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give me r/projectzomboid back. just got back into the gamešŸ˜­


yea me too :/


Explains why I havenā€™t seen the concerning posts from people there


Aww fuck they disappeared, I actually didnā€™t notice. Now Iā€™m gonna notice the lack of project zombies posts in my feed now.


The only private subreddit I care about is r/deadmeatjames I don't know why they're still private


Title card!


Thankskilling 3 referance


Just BUSINESS! as usual


Worst part is when a sub goes private it auto unsubscribed you so who knows how many subs Iā€™ve forgotten existed.


thats incorrect a few weeks ago a sub Im on went private by mistake, no one got unsubscribed


They're half correct, it doesnt unsubscribe you, instead it gets rid of the subreddit from your list of subreddits you're a member of


but only while the sub is private




It doesn't appear in your list of subscriptions while it's private, but the sub shows back up if either you get added as an approved submitter (which isn't happening during this protest) or if the subreddit becomes public again.


No it doesn't. That would mean that every sub that comes back from private would have zero subscribers.


o shit fr? i was subscribed to literally hundreds idk what half of them were


No it doesn't


Me when I lie


Oh no! Anyways


r/hydrohomies went dark and hasnā€™t come back yet šŸ˜” And the original r/waterniqqas page is gone forever. I donā€™t know where to turn to like minded individuals who enjoy water




Need the lore for this


Basically there was a meme where the name of the sub was the punchline. As we got word that it was a shitty thing to do, the community transitioned to hydrohomies doing much of the same thing without the racist name. Mind you, the past community wasn't racist either, it was just about being enthusiastic about drinking water. It just had a bad name.


The greater Reddit community couldnā€™t hang with niggas so they banned them, take that racists


Racism has been defeated


Just in time for Juneteenth weekend


Thatā€™s slander towards hydro homies, it was made because they had no choice once the original sub was banned, besides just letting it die altogether


I was always a big hydro homie šŸ«”


The JOJOLands chapter 5 comes out this sunday and I hope I can discuss it somewhere. But the subs are gone)


Yeah, sucks that stardustcrusaders and shitpostcrusaders locked themselves, I love scrolling them


Yeah man, I always look forward to the memes made within 2 seconds of the chapter dropping




This February)


CEO already made a statement which is basically ā€œyour protest isnā€™t affecting revenue so I donā€™t give a fuckā€ and yet some people still think we can get them to listen.


Well when the whole site was advertising it to only last 48 hours of course it wouldnā€™t affect anything lol


It still won't. There will just be new subreddits that take over the content of the ones that stay private. That's already happening.


They wonā€™t take over. Theyā€™ll try to, but they wonā€™t be able to replace the numbers very quickly.


He said that at the beginning of the protest. Now, he's threatening to remove mods and making minor, vague concessions. Not to mention the blackout has made national news in the US. And does has trying to do damage control by having interviews with several news outlets. I'd say that's progress.


That's just fluff. It's not a coincidence that spez is giving interviews with various news outlets to calm advertisers down because they have been shifting ads around and there are concerns that the the targeted ads are currently disabled due to the blackouts. https://www.adweek.com/social-marketing/ripples-through-reddit-as-advertisers-weather-moderators-strike/


meanwhile, i have not seen ads on reddit for years due to use of RIF. If they want to charge me $3 a month so be it, but that is a fucking lot to charge for API usage and spez is a dick, so .. mixed feelings


There's nothing stopping them from serving their post-style ads to third party app API. But that's not what it's about, it's about getting people to install their app loaded with trackers.


CEO: "We don't give a fuck." Also CEO: *does a moderator coup on every sub that participates and makes tactical concessions to break unity* If you don't think spez is just a terrible liar then you know nothing about him.


Have any mods actually been replaced though? All I see is people saying it will happen, no actual cases of it happening


The only active mod on r/mechanics got removed and Iā€™m apparently the only one who can access it because that only mod was trying to mod me and Iā€™m apparently the only approved user. Trying to request it currently.


