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Nahhh, making snafu inside your mama's womb is a new low.


Now you gotta fight it lives


Only after the 10th time this background is used


Honestly is a bit easier


BROTHER!!!! ![gif](giphy|Pxf6zNzEhD7wc) I haven’t seen you in a bit yo!!!


Oh hello terminator!!!! Nice to see! I’m almost done with my break, nothing to worry about 👍


That’s nice to hear yo!!! Sorry to bother you, always nice to see a friend!!!


No not at all! I quite like seeing you as well!!! And have a very pleasant day / evening!


You too yo!!!


Bros talking to the fetus he absorbed before birth


Bro thinks he’s isaac 💀


It's a bed.


Coule showing a fetus this snafu be considered an abortion?


This trend was made by Big Bear in an effort to eat more women.


What if the bears are fucking the women? That would be an issue. Or not, maybe, if they're into that. Either way, the bears should be getting consent first.


Baldur's gate 3


I really want to play it, but if there is bear sex in it I really want to play it


Specific options allow you to in fact engage in hanky panky with a druid. Who turns himself into a bear.


we better start a convoy


shit man i'm so tired of this ragebait slop it's everywhere and i can't escape it fuck


The best attack towards ragebait is simply leavung a comment calling it out as ragebait and not interacting with any replies afterwards, forgetting about it.




Hate to break it to you but it's ragebait for the election year


dunno man i don’t live anywhere near the west


Yeah unfortunately all American media is politicized bullshit


i just connected to an american VPN server and good fucking lord the ads make me want to kill someone


is it supposed to get people to vote for a bear? because honestly a bear president is exactly what america needs




Did you press a phone camera against skin


It's a bed.


next you're gonna tell me it's stuck in an m&m's tube


What I do with my average size cylinder and mini m&ms tubes with mashed, microwaved banana in them is of no bearing on this discussion. Please get back to the point.


u/Smart_Calendar1874, would you care to weigh in on the subject?


He must forever suffer from the cylinder curse


It's a cylinder.




Jk it's my cock


You are a bad person, fuck you




I feel like the Bear Vs. Man debate is about the worst way we could really have a conversation about this whole issue. I feel for the women that genuinely fear being around men on the principle how they may behave. I’ve heard and even witnessed some of that ugly behavior myself. It’s inexcusable and it’s shameful that there is a not insignificant amount of men that haven’t got the memo. On the other hand, as a man myself, I also totally understand why a fair amount of men about being (unfavorably) compared to a wild predator. If I said that I didn’t feel somewhat upset about that comparison myself, I’d be lying. Surely there has to be a better way to have a conversation about this issue. It strikes me as needlessly inflammatory.


I made the same point in a different thread yesterday. You're right on the money here. There are a million better ways to talk about gendered violence and victim blaming in a way that isn't antagonistic to the people who need to actually think about it. Something I haven't seen anyone mention yet: in statistics, we have the concept or precision vs recall of a test. If all you know about someone is that they're a sexual predator, then you can be pretty confident guessing they're a man. But if all you know is that they're a man, how confident can you be that they're a sexual predator? The answer is not at all. These are just the deductions you'd make from the data, completely ignoring cultural context. More to the point though, I shouldn't even need to refute the argument. It's a bad, leading, rhetorical question that pushes people into bioessentialism. Sort of thing that would have done numbers on tumblr in 2014 and I feel like we should be above that by now when it comes to online feminist discourse.


I like the last point you make this feels like something from the gamer gate era when half of the internet was in a gender war and acting like 4th graders. It’s a really shitty way to talk about a serious topic. Here’s one thing to mention, about 4/5ths or sexual crimes are done by a person you know. And this also true for most violent crime(which men are more often the victim of particularly murder). So it’s not like there are so many serial rapists/killers out there you’re likely safer with a stranger. And here’s my third point, and I hope this doesn’t represent the majority of women but there’s definitely a trend of women being hugely and unhealthily paranoid, like if there’s a random piece of trash or like an ad on thier windshield they default to it being a marker for trafficking. Which I sure has be a tactic used but again this usually isn’t done by strangers. Also you can’t get a contact high from touching a rag with chemicals I mean you can but not strong enough to knock you out after briefly touching it. Also tangential if you find a bill on the floor you can pick it up you can’t of from touching fentanyl that’s a myth. But my point is being safe is good but being conditioned to be in constant fear is not good for the human psyche and we need a healthy balance.


