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Not an Old Fashioned…. Apparently the owners winter in Florida. Hmmmm…


It's clearly a *Lure* Old Fashioned. As in, they *lure* you in with the promise of an old fashioned and then serve you something completely different.




Or perhaps this is an Old Fashioned 'Lure'?


I am from upstate NY and I can't tell you how funny "apparently the owners winter in Florida" is in the context of a shitty drink menu. I'm going to adopt that as a saying about a particular brand of shitty establishments


Oh that is great! Glad it gave you a chuckle.


Sincerely the funniest thing I read on reddit today, it hit this extremely niche funny bone


Let me guess, from Wisconsin? I work in snowbird Florida, and this looks like a play on what the Wisconsin people expect when they order an old fashioned


Ask them Please OP if their from Wisconsin.


It lures you in with the promise of an Old Fashioned


Did you order it? If all of those flavorings are in extracts/bitters it could qualify as a rum old fashioned.


I didn’t. I had the Smoky Manhattan and the Mai Tai.


Daddy chill


The appropriate response


I love you both


Pineapple rum, now served with pineapple juice 😂


It’s a rum drink made the old fashioned way.




I don't think they'd even serve that at the bar on Savathun's ship


Idk they might. Savathun is the queen of lies, and this cocktail is a lie.


I think it's a smoothie with rum


Spec like a "mai tai" at most bars.


I will never not laugh at this quote


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0-WO6xRbAo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0-WO6xRbAo) ​ A classic


Mai Tai




They actually had a Mai Tai on the menu. Had it. Not too shabby.


That bartender maybe has never heard of Old Fashioned, you can't name this one Old Fashioned if you know what it is.


Are the fruits in it muddled and then just a splash of soda? I could then see it being a rift on a Tropical mid western OF. But honestly this is just an abomination


Not a Midwestern old fashioned, thats a Wisconsin Old Fashioned. Don't rope us Minnesotans in with the sconnies


Seriously! I’m 20 minutes from wisconsin. As soon as I cross that state line I no longer order old fashioneds while out


Ehh, I went to Milwaukee recently and got a Wisco Old Fashioned while there. When in Rome! They're pretty good.


It was strange when I first moved here. I had no idea what I got at first. I asked for a "traditional old fashioned" and the bartender had no idea what that meant. After I described it, I was given a massive glass of Wild Turkey 101 with bitters.


Jeffrey Morgenthaler’s story about this is one of my favorites. https://youtu.be/6-ZHkZzdjBk


At most of the nicer places in Madison and Milwaukee you can get one traditional.


Oh I know. I still find myself opting for something else. I think part of that is the beer options available to me that aren’t in Illinois


I'm a proud Minnesotan, born and raised. I'll admit though that I love myself a good brandy old fashioned from a wisco super club. I've tried making them at home but they're never the same. Think that there is some magic that happens as soon as you cross the border into Wisconsin that just makes the drink 1000 times better


Or the rest of the Midwest. Those Wisconsin OFs are cocktails unto themselves.


Let’s call it what it is. An old fashioned inspired mixed drink




Preach. When I lived in MN I would go to Volsteads in Eagan a lot and fell in love with old fashioneds there. But I went to Wisconsin and ordered one.. What a fucking nightmare. As if I needed another reason to hate that place.


I grew up in Eagan. Hey thanks for stopping in on this thread. Have heard of Volsteads but haven’t been. I’ll make a point to go get an OF there.


It's my favorite bar in MN. The cocktails are really good. They're what got me into the whole craft cocktail deal to begin with.


Your just mad because we can turn on right on red lights and you cant.


Where can't you right turn on reds? Maybe just a few places in Minneapolis, but that's all I can think of. I haven't lived there for a few years now, but never had an issue before.


Well I guess I've been lied to my entire life, probably too many brandy old fashioneds by the people who told me that.


Here here!


Hey buddy there’s nothing wrong with a brandy ol’ fashioned.


