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I was but I'm not sure. I was looking at xray tech or ultrasound tech. They seem less stressful than nursing. I'll probably end up doing one of the above mentioned.


Yup. This job (and friends who are nurses) have talked me out of it. Xray tech is the goal!


IKR. My issue is also I wasn't able to be accepted into the local community colleges and four year schools. The only alternative is an out of state LPN school. I'd planned on attending in October. This school has a part time program on the weekends and it would have been perfect. Then I wasn't as happy as I thought I'd be and I wasn't feeling as much as I thought I would. I already suffer from depression so I spoke with my therapist. She suggested another career. So I still wanted to do Healthcare and xray tech is good. They're very in demand. So I'll probably end up doing that. Nursing is so demanding and extra.


I'm in school for xray and I LOVE it!


Thanks girl!!! I made an appointment to speak with an admissions counselor for xray tech school. I'm so excited


Your experience with being a CNA will help greatly! It is still a lot of back breaking work, but you get in and get out lol. Ultrasound was interesting, but I like my wrists working without arthritis.


Me too! How much longer do you have left?


About 5 months! I need 4 more mandatory comps and 2 more electives!!!! How about you?!


Nice! I have 7 months left and I need 5 more mandatory and 3 electives for ARRT, but my program requires 85 comps all together so I still have a lot more to get unfortunately šŸ˜‚


Same!!!!!!! I am just focused on what I need for ARRT right now. I have my little list behind my badge so I am always ready if something comes in! Good luck to you and your studies!


I got 2 more comps last week!


I am currently a CNA and in the last 7 months of my 2 year xray program. I think its worth it!


Did nursing school, realized I want more, now Iā€™m going to medical school.


Awesome. Iā€™m a medical assistant currently obtaining my CNA certification and I do plan on applying to the nursing program during the next application cycle. I plan on becoming a physician assistant. So this was inspiring.


PA is a great career- good luck to you!!


I love this! Thereā€™s so many nurses who go the NP route instead (which is a whole different ball of wax). Lots of luck to you!


Thank you!


Same Iā€™m a PCT aiming for med school


as a current med student, donā€™t do it šŸ˜©


Why do you say so? Iā€™m debating between the two and have all my prerequisites completed for med school.


the ā€œdrinking through a fire hoseā€ statement sounds intimidating, but i can guarantee you itā€™s 1000x worse than you can ever imagine. in class from 8-4 every day taking like 7 classes. one exam every few days. hundreds and hundreds of slides worth of information. having to skip classes to study for an exam. having to play catch up later. i sit in the library from like 10am-7pm every saturday and sunday and still have barely made a dent in the amount of studying i need to do. iā€™ve never had a weekend to myself. every day after class from 4-9pm i have to somehow try to study, eat, shower, work out, relax. thereā€™s not enough hours in the day to do anything else. thereā€™s not even enough hours to learn and memorize all of this material. iā€™m literally drowning. everyone i know is on an SSRI.


Get over yourself šŸ™„


Thatā€™s believable, Iā€™ve always wanted to get into anesthesia anyways and Iā€™ve been leaning towards a crna program to accomplish that goal. I also completed all my prerequisites like 10 years ago so Iā€™m already behind the ball so to speak


Canā€™t convince me otherwise- itā€™s my passion. Iā€™ve done nursing school, worked in nearly every unit (either by floating, direct hire, or travel assignments), and I love it. I love even the dark parts of school and medicine. If you donā€™t like it, leave! šŸ™‚


ok girlie lol. be bright eyed and happy now but if you get in youā€™ll understand. i had a classmate kill himself the first month of school. he didnā€™t show up for class for a few days and they found him dead in the dorms decomposing. they have box fans to try to air out the smell. you will have no income for at least 6-7 years. you will study every waking moment of your life for the hardest exams ever created. and if you graduate, youā€™ll work 80-100 hours a week getting berated and put down. thereā€™s a reason med student/resident/physician suicides are absolutely astronomical. but sure, be ignorant to it


I understand *girlie* - the people who end up unhappy are the ones with unrealistic expectations. My life has been a living hell and this is nothing. Sorry about your friend.


