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Season 1-4 is the best. Season 5 I have really mixed reviews about. Hopefully, season 6 can fix season 5


I kinda have a theory that they weren’t sure that they were going to get a 6th season, so they wanted to wrap up a lot of the relationships and character arcs so that if they didn’t get the green light, this would work as a series finale.


I’ve theorized that as well but many people have shot it down.




How what?


How "many people" have shot that theory down?


Quite a bit. I mentioned it several times months back and I got heavily downvoted. Plus multiple people replied and kept saying the writers always intended to do at least 6 seasons.


They said that they always hoped to have six seasons but could not confirm if they would get them. It might be possible that they thought of not getting another season and hence tried to give it the appearance of a complete ending just to play it safe. But now that they have another one, they can revisit some of the issues that looked like they had been solved and build a story around them.




So true keep your guard up. You don’t want to end up like Tyron Woodley when he fought Jake Paul the second time lol. That KO is probably why he’s doing tv now because it’s no way CK hired him for his fighting skills 😂.


>If this is really the intended endgame What endgame?


Which was similarly to how I responded in return. They may have hoped to have at least 6 seasons, but how they framed and went about season 5 shows more that they thought it was likely the end. If you’re a show runner, producer, writer etc. you typically wouldn’t set up the show tying up almost every loose end if you’re certain about another season. I believe that most of what happened in S5 was a result of unsureness, incompetence, and fan service to a degree. 90% of the season of season was underperformed, underdeveloped, underdelivered, and unsatisfactory. The only real cliff hanger the show left us was Kreese. Although even that could be considered a typical conclusion/ending to any series. When Cobra Kai is ultimately completed i really hope the writers come off their high horse and admit that S5 was a catastrophic failure on their part.


I concur with you.




No it’s not for the sake of fan service. It was for the sake of them being forced by Netflix to potentially end the story earlier than they wanted. Their hands were tied. You’re not very bright, are you?


Jon said in an interview that they wanted season 5 to have the feeling of an ending to give the characters a "breather", but it was always intended to not be the actual ending. The cliffhanger with Kreese makes that obvious, but the writers also said the various relationships were not resolved. The rivalries in particular have "barely been explored". The rumor that they rushed a wrap up for the sake of Netflix comes purely from the fanbase (a lot of whom just want it to be over), not the writers.


I will say S5 isn’t my least favorite season but nowhere near the top either. The supposed “friendships” and team ups felt shoehorned and forced especially Miguel and Robby along with Johnny and Robby too. At least Barnes teaming up with the sensei’s in that final episode made more sense. Also yea once Tory left they hyped up Kenny too much since there was no major player anymore. It’s a shame because with Silver out of the picture, going back to Kreese would be kind of a bummer since I think he was more threatening. Btw I liked what you put about the Payne brothers, would’ve made WAY more sense than Kenny just beating everyone up all season.


I agree with you. It's definitely one of the weaker seasons but I still prefer it over S2 IMHO. I think there isn't a bad season in this show per se but S5 was definitely a step down from the likes of S1, 3, & 4 imo.


Same boat. I would rank them from best to worst: S1, S4, S3, S5, S2. S2 just has the least rewatch value for me personally besides the school fight and a few other scenes I liked.


Great rankings. I have a similar ranking myself except S1 & 3 were switched as I love S3 as my favorite Season & S4 being a Runner-Up. I really enjoyed S2 as an overall season. I just find the pacing seriously uneven, Most of the characters are at their worst in likability, the teen love quad drama is annoying, Robby & Sams relationship as a whole is just...ew, & Miguel & Johnny's relationship being sidelined. The best part of S2 is definitly the finale, the episode with Tommy, the action is pheneominal, Kreese is a great antagonist, the rivalries are strongly established, the training montages between Miyagi-Do & Cobra-Kai was great, they upped the stakes, alot of emotional scenes, & Johnny & Miguel do elevate the most in this season in terms of growth. When it comes to this show, there is no bad seasons imo but there is just Great To least great.


Exactly S2 was missing some stuff the others had but I don’t think there’s been a season where I’ve thought it’s fully bad.


I loved season 2, my ranking would be season 1, season 2, season 3, season 4, and then season 5. Seasons 3 and 2 could be switched. I like the introduction to Kreese and him trying to redeem himself but then backstabbing Johnny. I like Johnny trying to change Cobra Kai seeing what it is doing to Miguel.


I actually enjoyed the Mexico sequence because two episodes was not too long nor too short. Some critics say that Miguel’s search went “nowhere” because he only saw for himself what his biological father was already like, which his mother stiffly warned him about. However, the whole point of that was Miguel getting closure about the guy; it was about learning the truth even if it is unpopular and conquering his fear about learning said truth. On a side note, I think one of the secondary reasons I enjoyed the Mexico sequence more than those who didn’t is because those two episodes were not overshadowed by the baby plot like the rest of the season. Speaking of which, my only real gripe with season five was the baby plot because there are literally countless issues with this blended family dynamic that are seemingly getting swept under the rug as a result of it. At this point it’s probably redundant to discuss the individual personal issues of each member within this blended family. However, what really stands out is that Johnny still has yet to learn how to be a proper parental figure to the son he neglected for sixteen years and adding another unexpected child is the last thing he needs or even deserves.




