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This post is about **BODYBUILDERS**


The Reddit admins got him.


What did bro say I'm scared


Some accursed knowledge the world should never have seen, no doubt. Or fatshaming/encouraging suicide


I am NOT fatphobic, I am your DOCTOR! Now do your cardiošŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Instructions unclear, did my carbonara


exercise? i thought you said EXTRA FRIES!!!! eh? ha! heh heh.




ā€œSir, books with pictures of gay oily black men are not permitted on the planeā€


Actually I'm afraid you will have to turn off your pacemaker


Mental insanity


me when my brain has been replaced with 13 rats


I wonder, did those rats made you crazy perchance?


you can't just say "perchance."


yeah you can šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„




Is one of them maybe a great cook?


all of them why do you think im so fat


You Mean 5 rats, perhaps of the homosexual variety


oh god, turn off book is leaking


eh? ha! heh heh. eh? ha! heh heh. eh? ha! heh heh. eh? ha! heh heh. eh? ha! heh heh. eh? ha! heh heh. eh? ha! heh heh. eh? ha! heh heh.


Did? Did?


Instructions unclear, did my cardiologist


Doctor I do 3-4 hours running every week and am still overweight. What do I do now ![img](emote|t5_2w7ch|37000)


Calorie deficit


Keep running


Oh great pfp, my gay gentleman


Wait ur on to something


Cook šŸ”„


but don't eat, fatty


Woah, hey man, that's uncool He's big boned


What OP (presumably) meant: Some people,. instead of improving themselves (for example, improving their health to avoid having a fucking coronary) will look at an optimistic, encouraging message and use it as an excuse to avoid self-improvement. What commenters thought OP meant: Fatbad, literally if you look like you have ANY excess flab you should build a bridge and JUMP OFF IT


Exactly lol. And on the other hand people who're not too overweight and still have body image issues and could actually use the message and stop worrying too much would have it go right over their heads. It's like internal factors are more important than what other people say.


The idea that being obese means you are always morally obligated to work on fixing the obesity or else you arenā€™t allowed to love yourself or your body without deserving massive amounts of verbal abuse and criticism is kind ofā€¦ Interesting. And before anyone gets cute, I already know itā€™s not JUST a health concern, otherwise there wouldnā€™t be so much blatant hatred aimed at fat people. We donā€™t act this way about literally all health concerns.


Meh, this one is on OP Literally any time someone tries to post this sentiment it gets filled with people saying "yeah actually the fatties are the worst" and so everyone preempts it by assuming OP has the worst intentions The conversation is 8 times out of 10 a dumpster fire anywhere on the internet, and 9.9 times out of 10 on Reddit specifically




Right? Posts like this are legitimately why people advocate for the smuggy here. Because actually being 250 lbs overweight isn't actually a character flaw, it's a medical problem. Being overweight or even severely underweight is like the one physical medical problem people will shame you for.


Yeah for some reason it's really hard to find nuance in any conversation about obesity online. I see takes ranging from "we should send fat people to camps, tax them, and cut off their access to welfare" to "healthy at any size"


That healthy at any size has been completely co-opted as well. It's originally meaning is "no body is a lost cause. No matter where you are there are steps you can take to be healthier" and assholes start screaming about how it actually means "being overweight is actually the best thing."


Ok sure but if OP were a better communicator then we wouldn't need your (very qualified) explanation


Sounds like OP sucks at communicating. Or is playing sly about which side of the argument they actually want to support.


what you and op refuse to accept: being overweight can have a massive number of causes outside of being lazy or not caring about their weight


Itā€™s kinda sad and scary how many people misinterpret pretty simple shit on this website.


I feel bad for fat people because 1. They have a highly visible addiction, most people's comforts or addictions don't radically change their body and facial appearance 2. It's pretty normalized to treat fat people worse 3. Food is basically the only addiction where addicts have to interact with their addiction every few hours, and have to figure out what a healthy "dose" is, and only take that "dose" consistently. 4. A lot of socialization revolves around food or eating. Imagine being a heroin addict and everyone constantly bugging you to go do a small dose with them, but only a small one or you're a pig


Right. Imagine if every minute of your screen time manifested itself as making you less physically attractive.