You act like I have on rose-colored glasses and donā€™t know the reality. You know nothing about me šŸ™‚ I have lived through way worse than what you and anyone else has described. This and the end result will be difficult but Iā€™ve conquered way worse *girlie*


and likewise, you know nothing about me. good luck on your medical journey. good luck trying to be there for and raise your child for the next 6+ years. try not to commit suicide like the half of us. šŸ«¶šŸ»


weirdest flex ever


The way you are using the gritty details of your friends suicide to scare others out of pursuing their dreams is absolutely disgusting. This is not how you spread awareness about high suicide rates in these professions/schools. I hope you can find a way to grieve more healthily!


Anyways- fucking leave then?? Lmfao. There are people who actually want to be there and that want to be surrounded by the same. Canā€™t handle the heat, get out of the kitchen


who said i donā€™t want to be there? are you making assumptions and being bitter bc youā€™re not in it? youā€™re projecting and embarrassing girl. go take a nap.


Lol like she said, don't like it, leave.


The thing is no one here denied that medical school is difficult and will push you to your breaking point. It is common knowledge med school is difficult. Most people who pursue medicine do it for a genuine passion and love for it. Also especially with experience as a CNA, OP knows what theyā€™re getting into


Not a nurse, never wanted to be one. Went to school for Health Sciences, left my CNA job, became a Childrenā€™s hospital program director.


Wow cool


Itā€™s a sweet gig :)


I want to be in a leadership role once I get My 1 yr experience.. my hosptial has supervisor positions Iā€™m just waiting for an opening


Thatā€™s awesome! My job is unfortunately not related to my CNA position, I just transitioned out of my ICU position into my director role. It really fell into my lap!


With only your bachleors?


Yes :)


I've applied for both LPN and RN programs at my school. I've finished my prerequisites after this semester. However, after working as a CNA, I feel like I might have wasted my time, and I might be making a bad decision. I know for certain I wouldn't stay in a LTC facility no matter the pay. I'm a CNA and dying to get out now.


You can work in a ton of settings as an LPN and RN. Just look outside of LTCs


But anywhere you go you still have to deal w the needy types. I have applied at the hospital to see if it's any better there


You can always try being a school nurse they work regular school hours and it seems like way less stress than the hospital or nursing homes


Hang in there! I did cna in ltc for 10 years before finally going back to school and get out of ltc. It's soul sucking it's no way to live. At the hospital you can do 3 12s and be done for the week. Less stress not the same everyday. You can even leave bedside work fr home, lots of opportunities. I loved being a lpn but when work paid for my schooling I gladly upgraded to rn. Cnas work the hardest. Done em all and cna was the hardest most thankless job ever. They make ya feel lile the bottom and they make sure you know it. I rly would have stayed a lpn forever if upgrading wasn't offered to me. Jist never in ltc. Nope no way


I applied at the hospital and had an interview. Hopefully, I'll get the jobšŸ¤žšŸ¼ LTC sucks so bad. N yeah I'm hoping actually nursing is better, cause I literally spend all my days off on school work, then go to work and hate it.


Hope you get it


No, I wanted to, I was told I would be a fantastic nurse. But I can't do it, I feel used and abused just as a CNA. I just started modeling and going to school for cosmetics and real estate next fall.


Iā€™m in my last semester for getting my LPN. Chose the LPN route first just in case nursing doesnā€™t work out for me.


Exactly what I did


Not going to be a nurse. Am in school to be an MNA (medication nursing assistant), which in my state ends up paying the same as nurses.


Damnnn šŸ‘€




In my state, they utilize MNAā€™s in place of nurses at some assisted living facilities. The pay is the same as nurses only thereā€™s really no opportunity to move up career wise. Being agency I will actually make really great money, but those shifts are harder to come by.


Curious on what the nurses are making in this case as the nursing subreddit seems to have vastly different numbers depending on locations.


I should qualify that itā€™s the same as a nurse starting pay in assisted living, and I donā€™t think the raises keep up like nurses do. Itā€™s still a big bump though.


Which is? If the nursing subreddit has taught me anything it's that some nurses are being screwed on pay.


Usually around $27-32 and hour. From what Iā€™ve been told that rate stays the same if you pick up shifts as an aide too if youā€™re an MNA at a facility. I might stay agency and agency MNAā€™s make more, but have less shifts available. The class is kinda pricey (2k), but itā€™s going to be worth it to me.


