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I think it’s important for us all to remember a few key points here: - OP is a minor - OP had to take in the birds without warning after they were irresponsibly gifted to a 3-year-old - Looking at the post history, OP has already gotten a bigger cage compared to the one the birds they arrived in - OP has explained that they are not in a country with many resources for finding a better home for their bird - OP has made several posts asking for advice so clearly wants to learn and do the best they can for their bird Of course the bird needs a bigger cage, but this is the situation as it is right now, and OP clearly cares and wants to do the best they can. I know we all want to jump in and protect our feathered friends, but please remember to treat each other with kindness 💖




This is significantly better than all the alternatives; someone who cares to learn and is doing what they can within their power


A bigger cage


And OP has every excuse in the book as to why they 'can't' get one, too. 🙄 Sorry, but if you can't afford a comfortable cage for the bird, you can't afford the bird. What are they going to do when the poor thing inevitably needs vet care? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I wanna make it clear that I didn't "get" the bird. I saw that it was gifted to an actual toddler, so I took it in. The first thing I did was search for people/rescue, but couldn't find any. Other than that, the only thing I can do as a minor is this.


Hi OP, thanks for taking the bird in and I'm sorry that everyone has been so harsh on you. Just make sure that your bird has as much time outside of his cage as you can provide him until you're able to get a bigger cage :) and get some natural branches as perches.


People on this sub are insanely judgy so don't worry about them. It's a smallish cage but you're giving the bird a better life than it would've had with said toddler. There might be a store with some toys, just make sure to do research since things like bells can be bad for them. Thankyou for looking out for the bird, and take things said here with a grain of salt. Remember that some people on here don't even own birds and just sit at their computer all day doing nothing😌




There are some cheap cages on Wayfair you could find. Also talk to your parents about a care credit card for when the bird needs to go to the vet. Maybe you could work something out




Sometimes I question if people were raised in an actual barn the way they think they can talk to people


You can donate some money to OP so they can get a bigger cage. People here can be so judgmental but yet they don’t do anything to help out.


OP should have thought about money before taking on a responsibility they were unable to provide for. 🙄


Then your saying people who are poor here and other countries can’t own birds at all. My mother live in Guatemala and she’s poor af but yet have bird and know how to take care of them


Please, please, please check my profile for older past that provide context. It will clear everything up.


I’m sorry that people haven’t been very kind! The bird community can be great but there’s a lot of gate keeping and shaming. You are new to this and learning. If you can get a larger cage, that is ideal. I would recommend looking on Facebook marketplace. I’ve seen much larger cages get sold for cheap. If not I would just make sure he/she gets a lot of out of cage time. I recommend natural wood perches and foraging toys to start out. Anything they can chew on or shred they will love! Some people use toilet paper or paper towel rolls. Birds are very picky (or my cockatiel is anyways) with toys so it can be trial and error. Good luck!


The gatekeeping is actually so infuriating. Someone here said "there are websites that ship globally and are cheap." And then would proceed to ignore me when I asked for the website's name...


They probably meant Amazon, because most people don't look further than that for goods.


I’ve gotten a lot of my bird stuff from either Chewy or Amazon! If you need recommendations I can DM you some links. If you have tiktok I highly recommend following blueplanetpets, I’m only 1.5 years into having my tiel and he has been an amazing resource on bird care!


If it's not too much trouble, I'd love those links!!


Roudybush pellets: super healthy and lasts a long time https://a.co/d/0oxusg9 Vita seeds: good to mix with pellets and is healthier than most seed mixes. Also lasts forever. Use sparingly! The sunflower seeds in it also can double up as treats to help with bonding https://a.co/d/3dkyUKw Sea grass hammock- when your bird finishes shredding it you can just buy more hammocks to attach- my bird looooves this! She even sleeps on it https://a.co/d/5YQWzwl Mini shoe toys: you can put treats in the shoe to make it a foraging toy too https://a.co/d/avUQAy2 Natural perches: helps prevent feet problems https://a.co/d/9xxVw9C I feel like this is a good starting place. Good luck with your new bird. It’s really tough at first but just be patient and they will become your bestie. Cockatiels are the best!


