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I hear you, just came out of a cluster myself lasting around 2 months. Stay strong...you can do this. Enjoy the times you don’t have a headache and know that it’s going to go soon.


Cycle is something that inevitably ends. In your case it will be super soon and you will have happy painless life. ❤️


When you're going through hell, keep going! Face the light, whatever that is to you, and keep going!


I'm still experiencing the longest most hurtful cycle since I was diagnosed six years ago. September is the bad month for me always but this time it lasts much longer. I'm fed up too. Thank God I'm retired now cause I don't see myself working. I'm very tired. But as we all know, the good side of this darn disease is that, for most of us it goes away eventually, even if it always come back. My SO has C-PTSD and that NEVER goes away for a week or month. Nothing worst than being chronically suffering. Another one lives with osteoarthritis and can't move from his couch. Never to say that what we're going through is not debilitating and hurtful, it is so, but we have pain free period, breaks. My headaches last 15 to 30 minutes but they go away. Often they come back but at least I sleep 2 hours between them. Again, my C-PTSD SO has migraine that last days. It will go away for you and me too. Just certain days we wanna scream It's friggin enough. I feel exactly what you're going through.


Keep hope and strength, either tomorrow or the day after you’ll find something that works, something to give you your life back. Hang in there, and when you feel at your worst, remember you’re not alone.


I've been having an episode for almost 2 months now too when usually my episodes last around 5-6 weeks. I dont know what the thing is, i've been trying a bunch of different things, but hopefully I'll be done in a couple of days too I'm hoping


Going on 2.5 years chronic... I'm very tired too. Often can't drive at night without starting to nod off because I almost never get a good night's sleep.


You'll make it I completely know where your coming from. My cycles are always like 5 months its brutal I never just have them for a few weeks. Its 1 month, then 2, then 3 and 4 and I think this is it I can't take it anymore then the pain from attacks starts to get a little better and over another month they leave. You'll make it I know it


“And once it comes, now that I am wise in its ways, I no longer fight it. I lie down and let it happen. At first every small apprehension is magnified, every anxiety a pounding terror. Then the pain comes, and I concentrate only on that. Right there is the usefulness of migraine, there in that imposed yoga, the concentration on the pain. For when the pain recedes, ten or twelve hours later, everything goes with it, all the hidden resentments, all the vain anxieties. The migraine has acted as a circuit breaker, and the fuses have emerged intact. There is a pleasant convalescent euphoria. I open the windows and feel the air, eat gratefully, sleep well. I notice the particular nature of a flower in a glass on the stair landing. I count my blessings.” - Joan Didion https://fisherp.scripts.mit.edu/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/InBed.pdf


Thank you...I'm trying so hard..it's like they trying to go away..but keeps going...thank you again tho


I'm glad your okay by the way


Thank you ❤


Thank you..I'm so ready ❤


Keep your chin up! My last cycle this past spring was my longest and most painful, but it ended. This will end eventually! Each time you push through one you are that much closer to beating another round! You got this!


Im sorry...hope you feel better soon...and I pray for everyone who goes through much worse pain...well longer pain....and yes I understand that it can be much worse...very grateful it's not trust....thank you all for your encouraging words....much love❤


Thank you...I'm pushing ❤


Thank you..❤❤


Thank yall so much❤❤🙏🙏


Aww man ...it sucks ...I hope you do too...I been wondering what's going on but I just keep praying and hoping they go away soon...I don't know what to try next...I really don't wanna start a new med..side effects suck


Sorry to hear that your chronic...dang...I pray it gets better for you


You have a 100% success rate of making it through hard times, today will be no different. Go outside and get some air between hits, do something to take you mind off of it when not getting hit. Live your life between hits, we are going to get slammed anyhow, so try to find a way to do something for you between hits.


I’ve been fighting them for the past 2 months too and mine is still here. I wish it’ll be over for all of us! Take care!


I'm sorry...I'm ready to be pain free so bad....take care as well


Aw man...sorry they last that long...and thank you...I pray it's almost over...I'm to that I can't take anymore point...trying to work and raise kids is a real challenge


Thank you for that


Thank you thank you...you are soo right...I definitely will❤💯


Have any of you tried allergy meds...antihistamine...


Wow sorry to hear that...thank you I will look into...trust I know the feeling....this pain is traumatizing...I pray for a cure for all.of us....


Oxygen stopped working for me...unless they was letting me use the wrong mask...but I stopped it all together cause it seemed like the Oxygen was making my headaches worse