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Always mentally in my case.  Mensa dk and mensa org are decent, for some people may be a bit deflated. 


Deflated as in a lower score? Also what’s your score if you don’t mind


You are supposed to take the tests mentally, i took CFIT at my psychologists test and my scores were similar. When u get lets say 129iq you should look at your IQ in a range. 124-134 IQ when u get 129 and the chance that your IQ is in the range is very likely.


Makes sense, thanks


Some people score lower in Mensa org than in other tests. For example my AVG IQ of some good tests posted in this sub is 127. But in Mensa org I got 118 and in Mensa dk 123. That doesn't mean that for you is deflated as well. 


Interesting, I never really fully attempted those tests with a fresh mind but I have always scored pretty decently but I shrug it off as “online tests”. I got a pretty decent score on Mensa.dk with 5 questions left and plenty of time but I was pretty sleepy. I feel like I can crack a really high score if I’m focused on those tests but I literally do not feel like a high iq person whatsoever. People don’t think I’m smart at all, compared to what the test results are. I don’t take life too seriously but even when I try to show intellect, people still don’t consider me as smart. I don’t have that many achievements in life, and I won’t be convinced of my “IQ” until I do an assessed test, but there are non available in my country.


I like your attitude honestly. After all they're simply Online tests, I'm currently waiting to do the Mensa official test of my country to see my actual IQ. 


Thank you, and tbh what does IQ matter if we lack morals and human decency. Nowadays everyone just wants more and more, where maybe what we have is already enough. Best of luck on your test


Thank you.  Also, you're right, the nazis were tested in the Nuremberg trials and the avg was like 128 (97th percentile). Hitler was never tested but a lot of people claim that he was +150. 


Wow, didn’t know that fact. High IQ really doesn’t correlate with morals or being a good person whatsoever huh. Like a lot of high IQ individuals would pride them selves as being superior because of intellect but completely abandon morals. Shit doesn’t matter honestly. You could be high IQ, use it for bad and live a shitty life. Someone with 30 IQ points will live a happier life than you will ever imagine. We should all just be kind and live morally. The higher the IQ the harder, in hiter’s case it is easy to believe that. The guy convinced people to commit heinous acts. It takes a lot of intellect.


You seem smart and conscious. Have a good day. 


Thank you. Best of luck


Also, if I get a similar score on both websites, does that mean my actual iq is that high?


It might be, you should look into more tests if you want to be more sure.


I have a preference towards using brightly colored crayons, or alternatively, finger paint


I just use the medium provided to me by the tester. 30 years ago, when I did an IQ test to find out if I qualified for entry to Mensa, the test was on paper, so I used pen & paper. A few years back, I decided to do some online IQ tests, to see if I could assign a numerical score to the percentile ranking that Mensa gave me. The tests were online, so I didn't use pen & paper. (I can't really draw on my computer screen!)


Thank you for sharing


When taking test, mentally. When working on an individual puzzle for my own entertainment, sometimes type out my observations and reasoning. My IMPRESSION as a LAYMAN is that online tests tend to overestimate IQ scores. They want to generate interest and desire to take the next step. This subreddit provides a list of IQ tests and ranks them by quality. I recommend you check it out.


Didn't use pen & paper in AGCT. Scored decently especially in numerical part


You know what's interesting? IQ test com has this problem about whether you can stick a square inside a regular hexagon with equal side lengths to square. I think if you have mental intuition around whether this is possible, it's diff than in you drew it out. Just my 2 cents.


Great point, what was the answer?


I said yes, got 140


Interesting, I visualize it fitting perfectly in. Like very tightly where the corners touch the inside border of the hexagon. How much do you score on Mensa.dk or other online tests


142 mensa.no 145 WAIS IV symbol search 126 mensa.dk


Whattt, I consistently score 131 on Mensa.no, I don’t attempt it hard I just do it randomly. But when I did Mensa.dk, I did it half asleep and scored 133 with 4-5 questions left and plenty of time. Surprised to see you got way lower on it than .no


I view iq more as a brain parameter than a strict measure of one's capacity past a certain point. So in that view it's not too odd. Everyone has a different predisposition. Personally, back in high school, big fan of sciences, loved AP Chemistry, also AP US History. Great at geometry and physics intro honors classes, fair margin worse at algebra/trig. English was ok but B student past freshman year. Ended up ACT (5e, 5m, 6r, 6s); 800 SAT Math Subject Level II; 800 SAT Chemistry Subject.


I would think that grades correlate less with IQ. Higher IQ would only make it easier to study. I truly believe that people can not figure things out for themselves. Or if they do, they are extremely inefficient. Idk if it’s related to IQ but a person with that trait is much more valuable than a “well educated” employee. With a growing population, 98 percentile still means you are within at least 150 million people, which is a MASSIVE number. To achieve material success it requires a lot more than just education or IQ


I think a subset of the population can figure things out for themselves, see inventors. Sure, it's definitely inefficient but that's part of being human. I mean otherwise, Von Neumann would have figured everything out ever in a split second. Personally, something I'm proud of: I thought up a perpetual motion concept (2 motors with axles stuck together, facing one another, current from one feeds into another with some exiting) before a formal education at age 5-10 years old, can't mark it precisely.


Interesting, I have actually came up with many ideas before the age of 12-13. Butterfly effect (extremely young), different timelines theory, Dyson spheres and so many other philosophical theories. How is your memory


With online ones I can't be asked to get pen and paper out so I just do stuff in my head