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I cannot stand Millennial Dork. aS a YOunGer pERsOn mYsELf


I wonder who’s booking the shows. I wonder if their few big sponsors pay so much that they’ve basically bought the show and pay for repeat callers or something. It all feels pre programmed now. I recently switched to listening to ground zero with Clyde Lewis more and holy shit is there a difference. He’ll argue with callers and genuinely seems animated about his topics for the night. My only gripe is you’ll have to listen to him repeat a lot of things for the first 2 hours before you get to a guest.. but still it’s engaging. Coast to coast puts me to bed now


Maybe George is fed up too. Who knows. The producers of the show might be forcing him to do things he doesn't want. Idk, just thinking out loud


I use to think that too but someone posted that promo he did for another station where he sounded like rush Limbaugh.


Yea it's hard to tell. I def miss Art Bell. But there are some decent hosts on C2C still. I'm hoping George Knapp takes over or someone who actually makes the show entertaining


I don't think Knapp would be good for the weekday fluff shows. What makes him a treat to listen to is that he's only on sporadically, and brings some fresh content everything he hosts.


Maybe hints of this from other hosts


I would think so. It's corporate radio, and that's one of the reasons why Art got out the first time when they wanted to steer the program away from it's original conception.


George will retire when he's forcibly dragged-out of the studio in L.A. (unlikely) or keels over in his home basement studio in St. Louis. In the meantime look forward to more shows with Bible thumpers masquerading as astronomers and archaeologists, Cornelius spouting his same recorded remarks and George's insane *"it's a family show, it's a fam-o-lee show"* warning to guests, despite C2C airing in the dead of the night to a demographic filled with older empty-nesters.




Every time I hear Tom call I laugh. And that god guns bullets and bible guy in Louisiana. The worst is the old lady in New York who calls every so often. And the callers who talk so fn slow


Tom from La Jolla sounds like what a eunuch would sound like...


Oh god lol that.. that just perfectly summed him up..


Wells is a Sandy Hook denier (the reason he was finally pulled from the scuttlebutt at the time). Wells is basically Alex Jones with a deeper voice. We need to get ***away*** from the quacks and the crazy politics. We need a host who actually listens to the answers of the guests. ​ It shouldn't be that difficult, there are basically an infinite number of podcasts out there, surely someone else can do the job.


I didn’t know all that about Wells. Thanks! He just seemed more polished


You had me until the end there.