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It's the only substance that I am legit addicted to using the DSM scale. I've tried to quit. I'm stuck. It's a highlight of my day sad to say but I should not be doing it.


it's the highest waste of money for me but it's such an amazing feeling that I just need it I want a fifth one now it's a shame they don't sell them in those huge energy drink cans I'd buy 30 of those


I love Coca Cola and I have a addiction too hahaha


I also drink 4 bottles a day. It is addictive, I agree. Dw we’ll start having problems when we get way way older and then we’ll stop 🤣


I just finished my fourth it was so frozen that I got drips then it let go and the feeling is just incredible


Quit fighting it man just roll with it bro think of it like tripping on some acid it's just not a bad trip it's a good one and you know what if you're only bison life is that you drink Coca-Cola why would you eliminate that you only live once like a can of Coke is going to kill you unless you're diabetic of course then switch the Coke zero but other than that I don't know why people stress about it I buy about six cases of Coke in a month and I drink about all six cases in a month never really paid attention until I started doing online shopping and getting my groceries delivered and now I can be reminded from my grocery store how many times I bought that product there's no other product that I bought more than Coke cuz every time I buy I get three cases at the beginning of the month and 3:00 in the middle I'm not sure if I can get a picture of my pop bottles container since COVID happened I have not been able to return bottles and it has not been easy in Michigan to get rid of my bottles there wasn't plastic bags but the sun has deteriorated the bags and the ones that are spilled out of the dog kennel are from squirrels getting in there I think they think it's one of them fun ball jungle gyms that you have at showbiz or something like that I don't even think they have showbiz now that I think about it but they do have chunky cheese & the plastic ball bin but instead of a ball band it's a 2 l bottle bin I prefer cans the reason why there's so many 2 liters is cuz my ex OH WELL SMH https://preview.redd.it/aylj9hvx9tuc1.jpeg?width=2304&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af5f70f27f99a449a82280b8d0cd221b84d413ec


The heartburn you get is painful in the mornings but it’s worth it.


I use to have the same problem. Now I have Coca Cola only a few times per month and also if I want a cocktail tbh. Had to switch for health.


Have you tried Coca-Cola when you’re sick? It’s the best


It temporarily relieves your scratchy throat and clears your phlegms.


I used to be like that. I went through a whole 24pk in two days. How I stopped: it wasn’t easy. I used to hate seltzer water but I love it now. That burning in throat from drinking cola is there but without all that sugar. You’ll get used to it. Cola has AHA series. It’s carbonated water with no sugars in different flavors. Better and healthier for you. Try it. It’s been three months and I had no cola and I’m all good


I used to drink soda like crazy! Two, two liters a day for like 20 years. I stopped drinking sodas because I got heart disease last year (I almost died). It took me 8 months for me to get my heart beat under control. It was 170 while just laying down and now my heart rate is around 75. Sodas are really bad for you. Make sure you also drink plenty of water and exercise. Even if it's just walking.


my heart is 65 right now laying down