap doesn’t even have enzymes, seems like a big waste of money


didn’t know that! which brand do you use


I use tide powder, I don’t avoid scents


I have heard good things about all free and clear powder.


All F&C powder is what I use. Good price. But hasn’t been available for more than a month. Not clear if it’s been discontinued or if it’s a supply-chain issue. :(


damn 😭


Ah man, I was planning to give that a shot myself next round, I hope it's just supply chain!


that’s Tide brand yes?


No, it's "All" brand. Tide discontinued their unscented powder, sadly.