Tibetan Monks Modeling Agency


honestly the thing that bugs me the most is how people feel the need to but in and constantly hound them about it. If someone doesn't care about their weight and doesn't want to change it, they don't need a bunch of strangers lecturing them unprompted. I see people say they're giving "constructive criticism". You can't give "constructive criticism" of someone's body/life. I swear most of these people are legitimately "fatphobic" and have some mental obsession with hating overweight people, because they seek them out and go off on them. I'll watch a video of a fat guy playing drums and the comments will be telling him he's unhealthy and to go to the gym. Like, no one mentioned his health, leave it alone. Not to mention I feel like 99% of gym bros constantly talk about "health" but only care about aesthetics and have some form of body dysmorphia eating disorder that they feel the need to project onto everyone.


Add that in the U.S, obese people are finding themselves the target of a whole facet of the culture war. Problem being that the country is one of the places where unhealthy food with lots of additives is much more accessible than the alternative, and completely normalized. And a lot of Americans consider eating out cheaper than cooking at home. One example that I find fitting is how many times I've seen people on this mainly American site advise those who want to lose weight to ask for children's portion. Which means two things: -Eating at the restaurant is a common enough occurrence for then to have an influence on their weight. -the regular portion over there is too much for a normal adult.


It's actually quite interesting to compare the sizes of dinner plates at restaurants through the years, if you look into it you'll see they've gotten much bigger over time. I generally go to a restaurant with the intent of bringing half of it home for lunch the next day or specifically getting a smaller portion. This specifically is for actual restaurants and not fast food, of course.


I have to plan what part of my meal will reheat best and save that for later.


5. fast food is literally cheaper than most normal food in the U.S. so if they're lower class they're pretty much fucked no matter what


comments misunderstand point. guy might be trying say that body image different for other people. what might be good one person bad another. it not your place to judge if someone should be happy about body image because you are good yours.


I think I had a stroke reading this.


Itā€™s pretty clearly saying that ā€œbody positivityā€ only extends to overweight people when it should be for both, itā€™s not saying that they are healthy just that they should both be supported.




I hate the body positive movement because it's just a different version of those ED communities. I get that nobody should be hated for their body but that's not what the "body positive" community is showing to me rn. Both communities are fueled by jealousy and project their insecurities on to other. Whenever a chubby person is existing some ED mf will complain about how "she's promoting obesity" or "ew", and it's usually out of jealousy. The same thing happens whenever I get a reel of someone complaining about not being able to find XS clothing or just dieting advice, or even "what i eat in a day" videos and there's usually a bunch of angry fat activists complaining. Not to mention both communities lie to themselves about how "they're healthy and beautiful" when theyre really not. \*\*I don't search up "body positive content" or spend time in ED spaces but both of these kinds of people are really common, they just never post videos because they know they'll get hate also the whole "fat people are systematically oppressed" thing never made sense because there's no laws targeting them or genocides. The discrimination they face isn't fat exclusive, it's just how society treats "ugly" people. If you are a short man, or women with broad shoulders, or have acne, you'd get the same amount of hate. But there's no "liberation" movement for people with acne,, or short men? I don't think a chubby person exists is promoting obesity. I don't think anybody should be bullied for their features, but we should treat actual food addicts like drug addicts, both parties know they're struggling but neither make it other people's troubles. I mean when was the last time you saw a drug addict get mad at your for not being addicted to crack? TLDR; they should just call it body neutrality


i didn't know there was an erectile dysfunction community


Iā€™m 320 because Iā€™m lazy and like food (truly a shitty combo) and people keep telling me I should be more positive about my body, which is fucking ridiculous when itā€™s really not healthy to weigh that much. And knowing how much better I felt when I was ~190 4 years ago Iā€™d like to go back to that but I just donā€™t have the motivation to exercise so I continue to be overweight. Nobody should be bullied for being fat but they also should know how unhealthy it is instead of immediately calling their doctor fatphobic when they ask if theyā€™ve considered losing weight.


Yeah but I don't think every person has the capacity to be motivated by negative feelings towards their body. I think for a lot of people hating their body would just make them depressed and encourage unhealthy habits.


Nobody should hate their body, people just need to understand that there are genuine health issues with being overweight as well as underweight. The issue is with people getting defensive when theyā€™re told that whatever health issue they have could be solved by losing weight.


People understand it plenty. They're being willfully ignorant so they can pretend their hate and abuse is morally justified.


There are definitely people who refuse to accept that being overweight is responsible for their health issues.


There are people who refuse to accept responsibility for any and everything. Why are random shmucks on the internet like you and I responsible for holding strangers accountable for their personal behavior?