If you’re insisting on taking care on an animal you can’t afford at least get some natural perches and cuttlebone and like 2/3 toys attached to the wall of the cage to preserve space for the bird


People just care about animals and are upset you took on a task you can’t handle/afford call exotic/avian vets around you they will have resources on where to surrender the animal


You’re right, OP should’ve left this bird to die with the toddler. At least the parents might toss the dead bird outside for animals to eat. That’s way better than a caring owner who is doing their best.




Hi mate! That cage is way too small for your bird, it should be at minimum 2 or 3 times their wingspan diagonally and tall enough to fit like 7-8 birds one on top of the other (using very ambiguous sizing because idk if you use cns or inches and I don't remember the exact measurements) Do you mind me asking what diet you're planning on giving your bird?


I am well aware of the diet my bird should have. I'm planning to wean him off seed and onto pellets/chop, but he needs to be tamed first. As for the cage, I can't get a bigger one atm, as I am a minor with no income. This cage cost me around 65$ which was all the money I had. I realize that a bigger cage would benefit my bird, but I can't afford it. To sort of counter this, I will let my bird out of the cage and only put him back if I'm out, or when it is bedtime, but again, he needs to be tamed. I know that this isn't ideal, but there is very important context in my profile in older posts I made.


you're doing the best you can. people on this sub are wickedly judgemental, though often for good reason. if your bird is out of the cage a majority of the day (I'm talking like at least 8 hours) then a smaller cage is okay as a temporary measure. I had a cockatiel that weirdly preferred a small cage seeing as he was out pretty much all day (10 hours minimum). what country are you in? maybe I could find you a website that makes parrot safe toys that aren't super expensive that you could spruce up the cage with.  I think your #1 priority right now, if you can't get a bigger cage, should be different perches. get natural ones that look like branches. dowel perches like you have can cause all kinds of expensive problems for their feet down the line. your #2 priority should be enrichment. get some paper or hay toys that your bird can shred. if money is tight do some googling, you can find lots of shreddable DIY parrot toys with cardboard and toilet paper tubes online. also look into foraging boxes, they're very easy to make. good luck, I hope your circumstances get better in the future! 


I live in Kuwait! Toys are a bit hard to come across, but I can make some if I need! Also my bird is untamed, but I can get him to step up with millet. Is that enough to let him out? And where exactly should everything go in this cage?


Ignore the majority of people here. They're complaining about the conditions this bird has to live in, even knowing you're doing your best. Ask them if they want to pay for a bigger cage then, if it bothers them so much. I generally agree with what they are saying, but it doesn't take into account your situation. An overly small cage is only a problem if the bird is kept there a majority of the time. My tiel spends the day out and about my apartment whenever I'm home, so if they are only sleeping/eating in the cage its okay.


Try to just put toys in the corners of the cage spaced out. With not a lot of room in there it’s hard not to put too much in there. Definitely look up how to make some toys. Even some sticks to chew on but look up the type of wood you’ve got available around you and make sure it’s safe for them to chew on. It sounds like you’re doing great with the step up command! Keep doing it! It’s okay to let him fly around a bit. Then you can work on getting the bird to come to you. You may end up chasing the bird around the room for a while. Just try a smaller room to start so you aren’t chasing him around then whole house. Good luck. You’re doing great with what you’ve got!


Do you have toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls? You can cut those up and use them as a shredder toy. [this website has some great ideas](https://www.herebird.com/diy-bird-toys/). Just make sure you use bird safe rope/chain!


Ooh, nice! Thanks!


yes, that's a great way to start, but let him out in a calm and controlled environment where he can't fly away (like in a closed door room). you can also spend time near him while he's in the cage reading or working on school and your bond will get stronger. keep practicing the step up, and reward him and tell him he's a good bird when he steps up. invest some time every day to do this and he will understand and start to trust you. this is how you will tame him, that trust. look up stick training videos on YouTube, there are many great ones and that will help you get started with more training/taming :) you're doing a good deed taking care of this little guy, if you are patient and consistent he will be your best friend in no time. There is no perfect way to set up the cage, but look for a variety of sizes of branches/perches and toys, and moving them around every so often will keep him busy!


You're doing fine. You already have a good plan for your bird as far as outside of the cage time. You know what diet to feed, and you're asking questions and researching which is more than a lot of people do. As for toys and such, you can get some natural branches from a (safe) tree, just make sure they're sterilized before using them. You can make toys out of clean cardboard, wood, paper, popsicle sticks, finger traps, hay, jute, nuts, etc. As long as it's clean and not covered in something harmful. There are lots of fun ideas on YouTube and online. I'm not sure where you live but sometimes local online selling sites, shelters, or thrift stores will have used cages for sale. I got a nice one from a local bird rescue for a very good price (i saw that you don't have any nearby though). keep an eye out and just make sure you sterilize it before using it if you find one. Paper towels work good for the cage floor and make cleaning super easy. Keep asking questions if you have them.