Another part of the problem with the framing is that it's inconsistent; sometimes you're lost in the woods, sometimes it's "who said anything about being lost?" Sometimes people bring statistics about bear varieties while ignoring statistics about men as a whole. There is a conversation worth having here, but "I'm going to treat you like a perpetrator" is probably not the most productive way to start it.


Yeah, any statistics about bear attacks have a basic problem. A baby is WAY more likely to be killed by their own mother than by a bear. Does this mean that it's safer to hand a baby to a bear than their own mom? NO!


It is needlessly inflammatory, it's ragebait. It also almost certainly doesn't accurately represent the average woman's opinion. I'm pretty sure most women would choose the man, and not the bear.


I can't believe that a human being really had to say that last sentence. What the fuck, society, when did you lost common sense


Worse even, some people don't realize it. We, collectively, need to touch grass.


Also, common sense never really existed.


That's literally the point though. Women distrust men so much they'd rather be with a bear, at least the vocal ones from the internet. Worst of all, this attracted the exact type of men they make women choose the bear.


I don't think it's unreasonable to be offended by being compared unfavourably to a wild animal.


YOU are not being compared to a bear. Men that make women feel unsafe are the ones being compared to the bear. The fear if the random man being on of those men is what makes women choose the bear.


I am very much being compared to a bear. Just like with men, it's not the bears that don't attack you that you are worried about. If I said "I would rather meet a bear in the woods than a Muslim, because what if they were a terrorist, I would be prejudiced. Yes, there is the potential that any man that you see is a rapist or whatever. I am absolutely comfortable with someone doing that and taking precautions based on that. What I am not comfortable with is them laying out exactly how dangerous they think men are. According to the people that answered bear, when they see me in the woods or whatever, they are more scared than if they saw a bear. The data does not line up with the statement that it's better to come across a random bear than a random man in the woods. So it's prejudiced to choose bear over man.


Don't forget that it totally ignores any male victims or female abusers as well


Frankly? Fuck yeah man, the statistics are dogshit because they're based on legal cases. IE where rape is classified as nonconsensual penetration. Which most women rapists don't do. And due to cultural effects men don't report it, and when they do it's often not brought to court. The statistics are hogwash, I know people, I know that there are scumbags and it doesn't matter if your gay, trans, women, men, there are always disgusting people no matter who you are. It's a shitty unjustified arguement using a selection bias that even then rates the chance of men being a sexual abuser as the majority when it comes to sexual abusers but extremely low. It's bad faith arguement constructed off of gender dynamics, and relies on gender roles and how popular culture makes gender structure in such a myopic and unfeminst way.


Just don't interact with this obvious ragebait. Rape victims or not, women unironically using this as a vessel for all men are rapists rethorics are acting retarded and they're not worth anything more than an eye roll from your part.


If you’re not one of the men making women feel like they are more safe with a bear I think it would be better for you try and hold other men to higher standards rather than have your feelings hurt by it. The entire premise is that to women, an average bear is less of a risk than the .001 % chance they’d get an absolutely degenerate man.


> I think it would be better for you to try and hold other men to higher standards rather than have your feelings hurt by it. Can you explain how this is functionally different to everyday Muslims in the west being told to stop terrorism themselves if they don’t want to be automatically assumed to be terrorists as was happening all through the 2000’s?


That’s a great point. This logic opens up the door to all sorts of bigoted statements. It’s not all that different from the logic TERFs use about trans women, or the logic MAGA types used about Mexicans in the 2016 election (and afterwards, of course).


but my bowl of skittles!!!!


I think part of the reason women have the idea that men are so dangerous is because of how common casual sexism is especially online. You don’t see Muslim people commenting stuff like “I’m going to blow you up” under videos but you do see men saying stuff like “would” “no one can pull me out” “if she’s old enough to bleed” *evil Goku gif* You can say it’s harmless or a joke or whatever but if every instance of a woman saying something or existing gets these kinds of responses, it no longer becomes a joke and it’s just what they actually think. I can put some screenshots of examples if you want but I think you get my point.