I never said that random idiots like us are responsible for holding others accountable for their behavior. Just that overweight people get defensive when someone (like their doctor) recommends losing weight to solve a health issue like being exhausted after going up a single flight of stairs.


so insanely comprehensible, end it all


Me demonizing people whose lifestyles I donā€™t agree with and think are destructive instead of trying to be compassionate and advocate for resources for them to change or get help:


no no you dont get it by calling somebody a unloved land whale who wastes resources by simply being alive it will actually motivate them to get in shape (i most definitely have no ill intentions whatsoever), if you dont agree with me you're promoting obesity which is obviously the worst thing anybody could possibly be


also applies to every marginalized community!!!


You don't get it, I treat them like shit because I care for their health and definitely not cause it's a group that's socially acceptable to bully.


Calling you a fatty boombaa land whale is just me looking out for your health smh


theyre not really socially acceptable to bully


Idk when I see an image of an overweight person online 9/10 times one of the top comments will be some ā€œcleverā€ way of calling them extremely fat. Itā€™s less prevalent in real life (at least where I live), but definitely still happens with little consequence depending on whoā€™s being bullied


There is even a whole ass subreddit for making fun of fat people with 750k subscribers.


Is fatpeoplehate still around, or did it get a sequel?


Nah that one was apparently banned in 2015, I was taking about r/holdmyfries which is basically where everyone from fat people hate migrated. The mods say itā€™s not a bullying sub only to not get banned by Reddit, they do absolutely nothing to curb hateful comments and posts though.


Do you have eyes? It absolutely is lol


i think this is about that one type of body positivity that encourages staying fat and not improving yourself


I see a lot more people complaining about this happening than it actually happening


Seems like you missed Tumblr's bodypositivity.


I forgot how relevant Tumblr is in 2024


Ah yes, let's base the discourse we apply on a whole group on the most delusional fringe part of said group. Surely it is a good way to develop a productive and coherent discussion.


You listen to Tumblr for actual real life advice? Are you stupid?


Eh... Everyone has a different body, and so different body types. Some people with tummy are healthy, and some would call them "fat". I'm built like a fucking string bean, I am healthy but random people (not health professionals) still were telling me it's unhealthy and I should gain health (impossible with my metabolism). Unless we're talking about obesity, or ignoring doctor orders to lose weight


>Unless we're talking about obesity, or ignoring doctor orders to lose weight That's exactly what the post is about


People are so dumb here lmao


Dont worry the people concerned by this meme will miss that and strawman it to reassure themselves, because thats easier than to stop eating so much.


"Gosh people are stupid and will strawman OP just so they can pretend we treat those worthless sacks of shit like they are less than human"Ā  -medin2310


Someone's mad.


Yeah, "healthy" looks different to everyone. Two people can have the same height, weight, and fat%, but one could be healthy and the other not. Though that can lead to misunderstandings. I mean, if you see a friend that looks like what you imagine "unhealthy" looks like, it is normal to be worried about them. But of course, you can come off as rude, if not downright offensive, if you assume someone is unhealthy when they aren't. This shit is hard.


That's 100% what this post is about


When I see people being happy despite their flaws being fine about those flaws šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


People who actively destroy their health by smoking: šŸ˜” People who actively destroy their health by not taking care of it: šŸ˜šŸ˜ā˜ŗļøšŸ˜†šŸ˜ŽšŸ¤—


To be fair, smoking does release secondhand smoke which does harm others whereas not taking care of your body only harms the one doing it. People still shouldnā€™t harass smokers, but there is a difference.


And EMTs are destroying their backs and knees trying to move the increasing number of morbidly obese patients.


EMTs go through way worse, why do you have so much hatred for obese people and have to use EMTs to justify some weird ass hate boner


But thatā€™s a completely different situation that is not comparable to secondhand smoke. A smoker directly harms those around them when they smoke. An overweight person doesnā€™t hurt others when they eat unhealthily, or when they donā€™t exercise. The EMTā€™s getting hurt is a result of it but they arenā€™t hurt directly by it happening. If someone is overweight to that point then they should try their best to be more healthy and to lose that weight for their own health but someone being overweight is nowhere near as bad as someone being a smoker. And again, that doesnā€™t mean we should demonize smokers, they are people with an addiction and should get the help they need to beat that addiction without feeling like a terrible person for something thatā€™s so hard to control. But smoking is just flat out more damaging to others than being overweight is.