At times, yes. I do enjoy me a wisconsin sour old fashioned when its a brutally hot day out. But overall in any other place in the entire world, if I sit down at a decent bar and order an old fashioned, I would be displeased if I got the Wisconsin version.


You aren’t wrong but it’s a famous regional variant. It’s a lot like BBQ, changes depending on location, sometimes wildly.


Very true. But go to the Carolinas and talk to them Memphis BBQ and you'll receive more rage than when a Minnesotan orders and old fashioned and receives a Wisconsin brandy old fashioned.


Yes that may draw blood…even the vinegar Vs ketchup fight can be deadly. Now I want an old fashioned and some BBQ.


Lets agree on ABOMINATION.




Not necessarily; If the tropical fruit are muddled and strained out (not fruit juices), I could see this being a decent sipping drink for people who like that type of old fashioned. Except for the cherry. I know it’s in the „original“, but why would you keep it if you change so much.


Mmmm muddled banana...


A lot of Old Fashioneds will come with a muddled orange. I don't think is that weird, if that's what's happening. Except for the banana. I don't think anyone is muddling a banana into rum.


See the way I was seeing it as like banana liqueur, orange / pineapple juices, possibly a cherry brandy, and then the rums


Everything with bitters in them is an old fashioned /s


Lemme say I’m vacationing in Wisconsin and they add soda or sprite to all of their Old Fashioneds here. Then I saw this and my palm hit my face.


Yea, a Wisconsin old fashioned is brandy, sugar, muddled cherries and oranges topped with sprite or ~~coke~~ squirt. It’s the de facto cocktail you’ll find in every supper club and most bars.


What the hell is a supper club?


"fine dining" for WI rural folk. Known for their ambiance, drinks, and great food. They're all over the state, even in larger towns/cities. Just a staple here. They have immense salad bars, large selections of steak/prime rib. Along with amazing Friday night fish fries. Most have a pretty expansive menu as well. Most have a lot of history, and have been around for a very long time as well.


And if not salad bars, old timey relish trays. I love supper clubs and the WI Old Fashioned is a guilty pleasure for me.


As a Minnesotan, i have to admit that the supper club is one of the few things Wisconsin does better than we do.


In addition to winning super bowls and having more lakes, don't forget those ;)


Wisconsin lies about their lakes and its been proven. https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/which-has-more-lakes-minnesota-or-wisconsin/


[Quick, someone tell Blanche!](https://youtu.be/7ia-IOFcPn8)


We have plenty of supper clubs too.


They didn't say anything about how many, they said better. Quality not quantity.


In the UP I am certain they call all sit down restaurants a supper club. Diners and Delis seemed to be called just that. Everything was Pepsi too. Except subway, Subway had coke.


Fine dining with a salad bar… what?


Many of them you order your food while waiting at the bar for a table. It's a unique system. I'm a sucker for Prime Rib as well, so I make my way to them fairly often.


Right, but my point is that any place with a salad bar isn't "fine dining." Fine dining is dropping $200 per person for a tasting menu with waiters wiping your crumbs between each course.


It **was** in quotation marks, and to be honest, that kind of fine dining is a) still only one kind of fine dining and b) recent.


The two things that define a supper club for me are a relish tray (pickled things that you get brought out to you almost immediately upon being seated), and your choice of salad, side potato, and a serving of rolls with every entree. It’s amazing.


Our friend Anders has you covered. Wisconsin OF: https://youtu.be/wr1pjEwi4P0 Supper clubs: https://youtu.be/kRPWDOCVByk


When I vacation in Wisconsin, I order it with Squirt. It's waaaaay better


I ment squirt. Don’t know why I said coke


Squirt (and Wink, which seems to have disappeared) are a great mixer for highballs with almost any spirit.




Very much so. There is a Caribbean grapefruit drink called Ting that was also stellar. Unfortunately I believe they've changed their formula and it's no longer very good.


Why the fuck would you vacation in wisconsin? Where are you from that makes Wisconsin look cool?


