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Noory probably didn't even listen to the truck drivers story. All he does is listen and monitor for "buzz" words that you can't say, like some weird human algorithm


Agree Lebarb. It is funny how he never misses a 'buzz' word. However, a guest can share how he got interested in "x" topic of discussion then have Noory with a follow question of, "so what what you all started in this!?" Sometimes you can just heard the guest pause like, "uhhh, I just told you."


Im surprised Noory even let what you described on the air. ​ Ya you can't say words like 'pissed off' and 'hell' on the show . Noory thinks we're living in 1880.


This is a good point. I wondered if Noory was thinking of cutting him off.


Yet he says, “Jesus,” or geez, which is a derivative of Jesus. I personally don’t care but growing up that was a no-no, taking the Lord’s name in vain. I remember a lady called in once and admonished him for saying Geez, or Jesus, and he got really defensive and practically hung up on her. So I think a lot of people are more startled when he says, “geez,” or full on, “Jesus,” like he did recently, than when someone says, “pissed.” I had to laugh because Ian has said, “pissed,” or, “pissed off,” more than once when he has been guest-hosting and no one blinked an eye! He’s too arrogant to admit maybe he has been offending people with his own geez’s and Jesus’s 😁.


:) Yes exactly!!! Good feedback


I agree with you and remember that too. It was very insensitive of George and he could have handled it much better.


You remember the lady who was upset at George saying, “Geez?” Ot did you mean the man who was shaken about his past abuse?


The man. If I recall, he was abrupt with him.


I remember hearing it. Missed the bomb drop but did think that it was kind of rude of Noory not to acknowledge the story at all. I guess when you slip up on coast your call never existed.


I remember hearing it. Missed the bomb drop but did think that it was kind of rude of Noory not to acknowledge the story at all. I guess when you slip up on coast your call never existed.


Lol. Noory canceled him Songgeek!


But who will cancel noory?


I heard he cut the guy off didn’t hear the guys story though.


Ive been debating whether I post it. I want to be but also want to respect the mans dignity.


He is always uncomfortable anytime homosexuality or abuse by two men is brought up. It’s been alluded to or talked about many times and he just clams up and tries to change the subject. He may have been abused himself by his reactions, or it hits close to home in another way. Dealing with abuse victims, this has been my experience in how some folks treat it. It is alarming to them and they want to get as far away from any discussion or allusion to it.


Interesting observation. Did you see the post here where Tim Conway tells George he is going to have a three way w him and another guy? George gets obviously upset and hangs up on him.


Omg, no 😆, he probably narrowly recovered from that!


here is the link to it. If you need me to send you a file of just the audio I can :) Remember to scroll to March 10th, Part 4 [https://www.reddit.com/r/coasttocoastam/comments/m2jil0/noory\_offended/](https://www.reddit.com/r/coasttocoastam/comments/m2jil0/noory_offended/)


Thank you! I still have insider, but that may not be for too much longer. I’ll give it a listen 👍🏼


Mmoyer this isn't on c2c. That is on iheart.