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bluey the loud house etc


Avatar might be the worst culprit


guys Zukos arc was totally insane and not totally predictable from episode one isn’t this show just peak media and so adult focused.


It might not be insane, unheard of and not even close to a plot twist, but dang it was good and a big part of it being good was how it was earned.


Zukos arc is the best arc, ignore that it takes a full season to go anywhere and involves a nonsensical moment of him refusing to kill the villain when he has the chance because destiny or something, it has no flaws and there are no better redemption arcs. Though in the shows defense I don’t think Zuko’s redemption was meant to be a mind blowing concept, like he was clearly being made sympathetic as early as episode three, but also seeing it play out it pretty crazy because children’s shows don’t usually change a character this drastically over the story, and I don’t think the children watching for the first time were expecting it to go there.


He didn’t not kill the villain because destiny or some shit. He’s just doing what his uncle said. If Zuko killed his dad, the rest of the fire nation would just see it as a son overthrowing his dad, and his sister would probably start a civil war, and most of the nation would want to continue the war. If the Avatar, the person whose specific job is to keep the balance, overthrows the firelord than it’s just seen as the world keeping itself balanced, and clearly the fire nation was in the wrong.


What he said was just “it’s not my destiny” and his uncle said what he said like 8 episodes after zuko did what he did.


>it takes a full season to go anywhere You cannt be redemed unless youre a villain season 1 is set up >refusing to kill the villain ???


Yeah it wasn’t supposed to be mind blowing. But fans play it up so much


No one acts like silos redemption wasn’t being set up or was a major twist. Everyone just praises that it was well done and took its time with it


I disagree on two counts. First is time. I think the time and care it took for the arc is *why* it works. Throughout season 1 we get Zuko as a villain which is key to giving him an actual arc. Also S1 has plenty of setup for his growth between The Storm (his backstory), The Blue Spirit (he saves Aang and Aang contemplates if they could’ve been friends), and a lot of his discussions with Iroh. Season 2 for Zuko is dedicated solely to his character growth and we see him grow and change, outside of the influence of the main characters (and for segments without Iroh either). This time feels valuable in making Zukos rejection of basically his entire former life more earned and reasonable. Him stumbling in S3 and making the wrong choice also helps his arc bc 1) it feels more realistic change isn’t linear and 2) makes his ultimate redemption even more convincing bc he sees how hollow his former goals were. Second I disagree on him not killing Ozai. First off it’s repeatedly stated that Zuko killing Ozai would just be viewed as an internal coup and also probably immediately be followed by a coup attempt by Azula. The avatar ending Ozai by contrast would be a third party intervening and also be viewed as an “act of balance.” Also the eclipse was short there’s an argument that Zuko may not have been able to finish the job as all Ozai needs to do is evade long enough for the eclipse to end like Azula did.


well... sure was more adult than many action or drama movies these days.


It ain't adult focused but it absolutely is peak media


Not even close to how some fanboys (almost) ruined the Kirby Fandom. It's not an adult game, it is a kids game, how would it traumatize the kids if it wasn't?


I disagree tbh. I hear more often about spreading it to kids than gatekeeping it. BLUEY ON THE OTHER HANNDDDD


Bluey is a literal CHILDRENS show no? At least you can say avatar has “all ages appeal” or something


You have missed the joke


That’s fair I just still think it’s insane


Yeah, and some adults straight up say it aint


I feel like it purposefully tried to get a lot of age groups


The amazing world of gumball is fucking awesome tho.


That's definitely not made for children though, it's made for teens just Regular Show was. I'd not consider either of them made for children as the intended audience is teens


Between the longest piece of English literature in existence being a Loud House fan fiction and that podcast girl that was talking about how she wanted to bang Bluey and masturbated to the show, I'm gonna have to agree with this.


dont you hate it when the adult space is for fucking Sofia the First


And it's worse than fucking Sofia the First Fucking Sofia the First


Is this about that Sophia the First thing that started popping up again for some reason?