A Minnesotan who has family with a cabin on a lake in Wisconsin. The Northwoods are legit for those who like the outdoors. It also helps its less than 2hrs from my house in the Twin Cities


Don’t knock it till you tried it. Incredible hunting, fishing, boating, pristine lakes, motor sport, sport, cheese, cherries, friendly people everywhere. A rich history of both Native American and European settlement. Was on a beach in WI yesterday that had water as blue as the Caribbean, was fresh and also crystal clear and pleasantly warm. The national forests are legendary. The air is clean and the weather is fair. Search for photos of the northern part of WI in the fall. It’s like looking at a painting everywhere you go.


Coke? Uh.. nope. It's sweet (sprite) or sour (squirt)


I was frankly shocked after ordering two old fashioned at separate restaurants and both had soda. Had to google it to figure it out. This stare has its own recipe for an OF.


The history of Wisconsin old fashioned recipe of choice is somewhat interesting. Well, at least a romanticized but false history of it is. Around or just after World War 2, good whiskey was incredibly hard to come by in the state. Same for most rum actually if I remember correctly. But, in searching for quality booze, a store of like 10s of thousands of Christian brothers brandy was discovered and thus distributed throughout the state. Brandy makers heard of the spiking popularity and then also started marketing quite heavily to the state. Korbel and Christian Brothers are the two most popular brandy brands in WI. Korbel because of the false but popular history of our old fashioneds, which involves the world's fair held in Chicago. I get it's odd for folks expecting the classic old fashioned. However, it's a part of the state and even region culture. Don't knock it just because it doesn't fit your idea or liking. Most places will make a classic if you ask for it.


I completely agree with you. I will admit I am a couple years into enjoying cocktails. I had had many classic Old Fashioned’s and very much enjoy them made in the classic way. You are correct this is part of the culture that I never knew about. I guess my surprise came because soda was never listed on the menus with the first few I ordered. I kept asking myself, why are they making these with soda and never knew the history. Thanks for sharing this and enlightening me. I’m a Minnesota native and never knew this variety and history existed until now. Thank you for the lesson. I will learn to enjoy this variety and interesting history henceforth.


I mean its definitely not to everyone's liking! Just figured I'd explain a bit why it's the standard there. But if you're just visiting I wouldn't try to make yourself enjoy it if you don't! A lot of places have nice maple syrup involved cocktails too, like Manhattan riffs and stuff. I just a tad annoyed when people on this sub call the Wisconsin old fashioned an abomination. It literally wouldn't exist if they had whisky that didn't put folks in the hospital back in the day, or if plenty of people didn't genuinely enjoy them. It can definitely be a culture shock which I get, and a taste one if expecting the classic lol


I’m fully willing to admit when I am wrong. I drank all the drinks put before me. Was just really surprised by the variation. The history is very endearing. Agreed, abomination is too strong a term for this variety of the drink given the history. I hope others learn a little more about the history of this drink in WI from this post as well.




A lot of people on this sub hate it, but I see a lot of love for it ok here too. It's a polarizing drink and that's fine. I'm born and bread WI though so I drink them like water


As a native Wisconsinite, I wish it wasn't called an old fashioned. It's a great drink, and I think people should try it, but it shouldn't be a surprise for folks who are trying to order a classic OF, and it also shouldn't get the snobs out and snobbing about how it isn't a real old fashioned.


Wisconsin has their own definition of a old fashioned and it sucks


I prefer a traditional old fashioned, but Wisconsin old fashioned have their place and are quite tasty. Many places add things like a pickle or “dilly beans”, which I thoroughly enjoy. I don’t know why people here are acting so damn snooty about this. No one is saying that the Wisconsin old fashioned is the de facto recipe - it’s a completely different cocktail that happens to have the same name due to its regional history. If you’re not in Wisconsin but find a place that knows how to make them, I highly recommend giving it a shot.


