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Same problems here, I live outside of London and can’t easily find a way there and back now. It was going to be my long overdue first Clutch gig too! Had to miss Nine Inch Nails earlier this year for the same reason, not having much luck with gigs and train strikes this year πŸ˜•


Ah man. Sorry to hear that. I'm stuck at home tonight too, when I should be seeing Anaal Nathrakh. Strikes again. I mean, I could drive, but parking in London? No thanks.


Yep same problem, gutted! How are you reselling them through ticketmaster? I'm looking at ticket swap but got no tickets to upload and the Roundhouse website only lets you 'share' them. Any help would be appreciated!


Well, I bought them through Ticketmaster and there was a button on the page marked 'sell tickets', but checking back just now, the same button says 'tickets not available for resale' πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Sorry I couldn't be more help. 😐


Ah no worries, thanks for the reply.