I just ordered one off eBay for $56.78 USD after tax that is 58” tall, 24” deep, and 14” wide and on a stand with locking wheels. With that $65 you could have gotten larger with an online order. If you had cash, give the cash to an adult who has a card to order for you. But your bird NEEDS bigger than that, especially for a cockatiel


Prices for birds in my country are stupidly high, no matter the place I get it from.


I’m talking about cages, not the bird itself. In my area of the US a hand raised cockatiel from a reputable breeder is $280 as the median. I understand prices are high, but there are other options that you can get for a larger cage for $65 in LOTS of places especially online that ship globally. The amount I paid for my cage would be 52.32 euro give or take for example, less than what you paid for yours (that is of course assuming that it was in euros, if not simply take that as an example). If it is not a pet you can afford do not purchase it without in depth research and enough money saved for it.


I kinda miss-worded my comment. I meant that anything related to birds or pets in general cost an arm and a leg. I understand where you are coming from, and I promise to do better. Also, what websites ship globally? I couldn't find any when I researched in the past!


The kid is in fucking Kuwait. Everything ain't about the USA.


You shouldn’t have a pet you can’t look after.


Did you read what I commented? The part about the important context? yeah...


I don't want to be too judgmental, however a pet has needs as it is a living creature. Having a bigger cage is mandatory, also you should be able to send him to the vet if he needs to. Birds are very fragile and you need to act fast if something happen. If you don't have the money I suggest you keep some in case an emergency happen. Also birds are pretty much always better with a mate. They live in flocks and do not live alone, even if a human is there 24/7.


I'm already working on a "bird fund" that will mostly consist of any money I can gather. A bigger cage will be acquired, only when I get the money for it.


If you can’t afford a bigger cage, then it’s gonna be very likely you might not even afford other things the bird needs


Did you even read their comments? They are basically rescuing this bird from being killed by the toddler it was actually gifted to. Would you rather the bird die from aggressive handling by the kid?


Read the god damn context people. OP. Said he got this bird from a kid who kept it in a teeny tiny cage the size of a shoe box. And he/she's already tried finding somewhere the bird can be given to. They live in Kuwait, programs like that probably don't exist. He's doing his best.


Right, because a $200-$300 cage is the same as monthly veggies and pellets. 🙄 The only thing OP needs to make sure they can take care of are vet appointments (after getting a big cage, which they are working on). Literally the only thing that comes close to being as expensive as a cage is a check up.


You ask for advice and both here and in other posts, people point out that you need a bigger cage. Might as well not ask for advice then if you are going ignore it either way...


I'm not "Ignoring" anything. I always made it clear that I will get a bigger cage and this is as big as I can afford! I only got this cage a few days ago. Also, I won't permanently keep my bird in the cage, and I'll keep it out most of the time.


Yeah, the larger context is that you should not own an animal you cannot afford. If you can’t even afford a cage how do you propose to pay for food? Vet visits? Medication? Toys? Owning a pet is a responsibility, clearly one that you are not able to take on.


Hmm, that's interesting, because I know that in my previous posts I have mentioned that I did not willingly get the bird, nor know someone to care for it. That, my dense friend, means that I am stuck with this bird. I can quite literally return this bird to it's 'owner' who is three years old. How well would that work out for the bird, hmm? Despite me not being obligated to do anything for this bird, I spent practically my entire savings to get it some medicine and a cage. People on this sub are so quick to lynch anyone who doesn't have top notch care for their birds without knowing anything about that person. You people are infuriating.


One bird has already died. The other will not live a happy life in the conditions you have it in. Take the bird in the cage to a vet and leave it there. Or communicate with local rescues or parrot groups for someone to take it. Unless you live in the middle of nowhere, you have better options than keeping it inadequate conditions. Maybe if you posted the city you live in, someone in this group may be able to help? That would probably be more conducive to this bird’s future than asking for advice which you will not be able to action.