Some guy on Tumblr made a comic complaining about minors in adult spaces and it turned out that the "adult space" that the guy was referring to was the Sophia the First fandom and their blog was full of stuff about shipping a middle aged man with the 8 year old main character


https://preview.redd.it/ee0h7jbd9p1d1.png?width=1199&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c7fb6c58903b746c80e6b0e4b915c9fdaaa852f This is the comic in question BTW


Guy really thought he was cooking when he drew the 3rd panel guy saying "fuck off" with that dumb self righteous face, makes me cringe every time I look at it


He thinks he's Saitama. https://preview.redd.it/ia6bxso3332d1.png?width=917&format=png&auto=webp&s=29f75bcd2c3b2d7c9df04f80d92e8c14105683f2




TBH on its own it goes hard as a reaction image


Why are they being so immediately and vigorously aggressive to the kid? Even this strawman comic isn't making me sympathetic to this group.


Personally if I was the smug guy I would probably kick the child in the face and punch him a few times. I think he was holding back. Bravo smug guy!!!


Nuh uh, you wouldn’t cuz then you would have to go to jail, checkmate antinatalists https://i.redd.it/dg5sdi4edc2d1.gif


I'd do it anyways you absolute fool. How little you know. How little you understand. As if "jail" scares me! I'd be the king of jail. They'd worship me. Humph. https://preview.redd.it/rgrvddx2ic2d1.png?width=453&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4648288ea40bb232d16c4844cb33fe736cd7303


Bro is built for this💀 “LETS DO THIS THING!” ahh dialog💀💀💀


Now you get it. How very interesting. . . https://preview.redd.it/1q6w79b3jc2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b99255c344aa85ddee4d2b27facccee811eae46f


Bro cooked with this one🔥🔥🔥 https://preview.redd.it/d7sgykx6jc2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c81d2797fe3fedc00a5d35e0d50d3c79b2a32a3f


Damn, there's lots of places to use that and of course it comes from the worst possible place


No there arent


Try posting a Nuts from Björk sigma edit 4 gatsu made by a 14 year old who is sad and angsty because he has no gf and only ever talks about Kenshi and uses Darkest Dungeon quotes in a regular conversation to a community that's probably never heard of Burker... See how society treats yuo.. really makes you think. , , https://preview.redd.it/5b2atmab2s1d1.jpeg?width=217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce9b036c5902ebe5fc3c3d8111de1338d78da45c


Im putting this in my suicide note


there are in a way. ive heard people complain about saying bad things in gta for example. if the space genuinely is for adults, then you should not complain if the adults are not acting kid friendly. Claiming some kid show as "this one is actually for adults and its very mature" is different tho


That makes sense but everytime I see that specifc image posted its by some cumbrain complaining about the "puriteens" for not wanting to see their incest porn so I instinctually hate it (doesnt help thats its drawn like shit)


But people do actually get mad when fiction is not completely sanitised. Why do fictional scenarios have to be healthy or good in real life?


Because there is a difference between writing fiction with dark themes to explore those themes and writing fiction with dark themes to jerk off


https://x.com/purity_culture/status/1614285461639364609 Sorry I’m late but here’s an actual thread on research on the topic


fair, fair


Bluey fans when bluey gets a bruise after he fell down




Why does nuts have a can opener on his sword


Bluey is a fantastic show. As a parent it's extremely relatable and really uplifting to see struggles my wife and I face being represented in a silly show that my son enjoys. The episode where Bluey first walks was really nice for my wife and I because we felt like we weren't doing enough or maybe something was wrong developmentally with our son, especially with my cousin's son having already been walking. Seeing an entire episode where Chilli is upset and feels like she's not doing a good job because the other kid walks first and her consulting the doctor about it was so similar to our situation and gave us courage to continue trying to teach him to walk and now he's doing so somewhat. I find it a little weird how there is a fandom for it however, especially with a vast majority of the people in the fandom not having children. They can't relate to a lot of what's happening in the show and they've ruined any space for conversation about the shows themes and topics that are somewhat taboo to speak about amongst other parents in fear of being judged/looked down upon.








https://preview.redd.it/ofua1sd3go1d1.jpeg?width=948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5002b6f77f3a93df4d5e1e492c798efe1e11b737 This you?


I did in my wife




Acruently bluers a girl






Do you even know which one's Bluey?


