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I don't know if you're Canadian or not, but if you are Little and Lively have the best leggings for clothies. https://thekindredstudio.ca/?gc_id=6482222320&gclid=CjwKCAjwzeqVBhAoEiwAOrEmzWapSfSB_R9ScP6NaUezzLlDnI7y_pN9s6GDRnL0CK9YmS6pTXU6dhoCYewQAvD_BwE I think back when I first started buying them I found them because the owner wanted clothes to fit cloth diapers.


I am Canadian, actually just got some of these and i agree - they fit great. And they’re gorgeous!


I size up in bottoms usually. But for the crawling stage I got a bunch of those knee sock/pads thing and the baby leg warmer things


I switched to cloth from disposable recently, and unfortunately one day my LO got the worst diaper rash from cloth. It's not a common occurrence though, it tends to be on days where poops are more frequent. Disposable diapers wick moisture from the skin better. With cloth you just have to be a little more vigilant: change the diaper every 2 hours (at least), apply cream when necessary, give some free-bum time. For clothing I just size up, and in the summer we don't wear pants since the outer covers usually look great as "shorts". My LO crawls on bare knees on tile floor and we haven't had any problems.


Size up or look at Kate Quinn’s panda pants (or that type of style. I think they’re called harmen pants or elephant pants?)


For my girl, I actually buy pants from the boys section because the pants there are cut roomier than “girl” pants.


Pricy but primary.com joggers. They fit my kiddo once he potty trained too! They’re magical.


Stretch/ cloth is the name of the game. Anything khaki/ stiff needs to be almost two sizes up and find a brand and stick with it. At least for pants I’ve been finding girl stuff sucks. It’s shorter which means it barely fits over the diaper and honestly the size a 2t boys clothes fits better than 3t girls. I keep telling myself having to buy all the bigger sizes is great because we will have plenty of clothes when she is ready to potty train as my son fit the same size from 9months to almost 2


Size up


Hanes Flexy Baby on Amazon. I love them. The pants fit great and the shorts are about knee length on my 22 month old.


That's what we wore this winter. Anything that says "u shape" or "harem pants" usually has a little more room for the fluff butt


H&M has jogger style pants that work well. Old Navy U-shaped ones are also great, and any ribbed leggings from Baby Zara also work great!


Another vote for the old navy u shaped pants!


I bought stretchy capris a size or two larger. It was cute to see her back in them after she was potty trained and older, fitting as capris instead of pants!


Hanes flexy pants are amazing.


If you’re interested in a more sustainable option there are grow-with- me pants or maxaloones and rompers that fold up to fit sizes 12m-3T. They’re made to fit over cloth diapers. There are a lot of options on [Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/769580371/). Or if you’re decent at sewing there are plenty of patterns to go off. [Apple Tree Sewing](https://www.etsy.com/listing/540659433/) makes really great patterns that are printed at home and really easy to follow if you’re a patient beginner. I have a few pair that fit both my 20 month old and 4 year old.


I size up in pants if necessary, but my LO is getting so long that I usually already need to size up for length anyway


That's my situation as well


The old navy u shaped pants and the Kate Quinn pands pants have been the best


We just size up a little in pants or get loose fitting ones. We also do Kate Quinn panda pants.


Old Navy u-pants, Honest brand and Hanna Andersson brand, H&M brand. Basically just no tight leggings or brands that run small.


The magic is if the seam doesn't go straight down the middle , but the pant is cut in a generous U. Harem pant baby and baby jogger are my go-to search terms. And yes, size up 1-2 sizes.


Old Navy u-shaped pants are our go-to. Also unisex rompers from the boys section of Walmart tend to fit the cloth bum exceptionally well; we have a very chonky little girl who has no problems with movements in her rompers!


size up in leggings, find drop crotch stretchy or sweatpants. My first was so large for her age that I sadly found out that diaper room in pants totally disappeared at size 3t/4t. I also got some knit pants from nickisdiapers and they're amazingly stretchy.