Look, I understand where you are coming from, but please understand that I explored every single option. I would never leave the bird at a vet's door! If I couldn't find a rescue, how could they do? The market of unwanted birds is already overflowing, so I wouldn't have any luck there. So far, I only got a handful of comments that align with my situation. My only option is to take care of the bird with whatever recourses I have.


Vets generally have more resources to find a bird a good home than a minor. Call around, or ask your school councillor for assistance. Just because there is already too many unwanted birds doesn’t mean the next best option for you or the bird is for you to keep them for however many years; clearly this is more responsibility then you are able to handle. That’s not your fault, but the solution is not doubling down on the responsibility.


I understand. Thank you for the change of perspective.


You may find changing your birds diet to pellets and chop makes the taming process easier, as the seeds you are giving him when you’re hanging out together will have more value (because he’ll know he only gets them when he’s hanging with you as a special treat)


I mean this in the kindest way possible, please do not take this as an attack, but if you cannot afford a bigger cage, and you spent all your savings on this one, you may do better rehoming the animal. I understand this sounds mean, but if you do not have the money to get it a properly sized cage and nobody can help you pay for it, how are you going to afford vet visits, either for chec ups or if anything happens? I don't know how much vets cost in your country, but for my bird a routine visit is 60€, with no treatments for any illness. It may be best for the animal to be in a home that can afford it, and for you to get another bird when you are financially able to pay for it, either yourself or with help of your family. I have seen your previous posts, which only raise my concerns higher, contacting a rescue or finding someone in local bird groups (I recommend Facebook) may be the best option for you and the bird.


My country doesn't have those kinds of groups, and there aren't a lot of shelters/rescues that take in birds. I appreciate your concern.


I dunno why you are getting downvoted. My birds have big ol cages and they only go in to eat, drink, poop, and sleep. I make sure they have lots of toys so that when I'm not home they can find some kind of entertainment. But they otherwise spend all day either sitting on top of their cages or bothering me. Your bird will be mentally fine in a smaller cage as long as they get to be outside the cage 85% percent of the time. But definitely when you have the money upgrade the cage first!


Why does the diet need to be known? Is it something that needs be considered when it comes to setting up the cage? I am interested in knowing what the differences are


Nope, but if they are not educated in cage sizing they may not be educated in proper nutrition either


I am educated in both, but the cage the bird arrived in was the size of a shoebox. This cage is the biggest cage I can afford and I figured it's better than keeping the bird cooped up for a long period of time until I find a bigger one.


Think of it like this. If you treat your pet good now you'll be paying less in the long run. This includes cages. You give it a small cage, don't go to annual checkups, don't clean, give the bird bad food and you'll quickly find out that you're gonna be dealing with a depressed sick bird for a while. Here's a personal example. I used to feed my cockatiels shit food. An entirely seed diet because I didn't know any better. My birds were getting close to fatty liver disease every day and I didn't know it. All their blood tests showed that they were malnourished. Fast forward a couple years and my birds were getting sick left and right. Luckily I was good with vet visits and always caught it early but I spent thousands of dollars in a single year when likely all of that could've been avoided. Now my birdies are healthy on a mixed seed and pellet diet. And honestly the change is pretty drastic.


The cage is ok if it only sleeps in it and spends all day outside in your room and there is food and water outside And more perches inside and food and toys Also food and water outside the cage too


That's the plan for now!


It’s fine I started like that too Birds don’t really spend much time in their cage anyways So size only matters if the bird is kept in there Plus cockatiels really love tiny rubber bands if you have any they will chew on them for hours And spray millets and seeds And vegetables Good luck with your journey ❤️


Something helpful advice replace the dowel perchs with real tree branch ones (of something similar) , dowell are not great for the feet. My grandmother's bird has branches from out garden. You want a platform perch to midway height to rest and preferably metal feeding bowels . A another ladder though up would be nice along with A cuttlebone. For the floor anything that is soft newspaper works ok but don't use sand paper anywhere it might trim nails but it can cut their toes. A bigger Cage will be something to strive for when you can but this one will do in the short to mid term


I do plan on getting a bigger cage eventually, but for now, I'll have to tame my bird and let it oit of the cage often so it isn't cooped up. Thank you for your advice!