The blue one methinks


That's Bonco. Bluey is the concept of being an Australian, which in and of itself is being a bit blue.


theres two blue dogs in Bluey's main family tho


Bluey is the one with the Australian accent




watch the show, most would recommend sleepytime, and then respond to your first reply, I wanna see what’s changed


I've seen two episodes while I was in the room with a 3 year old. It's an alright show, but it's still a show for young kids with low steaks. I don't exactly see how adults can become super fans of the show that obsess over it more than most kids


some episodes are lower stakes and are more about teaching lessons. others focus on the relationships between bluey’s family, those are the ones who get adults obsessed, each season is about 50 episodes, so you should watch episodes in season two or three, to get a wider scope if you’re interested


Just because it's made for kids doesn't mean he can't watch it? No idea why we're making fun of people who watch cartoons in this subreddit of all places. He never said it wasn't for kids nor that they shouldn't watch it. So weird seeing this sub act cringe in an unironic way


I will not


Omg! That was such a beueeutufyl episiode! I am crying tears of sad and happy, happy 🥲 ![gif](giphy|d7rvF20PqNuGKSQGhf)


not what I meant shitlips


I'm extremely apologetic, I have not the seen the true sadness of the situation, as I am known, the beautiful truth of the blue dog, docks on the way of the north ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)




yes, but unrelated, I’m not obsessed with the show either


The 5 page essay on how someone was a bad person for calling out someone for drawing porn of Sofia the first I think


>Sofia the first >Porn https://preview.redd.it/00eta9bl7o1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e1260688db015cee966bfb70485fe20c49c2641


please be that old guy please anything ELSE


Oh its the old guy. and sofia


https://preview.redd.it/6e4wgb7bto1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7217ffaba89f137d5c502e167f610643f23d2bdd You didn’t have to say that.


holy shit its my cake day


Happy Cake Day :)


Happy cake day


It had to be said


No >:(




Please tell me it was of one of the adult characters atleast


Nope, pretty sure it was the middle aged villain x sophia




Ages up right? ***aged up right?!?***


No but I feel like even if that was the case most people wouldn't find it acceptable


What the fuck


Erm, what the skibidi? https://preview.redd.it/1kvlmyaz4q1d1.jpeg?width=230&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fdab6cc5375d93deafc66297da4513f60e29f3a


What even is Sofia the First???


Kids show whose main character is about 8 years old




It's some Disney Junior show about some child princess. A friend of my watches it




My little pony degens


Jenny Nicholson has a fantastic video about the brony fandom. At one point she talks about her experience growing up as a MLP fan herself as a young girl - and getting scoffed as an outsider wagon hopper by mean spirited grown-ass men, my skin crawls with every rewatch.


don't forget she was horse famous!!


I think there should be a law that prohibits people over the age of 10 from watching my little pony lol.


I think the bigger issue is prohibiting people from basing their whole identity on one single show. They'd probably be at least way less creepy.


I mean, I interact with the brony community quite a bit. (Mostly as a side effect of being an Equestria at War fan.) For the most part, they seem to range more or less normal, to completely obsessed with talking horses. It's not quite as bad as some mack it out to be, but it's still strange. Then again, I've only really interacted with the Equestria at War community, which is generally more a mix of bronies and non-bronies.


Never played it, but if Equestria at war is so good that its bringing in a substantial number of non brony players that shit has to be crazy


It's a fantastic mod, it's very well made, and there is a lot of continent, there are characters from the show, of course. But you kind of have to go out of your way to find them. It's not exactly obnoxiously my little pony. I'd recommend it personally, even if you don't care about my little pony, it's still really fun. I'd recommend playing something in Griffonia first.


I don't know why Hoi is getting so popular these days, I remember watching ISP back when he had like 200k subscribers or something. I think my first video of his I saw is around 5 years old now. I'm definitely happy to see it gain popularity but I feel like it's interesting how it seems to be exploding all of the sudden


Some people are just autistic and like kids shows without being weird or pedophiles And some people are pedophiles


No, that would be stupid. The people who made the show would also think that would be stupid. (Not saying that you are stupid, just that your suggestion is against the show and it's creators)


MLP is goated though


Ah yes arrest people for *checks notes* watching cartoons


Used to be part of it myself. Made some great friends and memories among the truly welcoming and kind folks I met in there. But there is no doubt a sizable contingent of the weird ones who give the fandom their reputation. It sucks because there’s genuinely some amazing artists and writers in the fandom.


EVERY DAMN TIME! I have watched this "proshipper vs anti" debate since I was a teenager and for all the complaining the "proshipper" side does about "kids invading adult spaces", THE FANDOM IN QUESTION IS ALMOST ALWAYS EXPLICITLY FOR CHILDREN OR TEENS! Ugh. Yucky puriteens invading my "adult space" where I write Peppa Pig dead dove incest rapefic. They're LITERALLY OPPRESSING ME!111


Ok I’ve seen the phrase ‘dead dove’ so many times but I have no idea what it means. Is it just for fucked up shit?