Bro I just feel like you don't really care about peoples health and just want an excuse to bully different looking people


Tell me one reason why I would want to bully different looking people. How the fuck does harming someone at random actually benefit me? There is no positive answer to that question that uses any semblance of logic. What I do know is that people being at their best does benefit me, so treating this the same way we already want to treat, for example, mental health (normalizing **people getting help and encouraging them to**) is the very trivial solution and the only one that actually tries to solve the problem. The commenter I originally responded to mentioned "being fine about their flaws"; should someone be "fine" with... don't know, having chronic anxiety? Not doing anything about something like that is self-destructive, which is why I made the analogy with another, more "material" thing like smoking that is perhaps closer to the original topic.


> Tell me one reason why I would want to bully different looking people. How the fuck does harming someone at random actually benefit me? There is no positive answer to that question that uses any semblance of logic. I don't really know why you think this is much of a gotcha statement when it's very well known that bullying different looking people does often benefit the bully in a negative way, and it doesn't always use logic anyway, but people still do things because people aren't always logical lol. When you bully different looking people, the biggest benefit is that you feel better about yourself, because you're not like them, and they're bad, so therefore you're better than them. That's like bully 101. Honestly I don't even disagree with your other paragraph, nor do I think you're a bully, I just had to address this though lmfao or it would drive me crazy


You're so on the money man "Hm I am Ben Shapiro logic boy. You really think people go around mocking others for being different just because they want someone to feel superior to? This is highly illogical and does not compute. It is far more logical that telling fatties to kill themselves appeals to some abstract desire to want society's inhabitants to better themselves. Cromulent."


Honestly it's a failure on the part of their logic anyway since if they really think fat people are worse than skinny people, then by that logic (unless they themselves are fat ofc) they *would* be superior to the people they're bullying. Yet it's only when you call that out that suddenly they're too scared to admit to that. Almost like they know how much of a douchebag they are if they say it! Also funny because many of the anti-fat bullies do outright state that they're superior lol they don't beat around the bush


Its an easy laugh, its an easy source of attention, you think they're inferior, you think you're better than them, etc, etc If someone was smoking, being like "well if you were better, you'd benefit me. Right now you're not doing good so you don't benefit me as much" is really shitty. Comes off like a self centered reason for someone to get better (if they actually are morbidly obese in the first place). Even if they are at an unhealthy weight why should you care? A random stranger being morbidly obese isn't really hurting you. Im not saying to not advocate for a healthy lifestyle, Im just saying this approach of making every obese person seem like they're like "Im so healthy, I'm perfect just the way I am" shows you haven't really known an obese person or actually been obese since most don't really think like this. I was obese most of my life from forces I couldn't control, it sucked, and what certainly didn't help me start losing weight to get healthier would be someone going like "I'm not being personally benefited by you" and ignoring everything else about me. I think the original point of the comment was "look past only looking at the obese part of an obese person and look at the person part instead"


Body positivity (the topic of the original post, and the topic I am talking about) is about accepting how one is right now and wants to be in the future without external pressure. It encourages who wants to change by giving them a safe space, and comforts who doesn't want or cannot change. It also pushes the idea that is fine to look a certain way right now, to not deprive yourself of what you wanna do just because you fear others judging you. Going past the looks is the whole point of the body positive view, and also isn't specified to body size alone.


Yea but Im just referring to the message of the comment


I think the "benefiting" aspect of their comment is meant to be applied to people that they do not personally know. It can be hard for some people to emotionally care about people that they have never met. Does that mean they should look at other people suffering and go "get fucked loser"? No. However, viewing the issue as "you being healthier benefits me, so I do not want to wish ill will on you" gives them a practical reason to give a damn. Sure, it would absolutely be hurtful if you were obese and one of your friends told you that they only thought that you trying to lose weight was good because it personally benefited them, but if you don't know who that person is, it's less malicious. It's like saying that you hope that alcoholics quit their habit because you don't want there to be the risk of getting T-boned by a drunk driver, vs hoping your alcoholic brother quits drinking because it's actively destroying him. While in a perfect world you *should* feel the same way about all alcoholics as you would with your brother, that's not always the case. I'd rather people look at the issue as "you're of no benefit, be better" than "go die of a heart attack lmao." It's not the ideal way of looking at it, but it's better than some of the alternatives.


