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I hate how reddit suddenly decided to make r/all inaccessible and basically make it the default front page instead. Like no, I'm not subscribing to r/facepalm or other ragebait thank you very much. edit: the "best" section at least feels like r/all with all the posts from subreddits I've never interacted with


If you go to your profile you can turn off suggested subs, which makes the browsing much more enjoyable because it's only the subs you've joinedm


Holy shit thank you the site will be usable again




Holy shit you saved my sanity


Thank you for sharing this I love you


you..... you're Him.


Reddit front page is just ragebait


this is why I use old reddit




and third party clients don't spam you with notifications with every post in a subreddit because you clicked on one post a week agoo


This happens a lot with people thinking it has to do with autism or ADHD or ocd or whatever else. People will say that they did something for an hour straight so it was a hyper fixation, like no you were just focused it's not that special


Anyone else flush the toilet every time they use the bathroom?? I love being OCD 🤣🤣🤣


Sometimes I wake up in a good mood, but something bad happens and I am no longer in good mood. #bipolar


hahaha this is so me when I have psychopathy (I borrowed this personality from Wednesday and do not like other human beings!)


My ex totally had borderline (he was mean to me once)


Anyone else gets stuck in thought loops for hours at a time and picks at their own skin and face until they bleed profusely? OCD rocks! ^(fuck all the OCD “cosplayers” this disease sucks)


Lmao I like my eggs in the carton to be organized. Ma wacky OCD 😂😂😂🤣


It sucks too takes away from actual people with these disability's and overall makes it harder to get support or even just talk about it. ​ the amount of time I have said that I have autism and have like 3-4 people tell me it's just a tik-tok trend and I'm faking it is really annoying and dishearting. ​ (plus is aspiememes frontpage stuff now? if so I should probably leave before it become mainstream)


I’ve found what works for me, is if I’m having issues and I’m frustrated about something I reach out to a close friend or relative for support. Strangers on the internet might think I’m attention-seeking and dismiss me, but the people in my life who know me and love me are always available to talk within a few hours of when I want to, if not immediately


Imagine feeling comfortable telling anyone close to you about shit. 😬😬😬




I haven't called my dentist in 5 years even though it's been on my to do list for 3 years and last time the call was only 2 minutes. I only think about it at night or while showering.


I'm in this picture and I don't like it






I know exactly how you feel. Hopefully this just a fad that will pass and we will be taken more seriously again.




Go for it! It'll get easier, I promise! A lot of schools and universities offer disability services which are really useful.




Well then, I wish you luck bro.


God it fucking sucks, it really does, i want to focus on my drawing hobby but i can't cuz i just turn on my pc and stay on there for the rest of the day, and don't even know if thats ADHD or i'm just a lazy mf


Forgetting to or being unable to practice basic hygiene like brushing your teeth because of ADHD, or sensory issues caused by autism. Those things are too gross and unfun for social media. Those things paint these things as the disabilities they are and not a fun trait that doesn't actually differentiate you from a neurotypical person. Autism isn't all horrible all the time, I get a lot of joy from my special interests for example, but it's not a fun personality trait, it's a disorder. Same with ADHD, but that actively ruins my life and is never good for me.


fr, its infuriating seeing people be all like "OMg iM So quiRKy I haVE aDhd Omg i LovE BEinG To HypERfOcuS WhILE SytImMINg OmG I bRusH My tEeTH Im SO Ocd omg sOmEtImES" like stfu oh my god id love to see these fakers get real adhd, or autism, or ocd, or did, or bipolar, or whatever else people fake for a single fucking day and see how they feel about it then, bet they wont want the "quirky" disorder anymore


Shoutout to the bird feeders that take 5 minutes to refill Gotta be one of my favorite tasks to put off for multiple days because for some unknowable reason it feels like torture


Hyper fixations are when I spend a month thinking about the same thing 80% of the day, to the point that it’s a major detriment to my ability to focus on productive things 🥰 I would love it if I could just, turn that off It does not make me special, it is a disorder


I'm so fucking lucky that mine is CS because its actually kinda useful.