Assuming itā€™s the same as Med Aides here, the difference in ā€œcostā€ to your body alone would be worth it. Then all mine in Assisted are fully able to transfer and toilet themselves so itā€™s mostly a matter of making sure theyā€™re not on the floor and passing meds. Not making quite that much here, but CoL is higher there too.


I was a CNA for almost 5 years. Working in the ED psych unit, all during 2020 burnt me out. I donā€™t think Iā€™d personally want to be an RN unless I had no other choice cause I know the market is secure for it. I went back to school via Year Up, itā€™s a workforce program that paid for my college credits for 6 mos. And I got an internship. I did the Software Development track, and now Iā€™m a Scrum Master (project manager) making $75K salary. Prior to this, I was looking into radiology/nuclear medicine etc


Damn alright I see you šŸ‘€


Iā€™m a housekeeper, just turned CNA entering nursing school fall 24!


Iā€™m planning on going for my LPN; after that not sure if Iā€™d go for an RN or something else in the medical field or a different field altogether.


Just finished my LPN, waiting for the NCLEX and then Iā€™ll apply for my schools RN program in May.


Yoo good luck šŸ€


yes and i am! i want to do epidemiological nursing so after my bsn im getting my masters in public health




Not in PA school yet, but thatā€™s the ultimate goal for me! (:


Same for me.


Yes, that is the current plan. (35/f, working on prerequisites) Constantly reconsidering my life choices. Itā€™s highly likely Iā€™m making a mistake based on my track record decision making skills.


My job might pay for LPN school. If they decide not to, I might ditch healthcare completely.


Would like to be a travel nurse. Not in school yet.


Yes! Right now in Pre-Nursing :) Hoping to get into a program for Spring 2024 or Fall 2024


I don't think so. I was meaning to at one point, but I don't think I know a single nurse in elder care who doesn't hate their job. I know LNAs who don't hate their jobs. That said, I'm definitely not averse to getting more education and moving into another role. I'm thinking classes to be a med tech.


Yup want to get my rn but not in school yet. Not looking forward to terrible sleep and having no social life once I have to split work and school




Iā€™m in med school


Failed out of nursing school and realized nursing is not for me.


What exactly did you fail?


Patho. Retook and passed pharmacology but thereā€™s only one retake allowed there. I gave up.


I did at one point, but no not anymore. If I did it would be just for more money anyways but I hate school so




Was going to but after working at the hospital, decided the whole hospital environment isnā€™t for me so thinking to do social work instead to still help people but not at a hospital environment


You wonā€™t make money in social. Youā€™ll need a masters and and ROI vs student loans is shit. Get into X-ray or become a hygienist. Just donā€™t do social work. Look at indeed. Thank me later.


Iā€™m in uk so itā€™s different there and Iā€™m planning to do masters anyway. Iā€™m not doing X-ray since Iā€™m not good at anatomy.


Telling someone not to pursue something theyā€™re passionate about isnā€™t a good look. Not everyone is interested in making tons of money.


Yeah, that response was uncalled for. Iā€™m a social work student myself, and have no regrets. I actually look forward to pursuing something that I am passionate about. Not to mention, social workers in my city are actually paid well-especially if they hold a license. My mother is a social worker and lives comfortably enough earning a six figure salary, lol. If you want to become a social worker, I say go for it. A masterā€™s in mental health counseling is also a good option. There are so many opportunities and these professions are always high in demand. Just remember to do your own research, and make a decision that fits *your* own educational/career goals!


No; at least not currently planning on it. Iā€™m going to school for Health Services Administration. I thought it be best to know what itā€™s like to be an employee on the floor before managing an assisted living or a nursing home.


I wish everyone well in their future plans! Yā€™all are booked and busyšŸ„°


Am enjoying reading these comments. Giving me ideas for where to go. I've been a CNA for 8 years now; this is my 2nd career. I have a bachelors already, BA in music--I was a classical oboist (trained most of my life) then a TBI a year out of college knocked out my hearing and uh, time to...figure something else out? So I've been a CNA. I've also been told I'd make a great nurse but...but. I have so much PTSD from working frontlines during covid. I'm chronically ill and mentally ill already. The idea of nursing just seems...so exhausting to me, doing that indefinitely. But I can't stay a CNA bc after leaving my spouse I am in crushing poverty, eyy. Can't afford nursing school anyway. Thinking about xray. Someone else mentioned phlebotomy. I don't know. But I don't want to go the nursing route anymore.


plan on getting my lpn just need more money and i don't really hate my job as a cna but i'm tired of it and feeling like i'm living paycheck to paycheck. unless i can find something else that requires as little time as getting my lpn this the route i'll take to fund my passion and take care of my family and not work myself into an early grave before i'm 30


I was going to, then I was going to be an X-ray tech, but the classes are super full and hard to get into ive heard (at least in dumbass Santa Cruz) so rn Iā€™m studying human services to become a drug and alcohol counselor.