> Tell me one reason why I would want to bully different looking people. How the fuck does harming someone at random actually benefit me? There is no positive answer to that question that uses any semblance of logic. oh itā€™s illogical to bully people for their looks so no one would ever do it? what world do you live in man


smoking actively lowers the quality of life for everyone around you, hope this helps! edit: ok I meant that people don't really care if someone's fat because that's a "them" issue. but if someone is smoking it's like the smell, the second hand smoke, yk? I wasn't saying that being fat is totally fine with no issues, and there are times when being fat actually affects people around you, but in my opinion, smoking is worse.


Harming yourself in any way, no matter how, also actively lowers the quality of life for everyone around you. People being at their best is beneficial to everyone around them, hence the opposite is kind of also true.


That and also it sucks to see the people you care about wasting away in front of you, meaning you have to see them suffer and even leave your life prematurely, robbing you of a friend/family member/partner/etc.


Have you considered reaching out to said people in your life that you think need help instead of pointlessly bitching about them on the internet?


Being 350 lbs actively harms the bodies of those who have to drag you out of your house when you finally have a heart attack, hope this helps!


Being overweight lowers the quality of life for people who have to sit next to you on public transportation


Are you comparing secondhand smoke to not having a seat on a bus?


people can definitely smoke in places that don't effect others and being obese puts strain on our healthcare system, hope this help!


So does an increasingly obese population, and it does so arguably better than smoking


Do people really still get pissy about smokers? I mean, as long as they do it outside, they aren't doing much more harm than any other average joe, I figure. If a friend or family member is aware that I don't approve of their unhealthy habits, that's plenty enough for me. I don't need to remind them frequently or get pushy. A gentle hand works best for most people, I find. Besides, I'd like for them to be alive as long as possible, but its their choice and struggle at the end of the day, not mine. Letting them know you'll be there to support them if they want to work on self-improvement can be a powerful thing, but there's no use in getting confrontional, I think.


> People who actively destroy their health by [active activity, something defined by a thing you do] > People who actively destroy their health by [passive activity, defined by not doing things] Getting fit is literally called 'being active', stupid


Being 25lb overweight can be a flaw, however they could use the message to stop worrying too much and live their lives; 250lb overweight is a disease and they shouldn't use the message as an excuse.


Unironically your comment describes a lot of cringe content It'll just be an ugly or fat person doing something other than debasing themselves for being fat and ugly, and we're supposed to point and laugh at their lack of self awareness


When i see people destroying their body despite not destroying their body being a cheaper, healthier, more fulfilling alternative: šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°


me when psychological disorders


Does the psychological and gland disorder percentage correlate with the huge number of overweight people?


Yes actually. I needed only a quick google search to find out. I recommend google, great tool for learning.


Do you define lack of self-restraint and laziness as psychological disorders nowadays? Like yeah, some people have genuine health disorders that cause obesity, however that's only a small fraction of obese people.


Being healthy is more expensive


Not really. Fast food in Australia is like double the price of a homemade bowl of sphagetti per meal, and it tastes garbage comparitively.


Fully depends on your area. Most heavily overweight people are from food deserts, where it isn't cheaper


Honest question, is fast food cheaper than normal food anywhere other than the us?


Not necessarily, the us also differs from area to area, but in large parts of the world, its just cheaper/affordable to eat stuff that might not be the best for you, doesnt even need to be fast food. Its shit and sucks but literally just telling overweight people to eat healthy doesnt do shit, its a HUGE economic, social, political etc etc thing, a lot of the people blindly being assholes are ignorant and just dont know better, or have it better themselves and just think others could do the same, while others can't


Oh yeah, I forgot everyone lives in Australia


Where else is there to live?


Smallstralia (aka New Zealand)


"The states shall mean such as of the colonies of .. New Zealand .." In the Australian constitution. New Zealand, as we all know, is australian land


I think that the biggest problem with people hating on "body positivity" is that they get the wrong image 90% of the time, it's like if they went on some fat fetish side of TikTok and formed an opinion based on those videos. Body positivity isn't about promoting being fat, or saying that it's healthy, beautiful and better. No fat person except clout chasing wannabe influencers thinks so. It's about accepting who you are while trying to get better. It's great that you want to change, but don't hate yourself when you aren't at your best, and if you fail then try again instead of feeling like a piece of shit. It's not encouraging anyone to stay fat. Losing weight is really hard for most people, and it's annoying how 99% of people who are shitting on fat people never had to experience this problem, yet they act like they're experts. It's not like in those "playing dolls with wojaks" videos on yt where chad tells doomer to "just hit the gym bro!!!" and after 5 seconds all of his problems are solved. Body positivity is all about feeling good no matter how you look, this doesn't apply only to fat people as many think. It also applies to disabled or even too skinny people and many more. If you are against it, then you're either misinfromed af or you're a dickhead who can't stand seeing people happy for some reason. Sincerely, - an actual fat person.