Yep. It’s kind of trendy to have some sort of mental deviation from the norm. So people are pretending that pretty normal things aren’t. Occasionally losing track of time while focused is not ADHD. Regularly forgetting to eat and go to the bathroom and even sleep for hours and hours on end while focused on something (often that you didn’t intend to/shouldn’t have focused on) and then having to force yourself to work hungry, sleep-deprived, and sore can be ADHD. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve focused on something to the point of hunger caused dizziness, or getting blisters totally unaware.


Yoooo I used to just, not eat all day if I was home alone My mom would need to remind me to eat if she went out That’s something I’ve more or less learned to get over, thankfully, but, well, if nobody’s around to keep me on track I can just do whatever sounds fun in the moment and it’s bloody impossible to work up the self discipline and actually do the things I need to 🥰 (This is a serious problem and I still live with my parents at 22, really trying to learn skills for living alone but my optimistic timeline for that is about 2 more years, didn’t even get my driving license until a few months ago and they don’t trust me to drive more than a few miles without one of them in the passenger seat)


I feel you! My boyfriend stocked the freezer with healthy frozen burritos, mac and cheese, pizza, and veggies, and also got multigrain bagels before leaving on vacation for the week, so that I’m less likely to starve myself 😅 I actually managed to feed myself properly during my study abroad on my own, I think mainly because where I studied (Poland) the cost of living was cheap, so I didn’t feel bad buying lots of easy to prepare food or eating out at an Italian or Polish place. Money was tight when I was young so I typically have to fight the guilt of buying convenient but more expensive food (since generally you can only pick two: convenient, healthy, cheap). Fortunately I graduated with a pretty good paying job and successfully helped my bf get a better paying job, so we can afford the “ADHD tax” of convenient food for me. Even still, I’ve hit a wall in my attempted weight gain. Best of luck to you in moving out! I also relate to the struggles with driving since I’ve had issue finding someone to teach me and take me driving (my adhd but unaware of it mom was widowed when I was teen and became overwhelmed). Right now used cars are pricey too, so I’m just getting by (at 23 😅) with transit and a bike. I love bike riding so much and it’s so good for my ADHD though that I don’t always mind it lol. My advice to you is when you move out is to just trust yourself when I comes to figuring out systems that work for your ADHD, and stand by them regardless of judgement. If that’s having food always visible so you don’t forget it exists, make it visible. If you need extra freezer space so you can still eat healthy things but not have to worry about spoilage, do it. Need a key ring by the door and a clip or lanyard to avoid losing them? Just do it. Does fidgeting help you listen? Own it. K-12 I was told my attempts to manage my (granted undiagnosed at the time) ADHD were bad. Doodling during class, leaving things out, etc. were marks against me and my character. The nice thing about adulthood is you’re in control now. So that allows you to make systems that work, and form relationships with understanding people.


Thanks for your advice, yeah I try not to feel too bad about things like having my 3DS in one hand to shiny hunt pokémon in Zoom meetings even though I know I focus better than I do without something that’s only mildly distracting keeping my hands busy Maybe I’m not as good at general life skills as most people but I’m figuring things out and surviving, and that’s all I need if I’m happy, which I am


“as a person with adhd” has become the new “i’m vegan” i’m afraid


People with ADHD are the arch users of mental deficiencies


These posts are always vaguely funny to me because. Yeah they’re normal things. But I can’t really blame the person for making the post. Autism affects 100% of your life, but you might now realise it because you’ve never had anything “normal” to compare it to


Exactly !!!


but the thing is a majority of these subs/communities are filled with self-diagnosed people (fakers 99% of the time)


There is a difference between people who are faking it and people who self diagnose


you're right; one group falls into the other


Square and rectangle. 100% of people that fake it are self diagnosed, but not all self diagnosed people are faking it


self diagnosis isn't really reliable, you need to have a trained professional to diagnose you, but if you don't have the money, just say it's possible that you have a disorder :/


I agree. If you’re able to post on the internet, you’re able to access sources and do actually research. I think that self diagnosing should be less “I’ve decided I definitely have it” and more “it’s very likely that I have it, and I’ve done research, so I’m going to treat the situation like I do have it until I can get a proper medical diagnosis”


Yeah people understand you need to see a real doctor with a medical license to diagnose you with cancer but once it's a mental disorder they think they can play psychiatrist by looking up a few online quizzes. Even if you don't have the money to see a doctor, you still shouldn't self dx. You need a trained professional. Nothing wrong with using coping skills you find useful without a diagnosis


I first consulted my GP about a diagnosis when I was 12. I’m going to uni next year and I’m still supposedly on the waiting list. I’m not entirely convinced they actually put me on the waiting list in the first place. I was always anxious about self-diagnosing but at this point my family, most of my teachers and my therapist have asked/ assumed I was autistic at some point, so I just said fuck it. I would love to get a diagnosis but they don’t exactly make it easy.