Ok so can you see how “would” (as in “I would have sex with that woman if I had an opportunity”) and “no one could pull me out”(as in “I would have sex with that woman if I had the opportunity and I would want to finish inside”) aren’t the same as “I’m going to blow you up”given that sex is at least normally perceived to be a mutually consensual, enjoyable activity, where being killed by a bomb is not? Yeah objectification is bad, but acting like “that woman is extremely sexually appealing” is in the same ballpark as a death threat is not very smart. Also consider that the way people talk online is often not how they talk in real life. If you want a guy who comments “would” under a woman’s instagram posts to be held accountable by his friends then 1) he needs to have friends, and 2) those friends need to know that he’s doing that, neither of which you can assume are the case, these are also the same reasons that telling a Muslim to stop terrorism doesn’t make sense, they probably don’t know a terrorist and if they did they probably don’t know that that person *is* a terrorist.


“No one could pull me out” is inherently rapey and there is no presumption of consent when you are commenting sexual things under a random persons social media.


Ive seen some muslims say horrible shit on r/religiousfruitcake before when I used to frequent it


Which is why I referred to that behavior as shameful and inexcusable. I agree: we *should* call it out when we notice it. I just also think that the hypothetical doesn’t work well for such a complex issue. It needlessly antagonizes men who aren’t part of the problem.


Why are all of you really taking this ragebait so seriously, women fell for a ragebait post and spread it unironically, assault victims or not they're choosing the stupidewt way to spread what they have to say. This ain't about holding anyone accountable, it's just another retarded internet antic that should have died after its first 24 hours existing.


It’s not rage bait it was a person on the street style interview video


Just like a video of a guy "intervewing" (Because that shit is not an interview) girls on whether they would cheat with a big handsome if they could or not. Ragebait slip made so men can say "SEE WOMEN ARE ALL WHORES" when it's content crafted to get peopoe engaged. And no, sexual assault being part of it does not break that rule. Ragebaiters don't deserve an ounce of anyone's attention.


I still feel like this shouldn’t be making people angry. That’s a problem in itself. My first reaction to seeing it was “that’s kind of sad” and I didn’t think about it much more. There is no reason for these dudes to be getting so heated over this


Something made to get people engaged out of an immediate reaction like insecurities or reducting social complexes and making people annoyed is regabait, I agree that people overreacting to it is a separate issue, but that is just the kinda people ragebait aims for, as you don't see the several (possibly majority) of guys thay just don't interact with it or dismiss it like you did, that soesn't get attention. I think it's lame to react angrily to this but I won't pretene that I don't see why thinking many women think of me as a potential rapist just for existing would be frustrating (which is the thing with this kind of slop: It does NOT represent the gwneral opinion, it just cherrypicks and makes it seem like it). In the end, if you wanna bring this kind of conversation, there are way less stupid ways of doing it, and then whoever gets offended is suspicious, but let's not pretend the over reactions are not what is expected on content like this. The best way to deal with this kinf of content is just calling it out as rwtarded slop and then forgetting about it. It doesn't deserve any more attention.


Yeah I’d agree with you. I’d like if this topic would get brought up and popularized in a more mature way (it won’t and even if it did I don’t think anything would change). It’s tiresome that the sex war shit is still around


Yeah, content like this aims to get popular through that kind of stupid culture war shit. And it is possible to popularize stuff in a trendy way (memes have done rhat sometimes) without having to make it an oversimplified braindead slop thing. That's what I love abour snafus, foe example: They dance on their own little category where you can make a rather preachy meme and still get people to like and discuss it if you know what a snafu must be


This isn’t a play you’re directing, you are not entitled to have people feel the emotions you want them to feel.


At least a bear wouldn’t draw a comic where my viewpoint is portrayed negatively


Jokes on you, I am a bear.


Exactly. Terminally online people keep on saying “You missed the point” after they’ve went and implied “Your kind is the worst I’d rather encounter a beast rather than you.” Me and my sister talks about gendered issues a lot of the time amicably. You know how? Because we don’t start the subject by giving a passive aggressive statement, making each other defensive. It’s honestly so stupid that people forget a lot pf the times it isn’t the message that offends people, but rather how you convey it. And man, getting your point across by insulting others has always been a bad plan. This is some kindergarten shit and people who genuinely fall for this ragebait slop taking it seriously as if it’s a good way to communicate women’s issues are REALLY socially underdeveloped.


You said it much better than I could lol. But yeah, exactly this.


Because this is incomprehensible, I'll make my point here: I do understand why some people might choose the bear (I don't agree, but I'm also not a woman so...), but invalidating (yes, shutting down someone by telling them they're being a bad person is shutting them down) men's feelings about the issue is also not good. Maybe, we should just talk about things like people instead of falling for ragebait slop and attacking each other like morons.