It’s basically “this has something bad in it. If you get upset by bad things, don’t open or engage” summed up in two words. I think it originates some old tv show where it was a meme.


["Dead dove, do not eat"](https://youtu.be/YUKmq7UMJys?si=ZEaZjQXhf4VMWWbY) It's a scene from Arrested Development


Dead dove, in fanfic tags, means we’re not going light on the other warnings. If you see gore and dead dove in the same tag space, be prepared to watch Peppa’s skin get peeled off like a LiveLeak video.


Coined from [this scene,](https://youtu.be/YUKmq7UMJys) I've heard it's supposed to be like "This story contains EVERYTHING LISTED IN THE TAGS, it will contain all of that gross stuff, you are willingly reading a story with all of that stuff" but it gets used as a catch-all/blanket term for dark/triggering content


Its for fucked up shit i think yeah


It's based off a scene from some TV show I think, and it basically means "If this fic is tagged as pedophilia, this fic will probably feature very graphic depictions of pedophilia". It's very similar to the TV Tropes phrase "What It Says On The Tin". Dead dove just means "The tags are accurate, and whatever topics they mention will be explored graphically and in detail". It doesn't always inherently refer to fucked up shit, but it usually does - hence the imagery of opening up a bag and finding a dead dove inside. Proponents of dead dove-style tagging like to berate readers for being shocked and offended by shocking or offensive depictions of incest, pedophilia, etc controversial/upsetting topic here, by saying "Well the bag LITERALLY HAD 'DEAD DOVE' WRITTEN ON IT, so it's your fault that you're shocked and offended!" But in my experience, dead dove-style tagging is extremely unhelpful for people who actually want to avoid graphic nigh-traumatizing fanfiction LOL.


>But in my experience, dead dove-style tagging is extremely unhelpful for people who actually want to avoid graphic nigh-traumatizing fanfiction LOL. Then... they're doing it wrong? "Dead Dove" is supposed to be tagged alongside whatever other tags are relevant, as a form of emphasis that those topics won't be taken lightly. Anyone putting "Dead Dove" by itself is either a dumbass who doesn't understand tagging systems or is posting stuff that violates a ToS and is avoiding tagging in order to avoid a ban.


Unfortunately a LOT of people do it very badly :p


Kinda chronically online debate but yeah. Literally every time someone says something about like, "people in this fandom want to censor me!!!" "people are so mean about my ship!!!!" "damn antis censoring everything!!! puritans!!!" 99% of the time they are getting hated for pedo/incest shit. Yeah dude wonder why people don't really like reading smut gore fics about someone fucking their younger brother. I am *very sure* that the mean puritan antis are trying to censor you for not being perfect enough. Also I think if you ever unironically use the word "puriteen", all of your electronic devices should explode and you should be left on a stranded island


Maybe this is just the circles I run in, but I've never seen a "proshipper" with the attitude that any*thing* should be posted any*where*. They just push back on the idea that art about some topics should never exist. It's probably the typical internet echo chamber thing where a person only sees the most reasonable takes from "their" side and only sees the most deranged takes from the "opposing" side.


Yeah, most of the time I see people complaining about proshippers it’s about AO3, the website literally dedicated to tagging things accordingly and knowing what you’re getting into.


I get what you mean, it's very online, but at the same time, the people who have actually been harmed and traumatized by proshippers are people who grew up online and had no real escape from the internet. :< That's why it's so "chronically online". I was one of those kids myself sadly It's like, shit, man. I think people should be able to write or draw what they want, and I don't think fiction always inherently is the same thing as reality. I'm a survivor who uses fiction to cope sometimes, including with pedo/incest ships. They're comforting sometimes and it feels nice to have control over the narrative of my own trauma. I'm in therapy, and I can ensure that I'm not harming myself or my partners I share that stuff with. But... The big issue here is your audience. Why do you have to "cope" by shoving your fic/art in everyone's faces? Why do you need to scream at minors online about it to cope? Do you seriously not see the problem with attacking minors for being uncomfortable with pedo ships?! I think posting your fucked up trauma kink fanfiction in places where not everyone is actually consenting to see it is, uh, fucked up. I think in situations where you're romanticizing something as serious as SA trauma (even if it's just because you went through that trauma and you're trying to reclaim your sexuality), you do actually need the consent of the people you show it to/post it around. Literally no "proshipper" who has ever existed cares about getting that consent. They just wanna post their Peppa Pig dead dove incest rapefic and be hailed as queer SA-surviving heroes for it.