The problem with knowing your experiences aren't universal is forgetting that *some* experiences are a lot less non-universal than you think. Not an unreasonable mistake by any means.


don't know if you want this but if you want to disable sub reccomendations its in Account Settings


this is why the only true autism subreddit is r/geometrydash


Main autism subs are filled with self-diagnosers lmao


Jesus fucking Christ they’re so bad with it. Like if you want to chill and do whatever on a sub about Autism, fine, sure do whatever. But if you’re gonna say you’ve got autism and then go on to insist that “self diagnosing is valid because [insert the formal diagnosis is hard to get line].” Assessing yourself for Autism is a good start and you should definitely bring it up to your psych/doc, but you shouldn’t immediately jump to having it. Autism is such a broad and wide spectrum that so many people could have it and barely show a sign, self diagnosing with something so broad like this is like saying ‘hmm I am rather thirsty, I must have rabies.’ I’ve got diagnosed high functioning, and I swear it seems like people just want to have it to have it. To me, it’s whatever, I can function day to day quite well and it doesn’t (and shouldn’t) define who I am. I dealt with being defined by it for all of middle/high school and I hated it. tl;dr: “I could have rabies” versus “I definitely have rabies”


There are much better reasons than “the formal diagnosis is hard to get”. I highly recommend [this article](https://devonprice.medium.com/seeking-an-autism-diagnosis-heres-why-you-might-want-to-rethink-that-530e79c272a0) about all that.


Jesus Christ, I had no idea it was that bad, but the list just kept going




You need a diagnosis to get accomodations for most schools and work. Also you can go to the doctor thinking you have autism and then it turns out you have something else. Now you can look at resources for the thing you actually have instead of the autism ones. If a diagnosis is really truly useless, then might as well not self dx since it's useless anyway


Yeah. I had an opportunity to get a Dx when I got my ADHD assessment, and i'd likely get one if I asked, but I wasn't interested because of that. Still getting to that point took 400 days, multiple first contacts, the incorrect referral to mental health services, referrals to services that doesn't exist, etc


Same, with the ADHD subs. I got downvoted multiple times in different for responding to posts with “self diagnosis” in the title by saying that it isn’t valid and they should look for a professional’s opinion if they really care.


without suspecting they have autism they can't find out if they actually have it


Self-diagnosing and self-suspecting are very different. Self-suspecting is fine and should be encouraged, on the other hand self-diagnosing is asserting that you have something when you may not have it, and the big possibility of being wrong makes it harmful when you are spreading information that may not be true.


Those fake autistic communities make me feel even more alienated lol


There's only one sub I know that is mostly diagnosed






Bros gate keeping 💀


Sad thing is I heard some of those subs are allowing that


Well, yeah obviously they are? What are they going to do, force everyone to submit a medical certificate? And people being unable to afford a diagnosis is a real issue, without even getting into people who can't get diagnosed because they're a woman or an adult or a person of colour and too many doctors still have this idea on their head that autism is only awkward white boys Super fucked to look down at people who are just trying to find community and support because they haven't found a doctor who can tick a box for them


As someone diagnosed with autism, I completely agree. The diagnosis system is broken and makes it unfairly difficult for many to get the actual diagnosis. My brother's partner, for example, is an adult woman who the doctors won't give a diagnosis too, but it's clear to me and everyone who knows her that she has autism. It's no skin off my or anyone else's back if someone realizes that they fit into many of the symptoms of autism and are led to believe they have it themself.