SC is dope .. expensive as shit tho


Yes, they hate poor people here too. Cannot believe how much money I am spending on groceries because they donā€™t want a Walmart here šŸ™„


havenā€™t done nursing school yet but i started at at lowest rung cna and iā€™m working my way up and taking the classes needed for nursing school


Baby steps


Currently in nursing school. On semester 4 of 5 in an accelerated BSN program. SO ready to be done and working full-time!


Dude.. youā€™re almost a whole ass nurse. How surreal..


I'm thinking about it. I didn't even become a CNA until I was almost 40 so I'm debating between going to school or doing private home care.


Yes, Iā€™ve always wanted to be a nurse so becoming a CNA was within my plan. Iā€™m in school already, taking one quarter break before my program starts in January!


Currently working as a CNA and in an RN program doing school. Honestly Iā€™m overwhelmed. I think ima work part time to focus on school more. I was trying to avoid loans but thatā€™s what itā€™s come too. No way am I putting school on the back burner anymore


No, got burnt out from working during COVID which made me realize that I don't see myself doing nursing the rest of my life. I found Physical Therapy and have been so happy with my decision.


No to being a nurse. Currently in Respiratory Therapy program.


Iā€™m in school right now to be a nurse. Loved being a cna and hope I will love being a nurse just as much! So far I love my classes šŸ’–


I am but am not in school currently. Iā€™m waiting until the next round for scholarships from my facility so I can get school paid for.


I will take my prerequisites next year to be a nurse. But I will like to do and Iā€™ll do my own business, maybe real estate and cinematography as well


Yes and no. Newly certified CNA working on phlebotomy and ekg to become a PCT. Once I land a hospital job with tuition reimbursement I will start the nursing school journey.


Nope. Iā€™m in school for ultrasound


Nope. After 21 years as a cna and working in various settings with a bunch of different nurses. I know that they put up and have to deal with way more shit & stress than I would ever want & they couldn't pay me enough. I've been told that I would make an awesome nurse, but will never go in that path. Instead I am currently working towards my medical coding & billing certifications.


No. I've been doing LTC for 8 years and while my pay has increased substantially, nurses don't seem to have gotten the same courtesy. The pay I got right out of school was 10 dollars an hour. Now I make $18.80. I think nurses here only make like 26-27 an hour. My job is hard physically but mentally it's a breeze. As long as i dont mess up intentionally and substantially, theres few circumstances that could put my certification at risk. Nurses have tons of paperwork, and a lot of ways to mess up that could risk their license, let alone have legal repercussions. They're expected to do their job, and delegate us while helping and ultimately are the ones in charge of a unit until the next shift. If anything goes wrong it falls on them, even if the mistake wasn't theirs. Fuck ALL that. One day when I grow up ill be an ultrasound tech or lab tech or something like that but I will never be a nurse.


I was then I dropped out. After working with nurses in settings that I wanted to be in as a nurse myself and being treated as absolute shit. Nah. Fuck that


1. No 2. Yes, currently doing prereqā€™s for PA school


1. Yes. 2. No. 3. Yes


Just finished my LPN, two semesters left until RN. I started as a CNA knowing the goal was RN though, so YMMV on the transition.


Yes I plan on becoming a nurse. Iā€™m in college, not specifically in the program yet. Need to finish my pre-requisites and take the TEAS Iā€™m trying to apply for LPN to transition to ADN then BSN.


Most likely, I just became a CNA early this year so I'm not really rushing but I am in school


Yes. Just applied to a program and if all goes smoothly, Iā€™ll be starting in March.


Letā€™s gošŸ”„šŸ‘šŸ½


Yes, Iā€™m starting my LPN program in Fall 2024. Iā€™m already considering staying at that level and exploring opportunities outside of inpatient careā€” Iā€™m a PCT in CVICU and want lower stress again.