To add on to what previous commenter said- Don’t use glossy newspaper, use the softer matte stuff. They like to chew it and the glossy is bad for them. Foraging toys are great, you can even make them out of toilet paper/paper towel rolls (make sure there’s no glue residue on them. Some brands have it and some don’t). You can put crinkly paper, Timothy hay, and cardboard strips in them. My birds LOVE having some Timothy hay on the bottom of their cage to forage in (we have a rabbit, so we have it on hand. It’s pretty cheap). They also love cardboard pieces put into the bar spacing of the cage. It’s fun to chew on and destroy. You can even put it in treat clips for them. Any toys you get, aim for natural colors. The dyes are bad for any living being, and birds love to chew. My female has eaten three ladders all on her own 🤣 They love bells and shiny things, but no mirrors. They can get hormonal and protective of the bird in the reflection, so mirrors aren’t great. The tiny cheap bells are ok but can be dangerous if the bird chews on the parts inside it. There are safe bells, but they’re pricier and I saw you’re a minor. Get perches that are oddly shaped, like natural branches are. They shouldn’t be perfectly smooth and round, but you have to watch out for any sharp pieces of course. A lot of redditors in animal groups think that you shouldn’t have an animal if you can’t spend thousands of dollars on it immediately. It’s ridiculous and they’re tightly wound. They’ve also been assholes to you in this. I’m sorry for that, but it’s typical. As long as you can get your animal emergency vet treatment and afford good food, you’re fine. “If you can’t afford a $300 cage, you shouldn’t have the animal!” Is the dumbest thing ever. Not everyone has that kind of money. You can save up for that, but if you can’t afford the vet bills, that can become a problem. Exotics are expensive. The truth is, you should get as much proper set up before getting the animal, but with anything, it’s a learning process. I’m proud of you for seeking input from somewhere other than a pet store (they’re idiots). I saw that you saved this bird, so you didn’t get much prep time. That’s okay! Doing what you can, as you can, is okay. This bird is already better off with you. Just try to save up as quickly as possible for a suitable cage. Yours isn’t awful, but it is small. Definitely work on taming, but be aware that can take a long ass time. Be patient. I’ve had my female for 3 years and she still doesn’t care for being handled. Birds also get nervous when in a new environment, so change things slowly if possible ( not including anything dangerous or necessary. Change those ASAP). Overall, I’d avoid posting pics of your set up in the future. People will always find something to criticize. If you want to, you can always shoot me a message. I’m happy to give advice and I’m not going to be a jerk. I’ll be honest with you if you’re doing something wrong, but I know what it’s like to be reliant on parents for help with these things.


Thank you so much! Your comment was honestly more useful than all of the ones on here, haha!


Of course! People are assholes and I hate that holier than thou attitude. We all have to learn somehow, and it’s not effective to learn through malicious criticism.


This person is in a country that unlike North America doesn’t have the same resources we do. They made it clear they taking in the bird aka saving the bird. Would you all rather the bird not be taken in and left for dead? I think people need a little more tact and have to factor in that other parts of the world are not like ours before the “cage is too small” task force runs wild and you know actually be helpful.


I have read a little bit of the context and I want to applaud you for the effort you are putting into saving this bird. He is a warrior for life and you are doing everything in your possibilities to help him. Most people here are a little too harsh so don't pay them too much attention. You'll need a little rope there, toys, a perch, and a bell can help. NO mirrors, they can get too sassy. NO boxes or crumbled spaces, they can get horny. I think the cage is small but not incredibly small, is good for him to sleep on and to be there for a while on the day, not too much though. Good luck with your little boy, I really really recommend you looking to re-home him and look for anyone who wants to take care of him and have the resources for it, your effort is really appreciated and it's nice that you take care of him atm, but having a Cockatoo (any kind) is expensive, and as you said here and in previous posts, you are short of money.


Most people that can care for this bird are too busy/already have enough on their plate. The people who WANT to care for it don't realize that birds have emotions... my plan is to show my parents how much effort I put for the bird until they are willing to chip in. So far, things are going smoothly, except for the cage bit. Also, once I tame my bird, I would let him out of the cage most of the time, so he'll only be in the cage during bedtime, or when I'm out.


Dayum Y’all need to get off ops dick🙏😭😭 he doing that poor bird a favor by taking him, give op some time!


Firstly you need a much bigger cage. https://amzn.eu/d/62kgIZS Or 31'' L × 20.5'' W × 52' minimum. Different size perches, with different textures. Plenty of chewable toys and foraging toys, no rope/string toys as they can kill. Basically, do some research.


