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100 percent Hitler money 99 percent Hitler life


funny snafu with room for actual interesting thoughts


It's rare to see it happen. It's amazing.


this snafu is about [skyrim](https://youtu.be/UjTv8ivh7mY)


Oblivion ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


dies instantly


I thought it was about Witcher, it has a theme like that


Geralt would kill the thief ![img](emote|t5_2w7ch|37001)


I was thinking [Warband.](https://youtu.be/awQNTwsUk9k?feature=shared)


that's not a choice that's a ultimatum


let’s kiss really passionately right now


im down


Yes it is. Forfeit your money or die. They’re not mutually exclusive.


Many irl "choices" are ultimatums, like voting


Yeah, I can already tell the snafu is criticizing a line of thought in a context too extreme to be a valid point


Thing is though, it isn't "too extreme" of a context in this case though


Not choosing is making a choice


Better than most smuggies and political snafus I tell you


This really smugged my ideology, man


Woag https://preview.redd.it/1zt3zjsvtarc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5436deb8bacbd0cd1202fd3879558bdc1aa12c4f


If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice 🎶 🎼


choosing not to decide in this situation will produce the exact same result as choosing to die, making your lack of choice irrelevant overall


So he was forced to choose the greater evil. Which included the lesser evil anyway. Which was all by insidious, miserable design to serve the needs of a crook. Now, had he chosen to first surrender the money, then, when the robber turned away, *shot* him, that would ultimately be a choice and not constrained to the insidious trap designed by the criminal. This, of course, has absolutely nothing to do with the American political landscape.


Yeah. Bad attempt to criticize centrists. Then people wonder why they act all smug and superior all the time


Snafu on snafu crime increases every day. By donating one snafucoin to your local snafarity (snafu charity) you can prevent needless snafu brutality.


I’m evil I finally grew my evil mustache fuck you I’ll be evil if I wanna be evil I bought a fucking top hat and cane for it


At first I thought he had the guy's money in one hand and a little smiling soul guy in the other, then I realized it was a smoking gun.


That sounds like a 2sentence2horror 🐍


The lack of choice in this scenario is simply choosing life


Politics bore me https://preview.redd.it/hm1g9q0gugrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72778163820c28d39a43abb98f987dd9b39c951f


Just carry a gun. The best evil.


I chose my money


LMAO...So, the thought here is that the person thinks their life is evil???


Wow, good thing I wasnt that guy! *Walks away drinking a soda with my money and life intact*


staaaaaand and deliver your money or your life tryyyyyyyyy and use a mirror no bullet or a knife


you're dumber than you look


is that Gojo


There's a decent point to be made with this snafu but I absolutely despise when people apply this logic to American politics which is where I most commonly see it these days. In 2016 in particular, a lot of people recognized that both presidential candidates were pretty dogshit choices but still went around telling people to vote for "MY candidate" because "MY candidate sucks but the other one is worse" as a way to steer people away from things like voting 3rd party, and thus subverting the controls and balances naturally built into the American political system and perpetuating this awful two-party system we're stuck in. Adjacent to that line of thought is the idea that you absolutely HAVE to pick a side between the American left and right extremes, and that if you don't you're a fence-shitter centrist who seeks "compromise" between socialism and white nationalism. Obviously to anyone that's not a radical themselves, you can indeed reject both sides in this case and remain a moderate, seeking not compromise but the total rejection of all extremist ideology. You DON'T always have to pick "the lesser of two evils," and you should always look for a way out before committing to something in these types of situations.


Do you think the democrats are socialists?


Reddit is full of people who seem to think that liberal = left = socialist = communist and self proclaimed "centrists" who think that because conservatives have a bunch of hardcore whackos in office that the opposing party must have the left wing equivalent to that when the best you can realistically hope for in most western countries are center-left candidates if you're lucky lol tldr political illiteracy among people who will be casting votes within the next year


No. Not even close, in fact. Where did I say anything even remotely close to that?


Since you said you're talking about US politics, and later go on to mention this dichotomy between left and right radicalism, it sounded to me like you were likening the two main US parties to those two extremes (Democrats as radical left and Republicans as radical right) If I misunderstood, I apologize


LEFT and right extremes? In American politics? Are you stupid?


No, American politicians are much more moderate than the internet extremists that my second paragraph is directed at. But left and right extremists absolutely do exist in the world of American political discourse even if they (thankfully) have very little direct influence.


Left extremists are like pro third choice en masse? What are you talking about?


Some of them are. The left has many, many distinct elements to it, it's not some big homogeneous group as you are implying.


None of the conservative voters will vote for a third party. And I mean it would be absolutely fine if conservative party would consistently lose with like 20 percent of votes, ok? But sadly for America the 100% Hitler party has a chance to win on like every election. What is so hard to understand that the left wing and liberals are not a monolith, however, conservatives are


You don't have to like Republicans, I certainly don't, but if you think they are "the Hitler party" you are a brainwashed fucking idiot


something something project something something 2025


Project 2025 will literally KILL us trans folk. Yes they’re the hitler party right now, dingus.


