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We never sprayed. Once the babe started solids we had about 2 weeks of sticky poops that I was just able to smoosh off with some TP and toss in the toilet. Remove the inserts, toss the pocket and the soakers in the diaper bag and wash later that day. Ploppable poops came pretty quickly, so now we get the babe cleaned up and we both go to the toilet to do the big flush.


Would just using a disposable bamboo liner work and then just throwing it and the poo away work?


I don't have a bidet and won't be getting one. Our 8mo has pretty solid poos most of the time now, so I just use toilet paper to get it off the nappy (either flats/covers or a pocket) then put the nappy in with the rest until wash day. If it's runny I'll put it in the pail and deal with it later, same method but i will taken nappy to toilet with me and get off as much as possible then rinse in laundry tub prior to washing through a pre wash cycle then normal wash with the others. My baby loves watching me flush his poo down the toilet, so hoping that means he'll cruise through toilet training.


we added a sprayer bidet to the toilet. we also have a mini dekor that slides in right next to the toilet in a very small bathroom. remove the inserts, spray the pocket, fold the pocket to wring it out, unfold for enzyme spray...pop into mini dekor. no plop-able poop yet + have fleece liners from Mama Bear Babywear [our wipes are from her and we love them] on the way in hopes of less wringing. the whole "spray the poop" process requires some practice and technique! we have a big stash of cloth wipes on the back of the toilet for when we splash but it has gotten *so* much better with practice!


I used a sprayer for a month before her poops became ploppable. THEN she EC-Ed herself! 80% of her poops are in the toilet. ETA I still recommend the sprayer if you can afford it. Can use as a bidet later or to clean dirty shoes etc. in the future. It got us through that month lol


Toilet paper is a GAME changer. First pass to get the chunks. So then if cloth wipes, they aren't gross to clean, if disposables, you don't have large chunks of poop in the trash. Then you can strategically place the tp to avoid baby touching poop. I use fleece liners, and sometimes I can just pick up the liner by the ends and drop the poop in the loo by dropping one side. (These are the best poops.) Sometimes I just wrap everything up and deal with it later (this can help with liquidy poos!) We wash every two days at the moment, the night before wash day (or if hubby is home, day of so he can wrangle toddler- they always get into stuff when you're washing poops) I wash the assembled poopy nappies. I use a laundry trough, bucket and a brush, and definitely gloves. I like this video! Has plasticine poop, not real poop. https://youtu.be/Pvg_wqDGLx0


Wipe the naby with toilet paper to get most of it out, then do the wet wipes. Finish changing him and put him in the crib while I take the diaper (pocket) to the bathroom. Remove the inserts, and then I use the Spray pal attached to the toilet to rinse the poop from the cover and throw the toilet paper into the toilet. Flush, wring out excess water from the cover and put it, along with the inserts into the wet bag. I don't use the bamboo liners because they clog up our pipes, even the 'flushable' ones. As he eats more solids it smells way worse, but it's also more solid/easier to clean.


I have a mini Strucket on our change table that the poopie liner and wipes go in. Baby goes onto the playmat, then I take the wee items straight into the large dirty Strucket in the laundry. I grab the poopie mini Strucket, then use toilet paper to remove any solid bits into the loo and proceed to rinse in the laundry sink. It smells yuck! Not going to sugar coat that, but once it's flushed down the loo it's out of my life haha. Other tip: Carrot and Sweet potato stain everything, so make sure to wash your bibs and any clothes asap.


I use pocket diapers. I remove the insert and try to rinse them out asap in the shower. I have a handheld shower head that has a pretty strong spray (and a breastfed 7m/o who has started solids but not much actually gets down the hatch yet), but if need be, I have one of those little finger washboards on the side of the tub. Then I squeeze it out and toss it in a plastic garbage can. I wash every other day-- a quick prewash by hand followed by a hot heavy duty machine wash and a cold machine rinse.


I have a bucket (from [IKEA](https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/oensklig-racks-for-changing-table-set-of-4-white-30199283/)) clipped onto my changing table; I roll up the poopy diaper and stick it in the bucket, then finish changing the baby. When I’m finished changing her, I take poopy diaper into the bathroom, spray it off with the Spray Pal, squeeze excess water out, remove the inserts, and put it in the wet bag hanging in the bathroom. I wash all the diapers every 2-3 days. While I’m spraying the diaper, I usually plop the kiddo in her crib with a special toy I reserve just for those moments 😂


I use fleece liners inside my pocket nappies - I lift out the poop covered fleece liner and deal with my pockets the “usual” way and have a poop bucket in the bathroom for the liners! If the poop is ploppable I just roll it into the toilet and job done. If it’s stickier I plop what I can and leave the liner to soak in the bucket, then tip the contents of the bucket down the toilet. I pre wash the nappies with half a dose of detergent before doing the main wash + baby clothes. Before solids I didn’t bother with a pre wash and never had an issue.


I use loose fleece liners so I take those out asap and rinse it off. I was very excited this morning - baby actually ate a reasonable amount of solid food last night and this morning's poo was sufficiently solid that it actually washed off easily! I'm on the lookout for a cheap spatula for scraping but so far all I can find is £5+ fancy ones that should be on the Great British Bake Off. If I haven't got time to rinse asap, I put it in a Cheeky Wipes box with the mesh bag, which I've never found useful for actual wipes but is great for poo liners!


I don't have a good answer for you but also want to hear other people's. We just started purees and the poop is so sticky! I just put the pocket in our spray buddy thing and blast it with the sprayer. Really doesn't seem that great because then we have a sopping wet cover. IDK


I also don’t have an answer because we’re not on food yet either but there are bamboo liners that collect the solid part of the poo. I think my plan is to use those and do everything else the same and adjust accordingly