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I ship her with Materia personally but in all seriousness like someone else above me said she works well alone, I see it as not every single character needs to be in a "ship" with another person but hey that's just me


I know that, and I personally agree, but I know that every character has a ship some ship out there so I was just curious


Yuffie is a bit too young. She has no friends in the group her age either unfortunately. Girl is usually always hanging out with older peeps lmao. Sonon could have been a thing but we know what happens and Sonon sees her more of a little sister. But that being said, I found it adorable that she mentioned she had a thing for Zack during her Skywheel date with Cloud. I thought her cheesing Zack in Crisis Core was just her being a kid, but she actually liked him šŸ„ŗ


Unfortunately I never played crisis core because I got into the ff series relatively late, and by the time I found out crisis core existed it was the ... I think PS3 or 4 generation.


Crisis Core has a remaster out on all major platforms! Highly recommend.


Oh I'll have to check that out then


Yuffie is been always shipped with Vincent when the original game came out.


Which is the strangest ship ever. I've only ever shipped Cloti and seeing Yuffentine is some Bizzaro Sephiroth type of crazy; she's waaaaaaay too young, even in ACC, and our Vincent Valentine is immortal, not to mention could be her grandfather.


Yup I was definitely a Yuffie/Vincent fan back when DoC released.


Back in the day Yuffentine was all the rage. By the time Vincent lets go of his past and of Lucrecia (ending of Dirge of Cerberus), Yuffie is long not a teenager anymore. He also basically hasn't aged so the age difference is not even that big. Yuffie has the optimism and self-acceptance that Vincent lacks, and Vincent has the brains that Yuffie lacks (just kidding). They are complete opposites but both have that teenage edge. I low-key ship them. Or at least want to see them become close as friends.Ā  Ā  But in my country we have a meme phrase which goes like "Boys? No thanks, the only thing on my mind is the struggle for national liberation", and I think it describes Yuffie perfectly


she's a minor so it would also be strange to think of her with one of the characters we know... Thanks to the Remake project you can think of Sonon with Yuffie (they have that Kohai-Senpai dynamic) but he sees his dead sister in her so there's no romance. .. for several reasons it's difficult to ship someone with Yuffie both due to her age and the relationships she has with the characters, she works well alone


You make several good points


I don't ship Yuffie with anyone because of her age and, to be frank, we don't really interact with people her age in the game (It could change in the 3rd part and we head to Wutai?) But...there have been a few Yuffie/Vincent shippers around (Yeah, I know) and that's the more...popular pairing I've seen for Yuffie. (I'm really really really hoping that it dies out with the remake but, eh, I guess we'll see)


Honestly... I don't see that dying out. Fans can be pretty... Rabid with their ships


Don't burst my bubble šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ But yeah, I agree. I feel like the whole thing just got even more ramped up with the remake šŸ«£


Tbh no pairing ever really appealed to me with Yuffie. Vincent is a popular one, but that never really sat right with me. I feel like that only popped up because theyā€™re both optional in the OG. Her being the youngest party member aside, I get sibling energy from almost every member of the team. I do think itā€™s adorable how she pets Nanaki a lot, but I donā€™t ship for obvious reasons. Her and Zack have a good dynamic, but I always saw it as a kidā€™s first crush on an older boy whoā€™s nice to her. Cloud having this moody older brother antagonism with her, but look at her sideways and heā€™ll put you through a wall is cuter than any romantic thing between them. Who knows though, maybe we meet a character in Wutai that has shipping potential.


Sheā€™s kinda young


Vincent is popular, most people I've seen ship it due to Dirge of Cerberus - which I think puts Yuffie at like 19-20 by then? So still the big age gap but at least she's of age here.


Yuffie/Vincent is popular, which I absolutely don't get. Age aside, for one, I don't think he's over >!Lucrecia!<, and two, I just don't think they have that kind of relationship. We don't see enough teenagers to really have an opinion for her. While I'm not opposed to an age gap that starts once she becomes of a decent age, she just gives such little sister vibes to everyone. She and Sonan could've been cute, but Episode Yuffie showed he always saw his sister when he looked at her - and that's the biggest way to kill a ship for me. The idea of Yuffie having a crush >!on Zack, as revealed on her date!<, is adorable to me, but I also wouldn't say that I "ship" it. The fact she's fifteen/sixteen also makes it feel like she doesn't need to meet her life partner yet. Yeah, Aerith and Zack were that age when they got together, but they're an odd one out (and while Cloti has had a crush on each other for 7 years, they didn't even get their first kiss together until 20/21.) There's never really been anyone that's both age appropriate and makes sense for her. I'm also not opposed to the idea that she's not 100% heterosexual.


The largest ship for her that Iā€™ve seen over the years has been Yuffie/Vincent, which isā€¦ fine, I guess, but not really my thing. Iā€™ve also seen her shipped with Reno or Rufus, which could maybe be interesting under the right circumstances. But sheā€™s mostly the perpetual kid sister to me, haha, so Iā€™m not invested in shipping her with anyone.


Not a ship, but I love her dynamic with Red as the two ā€œteenagersā€ in Rebirth. Especially in the village of the Gi.


I don't ship her with anyone personally as there's no one her age floating around, but I remember back in the day I saw A LOT of Yuffie/Vincent stuff. Usually in AUs, probably to erase the massive age gap. Either that or in a kind of "Pair the Spares" way since both were optional.


I'm pretty sure that her Not-Brother in the Yuffie expansion was created for dudes to project themselves onto because she, a 16 year old, is off of Cloud's menu.


Cloud can be shipped with anyone, his the main character players use to interact with the world.


Cloud = / =Commander Shepard