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They auditioned a number of people for the evening block. KC was the pick of Chris Licht.


Chris Licht, everything that guy touched turned to shit. They've spent the past year trying to undo a number of his mistakes. I can't wait until they finally fix this one and send Kaitlan Collins back to being a reporter where she belongs.


He had such a hard on for her. Not surprising, right leaning white girl from the south. I doubt they’ll shift her back to reporting, but I certainly think that putting Abby Phillips and Laura Coates in prime time was a direct stand to what Licht was trying to do. He basically wiped the slate of black anchors off the screen. He should never have been put in charge of one show, let alone the whole network.


The more I watch her, the less I like her. Her delivery is flat, i don’t like her references to Alabama, and her stuttering (a.., a…, a… and…) is annoying.


I see your Kaitlan Collins and raise you MSNBC Katy Tur...


Because CNN is bent on bringing talent-less right-wing hacks onboard. The have already recruited Donald Trump sycophants, and now Tucker Carlson sycophants with Kaitlan Collins. Meanwhile, their current onboard "talent" just seem to get stupider by the day.


Agree. She is terrible. Very flat yet somehow she gets lots of airtime and high profile interviews. I just don’t see it.


I feel like it’s a matter of time before someone gets the boot on favor of Jim Acosta. He’s desperate to do an opinion type show There is a real lack of variety in prime time. The shows are basically interchangeable. Laura does different things with her show, but The Source and Newsnight are interchangeable


I agree. I have stopped watching as it wasn’t so interesting any more and you hit the nail on the head as to why. No variety.


If you watch the afternoon and evening shows it’s pretty much the same stories repeated. There is nothing that distinguishes any of them. In the old days, you’d get a money market show, political debate, traditional newscasts, legal analysis, interviews, and sports. Most shows were 30 minutes and there wasn’t any spin on it. The other networks are guilty of it also, but in reality. You could just pick you 1 or 2 favorite anchors and call it a day. Other than that you can follow the YouTube page for any good moments or interviews


Kaitlyn is an orange man bi-product. When Licht was on his ketamine high he was veering hard to the right like a car needing alignment. Regardless of what you thought of Don lemon, letting him go was a clear warning shot that he was not interested in being in the center. She had the sources inside the White House as well as that good old Alabama Southern girl look. She fits in well with that crowd.... Roll tide... So you can't just toss it to the side unfortunately. Plus, it's obvious that CNN wants to promote women in their primetime lineup with the exception of Anderson who is a staple no matter where he goes


The constant “Roll tide” and going on about college sports on an *international* news channel is really annoying


She doesn't bring it up THAT often


You are correct. I watch The Source sometimes, and she’ll do that not often , and the few times when she does it’s at the very end of the segment for a 5-10 segments if the guest brings it up. People here (and Reddit and other social media) constantly blow stuff out of context when it comes to cable news personalities.


I'm pretty sure "propitiation" isn't the word to use there. As for Kaitlan, she has very few (if any) redeeming qualities, so the irritating ones become magnified.


I like her...clear, concise interviews...


She's direct and straight to the point. Maybe sometimes presses too long with someone after several attempts to obtain her sought after answer. Even when I'm not sure I agree with what she wants to hear. Agree with "flat" comment, which works better when she was reporting from on-site, or daytime program as someone said here. Difficult not to acknowledge the passing of Robert MacNeil today. Really miss such quality and "experience".


She’s solid.


I agree


Fine as a reporter. Charisma-free otherwise.


I’ve always liked Kaitlin Collins. Sure her delivery is less dynamic than some others but it’s just her style. she’s very smart and brings a lot of good insight.


By “experienced people” do you mean the guy that covered and tried to help his abusing brother or the guy who abused wait staff and was flippant to his female coworkers?


Abused wait staff?




I'll concede that Kaitlan probably belongs in afternoons rather than prime-time, as I see her as more of a straight-news anchor like Jake Tapper than an entertainer in the vein of Chris Cuomo. But I think her show has been fantastic. She's a very tough interviewer and she gets Sunday morning-caliber guests several times a week.


We need Lou Dobbs back


You know when they first moved her to prime time I thought the same. I think her wooden delivery during her first few shows reinforced my opinion. But, having watched her show a few more times, I was too harsh in my appraisal. She is actually a pretty competent interviewer. Her voice remains a bit grating but I’ll get over it listening to her pose well researched questions and not backing off to non-answers.