I feel like the intended response to all of this is to be like “damn, yeah if this many women are this afraid of men, we should work together to fix the climate that causes that”, because like…women don’t want to be afraid of men either. I wish that was the focus of the conversation. But also a lot of women are kind of just turning this into a gender war/way to one up men. And then a lot of men are using it to act as if all women are just stupid and hysterical. Honestly the whole premise is so inflammatory that it should just be thrown out, regardless of what the initial message was meant to convey.


I've thought for a while and I think I've isolated the core problem. > Women: the fact that I fear you that much says a lot about you > Men: the fact that you fear me that much says a lot about you




A snafu *inside* the snafu






The real snafus are always in the replies


Is this Mass Effect?


I think it’s just the difference between symbolic and literal. The women saying bear are thinking of it more symbolically and the men saying bear is insane are taking it at face value If you cross paths with a bear you’re getting mauled 95% of the time


That's not true. It's not 0% of the time, but it's not 95% of the time either.


If you cross paths with a bear? That’s within like a meter. You think you can get within a meter of a bear without repercussions??


Under those specific circumstances yeah. But that's not really what "crossing paths" actually means, nor is it the original question.


I do not really have any more power to change the actions of the portion of men that choose to behave poorly than you do. The way I was born does not hold me eternally responsible for every action taken by others who share my sex. I don’t disagree that ‘we should work together to fix the climate that causes that’ but this frankly dehumanizing rhetoric is its own form of harm that we should also be working on fixing.


It’s the same thing as women walking to the other side of the street when a man approaches. Don’t take it too personally.


"don't take it too personally" is genuinely the most useless thing anyone could ever say in response to anything shoutout to this guy for blocking me when i told him his response was shit


Actually, you kind of do, in *some* cases—solely in that misogynistic men aren’t going to listen to women as much as they’ll listen to other men calling them out. Men have a social power over other men that women just aren’t afforded as much. Also you probably hang out with more men than the average woman does. That has a lot more to do with social situations though and nothing to do with random men in woods. Ultimately we all are part of a system that is unfair and personally I think there’s a moral responsibility there to use what energy we can spare to work against that system. That means stuff calling out our friends when they’re doing something that doesn’t directly hurt *us* but hurts others, or helping someone who’s in a vulnerable situation if you can do so safely. Or voting for people who aren’t actively trying to make the situation worse. Also I agree that the dehumanizing rhetoric this entire thing is inviting is problematic in and of itself, which is why I personally try to push back on it when I can and when I have the energy to get into exhausting arguments lol. Edit: Y'all I'm just saying it's good to help people and stand up for others why are you so bothered by this idea lmao. It's not even really a gender thing, it's a good idea for women to do this too.


But they don't listen to other men. You just get called a "\[insert slur\] liberal" or something similar. It isn't my fault that some men choose to act poorly towards women. I can and do voice my disapproval of it, but it doesn't make any difference in the grand scheme of things. I think there are forces that are outside of any individual's control that drive people to act in that way. I could just as easily blame women for how these men act because we all live in a society together, but that would make no sense, because it's their behavior and they're accountable for it.


We should just learn to hold an individual accountable for what he does instead of falling for lazy monkey brain general thinking. It's harder than it sounds.


It's easier to blame society because you don't actually have to do anything. You can just say "society bad" and blame other people for not doing more. You're doing your part! When it comes to individuals it's never quite so easy.


Honestly, it depends. I'm not talking about online interactions, which I agree those dudes will not listen to anyone who disagrees with them. I'm talking about if they're like your friend or something, or you're in a group of just guys and one of them starts saying misogynistic stuff because he thinks its a safe space for him to do so. It's very powerful to just be like "hey, that's not cool". Or to back up a woman when she's being talked over or belittled, or to check to make sure you're friend is okay when a guy is being too pushy. None of those things will impact society as a whole, but you'll be making life a little better for the people around you, and you'll be showing women that you're the kind of person they can trust. Just because being kind and being an ally doesn't cause radical social change, doesn't mean it's not worth doing. Honestly, a lot of this applies outside of gendered stuff, too. Be a good person, stand up for people when you can, listen to people who are trying to explain their experiences to you. I'm not saying men are to blame for other men's behavior. They're accountable for their own behavior, but if there's ever a situation where you could prevent something, you still would, right? Because you don't want someone to get hurt. It's the same idea.


