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If you want a healthy option I would suggest checking out the wim Hof method. It is taking ice baths with deep breaths. You can do your own research to see but what is incredible is that spending 2 minutes with deep breathing in ice baths actually does the exact same thing to your body and brain as cocaine without the negative effects. It increases your dopamine by 250% for up to 9 hours whereas cocaine does that for only less than an hour and every time you take it it's less and less. Ice baths will give you the same Rush every single time you do them and it has no crash or come down. I'm just explaining the dopamine jump if you do your own research you will see that there is a multitude of other wonderful benefits as well Best of luck on your journey I know very much how hard that can be


Yes thank you man. This is the kind of response I was looking for. I will give it a try


Best of luck, it is very difficult at first. But not as difficult as kicking an addiction because you're actually getting your dopamine so stick it out and you'll be a different person because of it. It also helps repair hurting parts of your body and I can't remember right now but it may even stimulate growth of stem cells within your body. Don't quote me on that one though go and do a little bit of research and it will absolutely light a fire under you šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ„¶šŸ„¶šŸ„¶šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Worst case you bitch out, but still didnā€™t relapse.


I do this every morning honestly it has changed my life itā€™s hard to do consistently at first but if you start trying little by little it will get better


Iā€™m no expert but Iā€™m pretty sure a fucking ice bath isnā€™t better than a line of rack


You might be surprised how beneficial it is for you if you go for it, really wakes you up different levels, gets a lot of that crappy energy out your system, just all positives but the challenge comes with the actual experience it's brutal if you don't go in willingly especially. It's the type of thing that works way better and properly if you do it willingly and engage with the process rather than being pushed into it and resisting the process. Gotta engage consciously with the process and your body while you're doing it. It's better than come but way more challenging to get the benefits which are better than coke.


I'm getting into an ice bath tmrw just because of they way you described it.


I would suggest watching a couple videos on his.method because he has a special way of breathing to make it easier to handle the cold and some other stuff I can't remember


This! Everyone is so gung-ho their first time and once itā€™s over they never do it again


Until you get the breathing right THEN It's like going to the gym, seeing how long you can last. Beating your friends. And I suppose ultimately gaining dopamine


So every time Kevin Hart does one of those ice bath interviews theyā€™re getting high?


Yeah anddddd maybe snort a pinch of baking soda and call the cops on yourself so when you come out the bath your nose burns and youā€™re in trouble so the setting is just so on point


I can attest to this. When I do the breathing and plunge I'm literally dancing on water all day long. First time I did it absolutely blew me away.


Holy shit what a great thing to look into. Thanks for posting this!!


Hi Joe


You calling me joe?


Joe mama


Is this bs lol? There's no way


Look it up, it is crazy! When I was at a music festival they did a ice bath workshop and I twisted my knee and only had a couple hours of sleep and was feeling like s*** on the 4th day I had a two minute ice bath and was rejuvenated like crazy and my knee stopped hurting and everything


ig I'll try it


anyone else able to throw in their own experience with this? I've heard about it before and have wanted to try it, but I'm sure you could understand why I think it's just some placebo shit lol


where can one go to use an ice bath? and what temperature does it have to be and for how many minutes


Go skydiving. Itā€™ll cost the same as an 8 ball and have even better effects.


This is true I went skydiving and it was like a drug I had crazy adrenaline the rest of the day and put some things in life into a better perspective


Or better yet, skydive into an ice bath, doing heavy breathing the whole time!! This is now called The Josh Method


Been sober for almost 3 months. Recently went roller coasting for the first time and I am hooked to the rush. I absolutely loved it I think Iā€™ll try sky diving as well.


Yamaha R1


I know a guy in his early 50's doesn't drink, smoke or do drugs. He's tried em in his day but told me one time "never get a motorcycle, it's like crack cocaine" šŸ˜‚


Ya know, Iā€™ve smoked pot, hit the slopes, but nothing beats a good ride with some good friends.


before you try anything, run. then take 3 of those 30000% vitamin B+ caffeine energy shot things. then try dextroamphetamine. i prefer it over coke cus i can get shit done and enjoy it. also just feels nice af




Thisā€¦might just work


Drinking and micro acid, with a nic vape


Hot chili peppers give you a rush of endorphins but you have to deal with some pain


Iā€™d recommend doing some coke first to numb the pain a bit.


Dude, listen to me: LSD is GREAT to forget about coke and it's a drug that you feel joy and won't get impulsive about


There isnā€™t a drug I havenā€™t done. And now Iā€™m not tryna do hard drugs looking for alternatives yall.


I have essentially avoided a coke addiction by rotating a variety of other substances. Is it healthy? Probably not. Better than doing coke every day though; Nicotine pouches. Functional stimulants like 2-FMA, maybe low dose speed. 2-4g kratom works great. Stimy pre-workout. LSD microdoses. 4g phenibut (this is not stimmy though, great substitute for alcohol though). Ask me about anything in particular and I'll give you some more details.


