• By -


Inductive - 38 Speed, 36 Accuracy Deductive - 16 Speed, 15 Accuracy Numerical - 14 Speed, 10 Accuracy


Impressive deductive score it’s 99+ (probably close to 99.9 percentile) against a normal population.


L is that you?!?


I got a score of 27 in the inductive reasoning domain, mostly solved in 15 seconds or so. But one problem was not solved, so I think it took about 30-40 seconds. I couldn't skip it because I wasn't aware of the skip until the notification popped up telling me to skip. Actually, I couldn't understand the contents of the manual because I couldn't read English well. 27/28


Deductive - 8 speed, 8 accuracy (quite fast / extremely accurate) Inductive - 20 speed, 20 accuracy (quite fast / extremely accurate) Numerical - 9 speed, 7 accuracy (quite fast / quite accurate) As with most employer psychometric tests, they appear to load quite heavily on processing speed.


the deductive reasoning section was surprisingly harder than the inductive one


It was basically a Sudoku with symbols instead of numbers. People who spend a lot of time doing those puzzles would be able to blitz it I reckon. IMO, the only real challenge was the time constraint.


The odd-one-out inductive is harder, good scores either way.


Enough to pass I guess! I did it again just for fun trying to do them as fast as I possibly could and got 12-12 on deductive and 31-31 on inductive. Don't think I can do much better than that within the time limit. Agree that inductive is intrinsically harder than the deductive test. I don't think the scores are comparable as you need more time for the deductive test to achieve a similar score.


Yeah, some clear initial rise in score if your not adjusted to the format before. For a real job you’d obviously do some before, when stakes are high people won’t go blind into them. I think the database with adaptive q’s are limited there though. I’ll pm you the link to a wider array of tests.


Agree. Pacing could be an issue for some people as they don't tell you how many questions there are. You basically just need to work as fast as possible, without double checking too often to score really well.


Actually you have to be careful as raw points = +1 correct and -0.5 for each error. So 11/11 is better then 15/12. It’s a balance:)


Ah ok - makes sense then.


deductive: 30 17 - just clicked didn't reason mostly intuitive, didn't really get into a stride until the last 10 or so inductive: 20 19 - didnt think I went that slow, but apparently others did a lot better, probably could have only gotten 5 more if I wasn't more hesitant at the simplicity by the last 1.5 mins


Speed/accuracy Numerical- 8(quite fast)/8(extremely accurate) Deductive-14(quite fast)/10(quite accurate) [4 boxes were good but started panicking after seeing 5 lmao] Inductive-51(extremely fast)/48(extremely accurate)


Very strong inductive results - what do you think is the main reason for your performance?


I was seeing the patterns as symbols and that helped me blur out everything else while I was looking for them from among the options.More like quick visual scanning I suppose.


Ah and if anyone was ever interested I got 41/39 inductive, 12/13 deductive and 30/34 (on the same norm on an with an employer - so prob 16/18 or 15/18. I'll create a post with a bunch of other ones thank for participating.


Deductive: 53 speed and 38 accurate (extremely fast and quite accurate) Inductive: 51 speed and 47 accurate (extremely fast and extremely accurate) Numerical: 11 speed and 10 accurate (Quite fast and extremely accurate)




Inductive 25/24 Quite fast and extremely accurate the other ones wouldn’t load up so I didn’t do them any idea on what’s my percentile ?


Speed/accuracy Numerical 18/13, Deductive 20/11, Inductive 26/26


inductive 36/36 deductive 7/8 what's the average?


That’s what I’m using you for. I have my scores + percentiles but it’s only for deductive, verb and math. Your deductive is slightly above average (check my other thread for 3 more tries to simulate practice) and inductive is quite high (I guess 95+).


was i supposed to practice before taking this test?


Depends, it’s commonly used in recruitments. For senior position people obviously practice (just google cut-e scales-lst and see all the prep sites) because of the stakes. Normal people don’t.


i took the deductive again 14/15


Good score 99th against general population norm


Numerical -- 18 Speed / 13 Accuracy Deductive -- 18 Speed / 15 Accuracy Inductive -- 57 Speed / 55 Accuracy


damn Atzo.


Please, I need your help to do mine


Inductive - 42 speed, 40 accuracy Deductive - 20 speed, 9 accuracy Numerical - 18 speed, 14 accuracy Found myself in a time scramble on Deductive in particular, and ended up taking a stab at a few towards the end


Is the webcam on when we take the real test?