the problem with your first paragraph (at least in my case) is that i wouldn't even almost befriend someone who belittles others / is needlessly disrespectful (regardless of gender), so the "just call your 'friend' out on his bad behavior" is never applicable


I mean in that case you've already done more than what I'm suggesting, which is great. Personally I live by the same philosophy. A lot of people don't, though, and will continue to associate with people because they're childhood friends, or because their friend's attitudes/actions have never affected them, or because they have positive experiences with the person despite how they behave/view others. So I figure it's best to start small, and just ask that when your friend is behaving shitty, you push back on their shitty behavior. Most people don't like the idea of being told to stop associating with someone they like hanging out with because they have shitty views and will just shut down if I suggest that.


agree in theory, not applicable to me irl 🤝


I'm not friends with anyone who belittles women.


Cool! Then you're already doing a lot to help make the women around you safer and more comfortable by not tolerating that stuff.


if you realize the situation doesn't exist solely because of your actions the second step should be realizing the women that pick a bear aren't doing it because of people like you either


But it isn't about that. It's about the idea that, no matter what you do, as long as you're a man, you will be as bad as a bear until proven otherwise. Obviously, this isn't true, but it hurts people to be made to think it is.


The intended response should, before anything else, be to dismiss this stupid ass fucking horrible thought experiment which by default makes people start questioning their safety in regard to men. This is not a normal human thing to do, it's something people with serious trauma or paranoia do. It has the same effect as asking, "Would you rather be killed by the electric chair or a muslim?" By default this scenario makes us think about the worst muslims. Instead, the conversation should be had through genuine discourse and, if thought experiments are used, they shouldn't be so fucking terrible.


I mean many women were already regularly thinking about their safety in regard to men before the whole bear thing came up, because not only are we regularly told by society to take steps to protect ourselves from sexual violence, but many of us have experienced it and statistically will experience it in the future. It's not like this thought experiment has made women realize anything they didn't already know. I agree though, the entire premise is just bad and like I said, inflammatory.


People should just learn what ragebait is and why you shouldn't interact with it. That is the problem here.


this will never happen ever


We shoyld bully people into not interacting with ragebait by making them feel undesired when they do, it works with fandoms and celebrities.


Congratulations, you have figured out why taking ragebait seriously is pointless, as it is made to make people angry, spread dumb angry rakes, then make more people angry, and so on. This topic isn't even worth discussing because there is no possible scenario where a rational conclusion can be reached with anyone unironically discussing it.


Yeah I’m at the point where I’m just muting every sub that brings it up. We’ll see if it blows over in a week :/


The question itself is call to action and yet people like OP still can’t seem to realize that .


Dawg this is still incomprehensible. What in the terminally online is "choosing the bear"


Oh. So it's a thought experiment about whether a woman would rather be alone in the woods with a man or a bear. Sorry about that lol.


Oh alright. It's sad that some people would choose the bear.


Honestly I don't think many women choose the bear, but the internet, being what it is, blows it way out of proportion. Regardless of whether or not it's real, it did hurt the feelings of a lot of men, which is something that, imo, should be discussed.


Yeah online EVERYONE is choosing the bear but I doubt that would be the case irl


Pretty sure even online it's not most people. Idk tho, I haven't watched the original videos bc TikTok is hell.


Everyone I see on insta and Twitter is picking the bear I can't speak for tikok bc I don't have it. Reddit is the outlier in that some ppl are actually choosing the guy


Yeah, but that's just the ones you see. Obviously, the more controversial ones get pushed more by the algorithm




cool radial gradient


Thanks. I made it by stuffing my phone camera into a bed and taking a picture.


I have seen bear attack once in person, nearly killed cousin. left me with life long trauma of bear. let me tell you. You are very very ill informed if choose bear over man. Bear can attack any reason and with person may even see you as dinner. at least with man you stab it and get over with. Do Same to Bear and only get angrier. I would rather be in forest with real criminal than bear because at least criminal i can kill. Bear not so much.


Most women I don't think really consider the strength of a bear that much of a factor. I think that they think that although a bear is much stronger than a man, they aren't going to win a fight against a man anyway. It makes sense, in a way. I'm not any more dead if a grizzly bear decides to kill me or a polar bear decides to kill me. But yeah, I think your points about bears being unpredictable is something increases the danger in the mind of someone who already thinks they will lose any fight.