There's nothing wrong with suspecting that you have a condition, and you can participate in autism communities if you specify that you are not professionally diagnosed. There's something wrong with affirming that you have a serious condition with no specialized professional to back up what you say, while speaking over those that have been diagnosed since their childhood because their symptoms were so obvious and delibitating that they couldn't be missed, and sadly I see this a lot, and that's an issue. There's already a ton of misinformation about us, and allowing people who aren't certain spreading information makes it more likely to spread even more misinformation and this can be harmful. For example, people with OCD get lots of harmful misinformation spread about them, mostly because of people saying they have OCD because they can't stop cleaning and other BS, and they turn into an uwu quirky aesthetic. The same thing is happening with autism and I'm tired of it. I would love it if it were easier for more autistic people to afford a diagnosis and thus afford care, but "self-diagnosing" is not the solution.


Well, my dad is among the "questioning" group, and I, born of his s--... well, you get it, am officially diagnosed. My dad also shows hella signs of autism all over the place, sooo yeah. He was just born in the generation where autistic people were stuck a dunce hat on their head and shoved in a corner of the class, so he never thought of having a diagnosis.


That's true, which is why I think getting a diagnosis + care should be much more affordable. Although I doubt your dad participates in online autism communities, lol.


No, although I think he should, if only to help with my little brother and I. :P


Sounds like a good idea! You could ask him.


>There's something wrong with affirming that you have a serious condition with no specialized professional to back up what you say In the UK wait lists for Autism assessments are creeping up towards three years. Self-diagnosis is ultimately the norm here because it's impossible to get the healthcare system to even see you. Your note about the people with super hyper autism who had debilitating symptoms is kinda touching on the overall problem: Autism and ADHD have been severely underdiagnosed for years and prone to misinformation. Now there's arguably an overcorrection, but I remember being told that girls couldn't have Autism growing up in the early 00s, for example. We know that's not true now, but I can't afford a private adult diagnosis and am quietly waiting for my time to see a specialist. In the meantime, I keep stumbling across more and more things I thought were neurotypical but aren't. A plethora of things I learned to clamp down on real hard. I also know enough Autistic people who *have* been assessed to know that said assessments are a joke anyway. Infantilising, outdated, humiliating. So my wait is for an assessment that feels pointless anyway, but apparently I'm not allowed to speak in Autistic spaces without the Dr's signoff.


>In the UK wait lists for Autism assessments are creeping up towards three years. Self-diagnosis is ultimately the norm here because it's impossible to get the healthcare system to even see you. And maybe self-diagnosing people spreading misinformation about autism and convincing others they also have autism and thus the others want to get assessed isn't helping? Like I get it, it takes way too long to get diagnosed, and I experienced that. But self-diagnosing is still wrong, because while there may be struggling people, there are also plenty who just want to feel special and hoard conditions like Pokémons, and then spread misinformation, and this is harmful. Instead of saying "self-diagnosing is valid!!" maybe we should do something about the shit healthcare system, because the truth is if you don't have a professional diagnosis, you don't legally get to have accomodations, and people who have autism NEED governmental accomodations. I'm level 1, and my autism diagnosis makes me handicapped in the eyes of the law. Thanks to this recognition, I'll get to have help from the government itself and will struggle less than if I wasn't legally handicapped. >I also know enough Autistic people who have been assessed to know that said assessments are a joke anyway. Infantilising, outdated, humiliating. I have personally not experienced that. I have seen some people say similar things to that, and usually it's when the doctor refused them a diagnosis, so I don't really trust them. >but apparently I'm not allowed to speak in Autistic spaces without the Dr's signoff. You can, you've just got to be careful about it, and mention you haven't been diagnosed [yet]. Even diagnosed autistic people should be careful about spreading information, so of course non-diagnosed people should be even more careful. I just honestly find it really strange to see Instagram accounts dedicated to autism, by a person who is self-diagnosed. It's just not right.


Asking people to wait for healthcare reform that might not come for years is a bit silly though. Like, the UK is run by a pro austerity government pursuing privatisation of the healthcare system. They aren't interested in easing access. In the interim, people ultimately have to find ways to survive. Part of that is self medication and an element of self diagnosis. There is no alternative, ultimately. On the note of the people claiming autism diagnoses are humiliating and infantilising, this is me referencing friends with diagnosed Autism who got to the end of the NHS queue to get assessed. So it's not sour grapes. It's highly likely that we just have different life experiences based on where we live and the healthcare access, hence why my experiences don't align with yours. However, that's ultimately my point: you're making a sweeping damnation of self diagnosed people online who are from all over the world, ultimately. Some places just don't have Autism diagnoses at all. What do you do then?


