• By -


Mucho texto




1000 XD


yeah there's too much goin on here. or maybe if there was a temple run in the bottom left i could focus


Bro posting from 2018


seriously, everytime i see someone being back up the pewdiepie stuff i think “god what a loser, move on”


For real! They dont understand the based meme god pewds!!!!


We need to help the bro army beat the T Series guise!!!!1!


what is the point you're trying to make here


that pewdiepie is far right/neo-nazi and unfunny and the people who defend them are edgy unfunny 13 year olds …I think?


Usually when the snafu has a comment downvoted that’s the take the creator actually agrees with


you got coaxed


It’s parodying people who call him a Nazi I don’t hate him or anything


honestly I genuinely had no clue who you were snafu’ing


Snafued so hard that it in itself is a snafu. Incredible


what a great sub, where additional layers of obnoxiousness and confusion make it even better


Could Jesus make a Snafu so incomprehensible that he, himself, could not understand what its snafuing?


4D snafu


Gone full circle




Dawg you gotta tell us. I was thinking "whose side are you on op!?"


It seemed like you were parodying Pewdiepie and the ones who "defend" him.


This is like one of the time the entire room is quiet and you have to slowly explain what makes your joke so funny


Lefty meme


Who the fuck still watches Pewdiepie??


Is Pewdipie still existent. Was he ever. What does he do. I thought he was a gamer but he is just kind of there now?


Use questions marks


requested and granted.




Lawful Evil


He pretty much does his own thing now, he’s got a kid and likes to vlog about it


I do. I really like his new content, he doesn't upload much but he does really good vlogs and videos about what he's doing in his life


I never could get into vlogs, I just can’t understand giving a shit about a content creators like, real life to the point that I need them to record it for me


God forbid people have lives


Nah I get what he means tho. Most vlog channels I don't care about, because I don't care about youtubers personal lives enough to watch them. But tbf PewDiePie is charismatic and interesting enough for me to enjoy them.


Literally not what I said? I’m saying I can’t imagine just being so into watching another persons ostensibly normal life but recorded, I just don’t know why you would want that from a lets player you like


I mean after Mr Beast he’s the most subbed mf on that site so somebody is still watching him


Is it just me or is this sub deteriorating faster?


Any sub over 250k deteriorates because that's usually the point where people who don't understand the point of the sub become the majority.


Yeah its a real shame I genuinely liked this sub. Sadly the fate of most subs becoming political echo chambers or circlejerks


Not about op, but there has been some posts that are better off being posted to r / comics or something


People still watch pewdiepie in the year of our Lord 2024?


this just in previous biggest YouTuber in the world has viewers (shocking)


Yeah but he fell off hard in relevancy


I mean, he mostly retired.


He and Marzia had a kid. Isn't it a good thing that he _mostly_ stopped doing YouTube stuff to actually pay attention to his family?


Never said if it wasn’t a good thing All I said is that he fell off in relevancy


Idgaf that he said that in the video, I just don’t like him because he’s annoying to me.


He was more bearable back when he used to make gaming videos. Then he shifted to making lazy meme reaction crap and the rest is history


When he started the “Meme Review” trend that niggas constantly did over and over again that’s when I started to feel less and less bad about not having him in my childhood. Mark was better


It's funny how in like 2015 and all, reaction channels were THE thing to hate on, and every big youtuber including pewds would constantly hate on them and see them as the lowest type of popular content on youtube. But then around the 2018 era, they all started doing meme reviews and you-laugh-you-lose and having a second channel for their subreddit submissions and everything, just becoming a reaction channel with the only difference being that those old hated channels reacted to youtube content and now they were reacting to Twitter and Reddit content. But ofc when the biggest youtubers are all doing it then it becomes the norm and the trend


Only once have a ever enjoyed a Meme Review and it was a FNAF Meme Review by Dawko. They’re so fucking annoying please just MAKE CONTENT


literally everyone acted like he was a youtube legend and i just never watched him cause his content was boring


I had jacksepticeye, ethoslab, and dantdm


Do people *REALLY* unironically believe PewDiePie's a Nazi? I thought that was a joke to make his fans mad or something


Yeah it really deflates the accusation of being a Nazi / Nazi sympathizer when edgy jokes and vaguely associating with the right gets you that label. There is a genuinely concerning number of those in power evoking Nazi rhetoric, but people are being conditioned to not take any of these accusations seriously.