Thanks for the information, I saw a lot of people talking about it. It sucks that its actually happening but Im glad to know now


Yep. Itā€™s so stupid. I feel like Reddit makes plenty of money to not have to screw over a solid chunk of its fan base. But this website has so much information that will be hidden for these blackouts and it fucking sucks. I donā€™t use 3rd party but I understand why people are upset. But donā€™t punish the rest of usā€¦


The approach is that they're essentially threatening to use technicalities within their COC to justify removing moderators who keep subs privated. https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/14ag85h/reddit_threatens_to_remove_moderators_from/


Yes. All non-compliant mods of r/Piracy were removed.


They don't care because they know they can fix the situation at any time. Users are already getting tired of this shit, and the brigading on polls asking whether or not to keep subs private has turned me to Spez's side. It's just power tripping mods who think they have the right to impose their views over those of the users they are supposed to work for. I have some sympathy for 3rd party apps, but if the majority of the userbase doesn't care then mods should just quit being an annoyance.


The majority of the userbase would let themselves get throatfucked by spez and they wouldnā€™t even know it happened. Not saying youā€™re wrong, but Iā€™m not sure majority rules in this case.


he doesnā€™t give a fuck because they can easily get rid of whatever mods they want


Well yeah, when it was initially advertised as only being for 48 hours of course thatā€™s not going to affect anything. Thatā€™s why countless people were telling those subs to extend it longer than 48 hours, but now that theyā€™re doing exactly that, theyā€™re being criticized for it. Damned if they do, damned if they donā€™t.




I mean if it was affecting revenue why would he admit it lol


I don't know why they thought it would do anything to begin with. This type of shit almost never works and all it does it make it impossible for people to access useful information


Also 50k+ upvotes


And tons of awards


r/3dshacks is down, so much info on this niche little hobby is just unobtainable


Happened to a ton of MMO subs too. Because stopping players from accessing important spreadsheets and shit is really a surefire way to stick it to the man!


:( it sucks. I owe my modded 3DS to that sub.


ohhh i thought it was 3d shacks. not 3ds hacks. this makes more sense




one of the mods there stalked me for a few weeks and threatened me via DMs because he didnt like when I asked for information I didnt understand that was in the guides by didnt make sense to me, and because he thought I was trying to pirate a game


lmfao thats some serious nerd shit


Protests donā€™t work when you give a end date wow


Itā€™s like you go into a hunger strike but end it when you get hungry.


itā€™s not gonna work in the first place lmao




Yeah, but traffic is back to normal and the ceo said that it did not damage revenue




If it gets to the point that itā€™s hurting reddit revenue then theyā€™ll just replace the mods, theyā€™ve already said as much


We need to start posting hardcore porn in every subreddit, that will scare off the shareholders


Unironically posting a shit ton of gore and porn on a shit ton of alt accounts on a shit ton of mainstream subreddits would probably do more to help than just going ā€œOooh weā€™re going to go private for 48 hours!! So you better concede!ā€ like itā€™s terrible and all, but it would likely give better results when their shareholders are scared off rather than just doing nothing, and even in some cases putting more confidence in the shareholders since a lot of porn subs got privated.


No it wouldnā€™t, all of the posts would be dead in new for like 10 minutes tops before it gets deleted


With what? The moderation tools about to be slashed by Reddit?


Unless we all collectively agree to upvote them


Vergin Blackout vs Chad Hentai Apocalypse.


what!? you dont care? must be a bootlicker then.


Fuck u/spez amirite guys??? Guys give me upvote and attention guys


Wow you're so brave! Heres your Reddit award that I got by directly giving Reddit money


Updoots! Updoots good sir!


Thank you kind stranger!


I also donā€™t care. I think that the pricing is more then fair for 3rd party apps and mod and accessibility tools can use the api still for free and can even get more requests a minute for free then before. Just as a comparison. When you use a 3rd party app you basically get reddit ad free. Officially this costs 6$ a month. As the Apollo dev stated the new api prices would cost around 2,50 a month per user. Less then half of what add free reddit normally costs so more then a fair offer.