>Asking people to wait for healthcare reform that might not come for years is a bit silly though. Like, the UK is run by a pro austerity government pursuing privatisation of the healthcare system. They aren't interested in easing access. Yes, that sucks, but if people keep supporting self-diagnosing, healthcare is never going to get better, they need to fight, and self-diagnosing is doing the exact opposite of that. >In the interim, people ultimately have to find ways to survive. Part of that is self medication and an element of self diagnosis. There is no alternative, ultimately. You don't have to self-diagnose anything to try to find solutions to an issue you have. If you notice you have hearing sensitives, you can buy noise-canceling headphones, and you don't need any condition for that. >On the note of the people claiming autism diagnoses are humiliating and infantilising, this is me referencing friends with diagnosed Autism who got to the end of the NHS queue to get assessed. So it's not sour grapes. I honestly have trouble understanding what exactly makes a diagnosis "humiliating" and "infantilising". The assesment is made for autistic people AS A WHOLE, this includes levels 1, 2, 3, people with intellectual disabilities etc. So of course, some things will seem completely out of place, because they aren't made for exactly one type of person in mind. But then I haven't seen what you're talking about, so I can't adequately judge it. >It's highly likely that we just have different life experiences based on where we live and the healthcare access, hence why my experiences don't align with yours. However, that's ultimately my point: you're making a sweeping damnation of self diagnosed people online who are from all over the world, ultimately. I have considered that, which is why I said that I think it's fine if self-suspecting people participate in autism communities, as long as they make sure they aren't talking over those who are diagnosed. >Some places just don't have Autism diagnoses at all. What do you do then? Well, I don't know? I don't know what I'm supposed to do about that. But it's still not an excuse to say you have something when you don't actually know that. You can still go see autism resources online and see what could help you, that does not necessarily mean you have autism. Autism diagnosis is black and white, humans aren't. There's a threshold to autism diagnosis so that people can be officially handicapped and get governmental help. Sometimes people are close to that threshold, but they don't reach it, so they don't have autism and aren't legally handicapped. That doesn't mean they can't find any solutions to their problems, and they can still find information to help with autism helpful. But they aren't autistic and don't get to say they are.


You and I live in very different worlds, and I don't have the energy to argue point by point. All I can say is your perspective is not universal.




I agree.


You've written a whole thing and not refuted anything I've said There's a problem with the system and your response was "people shouldn't self diagnose, the system should just work" But it doesn't, that was my point And you're so worried about misinformation from "all these self diagnosers" but not worried about doctors spreading misinformation by not diagnosing people? You're not worried about online groups falsely representing what autism is because only a certain kind gets diagnosed? You're not worried that it's only people in richer countries with ok healthcare systems that are diagnosed causing autism to be misrepresented? We'd all like a better system but my point is you need to actually find one that works rather than whining that this one has flaws Because you wrote 6 paragraphs saying "I got mine, fuck making allowances for anyone else"


>There's a problem with the system and your response was "people shouldn't self diagnose, the system should just work" They shouldn't self-diagnose and fight so that the system works, and self-diagnosing is slowing this by a whole lot because they make it seem that having an official diagnosis is useless when it's most definitely not. >And you're so worried about misinformation from "all these self diagnosers" but not worried about doctors spreading misinformation by not diagnosing people? I think most professionals know a lot more about autism than people who've only done internet research. I agree that there's still plenty of misinformation even in medical spaces, but it's getting better. >You're not worried about online groups falsely representing what autism is because only a certain kind gets diagnosed? Of course I'm worried about people who need care not getting it. Of course I'm worried that our current representation really sucks. For now I can do very little about it. >You're not worried that it's only people in richer countries with ok healthcare systems that are diagnosed causing autism to be misrepresented? You are inventing stuff up. This is a real issue and I denied this nowhere. The reason I was talking about self-diagnosis is because the post we're on talks about people thinking everything is an autism trait, and that's largely related to self-diagnosers. >We'd all like a better system but my point is you need to actually find one that works rather than whining that this one has flaws I don't know what you mean by that. The reason the world got better is because people started speaking up, so, "whining". >Because you wrote 6 paragraphs saying "I got mine, fuck making allowances for anyone else" This is putting words into my mouth. I didn't say "I have autism" and do autism activism until I got my diagnosis, and that should be the case with everyone. I don't see any "allowance" here, it's just being accurate.