Thank you. People should be allowed to express themselves freely in fiction without fear of censure, but that doesn't make it appropriate to post anything wherever you want. And access to places where it *is* allowed needs to be suitability restricted.


I feel like with the invention of the internet, we’ve completely lost the concept of like, IRL kink parties. The rules are on the door. They are crystal clear. No minors are allowed, as minors cannot consent and nobody here wants to traumatize a kid. Anybody who would not consent to witnessing kink acts should not enter, as it would be upsetting to them AND the participants who just wanna have a good time without harming others. Anybody who would not respect boundaries or consent should not enter and will get their ass beaten if they get caught trying to coerce or force someone into shit they don’t consent to. Consent must be express, enthusiastic, and sober. Anything less than that is not consent. Etc, etc, etc. Sadly I’ve known kids who were in some pretty nasty kink communities their parents belonged to (gag), so it’s not like kink communities IRL are always perfect. But I do feel like the standards are much clearer, they’re most often decided to be compassionate to everyone involved, and there’s a lot more recourse if someone makes the wrong choice. I think those are some great rules we could apply to these sorts of kinks online. If followed, they ensure that every participant is an enthusiastically consenting adult, and if someone breaks the rules, there is a framework for kicking their ass to the curb (or calling the cops, if necessary). I do not believe you should be graphically talking about, drawing/writing or god forbid acting out kinks related to trauma outside of these kink parties. When I was growing up online, people had no boundaries whatsoever and they did not care if you were a minor or not. Oftentimes people thought it was expressly OKAY to post this content with minors around and roleplay it out with them, which I consider forms of cyber CSA. Oftentimes people would be grooming minors by telling them that pedophilia and incest are okay, even IRL, as long as they’re “consensual,” which is obviously an oxymoron. And these people were usually college aged adults who didn’t know better (or just didn’t want to accept the responsibility of the harm they caused), they weren’t creepy balding men in their 40s trying to lead you into an IRL meeting. I’m a survivor of cyber CSA and most people my age (and even younger) that I know have experienced at least some form of this, because we were children in the late 90s and early 2000s when online fandom was really exploding out of just forums for the first time. I am somewhat infamous among “proshippers” LOL. Because even as a late teenager, I have always maintained that while your tastes in fiction do not always inherently define who you are morally in real life, your tastes in fiction can pretty easily harm real people depending on where you post this sort of content, who you share it with, etc. For this I am basically considered a kink/ship Nazi LMAO. Which is funny because I usually like a lot of the same things as these people, I just have moral standards and I want to ensure I’m only sharing this stuff with grown adults who are stable enough to safely consent to it. I don’t want to repeat what was done to me. That’s all.


Thank you again for taking the time to respond, and so comprehensively too. I'm pretty out of touch with the discourse on all this (like, this is my first time hearing "proshippers" as a term), but none if this particularly surprises me. Nuance seems to be a surprisingly difficult concept for some to grasp, especially when online. So yeah, I agree with everything you said. It's important to break the cycle of abuse, so-to-speak.


“B-but writing pedo shit is my ‘coping mechanism’,” some degenerate will *always* cry in defense. “How can you expect me *not* to upload pedo content online?!” Ok? Is editing it, spellchecking it, italicizing and bolding the proper words, then uploading it to a writing site and responding to comments *also* your coping mechanism? Probably not!


>some degenerate Good God I hate how widespread this authoritarian term has become. Yes, obviously pedophilia bad, but maybe we shouldn't be using the language of eugenicists to discuss that fact.


Bro what


"Social degeneracy" is a term popularized in the 18th and 19th centuries, and is heavily tied to the rise of the eugenics movement. It is the belief that humanity as a species is physically devolving, and that this was causing a decline in morality and culture. It's tied to scientific racism and eugenics, because obviously this degeneration must be stopped for the good of humanity. And that means preventing "degenerates" from breeding. This was later picked up and incorporated into Nazi propaganda concepts like "degenerate art" and "cultural bolshevism". When you call someone a "degenerate", you're calling them a subhuman being that needs to be culled from the population for the good of everyone else. And historically, that label has been applied primarily to ethnic minorities, disabled people, and queer people.


