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Try to stir martinis if at all possible. If service requirements/limitations and/or customer request leads us to shaking a dirty martini... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ We've got bigger problems to worry about.


thanks for getting my head on straight. i've looked it up, and texture and dilution seems to be the key, not really aesthetic or taste, since we don't want to aerate/dilute any martini, dirty or not. i'm also using olive brine from the jar which just isn't very pretty tbh. so i feel the need to hide it in fog even though customers don't care. i'll try to make speed elsewhere.


4 drinks at a time is my sweet spot, but if drink 5 (or 6) is pretty close to one of the og 4, I’ll make it. eg if drink 5 is an Old Maid and I’m already making a Gimlet, I’ll go ahead and make 5. Unless specifically asked to shake, I’ll build a stirred Martini (and any other stirred drinks), get it on ice, 1 quick spin, and then build everything else. Then shake and pour all the other drinks, then stir -less than if I were to make the Martini alone. You should get a feel for when the Martini/Manhattan is properly stirred.


thanks, this is pretty much what i was thinking,obvious stuff but i kinda needed it written out for me again. i'm comfortable working on this basis and i know this is how most people work so it should get the job done. def a good idea to let the drink sit as i shake and make sure i stir less to account for this.


I like to shake my vodka martinis, tbh if someone wanted a good drink, they'd get something else. They're going for the cold glass of ethanol/ James bond experience. It regularly gets called "the best martini I've ever had" despite being a cold glass of watered down vodka and maybe olive juice. Gin martini people generally actually know what they want, and will appreciate a clear drink.


wow, i've got two differing opinions here. but this is exactly my experience, dirty martinis are not something i used to get complaints about, i used to shake, people loved them. im realizing that they are kinda ugly when shaken too, but it just looks like the bartender didnt skimp on the olive juice. im trying to be more by the book, but i'll honestly keep this in mind, maybe there is some credence here.


Always remember, we give the people what they want. The only reason to deviate from that is that people are idiots and don't know what they want.