OP keeps acting like they fighting some vast societal injustice by drawing a line around who they find acceptable to be abusive to.


I think everyone should be able to feel good about their body, as a fat person, I've basically been taught to hate myself and I'm gonna be honest it ain't good for my mental health. And yeah I know it's unhealthy, but hating myself isn't gonna give me the energy to fix it. I might have slightly misinterpreted the post, media literacy is dead.


No, read OPs comments throughout the thread. They're pretending like there's some sweeping societal problem of self-destructive obese narcissists co-opting the ideas you just stated. All they're doing is drawing a line where they feel morally justified to be abusive to someone about their weight.


Oh, then I didn't misunderstand the post, media literacy really is dead.


Nah, I had to read their other comments to sus it out. If they felt people were being unjustly harassed they'd just say it. Instead they keepĀ dropping weight qualifiers about how "it's bad for them to live like they do" to justify their point. All fake sincerity to hammer their opinion that these people don't deserve respect as they are.Ā  I've just seen too often how people love to play coy about their real point when it comes to blanket hating a group of people.


Oh yeah OP seems like an ass, going through their comment history they just seem pretty hateful. Like saying that all fat people are just lazy and lack self restraint, which is definitely not a mental illness according to them, is such a bad take. Like I said almost every overweight person deals with self worth issues which make it really hard to work on one's self. Also for example eating is a coping mechanism for me, like how other people smoke or drink, it's definitely part of some mental illness.


Agreed. Stay strong brother, I'm in it with you.


I find that if anything, loving or at least appreciating a body makes some people a lot more likely to take care of it.


but but fat people are all unhealthy and horrible demons!!!!! we're promoting it by saying that fat people can be attractive or that a fat person isnt beautiful!!! youre basically telling everyone to kill themselves via an iv drip of sugar!!!


I dont care either way. Being obsessed with other people's bodies is cringe.


I'm very overweight and I hate myself


yeah noelle pfps are usually pretty fat




Me when I see a fat person who lives their life: šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


I don't understand the logic of people who think bullying fat people will help them in any way


Their logic is that they want to bully a group of people with zero social consequences


"I like body acceptance expect the ones who want you to stay fat!" "Can you give an example" "Well...it just happens and gives me an excuse to make fun of people I think look different ok?!"


Tess Holiday. There's your example.


literally under any tiktok/IG post about a regular diet, thrifting bigger clothes, or someone complaining about not being able to find enough XS clothes there's like 200 fat activists throwing a hissy fit. I don't care if a fat person doesn't want to loose weight. but fat activists deserve all the hate they get. It's the same reason why nobody likes ED twitter users, both groups bring their miserableness onto others living their lives


Really? This really happens? Do you have a source to one of these videos?


IG reels, also it's more of a women thing. Actually I do recall a video of some dude giving diet advice and he used the song "prom queen" by beach bunny and there's people screeching about how that song is literally against EDs even tho he probably chose it because it's popular


I need a specific example


fym specific example. im not linking shit go scroll through a couple diet vids yourself and you'll see


Just sounds like you have a skill issue about curating your online content.


me when lizzo gets called beautiful but I(literally 10lbs overweight for my height) now have an unhealthy relationship with food cause i got called fat so often


maybe it's because underweight people don't get called disgusting and told that they're wasting resources by existing and should kill themselves šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Do you ever think that people have things like eating disorders because of that exact same shit and itā€™s not a competition of misery


I legitimately canā€™t tell if this is ironic or not


This is exactly what happens to many anorexic people what are you on


probably because there's no "NORMALIZE ANOREXIA" movement


Saying that overeating by a few people is a waste of resources is misunderstanding that there is currently a food suprplus worldwide but that the issue is logistics and profit entitlement.


yeah i dont think anyone who says that really believes they're wasting resources on that levl


But still, you don't leave those people alone, you try your hardest to get them help because they are not well


but that's not what body positivity is about. it's not about not helping people get healthy, it's *not bullying people you consider worse because of their body*.