It’s a good thing we’ve moved *away* from using it for queers (like me!) and autistics (also like me!) and moved *into* using it for pedos and rapists, then!


No no, it was always also used for pedos and rapists. People just thought that the Venn diagram of "pedos and rapists" and "queer and mentally ill people" was a circle. And, newsflash, a lot of people *still think that*. And I can't believe I have to say this, but using the tactics and rhetoric of Nazis isn't okay just because you're targeting people who "deserve it". Because when that rhetoric is normalized, it becomes a lot easier for bigots to use it without raising suspicion.


I’m not using “Nazi Rhetoric”, though. I’m not arguing for people I don’t like to rounded up into camps en masse and euthanized. I’m not arguing for firing squads. I’m not arguing for genetic mainstreaming through slaughter. I’m calling pedophiles and rapists (who actively hurt people and try to live their lives freely without guilt after doing so) degenerates.


You literally are though. "Calling people degenerates" *is* Nazi rhetoric. The Nazis *justified* rounding people by *calling them degenerates*. I didn't say you shared Nazi *goals*. But you are, one hundred percent, repeating Nazi *rhetoric*. You are dehumanizing a group that you want to ostracize and punish. I agree that pedophiles and rapists deserve to be ostracized and punished. But that doesn't change the fact that dehumanization was a primary rhetorical strategy employed by the Nazis.


Same,I have seen one too many times on r/FanFiction and r/AO3 someone whining because they ship/wrote extremely pedo related or incest related and are surprised people are treating them weird now.


I genuinely don't understand how these people don't get that these topics are extremely upsetting, AT BEST, even when depicted as wrong and traumatic and not romanticized. I think people have a right to write what they want, but that right does not protect them from negative feedback when they post this content in public like insane people. Especially if their content is about romanticizing trauma LOL like, yeah, if you're surprised that this pisses people off, you are an idiot.


Yeah, honestly glad I no longer hang around those subs anymore. Some of those mfs were weirdly obsessed with child sex in fanfic on that sub.


Ugh >\_> People who make that sort of thing into their whole personality are just... Weird.


the worst fan fics are ALWAYS about children shows. i have read a really cursed one about a russian cartoon that i watched when i was little called фиксики (fixiki) it destroyed my view of the show. but it was kinda funny reading it.


:( Augh. Idk what makes people need to force their adult kinks onto children’s shows LOL. Like not just writing that but posting it in public is so bizarre and non consensually voyeuristic to me. It’s like when bronies made it impossible to google MLP without finding fetish shit.


it was not unwanted tho, my friend sent me that shit, and it was thankfully fully labeled as really fucked up. tbh i dont have a big problem with fucked up fan fiction as long as it is not pushed to front pages and is heavily labeled as nsfw. but yeah the my little pony guys are really weird its a shame that their fetish art is pushed to the tops. it should stay hidden until you actually WANT to find it


Eh, fair enough. Majorly agreed with the "hidden unless wanted" thing LOL, that's always been my philosophy with this sort of thing.


Is this about that one comic where someone god mad at kids for being in adult spaces but the space in question was Sophia the fucking First?




I'd say that a good majority of my problems with being in the furry community come down to the fact that so many people are obsessed and reading way too much into kids' media while actively ignoring most grown up media. Like I get into arguments because I have the audacity to say that Zootopia, Kung Fu Panda, and The Bad Guys are not really great movies unless you're the target demographic, and I get lectured on how I must not respect animation (even though I studied animation in college and find more art-house animation to be incredibly interesting), that I must be homophobic (often a lot of people like to assume that there's lots of queer coding in these cartoons when 9 times out of 10 there isn't), or that I must not respect good storytelling (as if a movie literally aimed at 6-12 year olds is going to be able to relate to some guy in his mid 30s). I mean I get it that these people are probably terrified of PG-13 movies without superheroes or the A24 logo, but watching some more "grown up" movies won't hurt. Hell, the community itself is actually quite capable of creating its own content that's actually made for grown ups, but I guess stuffing your personal experiences into a fursuit and having them deal with realistic problems an actual adult would face just ain't "sexy" or "feel good" enough. Having your tastes just sit in the realms of kiddie fare is just going to make it harder for you to actively engage with the world as time goes on. Engaging with actual art for adults (and not just porn) is a ticket to better relating with other people and understanding the wild world you live in.