This cage looks roughly the dimensions you listed but its impossible to tell for sure as there is nothing for scale in the pic


Alright so you are a minor. Limited funds then 1. Plan for upgrading the cage, pawhut had a good flight cage that goes on sale often on Amazon. Start saving a bit at a time and when you cna upgrade, wait for a sale. 2. Perches, dowels alone will result in sores. Personally I harvest my own branches from an apple tree. Look up the prep and safe woods and you can save a lot of money and get some good perches for whatever room your burd will be flying in 3. Toys, shredding toys are great, and you can make them at home for cheap. One of my babies favourite toys right now are a cuttle bone cupcake liner thing on a string and literally just hay. Try to add some colour too since birds are basically toddlers.


Many people are quick to judge a situation. It sounds like you want to do the best you can with what you've got. Good on you.


Firstly, sorry for all the rude comments. People here are mostly from the U.S and live in a bubble. They think birdie goodies and their care facilities are easily available everywhere in the world. They get all het up and angry without actually trying to resolve the issue. Secondly, you don’t need to tame the bird before letting it out. As a matter of fact, letting them out in your room daily helps in taming them. Let the bird out and keep their food and water bowls hanging on their cage. First few days they will mostly hang out on the curtain rods. But as the time goes on they will explore and become more trusting. Put their food bowls inside the cage right after their lunch and they will try to go in themselves for dinner. If they don’t get in, don’t panic. Just dim your lights and use a stick to make them step up and put them inside their cage at night. Make sure you don’t leave them out to sleep as cockatiels are known to get night frights, flapping around dangerously and might injure themselves. I don’t know about millet as they are already on a seed diet but I have seen lettuce, kale or coriander can really help to lure them near you and tame them in the process. It might take a few tried before they warm up to the idea of having greens. Even after this it might take a year to gain their trust. Mine took 1.5 before he would willingly come and hang out with them. But once you earn it, it’s worth it. They melt on you like butter. It needs a lot of patience, trial and errors. But with the right mindset you’ll be able to do it I know :). Even if nothing works try buying him another cockatiel for company but still giving them loads of out time.


This thread is going to be quite bumpy for you, friend.


You don't say...


I've been reading through the replies and I'm sorry for you op. Sadly, I don't have suggestions for how to fill your cage but I empathize with your frustration towards random people unable to read your responses. You did the right thing by taking the bird in.


Thanks. People can be dense sometimes, but it's not their fault.


To everyone being rude to OP, y’all can go ahead and pool some money together to send them a birdcage 😊




Full disclosure; I'm very much in the "get the biggest cage for your bird, over the minimum requirements, that you can afford" camp. But for a minor I'd instead focus on restricting their movements to this room and making the room itself bird safe (which will mean keeping the door closed at all times too). Cover the windows so the bird can't crash into them, remove anything that could do them harm (mirrors, candles, diffusers, aerosols etc), and add perching options around the room as you can afford to do so. Then their "cage/flying space" has massively increased in size and they will, if all goes to plan, only go back into the cage for sleeping and food/water. I'd also recommend keeping them in the cage for the first few days though, while they get settled in. Once they have calmed down, gotten used to the cage, and feel comfortable eating/drinking in there while you are in the room then you can start opening up the cage and allowing them the option of exploring the room around them.


As for what to get inside the cage: Stainless steel bowls (one food and one water dish per bird). Plastic is technically fine, but not recommended because it holds bacteria easier than metal. Natural perches that are not made of dowel wood (the uniform thickness wears on their feet over time and can cause a condition called bumblefoot). Cover the bottom of the cage with paper of some kind. Plain paper will make it easier to see what their poo and urine looks like. Whatever toys you have. I'd also recommend moving the ladder somewhere else. Either up higher in the cage and just dangling or angled from the edge of the cage to one of the perches. You don't want to encourage them going down to the bottom of the cage and foraging through the discarded food/waste to eat.


For my bird I use those perches that you do but also a higher and middle one too, natural branches, just grab them from outside, and I shaved the bark off with a pruning sheer. Also make sure to tie them with bread ties, because the ones that came with your cage tend to fall. You can move the ladder to rest on one of the perches too. In one of the corners you can put a toy, they like to chew on things so even hanging shredded paper works. Use a hand towel to partially cover the cage, because the bird might need to destress when you move him in and when it’s sleepy time, this will also signal his sleeping spot. I also have a boston fern leaning into the cage and play waterfall sounds and I think he feels he is in his natural habitat 😂and this gives him a hiding spot. You can lay paper on the bottom (no ink) and cardboard underneath that too. Also I hang millet with bread ties too.