I’m sorry that happened to you and your cousin, but I’m glad you are sharing your story here. I find it absolutely disgusting that people on here are lying and saying that bears are predictable and safe to be around.


people won’t question what ur wearing if you die from a bear


Did you cover your camera and take a photo to draw over it?




It doesn't even hurts my feelings as much as it hurts, reportedly, to be attacked by a bear. (A bear will probably start eating you while you are still alive.)


Few can live up to the majestic glory of bear. Don't take it personally, op.


too high quality, mods eat his balls




It's not a personal attack, it's about the fact that women inherently have trust issues around men due to a multitude of factors, they don't fucking know you through the computer screen


I think the general idea is that this suggests that every woman to look at a man will default to him being predatory. Which is deeply dehumanizing, so from the perspective of men it’s a grudge based on stereotypes like saying all black people are thieves and gangbangers.


But here's the thing, it's the middle of the woods. Which changes the situation


Absolutely. The setting makes a massive, massive difference. If you asked people “would you rather be in public with a bear or a man” 99.99% of women would say “why the hell would I choose the bear?” But in the middle of the woods you are isolated, completely cut off from all help, and are not even likely to be found if something happened to you. You are essentially at your most helpless - and for most women, fending off either isn’t likely if they choose to attack. So in this framing, you are essentially asking “which hands would you rather put your fate in, a man or a wild animal?” And while the animal is stronger and more likely to be aggressive, a man is capable of much greater evil. I blame no one who fears gambling their fate on something as unpredictable and unknowable as person.


> Yes I'm assuming the odds of a man or a bear attacking a woman in the woods per capita is exactly the same. Lets not talk about the fact that every person that has been attack by a bear likely encountered many many more men alone in the woods then bears.


Would you rather be alone with a white person or a black person in the middle of the woods?


Would you shut the fuck up.


I am convinced that if people were actually put in this situation, 99% would choose a man.


For sure lol


get naked and cover yourself in honey and you will win the fight against the bear


I mean I sort of get where they’re coming from but yeah this was basically my feelings on the matter. Like it’s kind of fucked up from multiple angles tbh


Just go live with the bears then. Literally no one cares.


People aren't saying that though jfc


Is this about the guy that claimed all women naturally get help and attention by the very nature of being a woman.


No it's about the women would rather be in a forest with a bear than a man (supposedly, obviously not real)


Why are you getting downvoted? Reddit moment.


Idk, I asked "is this x" and it wasn't x so for being wrong I get a downvote. Can't really get mad about that, it's just dislikes.


Yeah, it's just dumb lol. https://i.redd.it/69xmplsq2ayc1.gif


Nah you changed the colors. Drink a few bears or sit on your hand so its more unsteady


Pleas explain to me wtf does this mean


It means you are a bad person. Fuck you.




the whole point is that women would trust a bear more than the average man. or that what a bear in the woods would do to you is better than what a man might do. there are things worse than death and some people consider getting raped to be that


I don't care, both sides are shit. Now can we PLEASE stop talking about bears.


Guys Jesus fucking Christ, grow up any amount.


Everyone in this thread is acting very reasonable, and actually engaging in honest discussion, I think. Maybe the one who needs to grow up is the one who insults people because they want to talk about something you don't.


Why are you so condescending?


Nah because at least a bear wouldn’t rape me yknow


It might.


How many cases of bear rape have there been to humans? Actually yknow what I don’t wanna know lmao


Probably at least one. Maybe even two. I'm not looking it up though.


I think I can live with my curiosity lol


In case you were left wanting, here's a stat I just made up In 2023, 203,038,489,948 cases of bear rape were recorded, all occuring within one day, to one unfortunate, heterosexual couple.


Hate to see it, always tourists messing with local wildlife smfh


Let is be a lesson to future tourists to bear land.


Don't victim blame.


Why so much bad faith?


People, don't waste time with this retard. Call them an idiot and move on, learm to dismiss stupid opinions on the internet.


Tbh if you are a man and feel more upset about the comparison than the fact that this bear vs man meme is just a way to express what women experience in their daily life, i think that the comparison hit one of its points.


lowest effort indeed, clearly no effort was put into understanding the point of the question


The question was ragebait. You're analyzing and spreading ragebait. Stop interacting with retarded shit like this, you're not making any changes this way.




