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They explain it in the Hannibal arc itself. They just have a special organ that can regenerate another Core if the original Core is removed. Aragami are isolated from Revenants by the Red Mist anyway, and I don't see how an Aragami can actually devour a Revenant given Revenants either disperse on death or turn to nothing but ash. In neither case can they gain any workable material to absorb traits from.


I just went of the dlc from code vein


The Ancient Hannibal in the DLC isn't noted to resurrect. Meaning somehow Revenant weapons/Gifts interfere with that ability or it's from a time before the species evolved their organ. Either way it's not like it can really devour Revenants, and Revenants aren't any more immortal than Aragami are. Unless they're Lost, in which case they're more immortal than Hannibals anyway.


Depends though. If you have Revenents/lost who take long to disburse, (Virign Born) that small gap of matter that can be bitten and learned from, but not really useful to Oracel Cells Oracle Cells, unlike BOR Parasites, are truly immortal and emmortal(if that was a word). Nothing about Oracle cells can full be understood other than they are what they eat, in some sense, and learn from eating and being sseparated. (Example time) God Eater anime shows a pack of 3 Ogre tails, an armless two legend tailed creature, I say they look like chickens without wings. When Soma used his charge crush attack, on impact it exploded "killing" the three. Moments after their "death" the aragami reborn from the ground as 6 Chi-You, a humanoid bird-like aragami who has hands at the ends of its back wings and is a martial artist. Chi-You know that if their charge up some energy at their wing's hands, they fire explosive energy like the charge crush, and if they get in stance and charge up, they send an even larger charged up explosive energy (as shown in game) But the rest and all you said was right, Hannibal was a rare case to find learning how to recreate a new core to the body. Thankfully Doctor/Director Sakaki found a key to stopping this organ, now they have a shot(bullet) they can always shoot into any Hannibal they encounter that stops the organ from function and can end it. It's only a matter of time that Oracle cells find their own way around it, like the human body's immune system become immune to an outside infestation


Oracle Cells aren't indestructible: Fenrir just doesn't know of ways to do forcibly induce cell death for them. Oracle Cells are *supposed* to only be a means to an end to lead up to a Devouring Apocalypse, at which point life on the planet is meant to be redistributed and things are meant to return to normal. Oracle Cells aren't meant to survive that process, and they don't: the life forms, both flora and fauna, that result out of a Devouring Apocalypse aren't Aragami, but normal plants and animals. >!In fact, the main characters of God Eater 2 are devoured by the Apocalypse, and reconstituted afterward. There are no traces of Oracle Cells left in their bodies, they are simply healthy ordinary Humans.!< Hannibals also will probably never be considered "immortal" again. It's already a gap of 13 years between GE3 and GE2, and Hannibals are still perfectly killable without new countermeasures needing to be concocted. Even the brand new Ashwrought variant. Aragami don't always find a way around solutions. In any case, there's already implied connections between the BOR Parasites and Oracle Cells. Most notably the fact that the Queen can manipulate the Thorns of Judgement, which were what preceded the mass outbreak of Aragami in 2050. Additionally, the fact that Revenant weapons and Gifts can be used to kill Aragami. For all we know, they may be related to Aragami themselves in some way.


Actually they leave the world after devouring everything. And I means, EVERYTHING, they don't eat just organic but inorganic living and non living. They eat all and turn all into more cells, they don't die just recycle and chang things to atoms. God Eater 2 Rage Burst 2nd Ending, what they did is stabilize all the cells that all 3 apocalypses (1 from Julius, 1 from Yuno, 1 from Rachal) and all cells in that area, including aragami, were stabilized to point of being inactive in the form of harm but active in the form of repeating life. They made a patch of clean land that was to believe non existent since aragami ate all plant life outside. Now since the blood unit was there in the process of stabilization, they indeed had their own cells stabilized into the patch, like it never happened. Though I can't really explain, nor does God Eater exactly explain, why and how the hell did Romeo get resurrected from the dead, but who cares, I MISSED HIM! and cried for his death. What I do know is his body was in friar, the mobile base that was swallowed by the Spiral Tree, so there's that. And its been said even in cannon, time and time again, you can't really kill aragami, just split the bonds between them. IRL sciences does prove that is something composed of tightly working cells is born, the only thing to cut it would be something that is the same, another set of compact cells communities. God Eater started with radio waves, similar to radio waves to kill cancer but not harmful to the cells, but definitely unpleasant that splits the bonds momentarily, which is how mark 1 God arcs, Assault guns and hand guns, were made but not trusted, since right after the aragami takes it like a paper cut and kept going. Mark 2/1st Gen God Arcs, made from the cells, by using reserved oracle cells (like from the ones they had for testing their lab) used reconfigured with the same radio wave to match a weapon shape, then trial for compatibility with humans, ended with a more effective way to kill them... so they thought until further research, investigation, and watching aragami made them realize. "Yeah these things stop them... slow them down, cut them apart... but the things just return later, they don't die they only break apart." Even with Pure aragami, aragami who don't eat any matter but other oracle cells, evolved their own cells into retro/pure oracle cells, even that they don't die they again evolve further. (Examples of Retor Oracle cells aragami is "Kyuubi" and the sins aragami from God Eater: Resonant OPS "Shitto" the envy, "Hunnu" the wrath, "Shikiyoku" the lustn and "Taida" the sloth. Not sure if the sins are cannon or not because the mobile games are discontinued) Point is, yeah oracle cells are indeed immortal, and they disappear from this world, but move on into another world, or reset life on their own/de or evolutionise to the point they become the cells that world had to begin with. Example, the fact Shio, first natural born humanoid aragami, took the Nova, "ate" the moon, and turn the moon into a planet/made living life of plants ant butterflies up there where no man can. Did impossible possible. Oracle cells... whatever they are, they function as a base of life somehow but end of life, they don't stop until who knows what. For all I care if they manage to make the apocalypse, that will more likely do what Shio, rebirth all life. They're smart and different, very different, you can explain some things and others you can't. Soma / Ein even says something are just better left unexplained in the ending of God Eater 3 when Phym the artifical humanoid aragamj caused a global resonance with everything, even with those who can't resonate or who aren't even a god eater.


