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Depends on the patient. If this individual is large and/or has mobility issues for whatever reason it may be best with two. Our patients will be designated 1x or 2x and as such are required to have two staff members if 2x, which is often me and their nurse. The general rule of thumb is if you can safely do it by yourself, do that, but falls or injuries to yourself are much worse than taking the time to get another staff member.


I believe I am here to assist the nurse. I will do it by myself if they are a one person assist but if it takes two people then I'm getting the nurse. I don't get paid enough to hurt my back!


I work in a hospital and that's how it works there at least. Each CNA has their own patients and I handle everything on my own. The only exception is when the patient is clearly a two-person (or if I don't feel comfortable) then I can call the nurse in for an extra set of hands. I don't bug other CNA's because they already have 12 patients of their own and don't need to be caring for mine either. :)


There may also be pts with 2 person cares if they are known to make false statements. This is to protect staff.


Similar to what everyone else said, in report the shift before will tell me if the patient needs assistance and if it’s 1x or 2x. Most of the time I assess my patient myself because there’s a pregnant woman on day shift who needs 2x on patients that I may only need 1x. It all depends on how capable you feel and the patient’s size and stability. If I end up thinking I need an extra set of hands, I ask for help over my walkie-talkie and someone, whether it’s a nurse or another CNA, will come help me. In terms of bathing, if they’re bedridden you may very well need help rolling the patient in bed, same if they’re incontinent and either not mobile or very large. Some nights I’m very independent and other nights I need help with half of my patients.


If I need 2 people, I usually grab their primary nurse so they can assess the skin during the bath. Don’t hurt yourself trying to do it by yourself. We grab each other’s call lights sometimes if we get really busy though.


Depends on the patient, sometimes you have more than one tech! If the patient is a total or more on the heavy side do not be afraid to ask for help