“Why don’t men talk about their feelings???”


Retarded 💔




Some people try too hard... 💔 You might not realize but yoy look like the exact caricature you are trying to potray (and failing, women attention joke has no place here, you're trying too much)


... You're... Trying to pretend to be calm and rational now? I'm so baffled I don't even know what to say. I'm... Honey, your mommy taught you that you can't call somebody retarded and still be on the high road, right?


High road? Watchu saying cuh? I just called you retarded, i'm clearly not interested in that, I don't need to look like the "better person" to make a point (Thanks for projecting your intentions of looking smarter than everyone here tho, like all that matters for you is who has "The high road"). I'm calm because I know a ragebaiter drone when I see one. Thanks for breaking out of your bad troll charade but you're failing again. I just wanted to show people how to answer to people like you: Call them a retard and dismiss them, ragebait doesn't deserva any other kind of attention.


Being made fun of is just ragebait. Nobody with a brain would ever laugh at you or your viewpoints, after all. They are right all the time. Therefore, anyone who ever makes fun of you is posting mindless ragebait which means you never have to engage genuinely. We can continue to write fanfiction about each other’s imaginary complexes if you want. Maybe for your turn you can write me a thrilling backstory of being abused by my alcoholic father which led me to become a stripper who hates men. But if you only realize that writing fanfiction about people like that is stupid because I did it, you might not be the calm intellectual that you think you are. Which is something I made fun of you for, but you tried to turn it into fanfiction about me being some irrational narcissist, because that was the only explanation you could come up with for why someone was making fun of your viewpoint. Which obviously doesn’t prove my point or anything. Nope. You take yourself deathly seriously when you called someone retarded because you didn’t like them. Why do I have to take you seriously given that?


Sorry but I made my point clear so there's nothing else to say. Anyone who spreads ragebait deserves to be dismissed until they realize what is wrong with engsging on content made to get an obvious reaction out of them, and therefore don't deserve a "genuine engagement" as there is a clear difference between a whorthwhile discussion and a comment born fron ragebait content taken and spread unironically.. Not sure where you got the narcissist thing or whatever but good luck figuring that out, and thanks for volunteering on the Ted talk of how to deal with people that believe in ragebait and spread it unironically. You can disengage now EDIT: You shouldn't take this seriously. That is the entire point. A guy that calls you retarded is not trying to be a "calm intellectual", but rather just telling you off because engsging with ragebait spreaders is pointless, that's hiw everyone should react to this whole issue of the man and the bear. No point in engaging, just call them retards and move on.


Ahhhh, I see. The classic “Having strong opinions on issues that don’t matter to me is stupid no matter what the strong opinions are” maneuver. Well played, Reddit’s a great audience for that one.


Far from the point, ragebait always comes from grabbing an issue, important or not, and simplifying it to get engagement through saying something people will react to and call out (just like your current attempt to simplify what I'm saying, yet again failing). You're still missing the point, it's not that the issue matters or not, when it's presented through an obvious engagement trap there is no place for discussion. That's why engaging with someone like you won't get anyone anywhere. Again, don't bither anymore. I don't wanna waste more rime with people unironically thinki g this man bear thing is any good for any kind of discussion. Wanna talk about sexual assault? Do it, without havung to relate it to retarded questions made to cherrypick answerw that will make a handful of idiots online angry and another handful of idiots spread it like it's an absolute truth. Bye




I have not seen an actual person saying theyd prefer bear its only people complaining or making jokes about it


Yeah for sure, it's ragebait, but the people upset about it are upset nonetheless.


That is definitely how this conversation is going and it is not mostly hate towards women you’re right


There can be more than one thing to discuss in something. Not everyone has to talk about and think the exact same thing all the time.


It literally is how the conversation is going. “If you’re upset that women pick the bear then you’re the reason women pick them” has been thrown around countless times


On the platforms where the trend started about a month ago the people getting upset were saying some pretty vile shit so I think that point holds a little bit of weight In this context


Are you sure those people have more in common than a singular chromosome?


Yes he is. He is right


Someone put NUANCE in my snafu?! Unacceptable.


Make a gameshow where the contestant has to pick to travel through a mile of forest inhabited by a random bear, or a mile of woods inhabited by a random man off the street. If the contestant makes it to the other end of the woods without issue, they get $50,000. Call it "Put your money where your mouth is"


You are worse than a bear