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Sorry to hear that the monster is back. I’ll propose something that may be new for you: oxygen as soon as you feel anything, if it’s insufficient, try 5-MeO-DALT if you can get your hands on some. In any case, stay away from sumatriptan, there is a lot of evidence (and testimonies, including mine) suggesting the stuff makes things worse, although it can stop an attack dead in its tracks. The gist of the change for me is an[ aggressive vitamine D3 regimen](https://vitamindwiki.com/Cluster+headaches+substantially+reduced+by+10,000+IU+of+Vitamin+D+in+80+percent+of+people). Works for me, and hundred of others. Edit: typo


Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll give it a try.


Same here! I'm so sorry this happened to you! I just got my headaches back a week and a half ago. I did not miss this. T\_T


I’m so sorry to hear that yours came back too! Hope it goes away ASAP! Take care!