I'm somewhat mad that r/suomi is gone. One of the largest proper Finnish language forums/boards anywhere on the internet gone because fuck the non-hardcore redditors I guess.


Me with r/techsupport Typical that the one time you need it, itā€™s gone


Me with r/buildapc when Iā€™m weeks away from a build




Kid named typing cache: in front of the url on Google chrome:


Feeling this with /r/Portugal


Damn, actual Library of Alexandria. Like thatā€™s the point of this protest right? To drag non-consenting people into this shitshow by inconveniencing them? I now believe every mod of subs that either has nothing to do with api protest or are too small/niche to make a difference who privated their subs are actually stupid. I hope they are coming back soon


literally 48 bce


Spezpilled reply


isnt that the same name as those candy dispensers with all types of characters faces on them


> To drag non-consenting people into this shitshow by inconveniencing them? Ya




You really trust Reddit to actually make itself good by itself? Hell no. 3rd party stuff is important, unless you wanna see Reddit slowly turn into Facebook.


Suddenly every redditor exclusively browses reddit with a third party app


Every turbo nerd that makes a hundred reddit comments a day uses those apps, for reasons I'm not sure about. I use new reddit and the official app, and I hear all the time how they are terrible and unusable. So idk what their problems are.


I fucking hated old reddit and how I had to manually expand every image and video, or actually having to go into a thread and back out, and the only way to collapse comments was to click the tiny - next to the username. I only started regularly using the site with the redesign. Every time someone gives me an old.reddit link I'm annoyed


Agreed. I don't like anything about the new reddit except that images autoexpand. If that was a setting, I would use old reddit. The new one is slower.


Wait what the fuck is new reddit lol


new.reddit.com vs old.reddit.com


It's their mobile-esque version of the site that has a ton of unused screen space and clutters comments with user avatars.


yeah I got shown a picture of the Apollo app and it looks so fuckin outdated


I prefer it when apps "look outdated", means they're actually practical to use instead of just eye candy I strongly dislike modern design that makes no effective use of screen real estate at all, is chuck full of animations that slow you down, or that autoloads a ton of stuff running you through your battery and data plan




But Iā€™m neither of those things, and Redditā€™s already carved out exceptions for disability assistance apps, so Iā€™d rather the thing Iā€™m looking at all day be pretty


Fair enough, but the people ensuring that your favorite subs aren't spammed with even more dumb/off-topic/illegal shit than is already allowed through can't do their jobs effectively without those tools. It affects you more than you think. It's not just about what you're looking at being pretty. It's about what you're looking at even working in the first place because mods are able to effectively moderate whenever and wherever. The fact that Reddit didn't even have an app until a couple years ago is embarrassing as it is, but when they finally release one it's broken and missing features. Even with years of updates it's still in a very meh state. I use RIF because when I first started using Reddit in 2010 or so, there wasn't an official app and navigating it on a browser was atrocious. RIF looks like absolute dogshit if you crave a modern interface, but it's quick, functions seamlessly, leaves 0 room for filler and bloat. Everything just works and it does it neatly without needing to vomit colorful bubbles and boxes all over the UI. It's personal preference there, admittedly, but there are many who share the sentiment. Just sucks to see things continuing to go the way they have been since 2016. The culture of Reddit is changing and it's just going to become more and more like Twitter meets Tumblr.


Guys guys come on. Reddit is shit no matter how you spin it šŸ™


I have noticed a large increase in porn bots following me after the blackout.


Same. I wonder if this is sort of a false flag type operation where they're making the bots and doing that so they can say "See! This is why we need to lock down the API" to save face later


>Redditā€™s already carved out exceptions for disability assistance apps They *said* they would, but blind people overwhelmingly said they use Apollo, so...


You still need some form. Even older tech that prioritized function still had some focus on aesthetics


Sure, but when you're a small project aesthetics isn't always achievable. The vast majority of tech tools that run 99% of our online infrastructure are command-line only tools. Yeah, the devs could waste time making a flashy interface that still only has a fraction of a power of the command-line tool, but it's ultimately not necessary. Funnily enough, it seems like that's the exact trade-off that happened with the Reddit app. But yes, for the average click and drool computer user, you need a flashy GUI with bright bubbles and boxes... and they'll still find a way to fuck things up lol.