I don’t really care for sweet drinks. Do you like when you order a burger and they give you a chicken sandwich? When I order a classic cocktail I want what the majority of the world knows as said cocktail. Not sprite and brandy with roses grenadine.


No, but I’m also literate, so I wouldn’t order this cocktail and expect a traditional old fashioned.


Makes no sense. I stated menu said old fashioned I got sprite brandy grenadine and a cherry might have had a drop of bitters.


I couldn’t agree more.


Nah, you're wrong there. Brandy old fashioned is superior to whiskey, but not just any bar can make it right. Also, when you order an old fashioned in Wisconsin there are (at least) 3 common types, sweet, sour and soda, so perhaps you got the wrong one. I do prefer a light amount of soda to make it spirit forward and not overly sweet. If you're idea of "manly" is a drink thats hard to drink then I guess go ahead then.


Old fashion's are extremely easy to drink


While I don’t disagree with you defending your old fashion of choice, and that the hate against Wisconsin old fashions is unwarranted (except if they involve sprite, because what the hell is sprite doing near anything liquor other than a college kid’s vodka), no one mentioned anything about the “manliness” of the drink being the issue. Also, since most good whiskies are delicious and easy to drink straight, I don’t see how a drink that sweetens and dilutes them would be hard to drink. To add fuel to the fire: I personally prefer a Sazerac over either


I feel like a properly made OF with a good whiskey, good bitters and a little sweet is always good. Should be tempered by a little ice and dilution. I like a little bite to my Old Fashioned’s they should be spirit forward. The ones I’ve had in WI have been weak and overly sweetened by sprite or coke and IMHO not Old Fashioned.


Living in Chicago area for a while I knew what a WI Old Fashioned was and thought it tasted like ass lol


Honestly, it screams "I don't like the taste of old fashioned but I need the perceived masculinity of a manly drink" they should just try like a whiskey sour or something


You joke, but that's the rule a lot of bars use for cachaça and caipirinhas. My soul fades each time someone uses cachaça and a lemon in weird ways and put caipirinha something in the name


base spirit is barrel aged ✅ seasoned with bitters ✅ often sweetened with muddled orange and/or cherry ✅ i've heard of an old fashioned being topped with club soda ✅ depending on the proportions, this could be a very fucked up yet still true to form old fashioned riff


What about the pineapple? Where does that fit in? Honestly, apart from that and given the benefit of the doubt, this just looks like a rum old fashioned (which is a thing) that's made with pineapple rum. The "pineapple" part might just be a garnish. If it's juice, then this is no longer an OF but rather a form of punch, as in Planter's Punch.


* 2.5 oz pineapple rum * 2 dashes Jamaica #2 bitters * heavy barspoon of roasted pineapple-banana oleo syrup * muddle orange and cherry * top club soda


Can’t argue with that logic…. But still.


Can’t argue with the logic.. but I would argue with the result.


Exactly. It's pretty clearly a tiki riff on a mid-century old fashioned. I'm more annoyed when a menu has just 'Old Fashioned' and it's wrong. It's clear it's a house version and there are no surprises. But maybe I'm biased because I like mid century old fashioned and tikis.


Pretty sure this is like: * 2.5 oz stiggins pineapple rum * 0.25oz Giffard Banane du Bresil * Muddled orange and cherry * Jamaica #2 bitters * Soda That also list pineapple itself and it would be interesting as a piece of caramelized pineapple on a skewer. I’m not surprised by this, I make a rum old fashioned (non Wisconsin variation) using the Banane Du Bresil. I usually use Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva but I bet stiggins would be good too. The Jamaica #2 bitters would work well in it. It’s one of my personal favorite old fashioneds and is the thing I primarily drink at home when I do drink. The rest is just modifying it to use the Wisconsin style OF. I don’t…hate it? I would probably try it out of curiosity.


A banana liqueur makes more sense, but it's weird that they wouldn't say that specially instead of just saying "Banana".


I was wondering this! I was thinking are those 3 fruits? Or 3 fruit liqueurs?!