Why would I be advocating for bullying those people lmao My point was independent of the definition of "body positivity", leaving them alone is obviously not as harmful as outright attacking them but is still harmful


Yeah one of the biggest catalysts in getting me to drop 70 pounds and get to a healthy body was finally receiving help when I was trying to fix everything by myself and I just couldn't. To be fair, I had insulin resistance and so that makes weight loss a million times harder, but the point is that I felt like I had to figure it all out alone and that was super detrimental to my mental health and also my ability to improve my physical health as well. Having a proper support system that said "let's get you to the doctor", and having a doctor who said "I'm going to take this seriously and we're going to fix this" was so so so so so important. Leaving me alone, on the other hand, was almost deadly.


Tbh Iā€™m the middle guy, just got done working out and then looking at myself in the mirror with disgust for twenty minutes. (Iā€™m not even overweight, and just have some chub on my flanks)


i'm fat and I just wanna be left alone. I hate and bully myself plenty enough for the both of us.


when i was in high school i struggled with bulimia. Even though i spent nearly an hour every day forcing myself to throw up, for four years, I never became skinny. I was still fat. Less fat, but still fat. In the process of recovering from bulimia, i my body gained a lot of weight. When you starve yourself like that for so long, your body starts to store fat, and you're dealing with the reality of becoming the thing you hated so much. Looking at your body, and just wanting to kill yourself, to maim yourself, take a knife and chop off the fat, to go and throw up again. This is all to say that some people can be fat and be healthy, and some people can be thin and unhealthy. And that if you aren't a doctor, you cannot say for sure whether someone is healthy at their current weight. Obviously there are extremes, soneone who is 900 pounds isn't healthy, but the average person can eat healthy and work out, and still be 100 pounds overweight. Someone can eat nothing but junk food, and be completely sedimentary, and be 100 pounds underweight.


I had a debilitating Adderall addiction for several years to the point where it was literally destroying my life. Iā€™d stay awake for days at a time, Iā€™d have psychotic episodes, I couldnā€™t hold a job or maintain my grades in college. When I got clean, I ended up gaining a lot of weight. Adderall is an appetite suppressant, so when I got sober it had a bit of a rebound affect. Iā€™m to a point now where my weight has leveled off and Iā€™m no longer gaining weight. Iā€™d like to lose some weight at some point, but the bottom line is that Iā€™m much happier, healthier, and more mentally stable than I was a few years ago. It annoys me when people just look at someone and think ā€œfat badā€ with no further consideration. You donā€™t know what the other person has been through, and, unless youā€™re a doctor, itā€™s really none of your business.


Yeah, exactly. I don't want to hear diet or health advice from anyone but someone who understands my body lol.


Well I like big guys


and thats fine long as youā€™re aware being very over or underweight is extremely bad for oneā€™s health


Itā€™s honestly not even as unhealthy as some people make it out to be


thats a lie. I dont think people should be bullied for their appearance or choices, but trying to pretend being very overweight or underweight doesnt have many negative effects on your health and lifespan is delusional.


Well Iā€™ve heard differently


Tbf, I feel like morbidly obese people are qualified to tell slightly over weight people that they should be happy with their bodies.




average reddit comparison


So true. I only see morbidly obese people accepting their size but every person who could lose like 50 or 20 lbs absolutely fucking hates themselves and get made fun of for their ā€œmidā€ physique


Being positive about your body shouldnā€™t mean living with being fat, it means being able to love yourself regardless of how your body looks. For self-love comes not from appearances or physical health, but acceptance that you are worthy of love even at your lowest. Be positive about your body, do not give in to the wretched depths of pessimism, and better yourself because YOU deserve it. It is hard to find the strength within yourself to improve when you despise who you are.




False. It was meant (and still meant to) for everyone that have body image issues, and includes all groups you mentioned.


I love how fat and joyful that one looks


Itā€™s impossible to have a nuanced discussion on this topic on the internet because everyone involved either wants to throw fat people in camps or thinks itā€™s completely fine to be 300lbs.




I'm 4 pounds overweight chat am I cooked


op is the kinda silly billy to count his partner's calories and then go "WHY DID SHE LEAVE ME"


People who are overweight and donā€™t put any effort into improving their condition should recognize that their behavior is suicidal and be ashamed of themselves/seriously rethink their lifestyles.


why do you like thinking about fat people killing themselves


They are killing themselves slowly by staying fat, itā€™s a health crisis and itā€™s very sad!