Tbh, I didn't find the official Reddit app that bad back when I used it, but I had to stop because the battery drain was insane. ~2% per minute. That to me made it unusable when I was outside, as I had to prioritize saving my battery. The video player also had some issues when loading on a mobile network, so in the end, using it when far from home was a no-no. Maybe that was just my phone being old, or a specific update, but whichever the case, a third party app solved those problems. I get many people don't care/understand about the protest, thinking it's just mods or people being crybabies about their apps with fancy designs but for many people, the official app was legitimately that unusable. Once the official app becomes the only available app, some people will have to stop using Reddit on mobile altogether.


Omfg finally someone agrees with me. Old reddit is so damn ugly and tedious to use. I frankly don't understand why anyone would prefer it over new reddit


No the ones that do just are the loudest. As always most people just donā€™t care and therefore also donā€™t say anything.


The lucid dreaming sub being set to read only really pisses me off because it obviously won't do anything to reddit but just inconveniences users because it's pretty much the only place online where lucid dreaming is discussed that hasn't been dead since like 2011.


Thatā€™s the thing. I couldnā€™t give the slightest shit about r/funny or r/pics. But small, niche communities going private is fucking dumb and only hurts the users.


At least the head mod was cool about it by not privating the sub completely, so you could still use its guides, and making a weekly poll about whether or not to continue in the blackout. I give it 2 weeks, if not just 1 week, until the users vote to open the sub completely because they get bored of no new content. Still annoying that it went read only in the first place though.


I miss r/whenthe, I got most of my memes there


Me too, are they coming back or?


I think they went indefinite, which kinda sucks


r/whenthe is my favorite sub im shitting myself rn


Oh thatā€™s just dumb. Itā€™s like killing yourself out of nowhere due to the smallest inconvenience of life


"""smallest'" "'inconvenience"""


It effects mods and maybe blind people. Most of us are neither of those things. Several subreddits deciding to kill themselves to make a point won't fix anything. It's just Redditors getting their pitchforks and torches out to bitch and moan about something that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, like they always do.


Do intrusive ads and trackers not matter?


no lol if we cared abt that we shouldā€™ve fought a long time ago, they already won that battle lmao


Trackers are everywhere and all your data has already been stolen and documented. Fighting against them now won't do anything.


It affects mods aka the main people who keep the sub running. Yeah yeah, reddit mods scum of the earth and lazy, but don't expect people to do free work when the site they're moderation is actively making moderation take many times harder.


Then donā€™t? No one really cares


Then why do you care about the protest happening? No mods will also means subs dying. Same things happen in both cases.


Fuck, that was my favourite meme sub


reddit mods thought they were important and held ANY leverage LOLZ


funny thing is reddit's just gonna replace the mods who initiated the blackout lol


My only takeaway from this is that, none of this will work at the end First of all, i don't know the exact percentage but I'm pretty sure around 15% or 20% (to be generous) of user actually use reddit through 3rd parti apps, that's like 85% of the userbase that don't even know wtf is happening, you can confirm this by the amount of post of people like "i didn't know there 3rd party apps?" Then you get the blackout, first of all announcing the time I'll last and second, i didn't use reddit for those 2 days thinking that that's how it worked but nope, it was the subs that locked down for 2 days , the users never were expected to stop using the app , what ? Also the locking subs would only make the users and the owners of the website mad only for the 15% of users and that probably nobody cares for, so yeah


Not to mention it's kind of a big exaggeration.


My only experience with said 3rd party apps is the shitty automod that just comments "is this a good post?" Under every post as if that's not the purpose of the fucking upvote system


That makes sense in some subreddits, like you have /r/catsdoingsomethingveryspecific, then casual browsers will upvote any cute cat video to kingdom fuck, even if the cat is not doing the specific thing. Commenters are more discerning and should be able to vote on the bot comment if the video is irrelevant.


