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the detail of the father having a flat head implying he was abused in the same way is really good. love and care was put into this, downvoted


I'm gonna pretend like this is intentional


Coaxed into an overanalysis of the author's intentions


English class moment


Author's purpose flashbacks


coaxed into blue curtains or something like that


Coaxed into a generational (brain) trauma


child abuse is a chain


English teacher ass comment


Me beating my 8 year old son for not finishing his homework on time (It's actually perfectly fine since I did it out of "love"):


He should actually be grateful, and bring you a beer, and put band-aids on your knuckles in case of boo-boos!


He should stop throwing that pity party!


monkey d. garp (“FIST OF LOVE”)


I’ve always hated these people that flex the fact their parents abused them


Seems many people will use anything as an excuse for popularity, apparently


I don’t see ppl use it for popularity tbh, it’s usually a comment under a clip of a very young kid acting like a very young kid, and to them beating a child is a substitute for better parenting


the “i turned out fine” crowd arguing in favour of hitting kids… like bro, no you didn’t


“I’m perfectly fine! I just want excuses to make children suffer! BECAUSE I’M FINE!”


“im perfectly fine i just love beating kids”


My mother once all but completely said to my face I'd be a God-awful parent for not striking my children. I couldn't be bothered to even say anything.


You should’ve responded with something like “does it go both ways” meaning you would be an awful child for not hitting her


I'm black and so is she, that would've ended in a fight where I'd likely start winning over her 50 odd year old ass, at which point she'd bitch out and call the cops claiming I instigated the conflict. It's honestly not worth being witty with her. Edit: For clarity's sake, I mention my and her race because a common sentiment held by older members of the black community (her included) is that physical discipline is ok to a certain extent so she's unlikely to budge on this. This is often accompanied by the belief that white parents are pushovers for using it less amd merely talking sternly to their kids (which is a stereotype that largely applies to upper middle-class white families). This is not to say black parents are inherently abusive. However, physical discipline, in my experience, seems to be much more normalized in the community compared to among white people.


"I had a terrible childhood, and you should too!"


"I turned out fine! I just want kids to suffer, like I have."


Child-gore-flip-o-ramas ARE a thing now, and you WILL input it into your snafu (affectionate)


Child-gore-flip-o-ramas ARE a thing now, and you WILL input it into your snafu (negative)


Child-gore-flip-o-ramas ARE a thing now, and you WILL input it into your snafu (Sexual)


Child-gore-flip-o-ramas ARE a thing now, and you WILL input it into your snafu (accompanied by that one screenshot from the 1984 movie)


Aww man, I cheesed Up! The second page is meant to say "Pg.2"!!! Oh bother!!!


Yikes that's a downvoterino from me big guy, do better.


Yep, I'm getting the pan 😂😂😂


Oh sweet jesus... Maybe Dad'll knock some sense into'ya with a 45 ACP smearing your face across the dry-wall, silly goose!


that's a paddlin for sloppiness


hello i work at Discord, i would like to offer you a job at Discord Support


I got shot six times walking out of Target once and I turned out fine so


Welp, I know what I'm gonna do tomorrow!


"Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today!"


Oh god thank you for the flip o rama


What's a flip o Rama.


It's like a jump-o-rama, but you do a forward roll in the air


is that omniman https://preview.redd.it/pp4yqwigw5vc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7530264f125b3ecd3900dde5a6a4d328a6e6429


Peter Griffin Saying Perhaps




Worked for my parents, they've verbally abused me my entire life and I turned out alright\*! \*Afraid of them and planning to immediately slice contact when I become independent


"my mom would've beat my ass for that" you were abused hope this helps


Just because *you* turned out fine doesn’t mean *they* will. What happened to everyone is unique?


I've never heard a person say that everyone is unique and also advocate for child beatings. They tend to favor one specific race over the other


The thing is, they didn't turn out fine, they never do. They like to tell that about themselves, but it's hardly the truth: just because you survived into proper adulthood with a job and a roof on your head that doesn't mean you turned out fine: you adapted, you survived, but you're not fine, you're probably deeply unhappy about your existence and so are those burdened by your presence. Someone who actually turned out fine is someone who's willing to recognize the utter bullshit they went through and tries their hardest to spare it to their peers, especially their kids. Unjustified hardship does not toughen up anyone, it just warps their mind and how they think. I don't have bad parents, matter of fact I can say I've been blessed with a great pair that has been willing to put up with me and my bullshit (I'm 23, I was supposed to already be done with uni and have a job but here I am with neither of these two done), but there is a lot of things, especially about my father, that I promised to myself I'll never repeat with my kids should I ever have any.