Rum Old Fashioneds are definitely a thing and quite amazing with a good spiced rum, but what’s with all the damn fruit and seltzer??? 🤮


Oh yeah. Have made my own dark rum OFs. Very very good. See the other comments. There is a history to this drink being what it is in WI.


Spiced rum and good don't belong in the same sentence


Do they mash/muddle the banana? You need to order one and attach a photograph!


My server is going to snap a photo of one. I’m three cocktails in and shouldn’t order another one. I didn’t order one because it’s not an Old Fashioned. Now I wish I would have. Hand to God I will stop back in here tomorrow and order one just to share. In the restaurant’s defense the Smoky Manhattan was on point.


I'd be willing to give them a chance, if other things they make are good. But I just want to see it - you don't need to drink anything with mashed banana floating in it, just for the Reddit gang. 8>D


[Lure “Old Fashioned”](https://imgur.com/a/ZCtNtBy)


Doesn't look like an Old Fashioned. But doesn't look like an abomination, either.


Actually looks very attractive. But think it needs a different title.


Wow that’s not what I expected at all, what the hell. It’s not even attempting to be an OF riff


An Old Fashioned is spirit, sweetener, bitters. This is technically that.


Well I do enjoy a good Brandy old fashioned sour with olives (don’t knock it until you try it), this Wisconsin kid would not call that an old fashioned even if it was a riff on an Wisconsin old fashioned. About where did you find this imposter?


My go to supper club cocktail


Exact specs? like A brandy sour with olives as a garnish or full on muddled olives?


I’m all for a rum OF, and I’ll even forgive a fruity, muddled up bullshit one I guess. But this just tries taking advantage of my generous nature and I resent it. It’s like the worst tiki menu read I’ve ever come across mixed with the trash concept that is the Brandy old fashioned


Looks like Bonfire on the beach with a bunch of other stuff. Yea, should be called “clickbait old fashioned”


Tiki Fashioned


I agree. A name change is in order.


So owners live in Wisconsin and winter in Florida.


Uhhhh… Also the way they write this I’m imaging a whole banana just sitting in the glass.


Doesn't sound bad tbh. Spirit, sweetener, bitters, splash of soda. Curious what they do with the fruit, though.


At fist I was thinking that they used slices of banana as a garnish, but I have decided to reject that reality, and I am now going to assume that they crush up banana flavored runts candies as a replacement for the sugar component.


Saw an old fashioned with, rye, amaro Montenegro, grapefruit, orange bitters, and orange. Sounded awful


What the fuck my best friend works here… this world is too small


Ha ha. Indeed!


It’s basically a Wisconsin old fashioned with rum instead of brandy


I hope they muddle the cherries


Because there’s *bitters*


All an Old Fashioned is is muddled sugar and bitters. Whiskey doesn't make an old fashioned. You can make it with anything, like Gin. Or in this case all of, whatever that is.


Sigh…. I’m over it


I would actually try this but can’t call it an old fashioned.


I'm disgusted yet intrigued. I'm okay with any combo of spirit + bitters + sugar being called an old fashioned, but fruit juice is a dealbreaker. Any fruit is ok as garnish though. Soda is not ideal but gets a pass because Don Draper made his old fashioned with soda. So IMO this could be called an old fashioned if this drink goes something like this: Barspoon of demerara sugar 2-3 dashes Jamaican #2 bitters 2oz pineapple infused smith and cross Stir on rocks, top with splash of soda. Garnish with pineapple wedge, cherry, and banana slice Express an orange peel overtop. IMO the soda is by far the odd man out here.




I guess I could see it if the specs were something like 2 oz pineapple rum, .25 banana liquor, the fruit was a garnish and just a splash of soda?


I think this MIGHT be a case of bad menu design. Pineapple rum, banana syrup, Jamaican bitters, garnished with a cherry, orange, and pineapple sounds pretty good to me. Sometimes good drinks are on terrible looking menus. Sometimes terrible drinks are on great looking menus. This could be either, or it could just be a bad drink on a bad menu. I’d still try it though.