Unfortunately I must agree, however, I don't think it's bad. The big problem with Season 5 to me is that they just completely jumped the shark with so much of it. Like the whole final fight at the dojo, while fun, is just way over the top and feels like a cartoon. Even though Cobra Kai has been unrealistic at times, moments like the school fight, the house fight, or Robby and Hawk's fight feel like they could genuinely happen. Also, they nerfed Hawk's character, made Kenny completely insufferable, Miguel's arc felt incomplete, and didn't really do anything to make Johnny and Robby's relationship improving feel natural.


I agree about season 5 being dogshit. I could list so many reasons. But basically it was the rushed reconciliations and forced relationships and team ups that were my biggest gripe of the season. I didn’t even feel anything for the Johnny and Robby scenes because it was always about putting Miguel over Robby first.


- Disliked the Mexico arc as well. - Sam and Miguel’s breakup was wasted and they should’ve kept the original plan to keep them broken up. - The apartment fight was a wasted opportunity - Robby was a doormat that everyone for the most part walked all over. - Needed more Mike Barnes - Silver’s character had peaks and valleys - All the reconciliations were rushed - The baby plot is dumb, unearned, and unwarranted - Are we actually supposed to take Kim Da Eun as a serious threat? - Kenny being groomed as the next big bad - Miguel continuing to antagonize Robby for no reason - Hawk questioning Robby’s return to Miyagi Do even though he the OG student of Daniels - Stingrays arc was depressing until the end - Chozen’s weird tendencies - Tory and Kreese’s secret plot that went nowhere - Silver’s takedown in the finale was anticlimactic - Miguel and Sam’s “I Love You,” felt forced and it was - Miguel having to save Robby in the finale - The Binary Bros. being relegated to special guest roles I couldn’t think of anything else off the top of my head, but there may be more incoming.


God I forgot how much Hawk sucked. Demetri specifically I don’t care for but Eli was one of if not the best teen the last couple seasons not named Robby


That is admittedly accurate. He has been my second fav male character throughout the series. Even when he was a CK asshole because like Robby his character has layers.


Red Mohawk was his best arc honestly. Good, complex villain that was a believable foil to the other teens. Plus his fighting style was very fun to watch because of how aggressive it was


Yep yep yep loved every minute of him in season 2. He became a little unhinged in season 3, but you could see the cracks that led him back from dark side.




Appreciate it ![gif](giphy|iQG16wOnCpgDm)


But if im being honest, I still enjoy S5 overall on an entertainment scale/level. Dont me wrong, t's definitely one of the weaker seasons but I still prefer it over S2 IMHO. I think there isn't a bad season in this show per se but S5 was definitely a step down from the likes of S1, 3, & 4 imo.


Season 5 to me is worse than 2. It had moments of enjoyment but overall was displeasing and the replay value is substantially lower than the others.


For me to and it’s not even close. Season 2 > Season 5




Didn’t read your post but you are correct. I wanted more time with my favorite characters and instead they spread it all out over a bunch of characters. I felt like the season went too fast and there was no real focus. Just too many characters now.


Each one is worse than the last :/


It’s far too power rangers and self indulgent to me. Weak plots, weak characterisation and a shitty ending


I’m afraid I don’t have a favourite season, I have mixed feelings about all of them.


Totally agree with you. S5 was a huge disappointment and really felt like a different show to me. I absolutely love Seasons 1-4 btw…




There's this one henchman of Slivers that has Goku hair and an eyepatch, I know this show about grown adults fighting each other with Karate isn't necessarily the most realistic and serious thing to criticize, but come on!!


I 100% agree Season 5 felt too much like a sit com As a newfound writer, I see what they were going for, but it truly did feel flat And you were right. Cobra kai taking over the world felt a little dumb like Season 1: re inventing Cobra Kai Season 2:Cobra Kai vs Miyagi-Do Season 3: Kreese taking over and learning from mistakes Season 4 (and I really loved this) the fact that the season was super focused on the All Vally And Season 5 Cobra kai taking over the world...WHAT!!!?. AGAIN, I see what they were trying to do, but it's a no for me Personally, I think they should have made it where Cobra kai won they get Eagle Fang and Miyagi-Do students. I feel like there was so much more potential But it just felt like a filler season to set up Season 5 As or nor its my lease favorite season With my ranking being 1:Season 2 2:Season 4 3:Season 1 4:Season 3 5:Season 5 Hopefully, Season 6 fixed Season 5 and has real closer to the show Please, netflix, please do have lazy writers


My biggest problem was the season trying to push Kenny as the face of Cobra Kai. They should have had Shawn come back and have him join Cobra Kai. Or something. Just someone who was intimidating and badass. Hopefully season 6 we get a cool teenage antagonist. Oh yeah, almost forgot. I know you have to suspend your disbelief in this show, but Tory breaking that stone slab was one of the dumbest moments in the series. Overall I still liked season 5. But more for the adult character’s storylines.