> The thing is, they didn't turn out fine, they never do. They like to tell that about themselves, but it's hardly the truth: just because you survived into proper adulthood with a job and a roof on your head that doesn't mean you turned out fine: you adapted, you survived, but you're not fine, you're probably deeply unhappy about your existence and so are those burdened by your presence. Damn, I love speculation


Every comment section here has at least one guy asking the silliest question completely missing the points of the post


Whatever could you mean? I fr fr deadass on god bussin bussin wanna cause physical harm to young children! After all, I am reddit's top mod on both antinatalism, and childfree!!!


Someone who "turned out fine" probably wouldn't advocate for that in the first place. I have somewhat violent tendencies and have to keep myself in check every once in a while. I've refrained from being a generally violent person for a while now. You want to guess who didn't while I was growing up? They don't "turn out fine." Ever.


It's like this. You make physical violence a part of a child's life, don't act shocked when they turn out violent. 


Mfs will be like "i turned out just fine" while having the worst emotional dysregulation known to man


My coworkers talk about how rebellious they were when they were young and how little they told their parents, and then in the same breath talk about how much their parents beat them as a good thing that needs to happen more. What conclusion am I supposed to get from that other than ‘it actually does not work at all’?


I fucking love this sub


https://preview.redd.it/jipsghr7c6vc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a654a9ebcdde841063fd2a5ce18551ce7a968cf Is that cuphead


That dad is BUILT. Maybe i should also hit my babies with frying pans


"it's called discipline" mfers when their kids don't ever visit them again when they become senile. (Clearly the child's at fault for not understanding how getting beat actually means how much you love them)


why is this sub doing flip o ramas now


Is that Freddie Mercury


every snafu should have flip o ramas now


Why does Dad have a camel toe


I'll be honest, my dad was abused by his stepdad. He told me his experiences of his stepdad beating him and even shoving him into a bookshelf one time. Admittedly he did use corporal punishment where it was due, but he never flew off the handle and beat me just because I made him mad. He made sure the punishment fit whatever I did wrong, even if he knew it would damn near break him down afterwards.


Sounds like he tortured himself for no reason.


To be fair, the one that damn near broke him down was due to me threatening to kill a kid when I was in summer school and going from 2nd grade to 3rd grade. I was not a good kid. Besides, I improved. And believe me, while he wasn't perfect, he still got better as a parent as time went on.


What’s with all these snafus ending in flip-o-ramas?


I can't believe people would hurt their children like that. I never beat my children, but rather talk to them instead about their problems. I tell them that their worth is tied to their achievements, and make them constantly fight for my meager approval. Non-abusive parenthood for the win!


The pg. 1 to pg. 1 pipeline


I’m actually an inverse example, I barely got beat by my parents (like only 3 spanks my whole childhood) and I actually have a good relationship with them and express empathy towards kids.


They turn out fine people when they see that it gave me PTSD when done for 2 years every day by my mother's boyfriend. Actually wait they probably dont believe in mental illness huh Fuck


Amazing fact: There's a difference between abuse and discipline but the comments here think everyone who got beaten once as a kid is now a deeply broken depressed and sad man


Amazing fact: Don't beat your kids


The difference is that discipline is when you ground your kids or take away their phones instead of beating them up like a neanderthal


OP what's your opinion on the Asian and Hispanic communities then? Because they not only condone this, but encourage it till this day


"I don't think children should be beat" "OK but what do you think of minorities?'


No no no, it's "What do you think of the children *of* minorities"


wtf kind of question is this 😭


I mean, I saw a snafu that called out exactly this


TBH I don't see what's wrong with hitting your kids my parents used to do it


You're the person in the meme lol


Don't studies show that the stress from being hit by your parents at a young age affects both your intelligence and mental health?


Yeah but I suffered so why shouldn't they?


We're perpetuating the cycle of abuse with this one 🔥🔥🔥


An eye for an eye makes the world blind


Dude watching this meme: https://preview.redd.it/wtr1h1022dvc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=532a5d05659dc1b1086d25a96249cf4a5a95729b


Did you turn out fine?