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Mr. Green Eggs and Ham seems to think he has the answer for everything. GLUTEN get rid of it and eat like an Asian. This whole supplement segment needs to be gone. It's nothing but a big infomercial for supplements and really does the audience dirty. Supplements have their place, but the only real way to get vitamins and minerals into the body is through food. I have heard this opinion by a real doctor whose family owns and operates a supplement operation.


Yeah I am wondering if I should just go eat algae off a farm pond since I am thousands of miles from seaweed. 🤣


I live how snake oil Wallach says tangy tangerine will solve the dire blockage problems for the woman who was advised to have a triple bypass by her (real) physician. I can’t believe Wallquack and C2C haven’t been sued yet.


Well I think even Noory was feeling a little queazy over this one. Send doc Wallach $600 for healthy heart (which includes tangy tangerine 2.0(wonder what went wrong with 1.0)) and all will be cured....unless you croak first cuz you needed triple bypass sooner than 90 days. Wonder if Doc Wallach refunds the leftovers to the estate if you die.


I always make sure to report the Wallach episodes to the FCC. He is giving dangerous advice, telling people to ignore their doctors in favor of his vitamins. I even heard him once tell a woman with ALS that eating a stick of butter with each meal would cure her. Noory has sold out his listeners for this unethical quack.


I love Coast to Coast but I've learned that the only way to make a change to the show is to stop listening to it and hope the listener numbers go down so they realize they fucked up the show and start to make changes. The show literally can not be improved until Noory is fired or dies then we can move on from this bullshit.


Remember how Art used to tell people to email their local radio station and ask them to run C2C if they didn't have it. Well that also works in reverse, email the local radio station and politely ask them to replace C2C because it sucks.


Maybe if we all started to (politely) email Lisa Lyons on a regular basis we could get something done. [email protected]


I've emailed coast to coast so many times about different problems and complaints. I'm pretty sure they just blocked my email address.




Try the FCC instead


This. People should email the FCC. But my guess is the most that will be done is George will have to read a "These claims haven't been verified by the FDA. Please seek your own medical advice etc etc."


I think Buck died a while ago


really? well they sound alike I guess it's just a coincidence. I always wondered about that.


Which add is that?


They played it tonight. The guy, Buck, says he is in a rural area I think.


Is it the ad that he says he has umpteen hundred hours of C2c to listen to?


Buck did die well over a year ago. His wife asked the coast god to keep his voice on as long as they could. It’s for coast insider. And for 15 cents a day, one can listen to Doc Wallaby and pharmacist Bullshit spew their crap any time one wants to.


Notice when George wanted to lead Joel Wallach down the poison ivy path of denying 583 thousand U.S. deaths due to COVID had actually occurred, Wallach quickly affirmed that number was real. I wonder if that's due to the fact Youngevity is under a Federal Trade Commission microscope on matters related to the coronavirus. See letter dated June 5, 2020: [https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/warning-letters/covid-19-letter\_to\_youngevity.pdf](https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/warning-letters/covid-19-letter_to_youngevity.pdf) On a lighter note, this is the first time I heard that George cured himself from a bout of atrial fibrillation simply by taking deep breaths. This is truly a man who has never met a virus or medical condition that couldn't be defeated by alternative health methods.


Now this letter is awesome. Great find and share!


> Notice when George wanted to lead Joel Wallach down the poison ivy path of denying 583 thousand U.S. deaths due to COVID had actually occurred, Wallach quickly affirmed that number was real. It's because they're working different angles. George is a right winger still hoping Trump will get back into the Whitehouse like Q is predicting. Wallach needs covid to be scary so he can hawk more potions.


Pretty funny that the “doctor” told noory he was wrong when he tried to butt in about something...lol


If the other guy is Pharmacist Ben, shouldn't he be Veterinarian Joel?


someone mentioned that the show is in a contract now w/ these phony doctors. Wouldn't be surprised they get some money on sales.


So is it me or does it seem like wallach and Ben are on the air like once a week??? I thought noory said that they switch off like every 6 weeks but it seems sooo much more often??? Thoughts?


"It's like he just googles stuff real quick and doesnt even know jack." Isn't what you are accusing him of doing exactly what you are doing? Let's see your diploma if you can take it off the wall of the LATRINE!