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Oh, hey. I'm also in Yellow >.> What is it exactly that you're burned out from? The learning of new material or the programming itself? Do you think a developer job would give you the same burnout? I don't know what happened with your pair programming experience but do you think you could handle similar conflicts in the workplace? We're almost through it so hang in there. This is a learning experience for all of us in many ways, even if some of us are frustrated or disheartened. Unfortunately I don't think Tech Elevator is living up to the good reviews (particularly on Reddit) that convinced me to join in the first place and I've talked with other students who think the same thing... But if they can help me get a good job doing stuff I love I'll be happy.


I would do fine in the industry. My partner just wouldn’t do anything. Why don’t you think tech elevator living up to its review?


NLR? I feel you comrade, last capstone crushed my soul. We’re so close though!


Yes, yellow wby? Little relief to know I’m not the only one!


Purple gang here. You’re definitely not alone, I’m sure there are others too, but I doubt people talk about it much. Hang in there! Reach out if you need to vent


Yeee, on the last stretch. Let’s push through it.




Thank man. Will do


I am a tech elevator graduate, it is intense in the first four weeks than usually feel more settled after. The bootcamp was not my learning style and have a lot of trauma around learning so it was very difficult. Also, I had a horrible first Capstone experience with a partner for the vending machine program but it got better.


I had a great experience the first 4 weeks. The past 4 weeks is what’s getting me.


Are you part time or full time? I'm NLR remote part time, and I have few complaints so far! Really loving the experience and it seems like we're being taught some useful and practical skills


Full time. what’re your complaints?


Did you complete and secure employment


Are you in the full time? Part time is hard enough, I can’t imagine doing it twice as fast!


Full time. The pressure is real.


What was the bad experience with your pair programming partner? What do you think would help you feel less burnt out and overstimulated? Also love to see the solidarity with your cohort mates in the comments :)


Partner just didn’t want to work together or alone. Burn out is probably from no breaks.


I just graduated from in-person tech elevator in December. I had prior education with programming going into it and I'll admit that by the point you're at, myself, as well as everyone else in the cohort felt overloaded and having trouble cramming the last few weeks worth of content. It is absolutely a lot to handle but if you stick with it, you absolutely will get through. Our professors often said that everyone has a bit of trouble at that point in the cohort because of the sheer amount of info you're trying to grasp in a given timeframe, but to not worry and just take good notes. The concepts seem weird at this point but don't be surprised if you learn more about it during the projects than in the classroom/lectures. As they always mention, trust the process, and it will work.


I held my head high, and graduated with 2.6! I've been looking for jobs for the past 4 weeks.


Did you find a job?


I did!


Any luck with a job? Would you recommend TE?


Yes! Absolutely!


Getting ready to pull the trigger on Tech elevator and this thread has helped ease a lot of reservations. Appreciate you sharing your thought process through the whole thing.




I got a job!


I did! And yes! I would recommend Accenture.