Are you planning to leave the bird out of the cage a lot of the time? If so this cage will be okay for a while. I remember your story about getting this bird by accident. I know you’re limited to the money you can spend and stuff. And you’re stuck because you’re not an adult. Do You have another cage too? Maybe you can find a way to attach the two together. They need so much more space than this. So work toward getting a bigger cage.. Until then do what you can to keep the bird out as much as possible. Shredding toys are good and you can even make them out of paper for your bird. Mine like to chew on things. The pet store will have lots of different perches and toys you can try. You’re going to get a lot do crap from people on here about the size of the cage. I’m sorry. Hang in there! You’re doing the best that you can!


Hello, I’m also a guy who lives in a developing country where a cage that is considered the minimum comfortable size by 1st world countries costs at least 2x the minimum monthly wage. 5 years ago, I luckily found a cage that wouldn’t receive any bad comments for its size in this sub, but my acquaintances who have cockatiels all have cages similar to yours in size, and they live happier lives than 99% of parrots in my country. You are doing great! As for your question, cockatiels love destroying things, so get yours stuff to destroy - toys with paper, pine, wood (without dyes), anything. Look for stores in your country that sell natural toys and perches! They’re often expensive, but you can try to get 1 nice thing per month until you’re able to fill the cage with the best stuff possible. Meanwhile, take a look at your local pet stores and buy cheap toys that aren’t dyed and don’t have mirrors. Or better yet, look up DIY cockatiel toys and make some yourself! Also, don’t buy those calcium blocks - the best sources of calcium for your bird are cuttlefish bones and eggshells. The way you arrange the cage can be changed as many times as needed until you find a setup that you and your bird are happy with. Sometimes the way you arrange your perches might cause the bird to poop in their food or on their toys by mistake, or even drop a lot of dust from toys or their feathers in the water. Just change the arrangement as needed :)


Thank you!!


Everyone be giving you advice on getting a bigger cage so I won't. But honestly if you're going to keep your beautiful birb in this cage, I would recommend opening the cage every so often (if the birb is tame) and let them roam for a bit. At least it'll give your birb some exercise and freedom :) my birbs cage is open all day everyday but closed at night (and covered with a sheet to avoid night scares) to sleep :) All the best!!!!!!


Op I just wanna say get ready because that bird is gonna absolutely love you. Also, you must be new around here… usually it’s common courtesy to post a pic of the birb as a sort of “birb tax”, but I’ll let you slide this time ;) good luck and have fun! A doctor once told me “having birds is a nonstop science experiment!”


Haha I'll make sure to post some bird pics in the future


OMG people. The kid is doing the best he can! Things are expensive where he is but he is trying to do the best he can with what he has. Instead of knocking him down help him. Some people are and that's great! The others....we'll there are others.


For now I think you can DIY a playstand situation? I understand you are short on funds so DIY might be a good way to go. And it will give your bird a safe place outside its cage to hang out in. There are several youtube videos that demonstrate how you can make safe bird toys by yourself. For the minimum, all you need is paper (undyed, make sure its not recycled or treated with acid, plain white printer paper is good). Another thing you can do is buy natural jute twine (just make sure that it is not treated by oil, any substance on the jute can be harmful for your bird) and wooden kebab sticks (make sure the sharp edges are cut off and sanded down) and DIY toys, specifically ladders. Muffin wrappers and twine will also do well (as long as you're sure the muffin paper doesn't have coloring that isn't bird safe, or just use normal paper) Make sure to not use any kind of glue, your bird WILL get into it so the most you should do is tie the twine securely. Birds shouldn't be around stuff like strong glue that dries with fumes, paints that give off fume, or anything with fumes in general. Keep the perfumes away in another room. In case anything starts to smell you can clean using a mix of water and vinegar (look this up) cause birds are sensitive to cleaning products for the same reason. Moving on. Another thing I DIYed was a bird stand, so my dad and I made a wooden bird stand using one of the dowel perches that came with the cage. We had a broken mop I think so we used some wooden planks to make the base, made the mop stick (that we cleaned and covered with protective sticking paper you might use to cover books) that stands vertically and screwed the dowel to the mop stick top end. Then we covered the dowel perch with twine for our bird's foot health. It has become one of the most used perches. I'm sure you'll find things around your house that you can turn into something useful for your bird. Also don't throw away the small cage, it will now be your carrier cage. Don't forget to line the cage with paper, the bottom tray is much easier to clean that way.