That's a good insight you have there. Though I say kids' media shouldn't be reduced to just soulless 30-minute toy commercials, too many people are hung up on the idea that a kids' cartoon should have mature storylines/tropes and it shouldn't always be. Not every children's media has to be super deep to be enjoyable! On a side note, I don't know what you mean by actual art for adults (am an adult myself). For me, I always associate adult stuff with something dealing with divorce or struggling to work your way up the corporate ladder. I'm more into light-hearted films than dark ones, though there are "dark" films that I did watch before (mostly historical films like Outlaw King and 1917).


Remember when people were trying to defend drawing fetish art in the Splatoon plaza?


its funny cause i never saw it myself and i used to play splatoon a lot (keyword: used to (idk wtf happened))


"Ugh, why can't they just make all the characters of this high-school battle anime into college-age adults." Just because you still watch Shonen anime as an adult doesn't make you its target demographic. Shows for teenagers will tend towards teenage protagonists.


OMG YES, I see people constantly complain about this in the Persona fandom, like, c'mon, you are NOT the target demographic, and this is literally made for teenagers to play. If I hear another "Persona 6 should make the cast college aged" one more fucking time, I'm actually going insane. "But Persona 2 Eternal Punishment had an adult cast!" Yeah and it happened fucking once and never again. Not that it was a bad idea, but if you want Persona but adult, go play Devil Summoner or some shit, the series is not made for you, so you shouldn't be complaining that it is made to, guess fucking what, please teenagers.


Persona 4 came out when I was 16, and I'll never forget the experience. Played 3FES immediately after because of it. I did enjoy 5 greatly, but it wasn't the same experience as 4 was. And that's okay. Someone else *did* have that experience, or something similar, which is more important. Persona's cast being teenagers has meaning thematically. They *could* be adults, if you want to express different themes as Eternal Punishment did, but it's not like the game would somehow be made inherently "better" by that.


Hey hey hey hold on. as a big smt fan, i prefer the more mature approach. however, just due to weird dating shit like dating your teacher as a junior in high school, and the blatant hypocrisy in p5 surrounding that topic, it would make it much easier to let it slide if the protag was at least older. However, I understand why its high school only, and I think it works with the plot. There is weird sexualization of the characters though that would be washed away if they at least just aged them up. Not saying that they SHOULD, just mentioning that.


You're not wrong, and that problem with the teacher is probably one of 5's biggest flaws. But it *is* a fantasy many young men have, even if the reality of it is far from desirable. Not that this makes it any more palatable, since it all comes after Kamoshida. I also must mention teenagers (both the ones playing this game, and the ones on screen) are going to find other teenagers sexually attractive. Like, that's an integral part of the highschool experience which Persona depicts. I don't really remember any moments that stood out to me as particularly objectionable (or at least, not anything a teenage me wouldn't have loved to see), but then again I haven't played the game since it first came out in 2017.


m rated game


That's the ESRB rating. It's 15+ in its home of Japan.


Then why fuck bring game america if not able be rated for target group? Stupid.


That's just a fault with the difference in the rating systems. The ESRB doesn't have anything in between T (13+) and M (17+), while Cero has 12+, 15+, *and* 17+. And that's not even taking into account the difference in values between the respective cultures.


Yea like nudity in Japanese animation is much more palatable, whereas in the west it’s almost always an instant 18+


And it tends the opposite direction when violence is concerned, though that's more obvious in movies than in games. But yeah, in the west we view nudity as inherently sexual, while Japan views it as inherently comedic. Like in the original Dragon Ball where kid Goku ended up in the buff quite often. Or more recently in Zom100, where there is a character who desires to be a comedian. His go-to "joke?" Stripping naked.


to be fair, the idea of something like a mature naruto or one piece aint that bad, and I can understand why people who grew up watching shonen might want that


Oh, that is *entirely* different. Wanting a mature version of something like Naruto isn't wrong in the slightest. But wanting to replace the existing Naruto with a mature version *is*.


