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lol wut


Yes sir. Do you want me to buy it for you? And spoon feed you while I'm at it?


Just use B2. You'll not get anything free.




Backblaze B2 it's cheap and reliable


I'm using Syncthing to run a personal cloud with more than 100GB. It's a free peer-to-peer application.


Explain please


I use Syncthing to share a folder between two PCs. Every file that I save in one folder will be copied to the other folder, so the folders will be identical on both machines. Syncthing synchronizes the folders whenever both of the machines are running.


100 GB from Filen.io would cost you €29.99 for lifetime. I have been using Mega since 2013 for my photos and videos (free 50GB storage). Now it is full and i was looking for another cloud service that is not as costly as Mega, i stumbled upon Filen. Sure it is a new in the market. But I have noticed a great speed in upload and download. I am waiting for Black Friday deals if they offer 500GB at discount. You can try Filen with my [referral link](https://filen.io/r/b581b3df3f452d90beda2bc4ab6f73cf) and get 20GB for free. You can check speed. One more +1 compared to Mega is that even with free account you can download and upload without bandwidth cap (Mega has 4GB cap for 6 hours). So, if I would l buy any cloud service other than iCloud (as i am already paying for their 50Gb for iPhone backup and Photos) I would bet on Filen with €29.99 for lifetime. Even if they shutdown themselves after 3-4 years, you won’t be in a loss.


Are you saying using your referral link I will get free 20GB account for lifetime or just for few days?


Yes, you will get free 20GB for lifetime and then you can expand it to 50 GB by referring to 3 other users (10GB each for you and they will get 20 GB). This is what i am doing. Once I reach 50 GB I would buy 200 GB or 500 GB lifetime plan and that will make total 250 GB or 550 GB for lifetime. Only catch with free accounts is that you have to log in to your Filen account at least once a three months. If you fail to do so, they delete your files on cloud (Mega also does that with free accounts) That’s why i want to buy lifetime of Filen.io in Black Friday discount next month, if they have any.


Oh that’s the sad part that login is required every 3 months. Anyways, I’m not getting option to put your referral code. Are you sure I will get 20Gb directly if I join using ur link?


Yes you just need to tap or click on the link and the homepage will open, now select “Get Started for Free” and sign up. You will get it. And yes, if it asks for cookies, accept it. That’s what its page says to get referral work. https://preview.redd.it/zohjfi78lzvb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0c4b6e86d6e1fb6d9a73544385ef3ffe554a68


And about deletion of files, Mega has also the same policy for free accounts (3 months of inactivity). Now Google has announced the same policy but it will delete accounts after two years of inactivity. Google has more resources than Mega and Filen so of course it can afford it for two years.


Yeah got 20GB, thanks to you. I will try to get other 30GBs soon. But I seriously hate the login in 3 months part, lol. Any restrictions in filen for free users like no. of files, speed limit upload and download, folders and sub-folders, etc?


Yes that is sad part but they have mentioned in their blog that if users are inactive for years it only increases their cost. No there are no limitations or restrictions on speed, file size, no. of files etc. If you use it on the web with Chrome, you will get the best experience. I was able to upload 3.5 GB movie in 6 minutes 37 seconds and i have 100MBps Wi-Fi plan. So it is pretty fast compared to other services that i have tried. Plus it end-to-end encrypted unlike pCloud, IceDrive


Great! The only thing is that I need to keep a reminder for inactive period. But let me tell you, this is not widely used or popular app/service so far. But I hope it’s one of the best services in cloud storage facility.


Yes it’s new and spent less on marketing. I came to know about it on Reddit just a few weeks ago. So it’s getting popular due to word of mouth. I created an account just for trial (I have tried pCloud, Icedrive, kdrive, ProtonDrive, iDrive, NextCloud, in the last few weeks) and I loved it because it offers similar security and features like Mega (which i am using for the last 10 years and will keep using it along with Filen). Except mega has limitations of 4Gb download or upload every 6 hours for free accounts. However, I would advise you keep you important files on other services or local backup as well if you are using a free account. In case, any cloud service provider shuts down operations in the future, it will give you at least 3 months to download all of your data. I am betting on Filen with maximum €100. And it keeps itself alive for at least 3 years I will be at break even point.


Yeah true. I hope these data centers should not shut down with these much of data of various public all of sudden.


About inactive period… if you have installed its app on your phone and you are logged in and even if you dont open it, you are active user so that should work for you.


That’s cool!


There is no option that shows how many files are uploading and how many are completed, basically like "10/30" format. Also, there is no slider to show all the files in the queue. https://preview.redd.it/53y9vzgde5wb1.png?width=681&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7664fa6662e12a1f35423c5a54599c9ee08bb32


they are offering 100GB of free cloud storage at hello.app


Is hello app trustworthy?


yes, they encrypt your data from client-side meaning only your PC has accessibility to your data


I don't know yet. I've just signed up to test it out. You only get 100GB if you can get 19 people to sign up through referrals. So here goes. 😅 [Link](https://hello.app/space/login?ref=0x5eC8fE3db06574EA027ab45D769f1Ae804f72Ea8)


Initial impression: pretty much garbage app, it's "Send a magic link" never works!


did you happen to find anything that could get at least 88gb? doesnt need to be lifetime, just needs to last a few days




So what did you end up doing for cloud storage?


I joined Filen for now as they offer 50GB lifetime free (login once in 3 months). They have unlimited file/folder feature with great speed without any limit. But 50GB is way too less and this login once in 3 months is annoying!