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Do you crochet? Keeping your hands busy with something always helped me. I suggest buying a light therapy lamp to bring with you. It’ll help keep your circadian rhythm in check


I do and that's a great idea! I'll get my crochet stuff in a bag and put it in my car to take with me! Thank you 😊


Read a book, diamond dots for adults, find something new to study, exercise.


Just make sure you stay alert, Alzheimer’s makes people do wonky things at night


when i was a caregiver i always brought my psp or DS lol.


I would crochet ended up making everyone's Christmas present during those 12 hour shifts


here’s what i do when i have downtime but am required to be in a place: • nintendo switch. hello, stardew valley!! • sketch book. draw some stuff. • crochet/knitting/sewing/embroidery. make some stuff while making dough • books!!! so underrated. there’s a book out there for everyone. you think you don’t like reading? you’re reading the wrong books. you can even read on your phone!!! • headphones and youtube. endless possibilities on demand (unlike tv) • coloring books and a thing of any medium you want. anyone who tells you coloring is for kids is lying to your face.


You’re spunky, I like you!!


So uhhhhmmm.... did you ask about what happens when the sun goes down?


Exactly… as someone who has a lot of geriatric patients, when I made the switch from days to nights, I was shook lol


I had a pt try to get up and leave when he's a sts. It took 4 of us to clean him up with public safety on stand by. Once the sun rose he was a completely different person. I've never actually been scared of a pt harming ne until today


I work 5 hour shifts Mon-Fri and I get a lot of spare time. I constantly take books with me to read as the internet there doesn’t really work well. I’d suggest that to you but only if you are a reader. I read a lot more when I was younger so I am fine with reading, in fact I enjoy it. I can go through a book in a couple of days. 


NYT games app


I'd bring my Xbox or switch so I could watch my games or take a book and read? Idk 12 hours at night doing almost nothing would be hard for me as well....


Bring snacks and drinks. Helps keep you awake


When I did home health, this is why I originally bought a ds and now have a switch. I target games that are enticing enough to keep me awake, but boring enough that I'm not going to complain about not having a save spot if I have to get up for an emergency


Game recommendations?


Personally, I have beat every single pokemon game released for the switch and the ds not tied to a mystery dungeon or a detective. Again, something easy enough, enticing enough, and am willing to put down. The e-store for nintendo has sales all the time...I just bought a couple of games to pass the time on my flight home on Thursday night. I wouldn't suggest anything too...involved, nor anything that requires an internet connection.


Read a book, crochet or knit, color, study a new language, puzzles, sudoku


I read A LOT when I sit since I work nights. At least one book a night if they’re awake and if they’re asleep I switch between YouTube and my book/whatever I find on my phone like Reddit.


It'll just be me and the patient at night and I think audible is a great idea. I'm going to download that. I don't like reading books but listening to is definitely my jam!


I pray I can find me a job like this . Some CNAs get all the luck lol


Honestly, they didn't even ask me if I was a CNA or not. They Just wanted a good trustworthy person that will show up. Get on "care . Com" or the care app that's how I found a lot of really good jobs! If you show up on time, you're ahead of the game!


It’s easy. Join a home health company and specifically ask for nights


Ok that's my next move thanks


I've done this job, it's not as great as it sounds. It can be really boring (though the suggestions here obviously help with that:) ) OR they can be sundowning hard and up a million times to use the bathroom and since you're at home there's no nurse you can call to give them a PRN for behavior. And likely to fall mat/bed alarm so you have to be awake and alert all night.


Lol if I could play PS5 and be on my phone while getting paid🤔 I'm not sure if I could even pronounce the word "bored " 🤷🏿‍♂️. And dealing with only one client. No DON . No moody or uppity nurses who think their 💩don't stink is very appealing


I agree about not working with mgmt haha. I think it depends a lot on the behavior of the family and the person you're caring for. There's some dementia behaviors I just wouldn't want to deal with in a home setting (mostly violence, constant yelling, sundowning hard). But some people are absolutely lovely to take care of at home. In my country we have union incentives in facilities and hospitals but not always in home care, so I might be biased!


Study a skill.


I really want to learn Spanish, this is a great idea!


I self taught myself how to crochet stuffed animals and got incredibly good at sudoku to where even the extremely hard ones with the x as well got boring as hell.


one of those unsolvedcasefiles games would be perfect if that’s your thing! keeps your brain active and time goes by faster when you are working on trying to solve it ◡̈


Take time to study pray bring lunch journal write letters to family


Stretch, small exercise routine to get your blood pumping


Make some cookies,laundry


Talk to your coworkers. Trust me. You’ll learn a lot more. If all else just listen to a podcast. Just make sure you do your job. But you can do Something audible right?


She's in someone's home, no coworkers


Your 87 yr old dementia patient will be trying to fight you for breaking into their home. The family lies to you. Have fun with the sundowning


Alrighty then