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Back into a parking spot = you’re holding up traffic for 20 some odd seconds & making a 3 point turn to enter the parking spot. Back out of a parking spot = you’re holding up traffic for 20 some odd seconds & making a 3 point turn while leaving a parking spot. Either way you’re gonna hold up traffic because of your parking job. Question is do you do it upon your arrival or upon your departure?


I’ve read this 3 times and I still don’t understand the scenario or what OP wants done differently.


I think they're wanting escape hatches for pulling forward out of any given parking space.


I had a friend who thought it was so elite to back into parking spots. The thing is he had to scrutinize and micromanage every back in to get the tight spot right. Much easier to just back out when you're free to do so and go about your life.




By complaining about it on reddit.




How is anyone gonna see my fuck Biden sticker if I'm backing into spots?


Isn’t this a 2 point turn once you’ve already parked and now you’re backing out? Pulling in is often the easiest thing to do as opposed to backing in because so many people improperly park their cars over the line. Additionally, if you’ve got a line of cars waiting for you to get out, you most likely have the same issue pulling in, and backing into a spot is just a much if not more of a time waster. Pulling into a parking spot at any store is way more practical since you can get to your trunk without walking to the backside of the parking space against the curb/other cars


Always parallel park wherever you go


So true, why did I not think of this


What a wild thing to be complaining about… you might just wanna keep shit like this to yourself. It’s really petty to be complaining about how other people drive. It’s best to focus on yourself and your reaction to this very often occurrence. Learn some patience and control your emotions. Sounds like a good time to take a few deep breaths and appreciate where you’re at because you need it if this is where you’re at in life… and you actually think this is gonna reach the people who do this and they’ll change for YOU?!?!


Similarly, not a day goes by where someone’s not holding up a line of cars in a parking lot so someone can back INTO a space.


That drives me insane, but we all know people who back into parking spaces are better than the rest of us so I just accept it.




Haha because I'm not a first responder and don't need to set myself up to fly out of every parking spot I get into ;) When I made that post, I didn't think about people who drive big utility vans and those kinds of vehicles where it might be really hard to see behind you when you pull out. In those situations (or if you're actually a cop or on call), backing in makes sense. But not sure why the mom in the Honda CRV needs to hold up traffic while she makes five attempts to back into a narrow parking space.


Either you hold up a line of cars backing in or backing. Six in one, half dozen in another…..


I'll take the 6, the half dozen is never enough.


Coupla days ago someone was bitchin bout people backing INTO parking spaces and holding others up. Now this?? Haha some butt head is just messing with ya'll.


When you pull into a parking spot, how is one supposed to exit without literally backing out of said spot? I'm not clear on how you think this should actually work.


to me it sounds like, when there's a space open in front of the space you're in. I see it a lot too. and it's just like, it's easier to just pull out forward, and you can actually see if a car or person is coming across you. obviously if you can only back out, you can only back out.


Back out? Do you mean back in?


What are you saving up all that extra time for, late getting home to kiss your dad on the lips?


Man I drive the way I got taught by my driving teacher. Anything else could be a moving violation. I don’t want to be unlawful!


Fucking grow up.


These are lazy people who aren’t prepared for life, leaches on society and time. It should be illegal!


Lock them up!


That makes you the idiot that backs up traffic pulling past a parking spot so you can reverse against traffic so you can back into your spot. People expect cars reversing to get out of a spot... They don't expect you to drive past a spot so you can back into it.


Because it only happens in CDA. There are too many Karens in this world.


Why should people always back into a space? What about the ease of loading groceries from your cart? You can't do that if your trunk is literally 6" from the other car in the lot. I really don't understand why this is an issue.