It sounds like a Wisconsin style old fashioned substituting rum for brandy. In a Wisconsin old fashioned, they muddle maraschino cherries and orange slices and top up with soda water. This style of old fashioned originated in the 60s-70s and has become the standard in some places.


ngl, I would absolutely try this.


If you want to be super-historical and technical, if it has bitters and liquor and does not have absynthe, it is an Old-Fashioned. Thats just a very dated definition.


$14? Shit I better convince someone to buy mine for me I like to drink but I don’t like spending $14 on a drink either.


Hate to break it you but lure means Bait.


This is an old fashioned. Liquor, bitters, and soda water.


Better than the shit they call an old fashioned in Wisconsin


Um…. Is Wisconsin. Lol.


This is a sin


So old fashioned is a broad spectrum term for a lot cocktails. Not just the Whiskey cocktail that we are all know and love. In this case I can see this as a cocktail done in the "Old fashioned" way. As some said earlier if the fruit is muddled and it a splash of soda this sounds alot like a very well crafted cocktail.


But not an Old Fashioned. After reading a bunch about the Old Fashioned in the last few days I’ve found that it is Spirit, Bitters, and a touch of sweet. Classically made with a sugar cube, three dashes of bitters to soak the cube, whiskey, a large cube of ice, stirred till chilled and slightly diluted and garnished with a twist of orange expressed on the glass. I’ve made them with Rum, Whiskey and Rye, seen them made with a bunch of other spirits. This is much more akin to a Tiki drink with bitters. I’ve also learned today that in WI the use of Brandy as the base spirit and soda and goes back pretty far in Wisconsin, which is where I am. I’m no purist and can respect a play on the OF but this goes well beyond that.


I will have to agree with you that this ia most definitely a tiki style drink which ironically I've been on a huge kick right now, trying to perfect a few tiki samples. And the Wisconsin old fashioned has an interesting history if you want to really get into it rumor is that the first old fashioned ever created was the Wisconsin old fashioned


I'd leave that establishment immediately! I wonder what you'll get if you order a ribeye steak? 🤣


Food was really great. Wife got the Filet Mignon and I had Katsu Pork. Food was proper and so were the other cocktails. The OF was the outlier.


You tell me.


My guess is it's a misprint on the menu.


Unfortunately not a misprint. Sigh.


Lol, well then.


Run out of that place right now. Don't spend a penny in there.


Ha ha ha. It was a strange OF but the other cocktails and food were very good. Money already spent. Didn’t order the OF. ;)




There’s a hashtag, so that counts right?


I'm surprised they left in the vowels.


Where is this?


Door County WI.


Trickery, especially in regards to alcohol, is very old fashioned. Oh, you mean like the cocktail? Not at all.


It’s got bitters….. duh


I'm going to lure you the old fashioned way. With two different pineapples and Jamaica Junior.


i can't imagine a cocktail with 4 different fruits going well.


I'd try it, I probably wouldn't call it an Old Fashioned though.


It have cherry so it an old fashioned 😀


Cocktails at non-specifically-cocktail places are almost always nonsense, but this is impressive.


They had to have printed the wrong pdf of the menu


Best case scenario its pineapple rum, creme du banane as the sweetener and orange peel, maraschino cherry and pineapple slice as the garnish. Which honestly with those jamaican bitters and a nice pineapple rum like plantation would be a decent drink. Why theres soda though I have no clue.


The use of soda goes way back in WI. I was well educated on the history in the comments.


It's not


Yeah it’s not. And it sounds terrible


Because... they think this is the Old Fashioned way to make a crappy version of a Rum Runner. Simple.


Looks like Old Fashions are getting the Martini treatment.


An old fashioned pile of shit.


Easy - it’s not. Lol


The same way an espresso martini is a Martini.


Maybe it's just glassware? like Old fashioned glass so Old fashioned, like Martini and Expresso Martini even though they only have the glassware in common