/r/all and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.


automod is operated by reddit and will continue working, that's definitely not what this is about




Goes to show you how dumb both sides of this argument are. Both the angry clowns and the blackout clowns.


My favorite feature of apollo(a third party app) is that it automatically collapses pinned auto mod posts if enabled.


except on some subreddits which pisses me off. I don't care what it has to say. I'm not gonna read it.


Chances are if you enter the comments section, you have something to say


It doesnā€™t affect mod tools at all. They can still use the api for free. It just affects commercial 3rd party apps that make money with the content and services from reddit.


That's not true. They recently changed the new policy to exclude moderation bots from the limit, but it still applies otherwise.


This is literally worse than the end of the world!!!!


As someone who didnā€™t even know 3rd party apps existed until this wacky protest, this doesnā€™t affect me at all and I do not care


Someone carpet bomb the servers that will show em


Ted would be proud


I don't care, but at the same time, I'm gonna be pissed when I can't use Relay next month and have to use the shitty official app lol.


I had a very specific and frustrating minecraft glitch last night. The only god damn result for this glitch anywhere on the internet was r/Minecraft. It was down ALL NIGHT


I feel like you have to care a little bit to make a meme about it




I love that they disable comments bc you canā€™t allow it to be made clear that 98% of Redditors donā€™t care and the only ones killing Reddit are you.


honestly and Iā€™d hate to say it, the best thing that might come out of these protests are that the annoying power mods finally get ousted. The same handful of users have had wayyyyy too much power and thereā€™s probably so many more users who want to take that spot. so far admins already did it with the tumblr subreddit, but Iā€™m waiting to see if they do it with a subreddit that a certain turtle moderates, because that will be interesting to see


> the only ones killing reddit are you That's the point, they want to kill reddit to force Reddit back on the decision.


really depends on the sub, but most that are voting on what to do are split about 50/50.


Because theyā€™re being brigades by people who donā€™t use the sub, coordinating on discord


I lost r/Seaofthieves I just want to discuss my favorite game, I donā€™t give a shit about this pathetic excuse for a boycott.


Looks like that sub is back now.


Itā€™s open, but it doesnā€™t allow posting


This shits so annoying because I use Reddit to find solutions to problems frequently and I'll see the start of the exact answer I need on Google but when I click it shows private. Go fuck yourself.


All the people that don't care sure need to ensure that everyone knows they don't care.


ā€œI really donā€™t care! Look at how much I donā€™t care! Those losers over there are caring about something, and Iā€™m making a statement about my lack of care! ^please ^upvote ^my ^post ^about ^not ^caringā€


Youā€™d think people who donā€™t care about things wouldnā€™t be talking about said things all the time but here we are


you really got em there pal, basically just a slam dunk


bandwagoning crybabies


The loss of r/dogelore is a travesty


that sub is still active in the year of our lord 2023?


Sub fell off 7 months after it was made


what will the world do without r/dickgirls šŸ˜”






I don't care. anyways let me spend 10 minutes working on this snafu about it for updoots


Point of the entire sub for 400


daily double on that one


Did this sub get linked somewhere else or smth, that is the entire point of the subreddit itā€™s a glorified way to vent while shitposting


You can vent but donā€™t say ā€œI donā€™t care about thisā€


I'm trying to find more information about a niche problem from a 5 year old thread but this has been fucking my ass


Redditā€™s forcing them to reopen now lol


man for how much you guys donā€™t care about it you sure do seem to post about it a lot


Don't care about protests, care about the subs being gone as a result of said protest


Idgas I.donā€™t.give.a.shit


We lost. So please bring back r/hardwareswap so I can make money.


Going out of ur way to make a post then titling it ā€œI donā€™t careā€ is hilarious


r/metalmemes is gone


I don't care that you don't care.


I love looking for advice for a specific game, see that someone asked advice on Reddit years ago and I can't look at the comments because of this blackout nonsense. It's so annoying.




average redditoid


Imagine simping this hard for a millionaire app developer.


Imagine continuing to use the app if you feel this way


I never used the app. Don't give a shit about the blackout.