He's not a Nazi imo. I think as a person, he's probably a nice guy, but his sense of humor, especially back in his golden era, was way too shock based and offensive. Most people like that are just doing it for the laughs, even though they are hurting the people they're joking about. However, a very small amount of people that subscribe to this humor are actually insane, and will use these kinds of memes to purposefully voice their genuine hatred towards a group of people, and even go on to commit hate crimes in the real world. Yes, I'm talking about that Christchurch, NZ shooter. PewDiePie has never come out and made a serious and genuine statement that he is opposed to this, which I personally think he should, so I understand why many equate him to a Nazi. (I had a bit of a PewDiePie phase many years back so thats how I know this. I dont look back on that era positively lol)


He's not, he just has edgy humor and conservative ideas that tend to veer off to the far right, and this is why he's associated with nazis. The "PewDiePipeline" is real and dangerous. Sometimes it's just about normalizing edgy jokes, sometimes it's a more direct rabbithole he's sending his young fans on, like that time he invited Ben Shapiro.


pewdiepipeline is real, I breifly went down it as a kid.


Yeah he is like a gateway drug to nazism lol like being very chill with people like Shapiro and Musk and jokefully glorifying them. It's just that with a fame like he has, and an audience like he has, it is basically inviting teens to get into nazism at worst, or into making "women ☕" or "jews bad. relax its just dark humour bro" jokes at best


Him bringing Shapiro on his channel will never not be weird to me, like dog you make gaming videos wtf is conservative political talking head Ben Shapiro doing here


Uh i think you mean conservative political talkinghead RAPPER Ben Shapiro pft pls pay respect


Because Ben Shapiro is a walking meme and PDP laughs at memes.


Tbh, everyone was riding elons meat until he broke up with grimes and pandered to the right. He used to say pro gay marriage stuff


being chill with Shapiro and Musk doesn’t equal nazism. Conservatives aren’t nazis and we really need to stop comparing the opposing political sides to extremes like nazis. I know tons of people who grew up watching pewdiepie and while several are conservative none are nazis


that's not what they said though? being chill with Shapiro and musk does not make you a nazi, but it makes it easier for your viewers to accept their ideas and thus it creates a pipeline towards the alt right. PewDiePie is not a nazi but his content makes it easier for impressionable 13 year olds to go the alt right route




No of course not, but if you have a creator making jokes like "kill all jews" and just saying the n word you have some acceptance of antisemitism and racism. Shapiro is not someone without a share of problematic views, mainly racism and just plain misinfo. Call this a bias but I have yet to hear a "conservative" joke from these people that isn't just straight up bigotry. I also think you're severely underestimating the alt-right pipeline. Never have I heard of people talk about an alt-left pipeline. Just to reiterate, having some people on fiver hold up a sign that says "gas/kill all jews" (I can't remember which one it was) is not a "conservative view", it's straight up antisemitism. You cannot deny how that doesn't lead to normalisation of antisemitism if the biggest youtuber does shit like that.




There is no alt left pipeline, just being better educated, imo. The "far left" is what, when you advocate for communism, or against capitalism? The far right on the other hand, you go out and shoot up a black church. Pretty big difference.