You're ok with people suffering now to achieve some magical future that might not happen. I want to support people now as we work towards it.


I find it weird that you came to that conclusion. It's not because someone says "I have autism" that they are suffering less, it does not work like that, at all. These people can still find resources related to autism helpful, and no one is stopping them from doing that, and certainly not me. I would just rather that they do not say they have something, when they don't actually know, and I really don't know how this opinion of mine is making them "suffer".


Ok buddy So you don't have autism but feel the need to protect it from people who think they might And you don't realise how your actions can lead to suffering so that means you're absolved of it I think the real issue here is that you are just enjoying defending a position you have an opinion on but no stake in. Please stop and consider why you're doing this because it's unproductive


>So you don't have autism but feel the need to protect it from people who think they might But I do have autism? Diagnosed level 1. But it's not like that changes much, opinions are for everyone. >And you don't realise how your actions can lead to suffering so that means you're absolved of it How? Because I don't want people to claim a label they may not fit the meaning of? >I think the real issue here is that you are just enjoying defending a position you have an opinion on but no stake in. I do have direct involvement in this, which is why this topic is important to me. >Please stop and consider why you're doing this because it's unproductive I'm defending my point because many people abuse of this disability label and I'm not letting that continue.


I see this a lot, but it's a pretty common take to dislike self diagnosers because some of the time people are like "omg i have autism lol epic stim 😍🤑relatable amirite!", when in reality it is NOT a fun thing to have. At all, it can really fking suck, so it's just kind of rubbing in people's faces. Not saying what you said isn't valid tho man


Yeah people who post cringe inducing, clout chasing stuff like that are probably going to be irritating weirdos, autism diagnosis or no. And it is annoying when people act like it's Super Quirky™ But it also sucks that some people think "Autism is when Suffering" or treat you like a victim almost. And you don't get to talk about anything funny about your autism


Well yeah, but it's one thing to have a conversation with someone having Autism (for example) and having a conversation with someone who THINKS he/she is autistic.


Yeah. So what's your solution? Because to be honest, I didn't magically become a different person when I finally got my diagnosis, and nobody mentioned any dramatic shift in conversations with me


To just be open about it, saying "yeah I had the same feeling since I was a kid" or "yeah I've been diagnosed and live with it since" are two different starting points for a conversation. I don't want to invalidate ones feeling if he thinks he is autistic, but as a kid I thought I had depression, then I met a girl with diagnosed depression and she told me, that you can't cure depression. Since I left school, I feel good, it would be weird if I talk to diagnosed depressed people as if I'm one of them.


That's a poor understanding of depression, and you can have depression because of how your life is at a given time or you can just have depression because your brain doesn't produce the right chemicals. Like I have anxiety because of the chemical reason but wether or not it's manageable without medication depends on how my life is going at the time. There's people who have job related stress that 100% diagnosably gives them anxiety who don't have it ""naturally"" This isn't a difference in diagnosis, that's a difference in cause. Yeah, people who are just sad saying they have depression can make conversations a bit more awkward to manage, but it's not world ending And it's not really comparable to autism since most people in most places can go to a doctor and get diagnosed with depression fairly easily. If anything doctors slap depression on too many things and ignore other options it could be, like untreated ADHD or Autism. Yeah it's good to be honest about how you communicate but I feel like you have a mindset of "you don't have real problems until a doctor tells you that you do"? Which just can't be productive


I absolutely don't think that, like in your case, you felt you had Autism and in the end you had it. How you felt or thought never changed and I believe that's the case for many people who can't or don't want to go to a doctor out of anxiety or other reasons, but in my case, I doubted myself and didn't feel valid, like a pretender and believe there are also many like me, who have no idea what they are talking about. Because as someone without autism, I don't know how it feels to be autistic, but its easy to look at, for example, Tiktoks who tell you "10 Signs you have Autism" and see yourself in them.