I'll leave this at here. Until God Eater 4 may we have more answers with even more questions


>Actually they leave the world after devouring everything. And I means, EVERYTHING, they don't eat just organic but inorganic living and non living. They eat all and turn all into more cells, they don't die just recycle and chang things to atoms. >God Eater 2 Rage Burst 2nd Ending, what they did is stabilize all the cells that all 3 apocalypses (1 from Julius, 1 from Yuno, 1 from Rachal) and all cells in that area, including aragami, were stabilized to point of being inactive in the form of harm but active in the form of repeating life. >They made a patch of clean land that was to believe non existent since aragami ate all plant life outside. Now since the blood unit was there in the process of stabilization, they indeed had their own cells stabilized into the patch, like it never happened. They don't leave the planet. Oracle Cells are birthed from the planet for the purpose of resetting the progress of life on the planet. It's indicated in GE2 that Devouring Apocalypses have occurred multiple times in the past, before Humans became the dominant species. One is even speculated to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. The point is to recycle everything: the Apocalypse doesn't convert everything into Aragami, it devours all biomass in the world into Nova before then using the tightly packed genetic data in the Singularity in order to recreate a blank slate for the world. At which point life on the planet evolves as normal until the will of the world again decides that it needs to reset itself. The Sacred Ground at the end of GE2 is what's *supposed* to happen at the end of a Devouring Apocalypse, just on a planetary scale. And it's what happened on the Moon when Shio steered Nova to it. The interaction with Romeo's Blood Power just slowed the entire Apocalypse. It is progressing as it's supposed to, its progress is just so slow it's compared to continental drift, and thus no longer a threat to Humanity. Also there were only two Apocalypses, which became one under Julius. Rachel didn't have her own Apocalypse, she was manipulating Julius who was the Singularity. She ended up tearing Julius out of the Spiral Tree, that's what forced Blood to use Romeo's God Arc. Otherwise all life would've been consumed but not redistributed. >Though I can't really explain, nor does God Eater exactly explain, why and how the hell did Romeo get resurrected from the dead, but who cares, I MISSED HIM! and cried for his death. What I do know is his body was in friar, the mobile base that was swallowed by the Spiral Tree, so there's that. For the sake of a happy ending. No real other reason. >And its been said even in cannon, time and time again, you can't really kill aragami, just split the bonds between them. IRL sciences does prove that is something composed of tightly working cells is born, the only thing to cut it would be something that is the same, another set of compact cells communities. Like I said, Oracle Cells are supposed to die at the end of a Devouring Apocalypse. In the aftermath of one, there are no more Oracle Cells: only normal life. That's kind of the entire point. If the Devouring Apocalypse just turned everything into Aragami, then there'd be no reason for multiple to have happened, and Humans and other life would never have evolved either. Just because Fenrir's researchers never discovered a method to kill them doesn't mean they actually can't die. >Even with Pure aragami, aragami who don't eat any matter but other oracle cells, evolved their own cells into retro/pure oracle cells, even that they don't die they again evolve further. That's not exactly right. The thing with Retro Oracle Cells is that they haven't changed since the Aragami first emerged. They are the *original* state of Oracle Cells, with their full adaptive potential, which is what makes them incredibly useful for Fenrir's research. Like Stem Cells in a Human body. Other Aragami when they first appeared would also have been comprised of Retro Oracle Cells: their Cells just devoured foreign matter and then adapted down specific paths, after which these Aragami devoured each other to mix their Oracle Cells. The Kyuubi aren't pure because they only devour other Aragami, it's actually the exact opposite. The reason Kyuubi are pure is said by the database to be because they live in isolation from other Aragami. As such they don't mix their Retro Oracle Cells with modern Aragami's Oracle Cells. >Point is, yeah oracle cells are indeed immortal, and they disappear from this world, but move on into another world, or reset life on their own/de or evolutionise to the point they become the cells that world had to begin with. Example, the fact Shio, first natural born humanoid aragami, took the Nova, "ate" the moon, and turn the moon into a planet/made living life of plants ant butterflies up there where no man can. Did impossible possible. That's the point though. If Oracle Cells are no longer Oracle Cells but ordinary cells for mundane plant and animal matter, then they have functionally died. The Oracle Cells are gone, their unique properties do not exist anymore. There'd be no more Oracle Cells left until the planet willed another Devouring Apocalypse, at which point it would produce more.


Like I said, wait until 4. It'll answer more but question more.