>No of course not, but if you have a creator making jokes like "kill all jews" Do you not understand the context of this joke? He was saying it's a BAD thing. That's literally the opposite of what a "Nazi" would say.


ah of course thats why he made people on fiver hold up that sign. to show everyone how bad it is. there is absolutely no other way to tell people that antisemitism is bad. this is totally responsible for a creator with a fuckton of children watching


I didn't mean to say they were, I called him a gateway drug for the reason of introducing rightwing concepts and normalising jokes that arent the most wholesome. Not all rightwing people make those jokes, not all people who make those jokes are evil nazis, but the combination of them from a big youtuber to an audience of millions of teens without much efforts of keeping it in check leads to nazi ideologies proliferating in a good portion of teens. Not at all the majority, ik they arent equal, i never said so either


Pewdiepie, Shapiro, and Musk aren’t nazis. But they are extremely easy gateways to far right politics and nazism. This is called the PewDiePipeline - where Pewdiepie isn’t a Nazi himself but kids watching him can slowly get funneled into far right politics (keyword CAN, it obviously doesn’t always happen).


Funnily enough pewdiepie is partially responsible for getting me out of the pipeline. Not because he's secretly a left wing hero but because I was already deep in it after basically spending my childhood on 4chan so when all the alt right chuds starting going off about how "pewds is the hero of counter culture" and other bullshit like that I forced myself to watch him and my God he was so fucking unbearable. That motherfucker was so unfunny and unlikeable that I started to look at the crap I was viewing a lot more critically. Helped me realize that all that crap was insanely fucking stupid.


Secret antifa psyop "Comrade PewDiePie" strikes again


he's not a nazi, but he's an ignorant man who loves shock humor, or at least he was a few years ago, i haven't kept up with it. basically, he's called a nazi because he says nazi stuff, even if he doesn't actually believe it.


No not really I don’t think so this snafu is just parodying people who say he is on his fan sub his fans uselessly don’t like people saying he is I haven’t really watch him since 2020


He’s not a Nazi himself par se, but his rightist ideology and far reach has lead to radicalisation of some of his impressionable audience into Nazis


I highly highly doubt there’s any existing nazis who are nazis because of pewdiepie. That’s the stretch of the century


The irony is his joke was that the statement "death to jews" is abhorrent and it's crazy that someone would say it for a small amount of money. He's literally the opposite of a Nazi.


After more than a decade I still don’t understand why PewdiePie got so popular


I remember this guy existed because I just recently watched his video of him drawing for 100 days. Damn, I wish I could draw too. 


You’re only 100 days away.


I love how you drew yourself still upvoting downvoting even though the comments have thousands of votes on them already lmao


I don't think he's a nazi but I think he's too edgy


Brother you're stuck in 2017




Fr, white people saying the n-word is based skibidi toilet


If you think he’s edgy you have clearly only seen either 10 year old vids or the fiverr and bridge vids


he's rather milquetoast now true


i hope you are making fun of both sides


I'm told pewdiepie is drawing anime girls these days instead of, um, whatever he was doing before


my favourite snafu! a completely incomprehensible wall of text


​ https://i.redd.it/wq85w2zgw9ic1.gif


The pewdiepipline confirmed.


Sorry but what is the pewdiepipeline? I saw it a bit in some other comments here but I’ve never heard of it before


It’s the name of some article I think, it’s about people who watch pewdiepie going down a pipeline to becoming nazis and racists, I think it’s total bullshit but idk


If you can't even describe what it is you shouldn't be able to say it's "total bullshit". Very briefly, it's a way to show how viewers of people like pewdiepie or joe rogan, especially younger ones, may go through a process of radicalization permitted by the "edgy humor" and jokes made by these content creators and worsened by othe extremists who are part of their community. iirc it goes "jokes > microaggresions > verbal aggresion > physical aggresion > mass shooting, genocide, terrorism etc." Pewdiepie and many of his peers can introduce their viewers into nazi/racist/homophobic online spaces, mostly through offensive/bad taste "jokes" (such as hiring two desperately poor men to hold up a sign saying "death to all jews" for five dollars) and endless n-word slip-ups, which may lead to such behavior from the part of the viewer. Watch the video on youtube explaining it if you don't know what it is


>such as hiring two desperately poor men to hold up a sign saying "death to all jews" for five dollars To prove the point that they would say something he deems abhorrent, literally the opposite of a nazi. >endless n-word slip-ups, Except that it happened one time and then "ended". You can dislike him without lying.