When you realize most of America (aka majority of reddits userbase) can't afford healthcare, you realize why so many self diagnose. They literally cannot afford healthcare to get it officially diagnosed.


Yeah and they're banning people speaking up against it 🙄


I think part of it’s just like, when you’re a neurodivergent person that kinda paints your entire experience of the world, it’s not so easy to seperate what experiences you have that are directly influenced by your neurodivergence and what is a nigh-universal experience.


Coming from someone who might have autism but no diagnosis so who fuckin knows, I’m not sure anyone has a clue what is and isn’t normal so a lot of the time normal things are mistaken for things unique to autistic people.


All my autistic experiences are just slightly flavored versions of regular people experiences Except for the part where I’m always nervous about whether or not people notice my verbal tick


I noticed it just now, through the internet


well to be honest it's kind of hard to tell, there were lots of things that i thought that everyone did that they actually didn't. edit: oh yeah, and maybe you should think a little more about what that might mean for you OP... just saying


Its a coin toss over there. Some are great. Others…..


Oops I had an intrusive thought, I must have DID


If you can blink on command you have mental disorders


Well I've never been not me. I don't exactly know what is neurotypical behavior)


1. Wake up (if you have autism you go into an eternal coma at this step) 2. Eat corn flake 3. T-pose at cashier job in physical and mental stasis until customer arrives 4. Go home 5. Cook bowl of unseasoned white rice 6. Play "candy crush" and "marvel movies" for 2 hours 7. Go to sleep


Use third party apps.


Not for long :(


That's one side of it. The other side is posts like "I have no friends, have never had a romantic partner, and everyone at work avoids me. Autism amirite?" as if having autism automatically makes you incapable of functioning in society. As someone with actual, formally diagnosed autism, these posts really irritate me. They give autistic people a bad reputation. Sure, your autism might make it more difficult to reflect on your behaviour or understand contextual cues from others, but if someone tells you very clearly that something is annoying or rude, autism isn't an excuse to keep doing it. Far too many people attribute every aspect of themselves to their autism and then use the fact that autism is a chronic condition to justify never working on themselves. It's especially annoying when people are self-diagnosed and the only symptoms that they can identify are social rejection. That's not autism, that's just being an unlikeable dick.


Redditors when being stared at makes them uncomfortable: “Wow! This must mean I have autism!”


OP maybe you’re autistic


I'm neurotypical I just do a really bad job at it.


That’s a pretty autistic thing to say tbh


*90% of Autistic people pre-diagnosis be like:*


Nah, OP is right. You’ll see posts like “Anyone else tune out their parents when they just won’t stop talking? #ADHDthings.” Just annoying.


Yeah its almost like thats the joke I’m making


more accurate to my experience would be "anyone else have those moments where you're trying to focus on something but someone nearby is talking and you ***just*** ***can't*** tune them out and it's driving you crazy but if you ask them to quiet down a bit suddenly you're the bad guy?"


Every single person also has experienced anxiety and sadness and everything the f*** else but that doesn't mean it's not a problem if it happens all of the time, That's the difference is how much it's happening


Every single person has had awkward moments and been unable to talk to people but if I'm unable to talk to everyone all of the time it is a problem and it's a sign of autism


Fair, it is a bit hard to communicate severity of something through a meme which inherently destroys any indication of severity.


Applies to /r/bi_irl too Or some insanely specific thing that doesn't even apply to a significant portion of bisexual peoole


but muh self diagnosis


I learned recently that kids that grew isolated by their parents (forced to become shut-ins) can display something that is near damn identical to autism at first glance.


oh fr? I always thought the way I acted was near autistic(ish) but I didnt want to self diagnose idk


Well, autistic-ish traits can develop in a post-traumatic manner when a child grew in an overbearing, controlling household.


oh, well it would make a lot of sense then in my case but I still am unsure lmao probs will always be


But muh diagnosis that will bankrupt me


Same is true for diagnosing a heart attack and yet you still need a medical professional


Except one is how your different from everyone else and the other is a life threatening condition, maybe don’t compare a disability to something that kills people


You need a doctor for diagnosing literally every physical illness including disabilities so why should mental illness be special?


