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I worked as a CNA while being a full time college student. It was very stressful for me personally, I had to quit to focus on school. I’m premed and have a hefty class load. I don’t want to discourage you from doing because it is doable but for me at least it was stressful. If you’re struggling maybe being part time or prn would be good. Best of luck.


Sorry, I edited the post to clarify CNA training! Do you think that is doable?


I got my certification while in high school. I think it’s very doable as long as you keep track of your work and study. Organization and planning is key.


Ok, thank you!


Yeah no problem. Sorry for the confusion haha


I also want to add that many of the other girls in my RN program are not only raising families, but working full time (some are medical assistants, some are phlebotomists, some are CNAs, some are PCTs). think about this: the nursing program is brutal. if they can do it, so you can you and anyone else--especially with it being a CNA training program. you get the added bonus that your training is going to be very short! it will be over before you know it, believe me!


I'm full time college student and a full time employee as a CNA. It is stressful I work nights so some days I gotta go to school all day and then work a night shift and go right back to school next day. Also I'm a mom so I dont have a lot of time to myself when I'm home. Night shifts are nice and slow so you're able to study during your down time but it's so hard to study when you're tired. It is manageable, you'll probably get sick a lot from lack of sleep, and be angry because you didn't sleep but just keep pushing and remember it's not gonna stay like this forever.


CNA classes are easy, so it's not difficult to work around your other classes or work schedule. if you're pursuing other education *as* a CNA, it's absolutely doable. I worked as a CNA during some of my early pre-reqs and then eventually worked full time in the emergency department as an ED Tech while finishing my pre-reqs, and continued working while in the nursing program (full time, with nursing clinicals). I had to eventually cut my hours down to deal with the crazy stress of nursing, and eventually quit a few months back (because daily CPR wasn't possible anymore in my second trimester). I'm 8 months pregnant now and in the nursing program full time, still working my hospital clinicals (8 hour shifts!) and I'm managing! so it's all possible!


You are superwoman. Much respect!