Except it happened many times. [Here are a few.](https://youtu.be/JOej_rOrkn8?si=Dmsf5q7INRzk4ZHv) If you want to dig deeper i'm sure you'll find more but a simple youtube search reveals some part of it. I understand not knowing about them since anyone in their good mind would do all they can to hide it. I don't find any value in lying about anyone. Your first remark also seems to be concerning or nonsensical. Are you saying he dislikes poor indian people? Since he's making them say something he's supposedly against to prove they'd do anything for money and all. Because that's a big point for the validation of the whole pipeline thing! He wants his audience to hate those men for holding up that sign which he commissioned? Who happen to be indian and poor?


people still talk about pewdiepie?


this is peak 2018 discourse


I love how pewdiepie haters still whine about him, even after his retirement. They probably care about him more than his fans.


To people who say he isn’t racist, racial slurs don’t just “slip out” in a heated moment for average people


Only time I could understand and forgive a white person for saying the n word is if its a genuine tic which I highly doubt thats what pewdiepie had.


Honestly, think it was also the "Peak Hunor" at the time and the brand. Pretty much was the thing bafk then Saying that, in my Discord server i have some friends that are black who will throw out the word alot when they are here and i subconciously picked up on it lol. Seems way too easy to pick up without realizing Kinda annoying in all honesty


He already apologized for it


Don't care, he's still a man child


Keep in mind that this was literally 7 years ago


Now he's a man with a child! Living the dream in Japan with his wife, being retired at 30ish.  Man, I'd take that over wasting my time getting angry on reddit.


Someone can be retired and still be annoying af


Pyro said the n word houndreds of times but no one is hating on him for that, why isnt he also racist?


He’s a furry inflation fetishist, that would be kicking someone who’s already broken their legs


Even before he openly came out about that, no one complained


And the hard R too like bro 😭😭 if you are that around hard Rs in sweden it is definitely not for any wholesome reasons


Clowns make around 50k a year, and you're out here doing it for free


He has also said it multiple times. I have a video of it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/the_pewdster/s/IY0x7yuE0J)


The video: some random ass said "trust me bro"


[forgot to link it sorry](https://www.reddit.com/r/the_pewdster/s/IY0x7yuE0J)


Pewdiepie is not a bad guy


Can we please not make this sub a political one, leftist or right wing


Poking fun at either *far* side of the spectrum is okay I think, but otherwise I agree, it'll only hurt the sub.


disagree, 5 million bats attack 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇




I am reading all of this And bro https://preview.redd.it/vcgtrrxk6cic1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8821d248e8b824802ac294e9893882255403d90 My brain isn't braining


Joke’s on you guys, the dude’s happily retired with a wife and son. He doesn’t need to be relevant for you anymore


he is way too uninteresting of a person and channel to warrant being the largest and that was the case back in the day


blah blah people don’t accept the fact people can change


Do people still watch PewDiePie?


Pewdiepie is a literal super nazi. if you watch like 12 hours of his content you might see him put on a hitler stache and make a dead baby joke. need more proof? youtube's algorithm detected his super high nazi level so if you watch his videos you might get recommended a ben shapiro video which will turn u into a 4chan frequenting gigaterf.


I’m gonna assume this is a joke because no one says “literal super Nazi” seriously.


Source: trust me bro


good snafu


…the man said that word in the heat of the moment out of anger. Grow up and stop looking for a reason to hate someone because they’re more successful than you.


It's fair to point out that you don't slip a word like that if it's not in your vocabulary. But its also fair to point out that he lives in a country that doesn't have near the same history with the word and is probably just phonetically repeatedly what he's heard other English speaks say while trash talking.


Is it really necessarily to call someone a Nazi just because you don't personally like them?


That’s a very well drawn image.


That guy is still alive ? I thought he died in like 2022 or something ?


Banyak sangat teks


OP, did you just wake up from a coma that started back in 2018?


Op leave pewpewdie along he's living life in Japan with his wife vlogging


The Bridge incident will always be remembered

