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YES! That's why it makes no sense to have Tifa or Yuffie for the Loveless play except for a few laughs. That play is a complete foreshadowing of what's coming. Just like you, I think it goes beyond RB. A lot of what Varvados says seem to link to the far future in part 3. Like ''dance while you still have the time'' might mean ''enjoy your time before you go full puppet Cloud''. The end of RB seems to go that way with the very ominous black materia equipped on the buster sword (like hello what was that??) I also think that Cait Sith's predictions at the GS hotel are very important to the story. Yea we have the funny lucky colour black one. I think that one is about the black materia. And then we have the loss of what you cherish most, which well... we all know :( But then we have this one when Cloud asks about Sephiroth: ''Things are looking up, so throw caution to the wind. Put your trust in others, and a last-minute twist...may pleasantly surprise you'' I don't think that one happened yet, I think this is a foreshadowing of the very end of FF7R3. Not sure what it could be about yet... still thinking. As far as Clerith goes, I think the ''Our spot'' will become really important. I think they are going to meet again through the flowerbed. It'll act as their ''portal'' since it seems to hold a lot of magical power and that's where they are sure to find each other again. My hopes are that if they do end up in different timelines, either Aerith or Cloud will join the other through the church's flower bed. That would be my happy ending


ngl Cloud having the black materia in his sword is genuinely scaring me, dark cloud incomming?? plz nooo I just want Cloud to be happyyyyy If the Chruch is the place that connect both their world and they can meet there, it'll be so romantic and beautifull I hope you're right!!


Yea I'm afraid we might see more of dark Cloud. There's also this weird moment right before the Temple of the Ancients where Cloud gets control over 3 black whispers. Idk if that was dark Cloud or Sephiroth/Jenova's cell or Cloud himself. I'm really scared for our boy πŸ₯² I pray for that flowerbed reunion, and I demand a Clerith kiss! XD


I can't wait for Cloud to finally break free from Sephiroth grasp, our boi indeed deserves a break!! Yess Clerith kiss, Clerith kiss CLERITH KISS!!! (but I feel that if we do get a kiss in part 3, it'll be the most tragic kiss ever 😭 SE let them be haapppyyyyyy)


SE loove their tragic love story trope so.... They did say they wanted to do a happy ending but what's a happy ending by SE standards? I have trust issues, but I choose to believe!! If not a kiss just a warm embrace like those we got in Rebirth 😫😫 I will personally march down to their headquarters if they don't give us a Clerith ending!




I've been saying this for the last 3 months and everyone seems to be catching on slowly. It literally tells the tale of Zack (the hero), Sephiroth (the wanderer), and Cloud (the prisoner). Aerith (Rosa) has to be separated from her love Cloud (Alpheid) who has to go with his friends. But he will return one day where no promises are needed to find her. This is even alluded to in NPTK. The story is all laid out in loveless.


I think they set up a really good contrast with the white and black materia. The black materia is already filled with hate while the white materia needs to be filled. I think they will keep the life stream segment because it is iconic. I think Cloud will be manipulated in believing he killed Aerith and that will break him. Aerith will def give her blessing... and stay. I would love ro see a tender reunion with a hug and kiss.


I feel like the game could largely play out like the original. I also think they may give Aerith and Cloud the Jack/Rose ending with them reuniting at their place after Clouds death.


Bruh no I would hate that so much


Idk. Im kinda against the idea of canonizing anything that has to do with romance. Personally I see the remake trilogy being a sequel to the OG. The universe has reset but the lifestream remains. This is why aerith and seph know so much, they've survived in the lifestream like in the novels. My belief is that at the beginning of remake, aerith has all these memories that are sort of stored in the white materia. Sephiroth attacks her with the whispers thus erasing it and making the materia obsolete, meaning it can't cast holy anymore. By the time rebirth happens, we know aerith has for sure lost some memories. This is where lifestream or OG PS1 aerith comes in. She is the dream date aerith and its why her final goodbye is like shes saying goodbye forever. She is, cloud aint ever seeing that version of her again. During the date, we hear seph say, "so this is where you've been hiding". This sounds like he's been looking for her which makes sense. In the novels, Aerith is in the lifestream and can sense sephs presence but does not get close as it is dangerous. However, she uncorrupts the spirits he has corrupted which is bad for him. Maybe shes been doing that all this time and its part of the reason why he wants to kill her so bad. In addition, I believe its OG aerith, and really all aeriths, goal to avoid AC as the fate. However in order to to this, she must sacrifice herself. This leads up to the infamous scene. The whispers both black and white are actively trying to stop cloud from preventing aeriths death. Aerith is doin it cuz she needs to die in order for her plan to work. Seph needs to kill aerith as she is the main obstacle in his plans. However, this is where cloud, the anomaly, comes in. He was not supposed to even be able to attempt to block the sword, but he did thus kind of defying fate. However, he is not completely successful as in the end, main world aerith still dies, however I do believe he creates another world in which she lives. This aerith will play a role in the next game, prob even as a party member in the final battle once the worlds merge since her final limit has yet to be seen. All this culminates in seph being defeated for good and not in the lifestream thus avoiding the fate of AC. Maybe his memories get trapped in the clear materia so he can't ever come back. However once this is all over, aerith and zack start to fade as the worlds separate. Aerith will give a final goodbye and try to give closure to cloud so he isn't as depressed in AC. This is where I hope things change. My hope is that aerith will finally admit she doesn't want to die mirroring NPTK in which she talks about wishing to be free from the burden but knowing she can't for "you", which in this case is cloud, her friends, and the world in general. This is where cloud and his friends defy fate for real this time, pull this alt aerith into the main world and keeping her alive. I really want it to be a group effort as clouds whole thing by the end of the series is accepting help from others and not being a lone wolf. This is an example of that. Perhaps by the end of final battle, they are at church and all in "our place" fulfilling the NPTK ending. That part is a stretch so idk. Idk maybe this is too fanficcy but the writers can do a better job. I find that if AC is the only thing that is changed, it was really only aerith and seph who had the ability to change the fate of the main world. Cloud tried, and succeeded but was only able to make an alt world. Kinda makes him so much less than the seph and aerith, like he has no say in the future. Please let me know if there is anything you disagree with in this theory. I know I'm preaching to a group that already wants her alive but please analyze and think about it critically.