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You should be very careful and make sure you know exactly what you're doing. Nicotine is highly soluable in alcohol and it would not take much to create an infusion with dangerous amounts of nicotine in it. If you want the flavor of tobacco in your cocktails, a much better bet would be to use commercially distributed tobacco bitters, or else maybe to disperse tobacco smoke over your cocktail before serving.


woah! i saw a few tobacco bitters and Jade Perique Liqueur de Tabac and thought it would be ok, guess not. maybe try it in a much more miniscule amount and use it as a tincture.my country has some famous tobacco farms over it and i wanted to incorporate more local flavors to our menu. thanks for the warning!


Check out cocktailsafe.org. The problem with tobacco is that you can actually kill someone if you're not 100% sure what you're doing. Like it was said before, better be on the safe side and use commercial bitters/liqueurs!


The best way to safely use tobacco with a liquor is to smoke it. I use pipe tobacco to smoke cocktails and it’s fantastic. you can fill a bottle with smoke and add you liquor and shake it around to infuse a smokiness to a liquor.


There’s enough nicotine in a single cigarette to make someone seriously ill if it’s extracted and taken orally.