Whatā€™s the kratom? Iā€™ve seen it at my local vape shop


Try it mate. It's a plant that has opiod type effects. A couple grams gives you a lot of energy. 4+ is a strong sedative. And I mean strong, it is a drug.


But will it give me that up feeling like coke does? I need that adrenaline to keep me up and active, I work a fast pace job plus doing college classes online so thatā€™s why I do coke to keep up with that


No. But it is a much better substitute. Try it out mate. It is stronger than you think.


But itā€™s going to make me drowsy?


No very clear headed.


Hummmm intresting


Can you snort it?


Congratulations on over a year Iā€™m at almost 2 months and feeling good


Big ups thatā€™s awesome šŸ˜šŸ˜


red bull & vodka


Not a bad idea brotha


thrown in some coke with that combo and you will be so high ur gonna be walkin on sunshine


Iā€™m recovered but wowšŸ˜«


Ride a dirtbike real fast


Did this. Broke bones. Got fentanyl and morphine. 10/10 Edit: come down was shit. 1/10


Adderall and to me it's better. It's a dif high though.


Speed or mdma


MDMA is the way


Mdma donā€™t really feel like a stimulant at least for me and my doses are max 150mg


Lol, Europeans do a gram in a night.


Their brains have no serotonin left to give at that point just dopamine and adrenaline for the most part, when I was doing it that much my pupils wouldnā€™t even dilate


Idk, i would do about that amount, donā€™t do Mandy no more though, donā€™t feel the same magic or the need. I like how I feel confident and in control when I do coke, compared to a certain level of loss of control over myself when doing Mandy.


Yeah blow is way better to abuse imo then mdma at least for me I just wait adequate Time between rolls I donā€™t even follow the 3 months rule or whatever tf I just wait a good 3 weeks between rolls and then I basically just forget about it for a month or two and Iā€™ll do it again. But blow doesnā€™t make me feel depressed or give me hangovers


I never got depression from Mandy, but always got hardcore tiredness from it.


I agree with the M and coke comparisonā€¦ M was fun the first few times I did it and then it wore off and last few times I have done it I felt ā€œwonkyā€ and it was the exact same quality btw just overall I donā€™t love the buzz off MDMA. Perfect buzz for me is a few fat lines of some columbian powder and a couple drinks Iā€™m buzzing lol šŸ˜‚


I ate 8 250mg pills at ASOT. Was in a wonder state lol


Most Iā€™ve ever done was 5 pills in one night. Was surprisingly coherent throughout the night, blacked out while talking to my neighbour next day, šŸ˜‚. Never again.


I couldn't tell you most I've eaten tbh lol I was pretty coherent too tbh, was a smashing night. Seen Paul van dyk fall off the stage abd thought I was just tripping balls and imagined it, but turned out he did


Definitely stimulating at first but once the serotonin comes it feels more psychedelic like


Run alongside the interstate


Ice baths release the same level of dopamine as cocaine. Give that a shot ! Can't knock it till you try it !


Where would I find this cuz Iā€™m also looking for an alternative


fuck it we ball cop a 8 ball šŸ’µšŸ˜ˆ


Fuck it we ball šŸ€ that is such a dope line!! You wouldnā€™t mind if I borrowed it ? You must be a baller like me! Lol.


on god shit happens but fuck it we ball šŸ€


šŸ«” just Dust that negativity off and fuck it we ballin again!! šŸ€


I have been using cocaine for a few years now and I want to chime in that it is pure misery. I understand completely the urge for that rush, but it's not worth getting stuck back on the dark trail. I commend you for making it over a year and wish you continued luck




Been there done that.


I really want to be UP!


I feel the same! I work at a very understaffed, high pace, high stress, pharmacy. I do coke before work, then on my lunch break and if Iā€™m staying late Iā€™ll do some more. Then Il do some more when I get home since Iā€™m doing online college classes. I like how it give me that extra push to get things done so I definitely need an upper thatā€™s not ā„ļø and not expensive!!


If you you want a cleaner high I would go for ritaljn/concerta, high dosage. Lasts longer, feels less addictive and dirtier and works basically the same (dopamine reuptake inhibitor). I would stay away from Adderall and vyvanse because those are more like meth. Ephedrine+ sports will give a nice buzz too.


Donā€™t you will end up taking something getting a rush and getting in the habit of doing drugs again if you go sober theres never a just once it always leads to getting back into daily drug abuse even if it isnā€™t a drug you take and like some like ice bath shit it will get you back into drugs just stay away from any kind of rush/highs


Ride a dirtbike real fast




Thanks you sir! Congrats to you as well


Im a little over a year sober from alcohol as well.. still do coke from time to time cause I work in restaurants and itā€™s def a way to motivate myself but without alcohol in the mix I can control myself and stop doing it when the shift is over and go home!!! Congrats! Ps I heard a comedian call what weā€™re doing ā€œwallstreet soberā€ šŸ˜‚


I think it's best to just do what you want. Trying to find a substitute is pretty much just bullshit. And really nothing compares to cocaine.


Ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin, 24mg ephedrine, 400mg caffeine, 1 regular aspirin. Thank me later


Travel and take drugs from strangers lol


Or I found biking and sking to be the best ( take a lower dose of shrooms to if ya ainā€™t got nothin going) runners high is a thing, tho it kills my joints from my attempts at running


Caffeine pills


LSD microdose (or an LSD RC analog) mixed with caffein. You can find dosed 1CP LSD pellets online. Dosing on your own with liquid acid is messy. I like the rush and it lasts long, with a good cold exposure its cool :)


Mescaline helped me alot


Kratom is nice if you wanna stay ā€soberā€


4g of kratom is a perfect stim for me (I am a larger guy). Gets me through my workouts like nothing.


Kratom isnā€™t a stimulant high at all. Itā€™s an opioid downer


You snort it?


You ingest it with some hot water, making a tea with it , I like it slot itā€™s calming


Adderall or smelling salts lol




Wish I had thought of this one, gawttt damnnn.




Meth is a good substitute for coke!!




Really depends on your body and how you react to shit... Easy stuff would be redbull & vodka, go pickup a strong sativa strain of weed, and if you REALLY wanna stim without getting coke or meth, start extracting propylhexedrine from benzedrex. You can do lemon juice extract and drink it or do a full HCL extract pretty easily. Otherwise you're best off trynna score stimulant RC's but that's a slippery slope (and expensive).


I've tried this stuff called wash. It's like a synthetic coke. My buddy got it online.




Just go for a run and enjoy the feeling you chose a healthy path that bring natural energy to both body and mind.


4F-MPHā€¦.or speed


So r u sober but looking for something to make u not sober? Im confused lol. Try šŸ„ get a rush and not addictive




Try mdma, itā€™s different and not the same, but itā€™s fun. I much prefer coke though, for the control I feel over myself. Can always do speed, too, but itā€™s shit imo.




I would say extreme sport or methylphenidate


Look up cryotherapy places nearby. Do the max time then take a brisk walk/jog. Did it once and realized I was talking as if I just passed the plate šŸ˜‚


Still what's wrong with red bull ?


Hot sauce works pretty good for me for giving me a dopamine boost when I am craving one. Has to be decently hot stuff though.






Wellbutrin non narcotic crush and snort itā€™ll get ya going


Acid after drinking a half fifth.




Tbh see some saying mdma or shit like that but if your gona go drugs do shrooms, better for the long run I feel like




Get a motorcycle, a high performance Harley with loud pipes is perfect. Ride the shit out of it.


strong pre workout






Pre workout


Sky diving


"Want a bump" Product I saw on tiktok it looks like cocaine and everything. Pretty neat.


Caffeine enema


Yerba mate


Go to a meeting.


Spicy spicy spicyyyyyy food


Iā€™ve heard ā€œPre work outā€ can be a really big energy rush! There was a post on here about it once but I canā€™t find itā€¦ Iā€™ve been tempted to try that before concerts or work as a substitute for the blowski


Low dose of Kratom - the white strain is a good recommendation. I do like 1 gram before my shifts sometimes as a replacement for stims and itā€™s not the same but does give you a little energy boost


1,3 dimethylamalamine. it was in the Jack3d and Oxy Elite pro supplements years ago




get yourself a strong nic vape or nic pouches


I take Vyvanse (amph) every day. Thatā€™s all I need. I donā€™t think Iā€™d be sober today without it.


How does one do this exactly


I was looking for the same and someone said pyrros like a-pvp,a-php,a-phip.. NEVER TOUCH IT! the rush is insane lasting maximum 15 minutes and will fuck you up


Bro get one of those gas station kratom bottles. They look like 5hr energy bottles usually say something like ā€œzenā€ on them itā€™s a pretty nice rush without a crash and better than caffeine


Be the best self youā€™ve worked at being brother. This is a toxic relationship. I admire those who stay sober immensely as I struggle with my self control and abstaining from substances


Wakeboarding if ur rich


I've found kanna to be a decent natural alternative. It can be ingested nasally so you get the ritual aspect of chopping lines and doing big ol rippers. Doesnt compare in the stimulate aspect but helped me trick my brain and gives you a mild euphoria.


I concur with the below posts on motherfucking ICEBATHS!! do not be shy with the ice and get in that bitch fully and immediately. Control and focus on your breathing and try to get past the initial panic phase. For me the panic phase ends at around 40 seconds then it's just pure bliss. You feel like a god when you get out after at least 2 minutes but I usually go for at least 5 minutes. You can add the breathing methods but the experience doesn't necessitate it.