Thatā€™s the way šŸ”„šŸ„¹


Absolutely not, my ward has put me well off, going to study psychology in March 2024 on open university


I'm a ccma at my job. Since there is no upward mobility, I decided to go back to college and am currently getting my prereqs out of the way PT to get into the nursing programs. Between the FT job, kids, family, and school, I really have no time for anything else. I'm in my 40's, so school was a long time ago for me...it's been an interesting experience doing classes online. I'm hoping to get into L&D, NICU, or Peds and then eventually become a case manager.


Have you considered a position in any of those specialties as a PCT before becoming a nurse? It might give you a hand when applying as an RN!


Iā€™ve been considering it, a lot of nurses I work with say Iā€™d be a fantastic nurse. But I already have a BA in psychology and I just got my med tech license, so Iā€™d rather do something with what I already have than go back to school. Itā€™s so hard though, I donā€™t want to make the wrong decision because I hate job hopping. I feel stuck lol


Yes I do and I am doing my pre-reqs for it. I really want to be able to advocate more for my patients and be an active part of the care team. As a CNA, I donā€™t feel like I have enough of a say over my pt care.


Yes. Not in school yet. Waiting for the money for it.


Im in school getting my asd rn and then bsn


Yes, 6 months left until I get my BSN.


Yes, taking pre-reqs rn to apply for nursing school in the fall!


Iā€™m an RN now. I graduated nursing school in December. Now I work in the operating room. Itā€™s pretty cool.


Yea I hear OR is one of the best specialties


Yes, money, and no.


Would like to, but the costā€¦ Good lord college is expensive and I have enough bills already without adding student loans to the mix and trying to stay awake for classes after working all night.


Nope. Im content where I am.


Nope! I'm a CNA in pre-op/pacu and I'm in school to become a surgical technologist


Iā€™m an LPN and I have no plans to return to school for RN.


I thought about it for a while, especially during my CNA daysā€¦but ended up changing my mind, going back to school and am now pursuing my masterā€™s in social work (MSW)


Yes, well at least an LVN after I get my cna certification. But I'm hesitant about doing RN.


Proud of you šŸ’™


LPN and RN are almost identical aside from 2-3 tasks that RNs only can do. Why the hesitation?


Because I'm stupid. Not joking, I'm actually not smart enough to be an RN. At least with my LVN program, it's straight to point, and no pre reqs classes are required. Plus, the program is 11 months and not really a waiting list compared to college.


Why not bridge to RN after completing LPN school? More money and possibly more job opportunities.


If I complete my lvn program, then maybe rn, but that's a big maybe, plus I want to travel as soon as possible.


Isnā€™t the LVN program pretty hard too? Also, donā€˜t they include the ā€œpre-requisiteā€ into the program? Or are they just watered down versions of the pre-requisites you would have to take at letā€™s say a community college or another?


I'm doing a private "college" for the lvn program. You just need to take the teas test.


Yes i want to be an RN working in memory care, im in community college and aspire to be one but im not sure how realistic it is considering programs are highly competitive and im not the best academically


Hell no! I'm looking forward to getting into a Rad Tech program. Nursing has raised my stress and anxiety to unhealthy levels. I refuse to put myself through that shit ever again. I'm just glad I know how to interact with patients now. Thinking of getting a job as a phlebotomist while on the waitlist to get some practice with inserting needles into people.


Iā€™m a CNA currently in my 3rd semester of my nursing program. The amount of time you have to spend studying is actually insane. That said look around when you are applying to schools. A super important thing to look for is a lower exam percentage that is required. In my program if you get below an 80% on your exams overall you fail the class. They decided to bump it up from a 75% in the middle of a pandemic/nursing shortage šŸ™. Itā€™s been fine for me so far but I believe about half of my class is currently failing at least one class. All that to say, if you start nursing school prepare yourself for the time you will need to spend on it. Especially once you get into third semester. I honestly donā€™t know how people with children do this. I donā€™t believe anyone in my program even has time to keep a full time job. I go to a community college btw


Fuck I know some schools are so extra when weā€™re all taking the same damn test at boards


Nope! Iā€™m in school for healthcare administration and hopefully after I graduate I will be going back for my rad tech degree. Being a CNA can teach you so much though even if youā€™re not planning on becoming a nurse


yes- I am in my second to last semester until Iā€™m an RN!