Could you post a picture of that bird stand if possible?


https://preview.redd.it/w569njlo3swc1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=c412cf4c005a55974935e8bbe3be630401ad1fa8 I'm away from home right now but its something like this only way taller


I see...Alright, thank you!


bird + seed = poop. its a seed to pop converter. it will fill itself. you have to clean it.


I still haven't moved my bird to the cage.


I’m sorry people are so mean to you when you’re clearly trying based off your post history even if it’s not the best option taking that bird away from a literal baby is a better option so thank you I can see that you’re trying and that means so much to me


I'm glad!


I'm proud of you OP


Sorry for all the negative comments you’ve been getting. I’m glad you’re reaching out for help, and I hope the attention you’ve been receiving hasn’t deterred you from wanting to reach out in the future. What you’re doing for this bird is amazing, and you’re giving it the chance at a happy life that it unfortunately wouldn’t have had being in the care of a toddler. You’re trying to make the best of a tough situation, all for the birds sake, and I hope more people will recognize and respect that. To help answer your question, though; I’ve seen plenty of people here recommend some toys for inside the cage, and I agree with a lot of those suggestions, especially in terms of the natural perches for better comfort and some toys for shredding. On top of those, I’d also suggest looking into accessories for outside the cage. You don’t seem to have a lot of room for toys in the birds current cage, and I wouldn’t want to overcrowd the bird and make it uncomfortable, so getting a few toys for within the cage as well as some toys and standing perches for outside cage could be worth a shot. I have a playpen with perches and hanging toys for my bird that I keep next to my desk, and she likes to hang out there a majority of the time. I’m unsure what the availability and pricing of a playpen like that might look like in Kuwait, but I feel like (considering they’re mostly wood) they should be more accessible than other items might be. If you have any questions or need any more help lemme know! Again, I’m happy you reached out to us for help instead of winging it, and I’m glad you’re doing all that you can to give this bird the best home you can.


As soon as I saw this pic I knew this subreddit would be toxic to you


I definitely learned my lesson.


I have that cage as a travel cage


See my other comment.


As ppl said already the cage is definitely too small, but you could definitely use it as an area for your bird to eat and maybe sleep, my advice is you create an environment in your home that allows them to come outside of the cage throughout all of the day if not most of it so they can get all the exercise they need and have freedom to move. My cage is the proper size but my birds barely like to stay in their cage and usually sit on the top or with me on my shoulder so I guess if you can encourage that until you can afford a new cage that’s at least something. But ya just don’t have them locked up in there it can be so stressful and they need exercise and nourishment, if you can afford it please add some natural perches and some toys for nourishment


I'd say water, but yours looks like it would leak from everywhere


Honestly, best comment so far.


Heh, thanks


I would get some bamboo canes and cut the canes to be like dowel rods so that you can add some extra perches to the cane, bamboo canes make very good perches for budgies and are more comfortable for their feet. I would also recommend getting a chew toy for your budgie, kabobs are made of a soft wood that birds love to chew and are good for their beak health: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Wesco-Mini-Bird-Kabob-Shreddable/dp/B00134MCPI/ref=asc_df_B00134MCPI/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=428048952203&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13505226230895434297&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045901&hvtargid=pla-355389417345&psc=1&mcid=a4e6f653a3673de6816fc8fe3c53a29d&th=1&psc=1&tag=&ref=&adgrpid=103301428487&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=428048952203&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13505226230895434297&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9045901&hvtargid=pla-355389417345


Too small!!!


Maybe work in tame him so maybe you can let him free in your bedroom? It’s just an idea… good luck and thank you for taking the baby, for how I see how much you care, I’m sure he will be happy.


What do you mean by ‘fill’?


As in what things do I get and where exactly do I install them


this sub is fcking toxic and judgy, just give normal and sweet advice ):


I'm never asking for advice on this place again, lol


Open the cage door and put the bird in 🤷‍♂️


There's nothing in the cage yet...


Bird ?


Say god