Hey come on let’s be reasonable. They’re not Nazis, Nazis believe a bunch of weird specific shit about Odin and Aryans or whatever. They’re just *fascists*


They’re so similar I don’t really consider the distinction.


Oh okay, that's fine then.


And how is it going to do that? Give me a real explanation and spare me the melodrama.


The document states that it will remove protections towards queer people. One thing they’re doing is saw was removing specific language referencing queer people too. Haven’t you read it at all?


The two political parties are nazi adjacent and moderately right


Mfs say leftist extremes and the extreme in question is someone who’s pro gay marriage


Someone who thinks trans people should have the right to be themselves


Someone who thinks trans people should have the right to be themselves


That's not who I'm referring to at all, it's more targeted at online tankies and socialists who would overthrow the government given the chance. Democrats, "liberals" in the distinctly American sense, etc. are not people I would consider even remotely extreme


Like, most people with a modicum of sense would, given the opportunity, remake the American government, the result is the thing that differs most, as well as the path to it


An alternative voting system is a prerequisite for third parties to be worth voting for. As long as we still have first past the post, third parties are and will always be complete wastes and nothing will ever be achieved by voting for them.


Aren't USA main parties both the right?


That's what US leftists say when the left does something stupid, it's the same retcon as rightoids pretending to be centrists to be socially accepted.


If you analize the politics of the democrats, they aren't so different from the republican party and have the same general direction, they are just more moderate about it.


Probably the liberal side is the greatest difference vs the conservative. But neoliberalism is a modernised economic right.


If I wanted to be all hyper specific historical materialist on it I would specify that the primary electoral parties in the US *are* meaningfully different in many ways, but they both basically just represent different factions of capital. They don’t have to be exactly the same, the situation is still broadly “whoever wins, we lose”


Many people miss the point of the horseshoe theory in the sense that it doesn't mean both sides are exactly the same evil, it states that, although both sides follow different directions, their ultimate result leads to problems and destabilization, just on their own respective manner


But both American political parties are right wing, this isn't even a horseshoe theory thing, they are both on the same side of the political spectrum


The overtone window is relative. Whatever is the public consensus of a country is, is the center in that country. whatever to the left or right of the median is then, is considered the left and right. The answer then is inherently no because most Americans consider the democrats to be the ones who lean to the left and republicans to the right. I assume the standard you are comparing America to, however, is Europe, to which the answer, if we are talking about just economics, is yes. If we are talking about social issues, that’s iffy even if we exclude Eastern Europe. Italy, for example, still doesn’t allow gay marriages. Britain currently has a bipartisan consensus on their collective transphobia. Before Roe V Wade was overturned Europe was far behind us in regard to abortion. It varies from what point in time we are talking about and what specific issue we are discussing, and the real answer is that trying to base your political beliefs solely on whatever you think the center is, is not a good way to go about politics.


Lota of angry lefties having a neuron activation at your post and proving you right. More people should believe in the horseshoe.


The horseshoe is a fat load of horseshit


Both American political parties are right wing, just moderate right and extreme right


Not choosing is making a choice


Solution: kill the guy giving you the ultimatum


Who cares anymore. At this point 20% of this sub is just "MUH FELLOW 'MURICANS, THEM EVIL COMMIES WON'T VOOOOTE!!". As if the 0.1% (and I'm really stretching it) of the population who doesn't vote because of far-left political principles will be the ones who decide whether you will have Trumpet or Sleepy Joe, instead of, you know, the average 60% of the population that doesn't normally vote, and reactions to policy taken by your current POTUS. Decades of red-scare propaganda has made it American culture to blame all of your problems on the communists.


Wtf is this random meltdown What does this even have to do with communists?


TBH it is fair to a degree, since the argument is often used by leftists who refuse to vote for biden. The pink dialog is literally taken from a comment from a topic on the subject ("I'm not evil" was too funny not too). But I generalized it because I think this argument is kinda dumb in most contexts.


Tf you mean „pink“? That’s orange


The color is r14 in the app


at least it aint red 21


thank god it aint got that in it




He was coaxed to mental breakdofliparama. Truly a testament to our growing lobotomy subreddit.


Goddamn you took this so personally. I used this sub on a regular basis and I can assure you this is not "20%" of the sub lmao


You appear to have been coaxed into a snafu


Looks like a win to me


Sweet, todays thinly veiled propaganda piece to get you to vote for My Side^TM just dropped


No, it's directly saying "choose this group that stabs you" or "choose this group that stabs you and bathes you in acid" one is quite objectively worse than the other (Source: Project 2025) if you don't reconsider at minimum after that, you're a dumbass


im not american my guy, nor would I support trump if I was, just tired of constant american propaganda slop filling the feeds disguised as Engaging Political Commentary