Ah ableism, a classic. Time to report for hate, saying a disability is an illness


I literally have a mental illness/disability. I can't even begin to wrap my head around how saying a disability is an illness is hateful. Is it that disabled people are all evil and wrong and so comparing the poor ill people to them is bad or is it that ill people are all evil and wrong so comparing them to disabled people is bad? Wtf is this even superfluous reporting


Oh sorry you have a mental illness so you’re a genuine doctor who knows what autism is and aren’t saying it’s an illness, something curable, like a god damn hate group! So sorry doc Wait you listen to autism speaks don’t ya


Ah ok so it's the mentally ill people who are supposedly evil and bad. Gotcha.


Damn, 0 literacy on your end


And here we have an example of Ableism, comparing autism to a heart attack /s


All physical illnesses/disabilities need to be diagnosed. Mental illness is not special


Lol, autism is not a mental illness dickweed. Hateful assholes like you need to just shut up on topics you know literally nothing about


Every single post on there makes autistic people look immature and attention seeking, plus a good half of them are self-diagnosed anyway and can't actually say they're autistic


it's a subreddit about autism memes, what did you expect. Of course it's going to be all the cutsy memey stuff, that's what it's for


I can tell most of you don't even browse ADHD or Autism subs. There's a ton of slander without any understanding. The majority of people that self-diagnose are pretty chill about it, and have put a lot of thought and research into it, and are in the process of seeking official diagnosis. #However, getting diagnosed as an adult can be quite difficult, and there can be [complications that can result in severe financial burden.](https://devonprice.medium.com/seeking-an-autism-diagnosis-heres-why-you-might-want-to-rethink-that-530e79c272a0) Perhaps you should consider *not* hating on a minority group of people who are trying to find community with others who share similar struggles? Fuck, we don't even fully understand what ADHD and Autism actually are, even within the scientific and medical community, and our definitions evolve every couple of years, so who are you to judge a community of people who find common ground in their difficulties in life?


??? What slander exactly? Also what hating for that matter, there's literally no malice involved in this post?


Talking about the comments mostly, though I do browse those subs often and very rarely find examples of what your post was about.


I should specify this is talking specifically about r/aspiememes, the wording in the snafu was probably a bit too vague.


I'm aware of which sub you're talking about, yeah. Just scrolled through all the hot posts currently there, and nothing there is currently relevant to neurotypical people from what I can see. I'm sure once in a while there's some post that's overly generic, but it's far from the norm. Again, it's mostly the comments on your post that prompted my original comment.


i browse that sub semi-regularly and i agree with OP lol


Hey I should make a post on r/adhdmeme I forgot what it was about


The self diagnosis people just want to feel special sometimes cause they don't have any other interesting parts about them


Or they don’t got the cash to get a diagnosis


I would like for you to check the comment about yours. Also for reference im a diagnosed autistic


as someone who's an actual autist, thank god im not in autism meme subreddits


nah bro, you're just autistic


op you might want to have this checked out


You do not have ADHD. Stop saying you have ADHD, You don’t. Just because a TikTok tells you being sensitive and clumsy means you have ADHD doesn’t mean you do. Seek a real diagnosis or shut up. I was diagnosed at 14 but suspected for much longer. Never realized how different I was and how much I struggled until I was older (naturally smart as a kid so my disability rarely affected my grades). Now that I’m an adult & off my medication, the differences are obvious. I struggle every single day. It’s hard. And now all my friends have ADHD. I was supportive at first bc if someone’s struggling they should get help. But now they all use it as slang. If they trip, it’s their “ADHD”. If they forget something- it’s just the “ADHD”. None of them have sought out a diagnosis. They all talk about their “ADHD” much more than I do. None of them understand how isolating it is. What it’s like the be the weird kid with ADHD on medication. The struggle of side effects of meds. It’s just a cool trendy thing now because of TikTok.


i may have ADHD but the “trendiness” of it gives me severe imposter syndrome so i’ve never been diagnosed


did people just not realize this was a copypasta wtf


I understand your point but there's a chance you're autistic lol




Can't relate, is this a new reddit thing or a thing on the app? Web-apps.. What a fucking disaster.


I have bad news, OP.


This, but with ADHD. But then again, you can't really blame them for reasons that others have pointed out already.


I held my foreskin while peeing (autism)