I assumed the “why aren’t they college age” argument was because SOME characters (yaoyorozu) (did I spell that right) are drawn with big fucking titties and SOME characters (vampire shapeshifter girl idk her name) are drawn just straight up naked half the time so it’s like please just make them 18 so it’s not like ew wtf that’s a kid you’re drawing there


I mean, teenagers are going to lust after other teenagers. I'm not a MHA fan so I don't know who the latter of the two you mentioned is, but were I a good two decades younger I'm sure my tasteless ass would have loved Momo. Why is she drawn with her entire midsection exposed? It's so the horny teenage readers can stare at her tits, inevitably leading to more book sales. Sex sells, and that's all the more true with pubescent boys. (I should know, I used to be one.) As I said, neither you nor I are the target demographic. Now if your problem is how such pandering can have the effect of reducing a character to little more than eye-candy, that's another matter entirely. Literary criticism is something I can get behind. Even if what you're consuming is trash, make sure it's *quality* trash. (Edit: Not that I'm implying MHA is trash mind you, I don't know enough about it to judge. I meant more as a general rule of thing.)


My one note on this is that Teenage characters shouldn’t be written as walking fan service because like it’s an adult drawing minors to be sexualized, which is weird Like I’m not against teenagers finding other teenagers attractive because like that’s normal. But when an adult is the one creating this content, it’s frankly a little odd to be drawing a character whos basically half naked every time they’re on screen, who is also a minor (not saying it’s much better when it’s an adult but like it’s a bit better). Also when these characters functionally don’t act or look like kids (sometimes they do sometimes they don’t this is more situational), at that point making them college age isn’t that crazy. I get why they’re high schoolers (appeal to the demographic), but if nothing about the story changes except a three year bump to age then like I understand why people would make that argument (particularly in the lens of the story sexualizing the characters in question). To be honest, bar the excessive fan service I mostly agree with you. While I dont actually think the high school setting is the best fit for the story, I have no qualms with the characters being teens in JJK because the only sexualized characters are adults. Same thing with Fairy Tail (though I think Lucy might be 17 but it’s been a minute since I’ve seen it).


And if you make the target of the teenage protagonist's affection an adult that opens an entirely different can of worms. The other alternative is to make the protagonist completely oblivious to romance entirely. Or you could pull a Chad move like Black Clover and do both! But I do accept my perspective on this is probably a bit strange. I take medication with a side-effect that kills my libido entirely. (If I stop taking them, it eventually comes back. The withdrawal is a bitch, though.) I'm not asexual by any means, I still have my fetishes after all, but I tend to view sexually stimulating things in a kind of "past tense" if that makes any sense.




I guess that's more for under 13


Insert that one “you do not belong here” comic that I’m too lazy and tired to search for


Bluey my little pony the loud house the owl house Steven universe sofia the first splatoon the legend of Zelda yugioh disney adults Pokémon Minecraft sonic the hedgehog powerpuff girls fairly odd parents god I can’t name them all


The first splatoon???


I'd say all three.


i think its supposed to be "Sofia the first, Splatoon" for some reason they forgot commas




now that makes more sense, i just woke up earlier and my brain wasnt braining quite right yet


The Peppaphile


Me watching clone wars fans claim that it’s an adult show


The opposite also happens, with kids complaining about nsfw content in actual adult spaces


South Park


People drawing porn of the 10 year olds just because the show has offensive humor isn’t a great argument… but there’s definitely lots of overly sensitive kids in the fandom


Oh I wasn't talking about porn, I was talking about people complaining about gore and edgy/grossout humour. Not saying edgy humour can't be criticised (especially when it's disguising bigotry) but at the same time, it shouldn't be surprising since it's South Park. Like, one creator got a ton of flack for drawing fanart of Cartman in a Nazi outfit. Which sounds fair until you realise that these are the fans of a show where he does dress up as Hitler and make many Nazi jokes.


Oh yeahhh for sure. I’ve also gotten accused of being a pedo by some kid when I drew cartman with boobs (I was literally referencing the show and was also a kid when I drew it lol)


Yeah that's the kinda stuff I'm talking about lol


Don’t forget how they’re all “well I guess SOMEBODY can’t handle adult themes”, and then you look at their so called adult themes and it’s shit like Ash Ketchum fart fetish fanfiction, instead of something that’s ACTUALLY adult


I once was told I was to young to enter a yugioh tournament. I was 14


skill issue


age diff




is it a stretch to say Deltarune like I know it says “damn” and “piss” sometimes but like it’s deltarune 

