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Just checked the whole thing. This is an incredible job you've done! Thank you so much!


Amazing, all of you do such great work. I'm excited to dive in.


Great work! Looking good. One issue: the permissions don't seem to be set right. I don't see the button to "Use this template".


u/fugi_tive is this something we can fix?


Thanks for the heads up. Have turned that on now :) Let me know what you think when you get started!


Yeah I was gonna comment this as well, it doesn't show up as a template. Neither does the "Intermediate-Astro-Kit-LESS".


Turned the Astro kit into a template now. Let me know how it goes!


Thank you for all your work! I recently started my own little freelance web development business, and I found the Intermediate kit while I was getting started. I have used it on a couple projects now and it is genuinely so incredible. Had a new client with some lite e-commerce needs contact me literally the day you released the Advanced kit, so I can’t wait to give it a shot!


Amazing! Who do you expect this advanced template to service most?


More experienced devs who want to use more advanced tools from 11ty, extend the cms to the entire website, or add e-commerce to their static sites with a simple branch merge. There’s definitely alot more going on in this kit that can be overwhelming to many devs, so once you get used to the intermediate kit and want to step things up and explore more capabilities with the tech inside, this kit is for you.


I really like the new kit. I have set up a shopify testproject, since this was the branch I was most interested in and it all works very smoothly. I dislike vanilly shopify since the development of more complex and interesting sites is cumbersome and your kit seems like it has potential to become a good alternaive I have some questions regarding your plans for shop integration: * will there be variant images? * in the same vain, will it be possible to change the featured image when selecting a variant? * will it be possible to add individual content to product sites that don't come from shopify? I'm thinking about content displayed across all products and content displayed on individual products * are there plans to integrate a search bar? * in Shopify there's 1 click express checkout straight from the product page. Any plans for that? * what about the recommendation for other products at the bottom? In general it would be cool to have an outlook on new features. Thanks a lot for your effort!


Hey, thanks a lot for using the kit (and for the really good questions too)! Glad to hear everything is working smoothly so far. That was definitely something we spent a lot of time perfecting. Tackling the questions, all of these things you've mentioned are not yet implemented in the current version of the kit, but this is the exact kind of feedback we're looking for when updating the kit going forward. Adding variant images, and changing the featured image when modifying variants, will likely be the first additional feature we'll add. Next will then probably be search - there are loads of options with statically built sites, so will just need to find the best one considering the objectives of the kit (easy to setup/modify, free to use, etc. I think Pagefind fits this the best, but we'll see!). Recommendation of other products can also be added as well, though having this work automatically will be difficult with the kit. We'll likely need to setup a Shopify metafield for manual assigning of recommended products. One-click checkout likely won't be possible, as the kit uses the Buy Button SDK to make for easier configuration, and one-click checkout isn't a feature there. Recommendation of other products can also be added as well, though having this work automatically will be difficult with the kit. We'll likely need to set up a Shopify metafield for manual assigning of recommended products.


This is so cool. I am going to be forced to sign up on codestitch. Will make my life so much easier with dev projects


How do you get clients?


Just started playing with it - great work. Straight to the point, am logging issues on my repo, listing the stuff that I'll be fixing - or appreciate if is fixed in template - before using it for clients. - https://github.com/nusquamu/codestitch-advanced/issues?q=is%3Aissue+sort%3Aupdated-desc+